At the GTD Meetups, we enjoy having outside speakers present to the GTD Meetup members a couple times per year, plus a host of workshops to teach the Getting Things Done® methodology. But nothing compares to learning from peers, so we give the floor to one member to present to us his or her macro-level productivity system, or a part of their GTD-inspired system, once a quarter.
If you’re interested in doing a Member Presentation:
- you must be an actively attending (been there in the past six months) GTD Meetup Member,
- read the information below, and
- contact me with the details requested below to schedule your member presentation (and make sure to note which GTD Meetup of which you’re a member!).
The agenda for your member-presentation is as follows:
- What does “success” look like for you on a daily, weekly and/or monthly basis?
- Define the practical skills, strategies and tools you found best in using GTD in your personal productivity system.
- Show your system (or part of your system) in action, if practicable, from idea to action!
Please feel free to bring reference materials or articles you’ll reference or worksheets/guides to give to the group; let me know if you need them reproduced or have them in digital format to circulate (via Google Drive, Dropbox or the like) prior to the meetup. We will add these to the GTD Meetup’s notes after the Meetup. Also, if you’re willing, I’d like to record your presentation for folks to reference in the future; please let me know if you’re comfortable with that, either way.
30 minutes, inclusive of Question & Answer period. We have a tight program agenda at the GTD Meetups and I want to make sure we stay on track. A good gauge is 20 min talk + 10 min Q&A, but it’s really up to you how you use that allotted time. It’s your time to shine! 🙂
If you will need any assistance during the presentation (volunteers, setup, during and after) so that we keep intact the meeting continuity, we can help out however you need.
Audio-Visual Setup
Completely optional: we can set up a projector so you can hook a laptop up (and I can bring my laptop if you need me to) to show a presentation slide deck, demo a product or anything like that during your member-presentation.
Audience Guidelines
Please let me know your presentation guidelines for the membership so that I can let them know (e.g., no questions until Q&A, questions after each section, prompt you every 5 minutes during presentation with time, give you a 5 minute warning before time allotted is over, etc.).
Please provide an intro/bio of 30 words or less for me to use so I can segue you into your member-presentation. Since most people know you, it’s always good to add a little something people may not know about you yet!
Please feel free to email me with questions or concerns about your member-presentation.