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Productivity Coaching “Office Hours”

Are you struggling with implementing some aspect of Getting Things Done (or, GTD)? Do you need a productivity tune-up? Are you attending GTD-DC Meetup or GTDNYC Meetup and need a little help? I am opening my “virtual office” doors every other Friday for a few hours a month to help!

Please read this important information about Productivity Coaching “Office Hours”:

Here’s who is eligible for Productivity Coaching “Office Hours” productivity coaching with me: you must be a member of either GTD-DC Meetup or GTDNYC Meetup, and you must have at least attended one Meetup in the past six months. You are allowed one 30-45 minute session per month, up to three sessions in a calendar year. My availability is based on a first-come-first-serve basis. I’ll release available hours up to approximately a month in advance and when the slots are filled, you’ll have to wait for the next slots to open. We can meet via Skype (video or audio), Google Hangout (video or audio), or teleconference line (audio only); my preference is video as I can coach you better if I see you while asking questions and receiving answers, but that’s dependent on your comfort, and technology availability/support at the time for you and me.

Scheduling the session:

If you cannot see this, your browser does not allow the TimeTrade Scheduler to appear here. Please visit to schedule a Productivity Coaching “Office Hours” session!

Why am I do this?

I love personal productivity. And, I love helping people with their productivity challenges. Coaching GTDers regularly means that I’ll stay sharp in my own GTD skills and training ability.

Also, if you get a benefit out of these productivity coaching sessions, perhaps consider contributing to GTD-DC’s growth or GTDNYC’s growth; this is not required but donations are always welcomed to help us do more great things for and as a GTD productivity users group!

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