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#DCIM351W Chat – 1/13/15

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Great tweetchat with the students of RU’s DCIM351W – Leadership in Digital Contexts – with Professor Mary Chayko (@marychayko) on January 13, 2015. For a “story” (vertical tweet-by-tweet) layout of this chat, click here.

Raw transcript:

Twitter ID Tweet Date/Time (GMT?)
rsidneysmith Grabbing a cup of tea before I virtually sit down with the class over at #dcim351w! I’m looking forward to it! @MaryChayko Tue Jan 13 18:20:37 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman #footinmouth #notryingtoguilttrip @aragusaDCIM: It’s official. @MaryChayko is bringing us pizza. You’re the best. #DCIM351w” Tue Jan 13 18:20:56 +0000 2015
RosanneArmie @rsidneysmith Can’t wait to hear from you Ray! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:23:13 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @RosanneArmie I’m looking forward to the questions and conversation, Rosanne! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:25:32 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman @aragusaDCIM @MaryChayko Oh bummer! I just ate lunch. 😉 #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:26:00 +0000 2015
tehjohnner Q1 @rsidneysmith Is there a difference in dealing with stress(ers) originating from an online environment vs a physical one? #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:30:31 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith RT @tehjohnner: Q1 @rsidneysmith Is there a difference in dealing with stress(ers) originating from an online environment vs a physical one… Tue Jan 13 18:30:44 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner Hey, John and the #dcim351w class! Glad @MaryChayko and you invite me here! Tue Jan 13 18:31:10 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner Actually, the science shows very little in terms of the way the mind interprets stressors. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:31:36 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner It’s like TV characters you relate to; it’s a learned emotional response from repeated exposure. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:32:07 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner Sorry, I wasn’t labeling those, but they were A1’s! Lol. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:32:22 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner It’s really all about awareness. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:33:08 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner Was there a specific reason you asked that question, John (and team?)? #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:33:24 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith I’m happy to dig deeper into the issue of distress/eustress, either from a purely psychological or psychophysiological perspective.#dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:34:55 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman About Q1: With the uprise of tech at a young age, how is this affecting our youth? @rsidneysmith #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:35:48 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith RT @MelissaAHoffman: About Q1: With the uprise of tech at a young age, how is this affecting our youth? @rsidneysmith #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:36:19 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman Well, more stimuli equate to higher degrees of stress responses. This can be both bad and good, Melissa. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:36:45 +0000 2015
DavidSanvicente @rsidneysmith does this mean that stess is entirely subjective? there no objective cases that find common stressors among people? #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:37:17 +0000 2015
aragusaDCIM @rsidneysmith @tehjohnner I was curious to see whether stress from technology impacted one’s psychology in different ways. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:37:45 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman It really all depends on what you’re consuming. Good begets good, bad begets bad. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:38:03 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @DavidSanvicente Hey, David. No, degrees of stress can be empirically tracked.Stressors are categorical in nature: Psy, emo, phys. #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:39:18 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman So “good stress” is a real thing? @rsidneysmith #DCIM351w #wherecanibuysome Tue Jan 13 18:39:50 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM @tehjohnner Ah, good angle, Angelo. No, it’s about the amount of exposure, not the type of exposure necessarily. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:39:55 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman Yes, it’s called “eustress.” See Episode 70 of ProdPod for a better explanation! 🙂 #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:40:38 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @DavidSanvicente @aragusaDCIM @tehjohnner Different psychosocial mechanisms make online conversation different, certainly. #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:41:36 +0000 2015
aragusaDCIM @rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman Do you think it’s becoming more important for young people to lead in a digital context? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:41:52 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @DavidSanvicente @aragusaDCIM @tehjohnner But the neural network responds to stimuli from stress the same. Again, it’s quantity. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:42:07 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM @MelissaAHoffman Absolutely!! (I used two exclamation points. That’s rare!) #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:42:34 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM @MelissaAHoffman More and more, leadership is done in a digital context. You need to learn young and develop. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:42:58 +0000 2015
AlesiJohn @rsidneysmith Q2: What leadership habit took you the longest to build?”#DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:43:04 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith RT @AlesiJohn: @rsidneysmith Q2: What leadership habit took you the longest to build?”#DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:43:22 +0000 2015
dcimwaffle RT @AlesiJohn: @rsidneysmith Q2: What leadership habit took you the longest to build?”#DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:43:46 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith Hey, John! @AlesiJohn Thanks for the question. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:43:49 +0000 2015
MaryChayko RT @rsidneysmith: @aragusaDCIM @MelissaAHoffman More and more, leadership is done in a digital context. You need to learn young and develop… Tue Jan 13 18:44:03 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A2a: The leadership habit that took me the longest to build was actually effective delegation. I’m a control freak. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:44:36 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A2b: It was very difficult for me to relinquish projects or tasks to staff early on. Like any habit, I had to start slow. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:45:07 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A2c: With each passing success, I relinquished more. With each failed delegation, I took back more control. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:45:26 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A2d: Eventually, now, I have learned how much info is needed, when to check in (w/o micromanaging), and setting expectations. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:45:56 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @AlesiJohn Which do you believe will the most difficult for you to master? #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:46:33 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith RT @MelissaAHoffman: Q2: From HuffPost; How many apply to you @rsidneysmith? “@HuffingtonPost: 7 habits of natural leaders… Tue Jan 13 18:47:50 +0000 2015
BRodriguez33 @rsidneysmith @AlesiJohn for me, I would say it would have to be becoming an effective problem solver #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:48:13 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman @HuffingtonPost Well, I’d say 6 of 7. I have a hard time giving myself a break, Melissa! I’m working on it! #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:49:05 +0000 2015
RosanneArmie @rsidneysmith Would you say that difficulty was with the clarity of responsibilities or communicating the delegation process? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:49:11 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BRodriguez33 @AlesiJohn Well, thankfully, problem-solving is brainstorming and pattern recognition mixed together. Practice those.#dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:49:36 +0000 2015
aragusaDCIM @rsidneysmith Do you delegate work based on past member performance? How do you delegate work to new team members? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:49:47 +0000 2015
AlesiJohn @rsidneysmith I think at times for me fear of failure/ the unknown can lead to an ineffective decision or inaction. #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:50:02 +0000 2015
FrankNazario_ @BRodriguez33 @rsidneysmith @AlesiJohn Personally, being able to be decisive was an issue. #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:50:05 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @RosanneArmie Roles were defined well. It was more about communication. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:50:20 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM A) I take into account past performance as well as potential. Potential is more important to me. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:50:52 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM B) Very carefully. I’ve learned that these initial delegated projects set you up for the rest. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:51:23 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM B) So, I make sure to walk them through my delegation style and process so they know what to expect of what I expect. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:52:00 +0000 2015
dcimwaffle @rsidneysmith I definitely also had a hard time delegating and trusting in the abilities of others, still trying overcome that #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:52:12 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BoccuzziPaul @AlesiJohn You must create a sense of urgency not to the final outcome, but to the milestones along the way! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:52:21 +0000 2015
dcimwaffle RT @AlesiJohn: @rsidneysmith I think at times for me fear of failure/ the unknown can lead to an ineffective decision or inaction. #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:52:34 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @dcimwaffle It took me many years. Good luck! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:52:35 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @dcimwaffle But know, Gillian, that it can be done with thoughtful preparation and communication! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:52:56 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @AlesiJohn Yes, understand that failure is just how we humans learn. And, when unknown: wait, guess or flip a coin! 😉 #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:53:42 +0000 2015
BoccuzziPaul @rsidneysmith #DCIM351W Q3- What advice day to day do you have for those who are trying to figure out their own personal credo? Tue Jan 13 18:54:07 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @RosanneArmie Both at times, actually! I like lots of communication; when someone didn’t, I saw it as disrespectful. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:54:12 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @RosanneArmie And, in hindsight, it most certainly wasn’t. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:54:30 +0000 2015
RosanneArmie @rsidneysmith Was it a lack of communication? A difficulty in properly communicating what it was that you were looking for? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 18:54:43 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @FrankNazario_ @BRodriguez33 @AlesiJohn Give yourself an arbitrary deadline for all decisions that don’t have a natural one. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:55:45 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith RT @BoccuzziPaul: @rsidneysmith #DCIM351W Q3- What advice day to day do you have for those who are trying to figure out their own personal … Tue Jan 13 18:55:54 +0000 2015
FrankNazario_ RT @rsidneysmith: @FrankNazario_ @BRodriguez33 @AlesiJohn Give yourself an arbitrary deadline for all decisions that don’t have a natural o… Tue Jan 13 18:56:41 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BoccuzziPaul @AlesiJohn I changed the many failures to “stumbling.” So much is not a full stop, but just a trip forward! #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:57:06 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BoccuzziPaul Hey, Paul. Great question. Let me see if I can answer this one effectively for you. #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:57:28 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A3a: Look inside for your personal values to help define your personal credo. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 18:58:15 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A3b: Don’t forget to challenge assumptions in your own values. Sometimes you need to live into your credo, not start there. #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:58:47 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A3c: Look to support networks. Sometimes you miss a shining beacon because you’re not looking at yourself all day like others are. #dcim351w Tue Jan 13 18:59:40 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman CREDO L❤️VE. RT@InspiringThinkn: #quote” #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:00:30 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A3d: Look at others’ personal credos once you’ve had some time to think about your own. Not to compare, but to get ideas. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:00:57 +0000 2015
aragusaDCIM @rsidneysmith Was there an assumption in your own value that you challenged successfully? How did it affect your leadership credo #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:01:11 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith A3e: In personal credo development, to adopt parts of another’s is a compliment! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:01:27 +0000 2015
AlesiJohn @rsidneysmith @BoccuzziPaul This is a great way to rephrase failure! #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:01:35 +0000 2015
BRodriguez33 @rsidneysmith Is there a limit on how many personal values one can use in their credo? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:01:42 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM Yes, that intellect was the sole arbiter between success and failure. Spoiler alert: It’s not! It’s so, so not. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:02:04 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BRodriguez33 Not in my opinion. Every word in your credo could be molded by a value. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:02:38 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman Are there any leaders who you look to adopt qualities from their credos? @rsidneysmith #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:03:07 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @FrankNazario_ Hey, Frank. Good question. Yes, challenge not just assumptions, but things you hold as “facts.” Many aren’t. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:03:09 +0000 2015
BoccuzziPaul @rsidneysmith What is your personal credo? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:03:09 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman RT @rsidneysmith: @BRodriguez33 Not in my opinion. Every word in your credo could be molded by a value. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:03:24 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @FrankNazario_ That’s human nature. In absence of closure, we make something up! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:03:35 +0000 2015
DavidSanvicente @rsidneysmith @aragusaDCIM which other value scomes as close or closer than intellect? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:03:42 +0000 2015
BoccuzziPaul @rsidneysmith learn from others who have already established one. I really like this idea! #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:03:58 +0000 2015
tehjohnner @rsidneysmith @MaryChayko loved this one. Almost word-for-word what she told us in class!! #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:04:05 +0000 2015
dcimwaffle @rsidneysmith when there are so many values you want in an org./team, how can you narrow down to a few to keep your mission clear? #DCIM351W Tue Jan 13 19:04:20 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @MelissaAHoffman Oh, yes, many. The late Dr. Stephen R. Covey stands at the top. He lived the Character Ethic ideally. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:04:24 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @tehjohnner I’m glad Prof. @MaryChayko and I are on the same page, John! 😉 #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:04:45 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @BoccuzziPaul Simply, my personal credo is to help others…helping them until I cannot help them more. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:05:16 +0000 2015
MaryChayko RT @rsidneysmith: @tehjohnner I’m glad Prof. @MaryChayko and I are on the same page, John! 😉 #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:05:44 +0000 2015
rsidneysmith @DavidSanvicente @aragusaDCIM Compassion, empathy. Those are intrinsic to success, IMHO. #DCIM351w Tue Jan 13 19:05:46 +0000 2015
MelissaAHoffman On a side note…Your technodexterity is on point


  1. Melissa Hoffman Melissa Hoffman

    So nice being about to talk with you on tools for the future. I look forward to applying these techniques in my pre-professional and professional career! Much thanks!

    • Ray Ray

      It was a pleasure, Melissa! Keep in touch! Cheers!

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