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#ProdChat – 01/04/2017 – Debunking Productivity Myths

#ProdChat – 01/04/2017 – Debunking Productivity Myths

On January 4, 2017, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Debunking Productivity Myths. The productivity world is full of great information, and some misinformation and confusion that lingers among even the most productive people. In this #ProdChat, we discussed these productivity myths and attempted to debunk some of the most common myths and misunderstandings! Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Debunking Productivity Myths.” Enjoy!


  1. Fact or myth: habits take 21 days to form. How long does it take for a habit to form?
  2. Multitasking v. Single tasking – What’s the problem(s) with multitasking in the knowledge worker age?
  3. Goals versus no goals – What’s better: making goals or not making goals?
  4. Personal productivity is all about doing more work in less time. – How do you define personal productivity?
  5. External deadlines – Are external deadlines better than other motivators?
  6. Longer work hours equates to higher productivity. Why, or why not?
  7. Getting up early is more productive. – What is your chronotype, and when are you most productive?
  8. Fact or myth: Structures and systems compete with creativity?
  9. [Insert Email, Slack, IM, etc.] is the best way to communication. How do you decide the best way to communicate in any given situation?
  10. What’s one myth you believed in before today’s #ProdChat? What will you be doing differently now?

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Jan 05 00:59:01 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Jan 05 00:59:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “Debunking #Productivity Myths” Join us! Thu Jan 05 01:00:02 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Whohoo! We’re going to be Mythbusters! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:00:36 +0000 2017
JKatzaman Joining #prodchat from Maryland. Thu Jan 05 01:01:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:02:01 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC Joining #ProdChat from PA! Thu Jan 05 01:02:08 +0000 2017
FocusCopy @rsidneysmith I’m guessing there are only 3 things that work? All else is myth! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:02:29 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC #schoolcounselor and #GTDaddict from Pittsburgh #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:03:09 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck, chatting from Alabama. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:03:31 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Jay from #DC #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:03:35 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MsTtheSC Hi, Alaina! Welcome to #prodchat! Glad to have you. Thu Jan 05 01:03:51 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Art from #PA #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:03:56 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony Tony from NYC #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:04:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MsTtheSC Are you currently in PGH? I work in and do a lot of work in PGH currently…trying to start a GTD group there! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:04:22 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Hey, Art! Great to have you! Happy New Year! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:04:36 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hi, Jim! Happy New Year! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:04:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:05:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy Focus, habit and motivation! 😉 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:05:07 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Right back at you @rsidneysmith! Happy New Year!
Thu Jan 05 01:05:15 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Happy New Year, Frank! Great to have you on the #prodchat stream this evening. Thu Jan 05 01:05:23 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Good day, Jay! Happy New Year! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:05:33 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Same to you, Ray. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:05:37 +0000 2017
FocusCopy Stacey Morris, writer. On a bus! Tweeting! #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:05:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony Glad to have you back, Tony! Happy New Year! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:05:46 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Got my WordPress hosting set up today and migrated all my articles. Now to make everything look pretty. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:05:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Jan 05 01:06:01 +0000 2017
nmhouston hey #prodchat! I’m Natalie, an English professor & holistic productivity coach. Thu Jan 05 01:06:04 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MsTtheSC #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:05 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Oh, congrats! That’s a project worth celebrating! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:23 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Thanks, @rsidneysmith Success this week is being officially accepted as an @Evernote Certified Consultant. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:28 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith Likewise. And happy new year to you too. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Happiest of new years, Natalie! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:37 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Hi @nmhouston! Happy 2017! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:06:38 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Congrats @DrFrankBuck! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:04 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Oooooh, did you get your snazzy @evernote certificate? 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:14 +0000 2017
nmhouston @rsidneysmith happy new year! doing well, feeling rested after some much needed time off #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:20 +0000 2017
nmhouston @ArtGelwicks hi Art! good to see you! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:35 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Glad to hear it! I definitely feel the need for more rest lately, but I’ll get some rest soon. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:54 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @ArtGelwicks you will have to share your URL with is. Getting a new site set up is not an easy task. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:07:56 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith The #productivity world is full of great information, and misinformation. Today, we’ll debunk common myths and misu… Thu Jan 05 01:08:01 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Still chipping away at backlog, slowly but surely. Actual and proud achievement: I haven’t added to the pile so far ?#ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:08:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Controlling the inputs is as much a success as controlling the outputs! Congrats! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:08:42 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Haven’t worked all the way through the email yet. Lots of info there. Haven’t come to the certificate yet. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:08:51 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith First question coming up in a minute! #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:09:01 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @DrFrankBuck Definitely. It’s my same URL as usual… Should be up the beginning of next week. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:09:11 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Not sure they’ve issued yours yet, but it will be in the ECC notebook shared with you. FYI. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:09:19 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith Thanks Ray! #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:09:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q1: Fact or myth: habits take 21 days to form. How long does it take for a habit to form? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:10:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @DrFrankBuck I know the feeling…I am migrating my productivity websites into one install, porting data is tedious. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:10:22 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A1: Myth. Habits can be formed in much less time if intentional. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:10:49 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1: Been hearing the 21 days=a habit my entire life. What I read lately says more like 60 days. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:10:53 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1b: I think part of it has to do with how much fun the habit is. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:11:23 +0000 2017
DerekTac A1: Unknown, but where there’s a will, there’s a way #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:11:24 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC #Prodchat A1: I think more like 28-30 days?? Habit forming is hard!! Thu Jan 05 01:11:34 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A1 I would like to say fact, I’ve noticed when I take a break from swimming it’s takes a while to a few weeks to re… Thu Jan 05 01:12:32 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1: According to the current research, it’s more like 18-254 days depending on the complexity of the habit! That’s 66 day average! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:12:40 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A1 Depends. See Dr Buck below. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:13:02 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Wow. University College London says 66 days.
Thu Jan 05 01:13:14 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 This may depend on the habit and several other variables. If we go by studies on mice, it will be a lot quicker for some. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:13:21 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith What helps you all create habits? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:13:47 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC Yikes!!!!! Better get to work #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:13:53 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A1: Habits can be formed much more quickly if they involve chocolate. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:13:55 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1: Yep, just Googled. FIrst hit was and said 66. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:07 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Sign me up for that habit class! #chocolate #FTW #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:27 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1: However, if the habit is eating yummy cake, I am going to have that habit down pat in WAY less than that. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:50 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC @rsidneysmith #prodchat I form a habit more quickly is I have clear tracking and regular review Thu Jan 05 01:14:56 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Reps/reward #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:57 +0000 2017
DerekTac RT @ArtGelwicks: A1: Habits can be formed much more quickly if they involve chocolate. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:57 +0000 2017
nmhouston A1: conflicting research on this, partly because there are different kinds of habits. 3 weeks is a good frame for experiment/goal #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:14:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q2: Multitasking v. Single tasking. What’s the problem(s) with multitasking in the knowledge worker age? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:15:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #Productivity myths can be sneaky, because they’re not always a single answer. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:15:13 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1: Art and I are thinking along the same line. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:15:15 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A1b chocolate yes, or other positive reinforcement #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:15:21 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith I like to set reminders and a schedule #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:15:55 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @FocusCopy I’m all about the rewards. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:16:01 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2: Multitasking is actually rapid refocusing (with lots of wasted motion). Multitasking is BAAAAAD #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:16:16 +0000 2017
nmhouston A1: focusing on triggers and rewards (see @cduhigg ‘s book) helps zero in on existing and new habits #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:16:52 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2a: For me multitasking is usually somehow related to feeling pulled in many directions. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:16:52 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A2-deters deep work requiring deep thinking #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:17:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2b: Feelings of lack of control usually leads to lack of self-efficacy, and therefore low engagement and fulfillment. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:17:13 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2b: Feelings of lack of control usually leads to lack of self-efficacy, and therefore low engagement and fulfillment. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:17:13 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A1 A habit forms from repetition. Twenty-one days is a number pulled out of the air. Your results may vary. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:17:14 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A2: People can’t multitask. Not wired right. Rapid task switching requiring too many mental level sets. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:17:32 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A2 We technically aren’t wired to multitask or so I heard. But at the same time, it may just be a matter of time and again, reps. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:17:47 +0000 2017
nmhouston A2: most people aren’t actually multitasking, they’re rapidly task-switching, which has been shown to take lots of refocusing time #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:18:25 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans Jim @JKatzaman so true. Someone recently said it is more like 66; I think it depends on what it is and your WHY #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:18:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2: I much prefer meta-tasking…layer monotonous tasks with focused tasks…e.g., readying while laundry cycles. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:18:47 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC RT @ArtGelwicks: A2: People can’t multitask. Not wired right. Rapid task switching requiring too many mental level sets. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:18:48 +0000 2017
FocusCopy @ArtGelwicks and yet that’s how many people operate #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:18:53 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A2 Of course, this would also depend on what tasks are involved. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:16 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2: I agree with @FocusCopy . We get stuck doing lots of low-level stuff that we can start and stop easily. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:18 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @FocusCopy Unfortunately not as successfully as they could be. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:19 +0000 2017
nmhouston A2: but some multitasking, like listening to a podcast while washing dishes, can be beneficial or enjoyable #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:20 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @ArtGelwicks or danger…how long did it take you to learn to look both ways before crossing the street? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:32 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A2 pretty easy to make a mistake when you have many tasks to finish in a short amount of time #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:19:49 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q3: Goals v. No Goals. What’s better: making goals or not making goals? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:20:02 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @chrisellaloans Not long. Mom was very insistant. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:20:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Yes, which is what I call “meta-tasking” because it’s a layer of tasks that make sense. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:20:16 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans sigh @rogue_crayon99 I’m more productive if I focus on one thing at a time #simplegirl #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:20:26 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: @nmhouston @prodchat @prodbookgrp @tiveront @ShannonRenee @isapinaud REMINDER: Join us today for the first #ProdChat of 2… Thu Jan 05 01:21:08 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3: That one’s tricky. Making goals is good, but only if you figure out the little pieces and get moving. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:21:18 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC A3: Yes! I love goal setting. All about breaking it down and regular review. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:21:23 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A3 if you shoot for nothing you will hit it everytime 🙂 Set goals, but also create an action plan so you can achieve them #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:21:27 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A3: Yes to goals. Floating aimlessly otherwise #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:21:50 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A3: Realistic goals. Or was that not an option? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:21:54 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @ArtGelwicks She must love you! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:21:59 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee Whew, I made it to #prodchat. #BetterLateThanNever Thu Jan 05 01:22:05 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Most definitely an option. I think the goal naysayers are the ones making frivolous ones that are not SMART (method). #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:22:34 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A3 IMO I would say goals mostly because it helps better me understand where I want to go moving forward. Esp with i… Thu Jan 05 01:22:35 +0000 2017
FocusCopy I imagine this group skews yes to goal setting #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:22:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Great to have you, Shannon! Welcome. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:22:47 +0000 2017
nmhouston A3: to set goals effectively you have to know how much stretch you need — inspiration/massive action, or SMART style…#prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:23:01 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q1: Fact or myth: habits take 21 days to form. How long does it take for a habit to form? #prodchat… Thu Jan 05 01:23:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy Yes, and the fact that even if you’re not “making goals” you’re unconscious certainly is. Lol. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:23:22 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @ShannonRenee She made a goal and succeeded #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:23:27 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans and that is lost productivity time @nmhouston Of course I am guilty of this right now #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:23:32 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A3: As long as you know what you want and have a system for going about it well… #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:23:49 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans @nmhouston Haha. Best of intentions! And, we’re glad you’re here (or partially here) with us on #prodchat! Thu Jan 05 01:24:04 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A2 Tests have shown that successful multitasking is a fallacy. Lack of concentration messes up any task that demands focus. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:24:06 +0000 2017
FocusCopy @OmnipoTony I would like Tony to follow me around throwing out gifs strategically #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:24:38 +0000 2017
nmhouston A3: I think the real myth is that there’s only one way to set goals, or to be productive. We are all different, need diff ways. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:24:52 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q4: Fact or myth: #productivity is doing more work in less time. How do you define personal productivity? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:25:01 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A1 Habits take as long to form as they take. Positive/negative reinforcements help them to form faster. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:25:38 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A3 I think a goal loses kind of loses meaning once you make it too real, no room for surprises. 2cents. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:25:40 +0000 2017
allthingsBama RT @DrFrankBuck: A2: Multitasking is actually rapid refocusing (with lots of wasted motion). Multitasking is BAAAAAD #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:25:45 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans . @rsidneysmith @nmhouston ditching my other tasks to join you guys. Calling it a break to make myself feel better #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:25:54 +0000 2017
nmhouston @chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith glad you’re here with us! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:26:24 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A4: Productivity is doing the right work at the right time more successfully #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:26:27 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A1 The greater the reward or more severe the punishment will aid in the speed of the habit’s development. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:26:27 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A3 Even small goals such as making deadlines as better than no goals at all and meandering through work and play. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:26:44 +0000 2017
MsTtheSC A4: efficiency reliability and making good use of time as much as possible #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:26:49 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy @OmnipoTony Me too! I’m always on my laptop for #prodchat so my GIF game is weak! Lol Thu Jan 05 01:26:58 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A1 If it only took 21 days, then many more folks would keep their New Year’s Resolutions LOL #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:27:15 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q2: Multitasking v. Single tasking. What’s the problem(s) with multitasking in the knowledge worker age? #prodchat https:… Thu Jan 05 01:27:31 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 I imagine for some goals, that’s definitely the case. Creativity should never be quashed. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:27:34 +0000 2017
nmhouston A4: for me productivity means doing the things that matter most to you — fulfilling your sense of purpose, increasing happiness. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:27:50 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A4: for me, pp is a sense of fulfillment. Hmm…that sounds awfully geeky. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:27:52 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A4 PRODUCTIVITY= accomplishing the needle movers in your business, ditching the rest & making time for yourself #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:27:54 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A4: Not necessarily. Productivity is finding ways to accomplish a lot with as little as little effort as possible. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:27:57 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans RT @ArtGelwicks: A4: Productivity is doing the right work at the right time more successfully #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:28:26 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A4; …and getting a lot of the RIGHT stuff accomplished. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:28:29 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Two tenets I lean on: Wooden: Do not mistake activity for achievement. | Pareto: 80/20 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:28:30 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy It’s right on the money for me! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:28:57 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A4: Looks like we are all thinking along the same lines on this one. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:29:02 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A2 Multitasking only works if the multiple tasks are don’t require the same brain function – eating and reading. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:29:15 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rogue_crayon99 Coach Wooden was a great example. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:29:40 +0000 2017
nmhouston A4: there’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Not falling for the trap of just busyness, is key. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:30:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q5: Fact or myth: External deadlines are the best motivators. Are external deadlines better than other motivators?… Thu Jan 05 01:30:01 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A4 Productivity is getting the best quality work done most efficiently. Time is not the main driver because haste makes waste. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:30:21 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A2 In the knowledge age, most tasks require the same brain function – writing an email and drafting tweets #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:30:36 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A4 I would say getting any work needed done at an efficient amount of time. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:30:39 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @FocusCopy Haha. Why thank you. I’ve been told to teach a class just for fun. Hope you enjoy the one for A4 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:31:32 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: Goals v. No Goals. What’s better: making goals or not making goals? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:31:34 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4: For me, #productivity is purposefully being fulfilled with the appropriate effort. Otherwise, life is dull. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:31:38 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:32:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:32:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Yes, that’s a reason I’ve stopped using “busy” or “hectic” and replaced it with “active” in all communications. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:32:20 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A3 I’m all about goals, targets, milestones, objectives and any other synonyms you come up with. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:32:50 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A5 Someone said chocolate ? ? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:33:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A5: External deadlines are merely part of the pie that motivates action. So, I say myth! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:33:44 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A3 W/o goals I’m working aimlessly, like a hamster on a wheel. Goals add meaning to my work. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:33:47 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A5: external deadlines do work better for me. Would prefer internal I think but I am very/too self-forgiving!#ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:33:52 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith and who wants a dull life? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:33:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee I think that’s the crux of any life…working with meaning. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:34:13 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans Not me! Ha! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:34:28 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A3 Goals give me something bigger than myself & my piece of the project to focus on. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:34:31 +0000 2017
DerekTac A3: Goals definitely force one to create a plan or groundwork to achieve #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:34:58 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: Fact or myth: #productivity is doing more work in less time. How do you define personal productivity? #prodchat https… Thu Jan 05 01:35:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q6: “Longer work hours equates to higher productivity.” Why, or why not? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:35:01 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A5: Internal or External, a target can motivate and at a minimum provide focus #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:35:13 +0000 2017
DerekTac Totally agree! RT @ShannonRenee: A3 Goals give me something bigger than myself & my piece of the project to focus on. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:35:16 +0000 2017
nmhouston A5: for some people, external deadlines are helpful, but for some they create resistance. Accountability, support, planning helps. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:35:19 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy I think this is another case of we really don’t know…not enough research yet. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:35:29 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans Aren’t we all “busy”? @rsidneysmith @nmhouston We choose what we say yes to; we are in control of our “busyness”…it is a tap #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:35:39 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy The research I’ve seen have been on uni students…and creating self-imposed deadlines worked better than external. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:36:02 +0000 2017
DerekTac A6: Sometimes longer work does lead to more productivity. Depends. I tend to obsess even during the ‘away’ time from projects #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:36:08 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A4 Personal productivity is based on many factors, with time being only of them. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:36:27 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A5 I would say myth, because external motivators could add more pressure in a negative way #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:36:29 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Q6 Myth, totally bogus. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:36:53 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A5: External deadlines are effective in that we can’t fudge them the way we can the deadlines we set for ourselves. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:10 +0000 2017
nmhouston A6 Nope. Renewal is key to quality work. Real renewal, which might mean getting away from the computer/phone! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans @nmhouston Yes, and I’m inclined to use more positive language around the meaningfulness of my work. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:11 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A5 Motivation and its effectiveness depends on the nature of the carrot and the stick along with your desire. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:24 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A6: I think I saw study recently suggesting 30 hrs or so was best? Don’t quote me. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:37:27 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A6 absolutely not. There are times to put in extra hours, but that should be temporary & not the norm #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:34 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Yes, I definitely believe it’s about the motivational mix, not one specific factor alone. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:37:57 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A4 Personal productivity includes goals, time, budget, tactics, milestones/outcomes, team members and other resources. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:38:12 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A6: Yes and No. Time-on-task is important, but after a while you reach a point of diminishing return. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:38:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A6: Productivity diminishes after a set point of hours worked, fatigue sets in, for *everyone.* Period. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:38:35 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith @nmhouston I totally agree. I love what I do; All about the productive use of time #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:38:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans @nmhouston Amen! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:38:56 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A6: I am probably not the only one who likes to get started on the “big” project first thing in the morning. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:00 +0000 2017
DerekTac @chrisellaloans In post-production, unfortunately, the long hours are the norm. Feels good to accomplish, but it’s damn tiring. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:02 +0000 2017
SeverineLee RT @rsidneysmith: A6: Productivity diminishes after a set point of hours worked, fatigue sets in, for *everyone.* Period. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:10 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A6: I like to save the little stuff that doesn’t require much effort for late afternoon and evening. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Yes, time, task, project, energy, meaning, and people management, to name a few of the cores. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:34 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A6 it gives more time to get tasks done. That’s if you need those tasks have a deadline. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:39:55 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A5 Motivators are personal. Some respond to deadlines, others are competitive & still others are moved by fear. #CarrotStick #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:40:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q7: “Getting up early is more productive.” What is your chronotype, and when are you most productive? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:40:01 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith Hence, robots in the near future. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:40:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Hahaha…mechanization will take over many jobs, that’s true. Civilization will get more interesting & creative. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:40:53 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7; For me that’s true, but it’s not universal. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:41:25 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A5 each person has their own “best” motivators; People are different; get to know them & how best to motivate them #digdeep #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:41:30 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Eat that frog! 😉 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:03 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A7 Can you define early? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:12 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A5 Some have internal wiring, a work ethic, that drives them. I’m guessing it’s probably a combo of factors that motivates most. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:42:15 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A7: I’m a bear. I do like to get work done early, but I also like unfocused thinking in the evenings. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:22 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:27 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7: I also think part of the perception that getting up early=getting stuff done is that the rest of the world is still asleep. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:32 +0000 2017
DerekTac Some of my biggest breakthroughs have come at 3am after working 12+ hours. But that’s me. Some people are morning people #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @FocusCopy Precisely. And so many social/behavior research these days are done on uni students. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:44 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q6: “Longer work hours equates to higher productivity.” Why, or why not? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:47 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7: …and therefore are leaving you alone. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:49 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Q7 Night Owl for some tasks, lark for others. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:42:49 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rogue_crayon99 I loathe mornings. Yourself? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:43:15 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A7 Had to google what a chronotype is and about to figure out which one I am. I’m more of a early riser. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:43:27 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That is a great book. I once gave frogs to each person on my team to keep on their desks. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:43:35 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A6 Longer work hours more directly relates to burnout. I saw & tweeted an article today that says first 90 mins = most productive. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:43:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A7: I’m a “lark” in @gretchenrubin lingo. But, that’s not everyone! And, culture tries to tell people to early rising is better. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:43:55 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck Or you can be left alone after they all go to bed #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:44:33 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck I hope they were toy frogs! ;-P #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:44:39 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A6 Longer work hours equate to longer work hours. There is a point of diminishing return. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:44:53 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @DerekTac I do my best work at night, I’m guessing you’re the same? #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:45:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q8: Fact or myth: structures and systems compete with creativity? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:45:01 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q7: “Getting up early is more productive.” What is your chronotype, and when are you most productive? #prodchat https://t… Thu Jan 05 01:45:10 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans work 90 min take a break…increase your productivity???? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:45:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans 5am-9am crowd. 9am-noon crowd. And then everyone else. Lol. (Seriously, I don’t know.) #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:45:28 +0000 2017
nmhouston A7 I’m more of a night owl by nature, and tend to revert to that when working on important projects #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:45:46 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck did anyone kiss their frog for…luck or a date? #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:46:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I agree. It’s not predisposition that I like to be in the office early, it’s that I can avoid others so I can focus! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:46:24 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A7 I’m most productive when I’m first up and around before settling in and getting drowsy again. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:46:46 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck sadly “sticky” toy frogs almost as big a mistake as my “singing” flowers to grow your business #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:46:55 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 I hear that. I have a late evening surge, which I take advantage of, but I still consider myself a lark. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:46:56 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rogue_crayon99 Yup! Totally a night-owl — aka a “Dolphin” chronotype #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:47:03 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8: Having a background in instrumental music, I find the most creative people are highly structured. Details are important. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:47:04 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A7 I’m a solid day person. From 8am to 2pm I’m kicking arse. By 330pm, I’m ret to take a nap. I get a 2nd wind after 6pm. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:47:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck LMAO! This is why @periscopeco exists…for those moments! 😉 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:47:25 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck great question….I should watch the security footage #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:47:34 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Q8: Fact or myth: structures and systems compete with creativity? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:47:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony Worth the price of admission to #prodchat, eh? Lol #chronotype Thu Jan 05 01:47:57 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A8 Structures and systems don’t compete with creativity. They confine creativity. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:48:55 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A8 systems help me find more creativity #organization #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @chrisellaloans Yes, it’s part of what they care your ultradian rhythm…work done by @tonyschwartz and his team. Fascinating. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:05 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A8 I’m a freelance creative. I’d say I still do my best work with some basic guidelines in there someplace. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:17 +0000 2017
nmhouston @chrisellaloans yes! this follows your body’s energy cycles. See @tonyschwartz Power of Full Engagement #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:20 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A8: systems very very helpful. Obama has 5 suits. Todo lists. Grocery lists.#ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:49:23 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A8 MYTH!!! Nature is our largest structure/system and it’s the most creative, diverse and beautiful. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:49:29 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans RT @DerekTac: @rogue_crayon99 Yup! Totally a night-owl — aka a “Dolphin” chronotype #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:45 +0000 2017
DerekTac A8: Sometimes structure and organization can set you free creatively to concentrate on more important tasks! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:46 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A8: Structure is NOT the enemy of creativity! You can’t tell me art needs absolute freedom, because gravity is structure! 😉 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:52 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A8: I think structures and systems can be used to enhance productivity by forcing you to think outside the box. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:49:59 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith Defintely and looks like I’m a bear based on a #chronotype quiz I took ? #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:50:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q9: “[Insert Email, Slack, IM] is the best way to communication.” How do you decide the best way to communicate in… Thu Jan 05 01:50:02 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A8 Ppl use structures, systems & processes as excuses to not be creative, to not push themselves to create IN the box. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:50:51 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @FocusCopy Ah, if we all only ran our lives as efficiently as we manage our grocery lists. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:50:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony Well done, Tony! I think you may need to teach mobile productivity lessons for the masses! LOL. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:51:02 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @chrisellaloans That’s another possibility. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:51:05 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith *too much* structure is though #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:51:12 +0000 2017
DerekTac A8b: ie: If I know exactly where an asset is for a video project, it’s already and after-thought; I’m mentally free to create! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:51:20 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony Just quote tweeted you ?#ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:51:25 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, the “mathematical symmetry” of music of the great composers is uncanny! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:51:52 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith Agree. One needs to balance and not get stuck on solely organization. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:51:56 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A8 The only block to creativity is our limited imagination. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:52:07 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Agree! First you learn the rules and work within them. Then, you push the boundaries. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:52:14 +0000 2017
nmhouston A8: Even people who say they hate structure usually have created some that suit them. Simple structures free up creative mind #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:52:16 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @nmhouston @tonyschwartz Thanks for info I will check it out; I work 60min & dance around my office for 5min when no 1 is looking #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:52:28 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Is Jazz more or less mathematical than … oh, let’s say, classical music? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:52:33 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Agreed. Extremes are the enemy, not structure. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:52:39 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith Haha, I will look in to doing that #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:52:55 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee Yes! I’m here! Goal achieved. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:53:16 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DerekTac @DrFrankBuck Yes, there are algorithms that show how improvisationalists create music. My friend is an improv. organist. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:53:46 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8: We love boundaries. When there is a railing, we walk right to edge with no fear of falling. Without it, we stay way back. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:54:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Exactly! #SpeakingMyLanguage #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:54:05 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A9: so easy-twitter the best! I could run the country via tweet. Or has someone tried that? #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:54:11 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith I think I learned this lesson in high school shhh no one tell my teachers #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:54:25 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: @ShannonRenee I think that’s the crux of any life…working with meaning. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:54:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @nmhouston @chrisellaloans @tonyschwartz We’re reading Schwartz’ books on Productivity Book Group this year! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:54:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q10: What’s one myth you believed in about #productivity, that was later debunked? What do you do differently now?… Thu Jan 05 01:55:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A9: All communication is nuanced…it’s like pushing a square peg into a round hole. There’s a time and place for each comm. mode. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:55:32 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A9 Email is OK, but don’t be married to it. Getting up and around and talking directly helps break monotony & add personal touch. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:55:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck @FocusCopy Wait? We don’t? 😉 #GTD #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:56:03 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee @rsidneysmith If I’m going to be a cog, then I’m going to be the best one I be. I need to know my cog matters. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:56:15 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A9 honestly face to face. Sometimes things can get confused even through messaging. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:56:25 +0000 2017
PegGrafwallner A9 Thank you, Jim, for reminder. I appreciate somebody actually making eye contact, asking me how I am and waiting… Thu Jan 05 01:56:39 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: @ShannonRenee Yes, time, task, project, energy, meaning, and people management, to name a few of the cores. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:56:39 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A9: I think it’s good to stick with communication tools that most other people have. Don’t give me an app nobody else is using. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:57:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Yes! Reminds me of: #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:57:15 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A9 every form of communication has its time and place; the right tool for the right job #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:57:24 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A10 You just can’t do two things at once and do both of them well. Multitasking is a myth. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:58:29 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans A10 that everything works for everyone; what works fo rme may not work for you. Try it out; adjust as needed Just don’t quit #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:58:34 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Most people know MLK Jr. for his “I Have a Dream” speech, but the “Street Sweeper” speech is more powerful for me. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:58:43 +0000 2017
FocusCopy A10: Longer hours = always better results. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:58:46 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A10 MYTH –> Faster & quicker is better. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 01:58:56 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: January 11 – “How Personality Type Affects #Productivity.” Join us! Have a great rest of your week,… Thu Jan 05 01:59:01 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck excellent point; unless you are the pioneer type and you’re blazing a newpath #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:59:22 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I’m curious to know more! To me (layman), humans are more complex than just an algorithm #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:59:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A10: At one time, I definitely believed that 21-30 days to form a new habit. It’s such a complex field of study (habit formation)! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 01:59:49 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @rsidneysmith I hate to miss this one, but I really will be working then. Please remind me of the one after that #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:00:21 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A10 Faster/quicker is better if U R a hare. Folks forget he LOST the race. Slow, steady, consistent will win in long run. #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 02:00:48 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @chrisellaloans I pity the person who bought the very first fax machine. Who was he going to fax something to? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:00:55 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:01:00 +0000 2017
nmhouston @rsidneysmith great topic! looking forward to it #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:01:08 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: January 11 – “How Personality Type Affects #Productivity.” Join us! Have a great rest of your week, all!… Thu Jan 05 02:01:44 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DerekTac @DrFrankBuck Search “improvisation and music algorithms”…a good place to start. Several musicologists working on this. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:01:54 +0000 2017
nmhouston Thanks @rsidneysmith for a great #prodchat to start off the new year! great to see everyone! Thu Jan 05 02:02:15 +0000 2017
DerekTac @FocusCopy But sometimes longer hours DO equate the better results (IMO). Thoughts? #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:02:37 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: @ShannonRenee Yes! Reminds me of: #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:02:53 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @DrFrankBuck you make me laugh…maybe he bought two to solve just that problem #solutionminded #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:02:55 +0000 2017
ohhkt1 RT @JKatzaman: A5 Motivation and its effectiveness depends on the nature of the carrot and the stick along with your desire. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:07 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
gtdnyc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
GTDPhilly RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
gtddc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
gtdpgh RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
focusatwork RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:15 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee Another GREAT #prodchat. Next week’s chat on personality and productivity will be awesome. Thu Jan 05 02:03:45 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans This was fun. Thanks for letting me take a break with you guys. See you soon! @rsidneysmith #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:03:48 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @DerekTac @FocusCopy slow-cooked home meals in winter… #ProdChat Thu Jan 05 02:04:02 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck This was a fun chat! Lots of interaction. Hope everyone will come back for the next one. #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:04:28 +0000 2017
chrisellaloans @DerekTac @FocusCopy sometimes yes, but not all the time as with everything #itdepends can’t be a normal thing #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:04:40 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Happy New Year everyone! #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:04:44 +0000 2017
DerekTac @rogue_crayon99 @FocusCopy Been using pressure cooker lately. Better results, less time. Now if I could pressure cook my work… #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:05:11 +0000 2017
DerekTac @FocusCopy True. Caffeine definitely has a decay period in which not much gets done. Take it from a moderate-to-big coffee drinker #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:06:03 +0000 2017
DerekTac @chrisellaloans @FocusCopy I believe that if you spend time with things, they become better #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:06:48 +0000 2017
DerekTac @FocusCopy @rogue_crayon99 Perhaps if you’re an automation wizard, this can become a reality! 😀 #prodchat Thu Jan 05 02:08:13 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Join #ProdChat for our next #productivity topic! Thu Jan 05 18:00:25 +0000 2017
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