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#ProdChat – 01/25/2017 – Calendaring Versus Task Lists

#ProdChat – 01/25/2017 – Calendaring Versus Task Lists

On January 25, 2017, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Calendaring Versus Task Lists. So often we hear people talking about time and task tools and management as separate islands unto themselves, but as we discussed in this recent #ProdChat, it seemed more productivity enthusiasts found a blended approach to their system more apt. By knowing what to use your calendar for and what to use your task manager for, they become a powerful combination in any productivity system. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Calendaring Versus Task Lists.” Enjoy!


  1. What is/are the fundamental difference/s between calendaring things to do and making task lists in your own productivity system?
  2. Do you believe your productivity is a zero-sum game with using calendars or task lists?
  3. Do you believe in a blended calendar and task list approach? If so, why?
  4. Do you think that the proliferation of digital task manager apps that track due dates and location negate the need for a calendar?
  5. Do you group like events on a calendar, and/or like activities on a task list? Pros and cons of each?
  6. Why/how is tracking long-term projects better on a calendar or task list over the other?
  7. Do you track goals on your calendar or task list? Which is better for you?
  8. What features do you look for in a great task manager (software/app, or paper/analog)?
  9. What features do you look for in a great calendar (software/app, or paper/analog)?
  10. In what way(s) do you think differently today after #ProdChat about your task list or calendar?

Resources: The Epic Battle: Calendar Versus To-Do List – The Together Teacher … What Fuels Your Productivity: Your Calendar or To-Do List? – Lifehacker   To-Do Lists Don’t Work – Harvard Business Review Calendar or To Do List? Two Task Management Tools Compared What’s the Difference Between a To-Do List and Task in Outlook … Why Google Calendar Eats All Other To Do List Apps For Breakfast … Why Calendars Are More Effective Than To-do Lists | Observer 7 Reasons Not To Use Your Calendar As a Task Manager – FacileThings Forgo the to-do list: Be more productive with a backward schedule … Get-It-Done Guy : The Best To-Do List Is Actually Your Calendar …

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Jan 26 00:59:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck @xianfox Hi there, guys! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 00:59:14 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Doing well @rsidneysmith and you? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 00:59:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “Calendaring Versus Task Lists” Join us! #productivity Thu Jan 26 01:00:03 +0000 2017
ContentStarts RT @rsidneysmith: @SeanJoyner @OmnipoTony @caplady1225 REMINDER: #ProdChat is today, 5pm EST! Join us! Thu Jan 26 01:00:20 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner RT @rsidneysmith: @SeanJoyner @OmnipoTony @caplady1225 REMINDER: #ProdChat is today, 5pm EST! Join us! Thu Jan 26 01:00:20 +0000 2017
xianfox .@rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Doing well. Eating chili at Machine Shed restaurant. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:00:29 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Glad to hear, Frank! I’m great. I’m finishing a good book, work travel has been all-consuming but no complaints. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:01:16 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @xianfox Great to hear! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:01:26 +0000 2017
JKatzaman Joining #ProdChat from Maryland to talk about calendars and task lists. Thu Jan 26 01:01:36 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hey, Jim! Glad you could join us today for #prodchat. Thu Jan 26 01:01:54 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:02:01 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck from Alabama. I wrote, speak, and coach on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:02:47 +0000 2017
michelle1908 Michelle in Virginia – productivity geek GTD enthusiast #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:02:56 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #Productivity #GTD Coach. @Evernote Certified Consultant. Host @prodbookgrp & @GoogleSmallBiz Advisor. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:02:58 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony Happy Wednesday everyone. My name is Tony and I’m an avid user of gifs #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:03:52 +0000 2017
xianfox IT Consultant from Wisconsin. Geek out to all things GTD and Evernote. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:03:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony Hey there, Tony! Good to have you here on #prodchat! Thu Jan 26 01:04:06 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Thanks, Ray. Guess I should have added that I am now officially an @Evernote Certified Consultant as well! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:04:17 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:04:41 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith Hey Ray!! Glad to be here tonight. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:04:44 +0000 2017
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck Congratulations! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:04:54 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:05:01 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @michelle1908 Thanks! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:05:19 +0000 2017
michelle1908 I have put in several hours of deep work this week. It’s been awhile. I feel great about it. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:05:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Jan 26 01:06:01 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck #Productivity success was working w/ a great group of school administrators in Talladega who are doing a book study on my book. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:06:46 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #Productivity Success of the Week: I sat on a #productivity expert panel yesterday in NYC and it went really well! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:06:46 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony I would have to say managing being in 2 twitter chats at the same time. Not right now though #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:06:51 +0000 2017
xianfox I finished installing a batch of new credit card readers only to find out they won’t go into service until May 9th. :/ #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:07:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony I’ve been there, and that’s a challenge so kudos! (insert congratulatory GIF here..haha) #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:07:23 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @xianfox So, you’re ahead of schedule, eh?! ;-( #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:07:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Today we are going to be discussing calendaring versus task lists for greater productivity! First question in a cou… Thu Jan 26 01:08:01 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Editing a short clip while chiming in… #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:08:34 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @xianfox At least you can claim advanced credit. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:08:36 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith Especially making sure to use the right hashtag. Haha I already have some idea of which one would work. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:08:59 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith Way ahead of schedule. Other areas are going live Feb 7th. #ProdChat Oh well, somebody else’s problem now. Thu Jan 26 01:09:05 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q1: What is the fundamental difference(s) between calendaring tasks and list-making in your productivity system?… Thu Jan 26 01:10:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Great to have you, Jay! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:10:34 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith always glad to be here! Thanks! #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:11:15 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1a: For me, I think of calendars and task lists as fundamentally *lists*…they’re just displayed differently. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:11:27 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A1 List making is good. I use my Outlook calendar to keep beating me over the head until a project is done. I know me too well. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:11:38 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith A1: The only time tasks hit my calendar is when I’m scheduling time to specifically work on that task. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:11:52 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A1: I don’t calendar tasks. I only put appointments on my calendar.
Thu Jan 26 01:11:59 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1b: Calendars show tasks as a linear, consecutive lens, while task lists are categorical and possibly non-linear. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:12:06 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1: I restrict the calendars to reflect where I need to be and things I need to know about the day (events that may impact me) #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:12:55 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A1 honestly don’t know why I still end up doing both but for myself, it’s the time scale. Task lists = immediate, cal = long term #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:13:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1: Lists also (digitally) allow me to sort and filter tasks according to category, or resource availability. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:13:43 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A1 I also use Outlook if there’s a task that’s done on a weekly basis. Using that reminder helps when new tasks arrive. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:14:06 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1: And, of course, I adhere to #GTD in terms of what goes in my calendar: events, time-specific tasks, and day-specific reference.#prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:14:56 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q2: Do you believe your productivity is a zero-sum game with using calendars or task lists? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:15:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2: Certainly not. I use both for their best attributes and so utilize both tools for greater #productivity. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:15:41 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2: Not exactly sure what the question means. Can you clarify? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:16:31 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2: I do like the fact that my task manager (@rememberthemilk) integrates with my calendar so I can see tasks in my calendar. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:16:50 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Can you only use a calendar OR task list in order to be most productive? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:17:12 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A1 Task lists for day-of and backlogged items; calendars for long-term plans. So, calendar items become tasks as dates approach. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:17:26 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A1 Task lists for day-of and backlogged items; calendars for long-term plans. So, calendar items become tasks as dates approach. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:17:26 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A2 they have their pros hence why I use both. For next day I like to add a post it to my computer as a reminder… Thu Jan 26 01:17:33 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A2 it’s always tempting to say yes but eventually, quality beats quantity in terms of tasks involved/work done #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:17:34 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A2 A zero-sum game for me would be to *not* use calendars. Without such reminders, projects might slip through the cracks. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:17:41 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2: At present, I would say you need both a calendar and task list. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:17:51 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A2: They both serve critical roles in my productivity system. It wouldn’t be complete without both of them. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:17:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 That’s how I see it. I would hate to see my calendar events in my task list, and vice versa. I need the separation. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:18:30 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2b: I see the pendulum swinging to the “everything on your calendar” and AI organizing it. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:18:40 +0000 2017
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Me too #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:19:06 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, I think @fwade might agree with you there. I’ll believe it when I see it! ;-P #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:19:09 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2c: But I think the software would have to be told too many things in order for it to schedule correctly. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:19:21 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A2 I like going to @trello when there’s multiple tasks, needing a calendar and creating a list. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:19:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I see a full calendar and naturally resist the desire to dive into tasks. Something about seeing my time soaked up. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:19:47 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q3: Do you believe in a blended calendar and task list approach? If so, why? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:20:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I believe in my autonomy, self-efficacy and responsibility…outsourcing that to a computer seems dehumanizing. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:20:41 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Yes, @rsidneysmith , I have great respect for @fwade and am interested in what he is doing with #spedpal #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:20:59 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck @fwade Yes, @SkedPal is amazing and I think they’re making some powerful strides to help #productivity! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:21:26 +0000 2017
xianfox A3: I prefer my tasks and calendar separate. Never found a blended solution I liked so I developed the habit of looking at both. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:21:33 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3: No, again, I think the calendar and task list serve two different roles. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:21:54 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A3: I like clear boundaries between tasks and appointments. I don’t put tasks on my calendar. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:22:14 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3b: When I have to assign times to tasks that don’t have to be done at certain times, I am working too hard. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:22:32 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3: Yes, I like my calendar for #GTD hard landscape items, and also for booking Natural Planning Model and brainstorming sessions! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:22:33 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Agree! RT @michelle1908: A3: I like clear boundaries between tasks and appointments. I don’t put tasks on my calendar. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:22:55 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A2. This. Planning and scheduling takes balance. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:22:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony That’s great! I love me some @trello when working with teams! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:23:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3: So, my task list is vital to those things that don’t go into my calendar. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:23:43 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A3 it’s what I usually end up doing, I guess the only thing I’m going for with multiple lists/calendars is redundancy #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:24:01 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A3 I’ve trained myself to use my calendar to remind me of upcoming events and to write about events past to finish stories. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:24:02 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A3 it depends on the tasks that need to be done but for the most part. I prefer them to be seperate. I go to @trello for both. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:24:09 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3a: I would also note that “task list” is a very broad, encompassing term for anything that holds a reminder of an action to do. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:24:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q4: Do you think that the proliferation of mobile apps that track due dates, geolocation negate the need for a cale… Thu Jan 26 01:25:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3b: For example, I use hotel mirrors and a dry erase pen to make a list for the next morning of things I need to do when I awake. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:25:03 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @trello For sure. I know it’s usually used for teams but let’s say I need tasks from multiple people… Thu Jan 26 01:25:14 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A3. That works for me-but that’s me. Think of novelists. Some are intricate in the outlining stage and some are “pantsers”. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:25:33 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A4: No, I don’t #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:25:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @trello Totally makes sense to me. It’s visual and kanban-style and highly adaptable. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:25:42 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith I like the hotel mirror idea. Just hope you clean it off before housekeeping comes in! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:26:28 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A4 Since my tasks are in the office or while teleworking connected to the office, I don’t need mobile apps for reminders. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:26:56 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:27:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck *sheepish grin* Most of the time! A tissue wipes it clean as I accomplish them! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:27:09 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A4 sort of but I actually enjoy using the Google calendar app. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:27:19 +0000 2017
xianfox A4: Not for me. Still need that calendar. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:27:23 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A4. Personal preference, nope. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:27:48 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @trello Definitely if there’s a point I need photos from one person a link from another. I can check… Thu Jan 26 01:28:06 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4: I agree with the group on this, it seems. I can’t see myself without a calendar. I like to know what is “social” (with others).#prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:28:09 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A4: Big no for me. The calendar holds day/time specific that can’t happen just any ole time. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:28:46 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4: Appointments, events…they just seem so fundamentally different to me than tasks that I need to do (usu. not with others). #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:28:52 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 I think like a lot of people, I tend to see and organize tasks a certain way #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:29:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q5: Do you group like events on a calendar, and/or like activities on a task list? Pros and cons of each? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:30:01 +0000 2017
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith For clarity, can you provide an example? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:30:30 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A5: One way that I try to group like events is that I have blocks for coaching clients. So, they’re altogether. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:30:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Did my last tweet clarify? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:31:28 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy A4 #prodchat – @rsidneysmith I use Google calendar for everything. It’s an app and a calendar. Thu Jan 26 01:31:31 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A5: I group like activities on my task list, but not context lists (ala GTD). I batch related items so that tasks fall quicker. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:31:45 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A5 I don’t do event grouping. An event stands on its own, along with the reminder to finish activities connected to each one. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:31:55 +0000 2017
xianfox A5: Only to the extent that I follow family members calendars or club cals. That’s the only grouping I do. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:32:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A5: For tasks, I have one master Tasks list, but then tag and use saved searches to see contexts (calls, emails, errands). #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:32:16 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A5: No, I don’t group like events on either. I don’t really have multiple similar events/tasks that would make sense to group #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:32:41 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A5: I like to think of it as what’s going to keep me in a “flow.” #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:32:56 +0000 2017
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith I do the same thing #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:33:00 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A5 I like to keep things separate that way there’s no way I can mix them up or confuse myself. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:33:20 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy A5 – I color code things in my Google calendar. It helps me know at a glance what type of event is coming up. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:33:21 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 That’s the beauty of having a digital task manager, as opposed to paper. But, to each his own! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:33:25 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy Yes, Jennifer, I love color-coding in @googlecalendar! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:33:52 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A5 @JKatzaman I do the same…just so there’s a sense of urgency of what needs to be done right away. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:33:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q6: Why/how is tracking long-term projects better on a calendar or task list over the other? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:35:00 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @JoysOfMercy Hold on there’s an option for color coding. I’ll be right back!! #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:35:36 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy For example, green events I need to be physically somewhere to meet someone, blue = virtual, and grey = tentative. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:35:47 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A6: There is likely to be an event on the calendar at the end of the project, but other than that, it’s on the task list. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:36:11 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @JoysOfMercy Oh, yes! It’s been in @googlecalendar for years. 😀 #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:36:16 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @googlecalendar – I’d probably get mixed up without it! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:37:03 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy @googlecalendar Time to start using that option. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:37:23 +0000 2017
xianfox A6: I wouldn’t know where to begin tracking long term projects on a calendar. Gant chart maybe. Calendar no. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:37:25 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A6a: I use list to keep all my projects a la #GTD, and my projects are all deadlines. My tasks are start dates. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:37:36 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A6 it boils down to what I need to know, like say, thinking about the next three days vs next three months. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:38:22 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A6b: So, the calendar isn’t involved in projects unless meeting with others about the project (planning, status, working mtngs). #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:38:25 +0000 2017
SeanJoyner A6. Visual learner. Plus, I plan in reverse. So, calendars help me plot out the details a bit better. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:38:27 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint A6: Events=calendar. Tasks =task list. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:38:32 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A6 If long term in the future, a task list might have merit. Near future, present or past, calendar reminders are where it’s at. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:38:39 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Interesting approach. Am trying to visualize that. Would love to hear more. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:39:06 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I wonder if seeing a project deadline in my calendar would be motivating. I could put milestones as all-day events. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:39:07 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A6 with long term projects lets say something happening in a month the calendar is a perfect reminder. Lists work for the week of. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:39:07 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Think of tasks as actions toward the outcome (project’s goal)…and therefore the deadline / finish line. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:39:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck So, it’s like bread crumbs along the path to a destination. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:39:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q7: Do you track goals on your calendar or task list? Which is better for you? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:40:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ProSourcePrint Hi, Jeff! Welcome to #prodchat. Thu Jan 26 01:40:21 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A6: I prefer tracking long-term projects on a task list. It might be a preference, not sure which is better #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:40:25 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @googlecalendar – School stuff = Purple; Kid stuff = Red; Production work = Blue… Very helpful. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:41:00 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A7: I use spreadsheets for my goals #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:41:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @xianfox I suppose you could consider a Gantt chart or a project timeline as a kind of calendar tool! Good point! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:41:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ProSourcePrint Ha! You’re welcome, even when tardy for the party, here on #prodchat. 😉 Thu Jan 26 01:41:43 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A7 I track when goals need to be done by calendar and the goals being completed via list. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:42:01 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy A7 – I’m not much one for a task list, unless it’s in Asana with my work. So I’m always working from the @googlecalendar #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:42:01 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint A7: same answer here. Calendar is appointments, task list is for checking things off. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:42:13 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @SeanJoyner Yes, calendars are much better for reverse planning! I look at my calendar as I’m plotting, in reverse, milestones. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:42:28 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7: For me a project and a goal are hard to distinguish..more of a wording preference. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:42:43 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @JoysOfMercy @rsidneysmith @googlecalendar I like it and definitely sounds more organized #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:42:46 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7b Since either would have a desired outcome, I use them interchangeably. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:43:23 +0000 2017
xianfox A7: project goals are in my project task list. 20k+ goals are in #Evernote. Meeting goals/agendas may reside in the calendar entry #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:43:34 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A7: I track my goals (1-3, 3-5 year) in @evernote. Those don’t go anywhere near my calendar. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:43:55 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A7 Goials are probably better tracked on task lists because they’re handier to use for mid-year and annual reviews. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:44:16 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A7: I will book “family planning” time in the calendar though for short-term and long-term goals! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:44:20 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @xianfox – Is @evernote your preferred task management app? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:44:27 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q8: What features do you look for in a great task manager (software/app, or paper/analog)? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:45:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy @asana is a great tool for tracking work with others! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:45:04 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint A7: I prefer goals on a task list because often there are many steps to one goal. And I need to do one before another. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:45:37 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A8: Recurring events, tagging, multiple lists, sub-tasks, a place for notes, relatively attractive interface, ease of entry #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:46:12 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint A8: Notifications, notifications, notifications. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:46:49 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony I’ve only used @evernote for note taking and organization. Never used it as a task manager. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:46:57 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A8 A great task manager is well organized and works cheap — or were you talking about equipment and not a person? #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:47:10 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Understandable. “Project” here, for me, has a start and end date, a plan. Goal has not yet been planned out yet. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:47:11 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A8 Paper for the really important stuff (STAT, pronto) and digital for everything else. Again, more or less redundant. #egghead #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:47:21 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8: Love this one… I call it the “Magnificent 7.” Talked about it as a guest on a podcast, Will grab the link. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:47:37 +0000 2017
xianfox A8: projects, contexts, recurring tasks. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:48:23 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Whoever’s there has a say…otherwise, you acquiesce to the decision! Many arguments resolved this way. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:48:30 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8b: is the link #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:48:36 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint @OmnipoTony @evernote I’m an ECC and use it for many things other than note taking. Task, project and goals as well. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:48:54 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A8 I haven’t used a task manager app but if anyone has any recommendations do reply. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:49:39 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8c: Due date field (w/ ability to sort by due dates), repeating tasks, note section on each task (that’s free), cont. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:49:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @evernote It can be done with a strong review habit, and facilitated with a tool like @taskclone and another task app. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:49:47 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q9: What features do you look for in a great calendar (software/app, or paper/analog)? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Please do! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:09 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A8b: is the link #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:18 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8d: Ability to search, sync across all devices, communicates with email, can add tasks with your voice. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:28 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @ProSourcePrint @evernote Fascinating. I’m going to play around with the app. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:39 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy RT @DrFrankBuck: A8b: is the link #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:50:54 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ProSourcePrint @OmnipoTony Wow! We have three ECCs on tonight! Great to have all this @evernote expertise here on #prodchat! @DrFrankBuck Thu Jan 26 01:51:01 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A9 A calendar has to make sense and be easy to use. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:51:22 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @rememberthemilk @todoist @wunderlist (in that order) #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:51:29 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @evernote @TaskClone Ah alright. I know Evernote has been good at combining apps such as google drive… Thu Jan 26 01:51:34 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @ProSourcePrint Gotta have notifications! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:51:35 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint @OmnipoTony @asana, @producteev, @bitrix24, @Wunderlist are a few great ones. (Asana need notifications though.) #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:51:49 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony @evernote @TaskClone Definitely look at the Evernote App Center for integration partneres. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:51:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony *partners #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:52:09 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A9: Repeating tasks, place for details, can send emails to it, audible alarms, (cont) #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:52:33 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A9: Calendar apps *must, must, must* synchronize across all of my devices! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:52:37 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @evernote @TaskClone Will do. ???#ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:52:45 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A9 Calendar – writing space 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:52:46 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A9b: …monthly view on the mobile device that lets you see the events. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:52:53 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @ProSourcePrint @asana @producteev @bitrix24 @Wunderlist Thank you thank you!!! #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:53:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Such great suggestions for task manager and calendar apps, #prodchat peeps! w00t! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:53:28 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith @rememberthemilk @todoist @Wunderlist Highly appreciate the suggestions. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:53:37 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Of yes, syncing with mobile devices is a must, #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:53:38 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy A9 – For paper, the squares have to be big enough to actually be useful! Online/app, color coding! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:53:43 +0000 2017
ProSourcePrint A9: I use @googlecalendar so I’m not looking for features. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:54:00 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith My Google calendar synchs with my cellphone and laptop, and I never asked it to. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:54:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony And, if you have any questions about features or such, please feel free to tweet at me. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:54:12 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Well, you may need to un-ask it to, then! LOL #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:54:31 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony @rsidneysmith I will make sure to keep that in mind. ✔#ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:54:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q10: In what way(s) do you think differently today after #ProdChat about your task list or calendar? #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:55:01 +0000 2017
michelle1908 A9: Sync (which is a given), ease of entry. I love the android widget too. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:55:35 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy A10 – @rsidneysmith That I need to find a good task list system! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:56:10 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A9 if I’m thinking app wise. Notifications and being able to personalize it. Paper, space is a huge factor except for Post its. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:56:29 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A10: @DrFrankBuck’s suggestion made me think about calendaring major project milestones in my calendar. Experiment! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:56:29 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A9c: I used Google Calendar but sync to the native calendar on my Android. (Actually has a nice monthly view) @Toodledo for tasks. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:56:34 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A10 I might give more consdieration to a task list if I can see how it helps me better keep my act together. #ProdChat Thu Jan 26 01:56:41 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy As I said to @OmnipoTony, please tweet at me with questions, happy to help! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:56:56 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Please feel free to join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion this Saturday!… Thu Jan 26 01:57:01 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A10 that some apps have options I didnt know about such as the color coding in @googlecalendar and task managing in @evernote #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:57:46 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: February 1 – “Being Productive by Voice.” Join us! Have a great rest of your week, all! Thu Jan 26 01:58:01 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @rsidneysmith @OmnipoTony – Thanks! I’m going to scroll back through this chat later and check out the recommendations. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:58:08 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A10: Seems the group likes having calendar AND task list. More committed to staying the course! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:58:11 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A10 also the other options you guys recommended will be a great take away. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:58:17 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy There will also be a transcript/slideshow out tomorrow of #prodchat! Thu Jan 26 01:58:37 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith The voice topic will be a great one! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:58:46 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @rsidneysmith – I’ll be adding this to my list of weekly chats! I can’t always make it, but this was helpful! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:58:49 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, less calendar versus task list, and more, calendar AND task list! LOL #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:59:04 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JoysOfMercy We’re here most every Wednesday at 8pm EST! We look forward to having you back, Jennifer! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:59:30 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @CarloLPena Enjoy, Carlo! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 01:59:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I’m hoping so…please feel free to DM any questions you think might be good for the group! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:00:09 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:00 +0000 2017
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Thank you! #prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:17 +0000 2017
gtdnyc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
w3consulting RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
gtdpgh RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
GTDPhilly RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
gtddc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
focusatwork RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:01:36 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 02:04:28 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 12:43:27 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 12:43:27 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Jan 26 12:53:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @CarloLPena @DrFrankBuck Yes, when in doubt, a project as defined by #GTD, gets a deadline of one year from origination date. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 14:21:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @CarloLPena @DrFrankBuck Yes, when in doubt, a project as defined by #GTD, gets a deadline of one year from origination date. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 14:21:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @CarloLPena @DrFrankBuck One gets better at intuiting project lengths, after one starts to consistently meet your deadlines. #prodchat Thu Jan 26 14:24:19 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Join #ProdChat for our next #productivity topic! Thu Jan 26 18:00:33 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Join #ProdChat for our next #productivity topic! Thu Jan 26 18:00:33 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck This will be a good one! #ProdChat #productivity #GetOrganized Thu Jan 26 18:05:16 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #ProdChat is a weekly #productivity chat. Join us for different topics Wednedays at 8pm ET. Fri Jan 27 15:00:27 +0000 2017
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