#ProdChat – 02/16/2013 – #Productivity & #Change
Tonight’s #ProdChat was inspired by "Who Moved My Cheese?," the book by Dr. Spencer Johnson and Dr. Kenneth Blanchard. How do you stay productive during change? It was a great chat, so read on! Hope you can join us next week!
In case you missed last week’s #ProdChat, here’s the transcript:
And, here’s the start of #ProdChat for Wednesday, February 6, 2013…
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “Being Productive During Change”
Let’s start things with intro’s. In 140 characters, tell us a bit about you. And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
Same here! RT @nmhouston #prodchat — starts at the top of the hour! expect heavier than usual tweeting from me . . .
RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “Being Productive During Change”
@IsaPinaud Hola! Nice to see you this evening! #prodchat
@michgunn @TaraRodden @nmhouston @IsaPinaud Hey, Michelle, Tara, Natalie and Isabel! Great to have you here! #prodchat
@TheJobBrander Great to have you here! #prodchat
@TaraRodden don’t think so but maybe helps one to do the less than “evident” stuff at one’s lleaisure or when thought about? #prodchat
They’re just jealous 😉 MT @IsaPinaud: …I love productivity, getting things done and omnifocus (my friends joke I have OCD) #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Oh God I hated that bl**dy book #prodchat
🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: They just might be since I’m perfect and all haha 😉 #prodchat
@TaraRodden yes nicely put #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A1: Change can produce a lot of uncertainty & fear, which blocks many peoples productivity. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A1 Disruption. Discomfort. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston A1: Change can produce a lot of uncertainty & fear, which blocks many people’s productivity. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I honestly can’t recall off hand but do remember being unimpressed #prodchat not much of an answer but my truth
RT @TaraRodden: A1 Disruption. Discomfort. #prodchat
RT @IsaPinaud A1 Productivity requires knowledge of the tasks at hand and therefore control… you can’t control most changes #prodchat
.@TaraRodden said “Discomfort” which I think is really important — being aware of one’s discomfort, however it shows up #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Yes, such a great GTD / MIAW concept: control versus perspective. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith then I’ll have to do some homework Ray #prodchat
Hey, Jonathan! Welcome! RT @ionathanalcant: Good evening, my name is Jonathan, im pretty unproductive and i want to fix that. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A1 depends on the personality but sounds a logical proposition #prodchat
MT @nmhouston .@TaraRodden said “Discomfort” which I think is really important — being aware of one’s discomfort… #prodchat
@ionathanalcant Welcome aboard. You’re in the right place. 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith for instance I’d imagine most here enjoy change assuming in reasonable control #prodchat
@rsidneysmith remind us, why do they call success “cheese”?? just curious 🙂 #prodchat
@ionathanalcant Welcome, Jonathan! You’ve come on a great night to think about changing your productive habits! 🙂 Ask Qs! #prodchat
@ionathanalcant Hi Jhonny 🙂 … Everyone this is my long time friend Jonathan #prodchat
@nmhouston I have this belief that all change happens because of “discomfort.” cc @TaraRodden #prodchat
@nmhouston In the book, the allegory is of mice chasing after their food source, cheese. 🙂 #prodchat
ditto RT @IsaPinaud: A2 I have not read this book, but I do agree that fear makes people avoid change. It paralyzes you. #prodchat
@nmhouston I imagine it’s because success is the goal just like cheese is the goal for mice in a maze (havent read the book) #prodchat
MT @nmhouston: A2. Even positive change, like a new job, can bring up fear as well. Fear of failure and fear of success… #prodchat
@rsidneysmith yes that was a personal qualification – but change is relative -good change or change for personailities like change #prodchat
@nmhouston Amen! And, both fear of success/failure happen concurrently just in differing perspectives on the same matter. #prodchat
.@rsidneysmith a spiritual/holistic approach to productivity would say that happiness is never outside. The cheese is within you. #prodchat
Know it all too well. 🙁 MT @nmhouston: A2. Fear of failure and fear of success are both fears. #prodchat
@nmhouston ohh yes I suffer from both of those! #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: a spiritual/holistic approach to productivity would say that happiness is never outside. The cheese is within you. #prodchat
+1 MT @rsidneysmith: both fear of success/failure happen concurrently just in differing perspectives on the same matter. #prodchat
@gregglovins Great to have you monitoring with us, Greg! #prodchat
RT @nmhouston spiritual/holistic approach to productivity would say that happiness is never outside. The cheese is within you. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thank you R. Great being here as always! #prodchat
@gregglovins You’re welcome and you’re always welcome! 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thanks Ray 🙂 #prodchat
This applies to much, beyond fear of failure RT @TaraRodden: Normalize discomfort and reward effort. Emphasize learning. #prodchat
RT @IsaPinaud A3 I believe change is thrust upon us as hidden opportunities #prodchat
@TaraRodden slowly but surely. I spent about five hours yesterday working on perfect citation. #prodchat
@nmhouston Doesn’t it, though? I think normalizing discomfort is one of the most life changing lessons I got from #DaringGreatly. #prodchat
Really like this phrase, @rsidneysmith: “failing with grace” #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanks! It took me a while to really wordsmith the concept…teach it in many #entrepreneurship workshops now. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith being astute or aware in other words? #prodchat
MT @nmhouston: …taking little tiny steps into the fear. You dont have to dive into the deep end right away: dip toe into water. #prodchat
Thanks so much! @rsidneysmith: @TaraRodden We’re rooting for you, Kenna! (perfect citation or not!) ;-D #prodchat”
@TaraRodden just keep swimming… #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: I use the structure of having heavy & light lifting days. That allows me to deal w/ change more effectively. #prodchat
@mikevardy Great to have you here, Mike! #prodchat
MT @nmhouston: A4 Creating a transition zone or ritual can help bring awareness, help you be present w/ where you are (work/home) #prodchat
RT @mikevardy: A4: I use the structure of having heavy & light lifting days. That allows me to deal w/ change more effectively. #prodchat
I like this model! MT @mikevardy:I use the structure of having heavy & light lifting days to deal w/ change more effectively. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I’m not sure if most people work that way. I don’t keep any regular schedule. My husband’s is a bit more typical. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Wait? I don’t have to fill up the staplers? (All four of them in my office!) 😉 #prodchat
But staplers are important. @IsaPinaud: A4 Make sure you aren’t falling for the tricks like “I have to fill up my stapler NOW”. #prodchat”
@nmhouston It works for me, especially with the fact that I am also a stay-at-home dad. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I tend to fall in this kind of behaviour very often, i need to correct it #prodchat
@rsidneysmith my gut tells me that the traditional 9 to 5 is obsolete, but I fear it’s being replaced with constant work. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Boundaries, you need. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud or you can thrive on them? #prodchat
Yes! #yoda Surprisingly, I have them in relationships but not with my work. RT @TaraRodden: @rsidneysmith Boundaries, you need. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith We have an amazing assistant who bought me the world’s best stapler. It’s worth the praise. #prodchat
@TaraRodden Well, that’s not true. Past tense. I didn’t have them with my work. I feel like I’m much better today. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I agree. It’s important to set your own boundaries or you never stop working. Brain needs to relax to be creative. #prodchat
. @nmhouston that reminds me of my time as a reporter: shoot for the big story, but have a backup if you can’t get there … today #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Depends on if you mind that role. Some people identify themselves through their work. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: I agree. Its important to set your own boundaries or you never stop working. Brain needs to relax to be creative. #prodchat
MT @mikevardy: A4: I find the use of contexts and/or tags is always helpful when dealing with change. Kind of keeps you grounded. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith but how to get others on board to be this safety net? #prodchat
Yes. @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith I think fluid boundaries are a factor (both pos & neg) for many people, esp due to mobile tech #prodchat”
Lost… what? RT @TaraRodden: @GTDbloke @rsidneysmith @profkrg @IsaPinaud Under a parking lot! The indignity! #prodchat
A5: This: #prodchat pic.twitter.com/neVfwmXbom/neVfwmXb
RT @IsaPinaud: Try thinking about your priorities more often.Write them on a piece of paper and put them where you will read them #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A5: practice reframing: How many different ways can you view this change? What lessons might it be offering? #prodchat
Nice! RT @nmhouston: A5: practice reframing: How many different ways can you view this change? What lessons might it be offering? #prodchat
BTW, I’ve launched Productivity Book Group! Info: http://goo.gl/szV9b (G+ event) or h http://goo.gl/14lmJ site). Join us! #prprodchat
OMG!!!! @rsidneysmith: Productivity Book Group! Info: http://goo.gl/szV9b (G+ event) or h http://goo.gl/14lmJ site). Join us! #prprodchat
@rsidneysmith Hey Google+ neat – I’ll take a peek #prodchat
yay! RT @rsidneysmith: BTW, I’ve launched Productivity Book Group! Info: http://goo.gl/szV9b (G+ event) or h http://goo.gl/14lmJ #prprodchat
Whoa! MT @TaraRodden: King Richard IIIs body was recently found and positively identified. His grave was under a parking lot. #prodchat
@TaraRodden Thanks, Tara. I was completely lost there. 😉 Happens sometimes on #prodchat
@TaraRodden I think @joshgroban quipped that at this rate we’ll never find Hoffa’s body then. ;-P #prodchat
@rsidneysmith thanks will try but away soon until March 21 #prodchat
@mikevardy Enjoy dinner, Mike! Thanks for coming to spend some quality #productivity time with us! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Mine either! I always get a call and go check out an opportunity. The rest is history. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith My pleasure! 🙂 #prodchat
MT @IsaPinaud: A6: Starting college..At the time I had 3 jobs, training for a fourth, designing costumes for a play and doing MUNs #prodchat