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#ProdChat – 02/28/13 – #SOHO #Organization

#ProdChat – 02/28/13 – #SOHO #Organization

This week on #ProdChat we talked about small/home office organization for greater productivity.

  1. @hope_blunk Very, very cool! You’ll like it! (Nice background. We’re a fan of @LillyPulitzer too.) #prodchat
  2. @ecreelman3 Hey Erin! We’re glad you’re here tonight! Welcome! #prodchat
  3. My first #prodchat Excited to see what’s in store and hopefully learn something new #personalgrowth
  4. @C_Ox2_K Glad you are here tonight too! We’ll overlook the fact that you are from Ohio State–most of us are #SEC fans. 😉 #prodchat
  5. Wow. Hi, everyone! Fun to have new folks joining in! 🙂 #prodchat
  6. @apinaud Hey, Augusto! How’re you and the new little one, Tomas (right?)! #prodchat
  7. @nmhouston Natalie! So good to see you again! Hope you are excellent! #prodchat
  8. @sendgine, doing well. except I dropped my iphone in a bowl of water, so I am no using an Iphone 3g until the Samsung 4 comes out #prodchat
  9. Excited to learn about personal productivity tonight! Are there any special guests tonight? #prodchat
  10. Let’s start things off with intro’s. In 140 characters, tell us about you. And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  11. Please add #prodchat to each tweet to make sure you show up in the conversation feed! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. for readability.
  12. @rsidneysmith hi Ray. Tomas is growing fast. Soon I hope will join us here in #prodchat
  14. @C_Ox2_K Ha Ha! We’ll see how this upcoming season goes. 😉 #prodchat
  15. A1 yes provided I have my workspace setup properly with a keyboard, mouse, monitor and workarea
  16. Hi, #prodchat! How is everyone? What are we talking about this evening?
  17. my intro: I’m Natalie, a productivity coach & academic – I help people move forward on their important projects & goals #prodchat
  18. Ha! Kids are using iPads better than me! RT @apinaud: hi Ray. Tomas is growing fast. Soon I hope will join us here in #prodchat
  19. A1. Absolutely. We’re all about work/life flow. Employees can work in our office or from home–wherever they are comfortable. #prodchat
  20. I think you can be very productive from home if you dont mind working in a setting your all ways at! soo yess!! @rsidneysmith #prodchat
  21. A1 I find myself more productive away from home. But when push comes to shove and I need to get things done, I can. #prodchat
  22. I am a productivity best seller author and speaker. #prodchat
  23. My intro: Design supply chain systems during the day and trying to promote by book by night. Love to mountain bike rest of time #prodchat
  24. Hi. Michelle here. I’m a GTD’er and I use OmniFocus for my task manager. I’m a organizational/productivity/tech geek. 😉 #prodchat
  25. Personally, I find that working from home is much more of distraction #prodchat
  26. Yes! I do some of my best work from home. Its all about your personal mindset and motivation! RT @rsidneysmith: Q1 #prodchat
  27. Bragger! 😉 I never get to be the best seller. How’s the baby? @apinaud: I am a productivity best seller author and speaker. #prodchat
  28. I’m Hope, a junior at Ohio State majoring in Communications. I’m big a list maker so that helps me stay productive. #prodchat
  29. A1 working at home it is a challenge. It can make you more productive, but also need more self control and boundaries #prodchat
  31. A1 Yes, working from home is essential to my productivity. That’s where I coach, write, think. I only teach at university. #prodchat
  32. @rsidneysmith oh, Lord! I need this one. I’ll tweet a pic of my home office in a bit. You’ll all gasp. #prodchat
  33. Not bad. A little warmer, although a little bit rainy. You win some and lose some. 😉 MT @sendgine: Yes! You too! Hows #NYC? #prodchat
  34. Almost forgot our introduction. We’re Sendgine! We love #socialproductivity and helping people be more #productive! #prodchat
  35. A1. Yes, I can be very productive at home. But when being home is the norm, it gets a little more tricky to not get distracted. #prodchat
  36. Similar to Hope, I am a junior at Ohio State majoring in strategic communications and consumer sciences #prodchat
  37. Do you think that marketing and advertisement can be very beneficial in the law field ? #prodchat
  38. A1: Yes, I tend to be more productive at home. My office is across from the student newsroom. It’s “organized” chaos. #prodchat
  39. A1: I do most of my work at home. Making to do lists definitely help me stay focus and keeps away from distractions #listmaker #prodchat
  40. I’m also a junior at Ohio State majoring in communications @hope_blunk I stay on top of all my work by making lists too! #prodchat
  41. A1: Plus, when I work from home I don’t lose commute time and I can have laundry going while I work. #prodchat
  42. A2 I use a standing desk in my home office which really helps me stay focused and comfortable #prodchat
  43. Ray, what’s the end to Q2? Is it cut off after ‘be’? #prodchat
  44. Who invited all of Ohio State? Welcome, guys and gals! #prodchat
  45. I think that no matter what industry you are in their is so much room for communications and can always make you productive #work #prodchat
  46. A2: It’s quiet at home during the day. That helps productivity a lot! #prodchat
  47. A2 We have lots of whiteboards, so we have an easy space to capture ideas, turn them into action plans, and excite efficiently. #prodchat
  48. Q2 was supposed to end with “better” LOL Sorry about that. #prodchat
  49. A1 I’m finding it really difficult to work from home, even though I desperately need to in order to finish my #dissertation. #prodchat
  50. @sendgine hello! It’s great to see you too. Happy Wednesday! #prodchat
  51. @profkrg: Who invited all of Ohio State? Welcome, guys and gals! #prodchat” I believe (most) of us are here for our strat comm class
  52. A2 I’ve moved my desk to look out my window. The distractions out there are better for focus than the ones in my kitchen. 😉 #prodchat
  53. @noradekeyser Well, we’ll follow you too! What is your major at Ohio State? #prodchat
  54. A2: Weird personality quirk, I concentrate better with background radio. But TV…big no-no. #prodchat
  55. Jealous! @sendgine: A2 We have lots of whiteboards, so we have an easy space to capture ideas… #prodchat
  56. @ParkerGreve Nice! Have you checked out any other Twitter Chats? #prodchat
  57. A2 Communicating with other family members about your need for undisturbed work time can be key to working well from home. #prodchat
  58. wierd was getting a 403 post error for the last few minutes, switched from IE to firefox, now its working again #prodchat
  59. A2 I have a giant, erasable 4 month calendar that lets me keep track of deadlines AND “start”lines. I can’t function without it. #prodchat
  60. MT @michgunn: A2 moved my desk to look out my window. Distractions out there are better for focus than the ones in my kitchen. 😉 #prodchat
  61. A2: I always work with enough space to see all my work (usually at a desk) to avoid clutter #prodchat
  62. @jrnolan12 Same here. We always have music, but no TV. Not even Bloomberg. Ha Ha. #prodchat
  63. Agreed! RT @jrnolan12: A2: Weird personality quirk, I concentrate better with background radio. But TV…big no-no. #prodchat
  64. @michgunn There’s some pretty good research showing that ancillary stimulation can help you focus! cc @jrnolan12 #prodchat
  65. @profkrg You are welcome to come by anytime! Our HQ are in #Indianapolis! 🙂 #prodchat
  66. I am a complete neat freak, so everything on my desk is always organized #productive #prodchat
  67. @rsidneysmith Too many distractions, from tv to my dog’s refusal to be ignored. Even housework is sometimes better than writing. #prodchat
  68. @C_Ox2_K Ha Ha. Don’t judge–not yet. Lots of client work today. Summarize for us? #prodchat
  69. I agree. I always need a clean desk with just the project at hand on it. Clutter just distracts me. #prodchat
  70. @jrnolan12 Same here. Classical music is very helpful to me. When I try to do serious work while watching tv, I get distracted #prodchat
  71. A2 another benefit to working at home: my three dogs are always ready to take a break and play outdoors. Clears the mind. #prodchat
  72. @sendgine Unfortunately not. I’m new to this. But I’m really starting to see the potential behind these #prodchat #personalgrowth
  73. A2: I have a room in the basement that no one bothers me in. That is where I am most #productive and can really focus on my tasks #prodchat
  74. A2: I prefer working from my desk. I like having a lot of room to do my work and it helps me stay organized #productive #prodchat #prodchat
  75. @rsidneysmith I’ve participated before. I’m usually never free around this time. Glad to be able to join again! #prodchat
  77. A2 Standup desk, just bought it from amazon for 250 #prodchat
  78. I always need to have the right environment to stay productive with no distractions!! Being very organized is also keyy #prodchat
  79. @ParkerGreve Cool! I’m glad you like them! If you like #prodchat, you might like #TChat or #SWChat too. 🙂
  80. @sendgine that’s pretty far from me, but I’ll take you up on it if I’m ever in town. #prodchat
  81. I also find it helpful to study in public places where I am forced to do work instead of goof off at home #easilydistracted #prodchat
  82. @nmhouston I do the same w/my pup. If I’m feeling stuck then I take him for a walk & come back to my work refreshed/creative. #prodchat
  83. A3 an in-basket. And a shredder (no annoying paper hanging around). #prodchat
  84. @C_Ox2_K That makes us a bit nervous. Maybe we should check this out right now… #prodchat
  85. To the authors in the room. Currently reading 7 habits of highly effective people. Any other recommendations? Including your own? #prodchat
  86. You would die twice if you saw my desk. @michgunn: I always need a clean desk with just the project at hand on it. #prodchat
  87. @ScarletRegina Wonderful! Welcome back! It’s what happens when I don’t host every chat. I lose track of all the wonderful ppl! 🙂 #prodchat
  88. @profkrg Ahh. Writer’s block bc of a paralyzing fear of failure, both of which I’m just starting to overcome. Thankfully! #prodchat
  89. Cool! RT @jjmccullen: A2 Standup desk, just bought it from amazon for 250 #prodchat
  90. @jjmccullen I’ve been using a standing desk for almost a year– really love it! Recommend getting anti-fatigue floor mat #prodchat
  91. I work from home and have learn that the desk need to be clean and ready for me when I arrived at 4:30 am #prodchat
  92. #prodchat sorry I’m late! A1: Absolutely, love doing productive work at home. A2: Love having access to cooking/food at home–for the mind!
  93. @ParkerGreve I would really recommend continuing on after #7Habits and read Dr. Covey’s #8thHabit! #prodchat
  94. Shredder, check! 🙂 RT “@michgunn: A3 an in-basket. And a shredder (no annoying paper hanging around). #prodchat
  95. @ParkerGreve, we are reading Getting Things done for a book group that @rsidneysmith is hosting starting this saturday at noon est #prodchat
  96. Ah! yes… “@TuttonLara I also find it helpful to study in public places where I am forced to do work instead of goof off at home” #prodchat
  97. Good idea, Natalie! MT @nmhouston: @jjmccullen Ive been using a standing desk– really love it! Recommend: anti-fatigue floor mat #prodchat
  98. That’s an awesome idea! MT @nmhouston: @jjmccullen Ive been using a standing desk for almost a year– really love it! #prodchat
  99. @jodiacampbell I read Finish your dissertation once and for all. It was helpful for that. I got a “bravo” on my latest revisions! #prodchat
  100. @TuttonLara Totally understandable! Accountability, check. We sometimes work from @Starbucks or @panera for that reason too! #prodchat
  101. @TuttonLara I am often my most productive when I am at a coffee shop or park w/wifi. #prodchat
  102. @jennpark Hey Jennifer! Great to connect on #prodchat! Good answer to #2! 🙂
  103. @@C_Ox2_K, I am doing it more to keep my hips from getting too tight, no back issues so I can’t comment #prodchat
  104. @ParkerGreve I’m a mass comm prof! Did your professor ask you to attend? Why? #prodchat
  105. @noradekeyser @LillyPulitzer Good choice! Side note–Lilly had a clearance sale on some of those today. 😉 #prodchat
  106. A3 Index cards a lamp an the desk. Everything else in mine is digital #prodchat
  107. A3 Pen, notebook, coffee are some of my favorite non-digital office tools 🙂 #prodchat
  108. @justin_weisman yikes. I’m afraid I don’t know enough about your efforts to answer that question. #prodchat
  109. @ScarletRegina Yes coffee shops have the best atmospheres! I always feel comfortable and in a good mind set to do work 🙂 #prodchat
  110. Q3: My @LillyPulitzer planner and my desk. I am a very organized person so everything I need is in those two places. #prodchat
  111. @jennpark @jodiacampbell It was just nice knowing I’m not alone. And, believe me, we’re not. #prodchat
  112. A3. Dry erase board and markers are a definite for our offices. #prodchat
  113. Coffee! Yes! 😀 RT @nmhouston: A3 Pen, notebook, coffee are some of my favorite non-digital office tools 🙂 #prodchat
  114. A3: It’s my clipboard and fountain pen. I get more “deep work” done in my office with those two tools than any other non-digital. #prodchat
  115. @jennpark @profkrg I read Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, which was v. helpful getting over writers block, but I might check that out. #prodchat
  116. RT @sendgine: A3. Dry erase board and markers are a definite for our offices. #prodchat
  117. I love all of those things, in that order. @nmhouston: A3 Pen, notebook, coffee are some of my favorite non-digital office tools. #prodchat
  118. @TuttonLara I find that a simple change of scenery can increase my productivity. #prodchat
  119. @sendgine I love dry erase boards, great way to get started on a project
  120. MT @hope_blunk: Q3: My @LillyPulitzer planner and desk. I am a very organized person so everything I need is in those two places. #prodchat
  121. my planner is my life, has everything ill ever need in it #organized #prodchat
  122. A3: Everything and anything I need to remember goes on my phone (it’s attached to my hand) #prodchat
  123. @nmhouston My office is 45 minutes away, so that’s out. I’ve tried finding places, but haven’t been v. successful anywhere so far. #prodchat
  124. @C_Ox2_K human spine is not designed for sitting at a desk all day. Using a standing desk some of the time helps relieve strain #prodchat
  125. @TuttonLara, same here until last week when I trashed my phone, I have been having withdrawals all week without my smartphone. #prodchat
  126. @rsidneysmith yes, I also find that writing by hand is best for deep, creative thinking #prodchat
  127. @profkrg @jennpark That’s what I liked about Lamott’s book. It’s for all writers, but it’s nice to know writers struggle, too. #prodchat
  128. @ParkerGreve By the way, you might enjoy books by @briansolis or @DanielPink too. Great authors–great #socialbiz ideas. #prodchat
  129. @jjmccullen Totally. It’s usually where all of our great thinking starts! 🙂 #prodchat
  130. I’ve also found that there are some great apps you can download on an iPhone to increase productivity #prodchat
  131. @nmhouston @C_Ox2_K Yep. I teach yoga & even I find myself slouching when I sit for too long. Never happens w/standing desk. #prodchat
  132. I’ve been using a portable whiteboard I really like by Ideafuel — can moprodchatound #prodchat
  133. Daniel Pink is a great speaker, i saw him recently at a concert. Some great videos of him on Youtube #prodchat
  134. Coffee, that is a given on mine tooRT @nmhouston: A3 Pen, notebook, coffee are some of my favorite non-digital office tools 🙂 #prodchat
  135. Coffee and dry erase boards are definitely my go-to when starting on a project. #prodchat #prodchat
  137. @jjmccullen I don’t know what I would do without mine! It’s probably bad how dependent I am with my phone #prodchat
  138. oops, meant to say conference not concert (daniel Pink)
  139. Yes, and for scriptotherapy! MT @nmhouston: yes, I also find that writing by hand is best for deep, creative thinking #prodchat
  140. A4 I went digital. Still getting the remaining files digitized, but everything new is automatically electronified. #prodchat
  141. A4 – Digital, the only paper in my office is for projects I am actively working. Leaves more room for snacks in my drawers #prodchat
  142. My handwriting is illegible RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith yes, I also find that writing by hand is best for deep, creative thinking #prodchat
  144. A4 We’re totally digital, so we keep everything stored online and in the cloud. Plus, our #trainofthought system is secure. #prodchat
  145. @jjmccullen I was on a hilarious imaginative tangent imagining a concert with productivity authors 🙂 #prodchat
  146. A4: Yes? I keep most files in digital form in Evernote. I also have an alphabetized filing box for dissertation lit. #prodchat
  147. As a college student, I do have a digital filing system I use that makes things extremely simple. #Productivity #prodchat
  148. A1 I find that being able to have all my backup documents on hand no matter where I am is super handy. No need to tote folders 😉 #prodchat
  149. A4: I keep a digital filing system CONS = can get lost/erased PROS = easy/efficient #prodchat
  150. +1 RT “@TuttonLara: A4: I keep a digital filing system CONS = can get lost/erased PROS = easy/efficient #prodchat
  151. A4a: I’m hybrid. I have a calendar file (tickler), but I eventually digitize everything. Good is centralization of all data. #prodchat
  152. A4 still have some of both, though paper files greatly reduced due to my beloved Scansnap scanner #prodchat
  153. A4 everything that can be digital goes to Evernote… Sadly there is a bunch of paper that you need to keep #prodchat
  154. Absolutely! Not easily lost. RT “@C_Ox2_K: A4B: with my digital I can pull statements up from anywhere using my phone or ipad #prodchat
  155. @rsidneysmith Going digital. Physical files are still sometimes quicker/easier. Has anyone used “Neat” scanning system? Thoughts? #prodchat
  156. A4b: Bad is that if I’m in a place where no Web access, I’m sunk. EG, when you’re hired by someone who works in the Pentagon! 🙁 #prodchat
  157. A4.2 even most of those on paper are also in an electronic format #prodchat
  158. A4 I’m entering the academic job mkt & realized I have too much paper to carry w/ me on multiple moves. Almost fully digital now. #prodchat
  159. A4: Both…although primarily digital. Physical is now less dependable because most files I need aren’t printed out #prodchat
  160. A4 being able to annotate PDFs by hand (w/stylus) on my tablet now an extra bonus to my digital filing system #prodchat
  161. @jjmccullen I knew I should had kept those drawers #prodchat what a shame I don’t have any anymore 🙁
  162. @jennpark That’s great! Better for the environment too, which we like! 🙂 #prodchat
  163. A4: I would prefer digital because I find it easier to manage but its not a bad thing to have physical either. #prodchat
  164. A4b: biggest con–changing my mind about how I want to organize. I want to try new systems, but hard to change once you have one #prodchat
  165. @C_Ox2_K Yes! We can appreciate that feeling too. What system do you use? #prodchat
  166. HA!! RT @apinaud: @jjmccullen I knew I should had kept those drawers #prodchat what a shame I dont have any anymore 🙁 #prodchat
  167. A4b I recently had an issue finding notes I took on a 219 page doc for my #dissertation. I now have the Found app as a backup. #prodchat
  168. Help for John, anyone? MT @jrnolan12: Has anyone used “Neat” scanning system? Thoughts? #prodchat
  169. Snagit is a great tool to help get rid of paper. When I need to sign something I print it to Snagit, paste in my signature done #prodchat
  170. yes, I moved way too much paper 15 yrs ago MT @jodiacampbell: realized I have too much paper to carry w/ me on multiple moves. #prodchat
  171. @jennpark I do think trying new organizational systems can be good. Sometimes we need to rejuvenate how we organize things. #prodchat
  172. MT @jjmccullen: Snagit is great to get rid of paper. When I need to sign something I print it to Snagit, paste in my signature #prodchat
  173. @jennpark Agreed! I still haven’t found a system I’m completely happy w/ and can waste time reorganizing. #prodchat
  174. I use to have one. Now I scan using the camera on the iPhone or iPad. Easier and faster #prodchat (use ScannerPro as an app)
  175. My friend has a “neat” scanner. I set it up for her to scan direct to Evernote. Gives her more control over the material she scans #prodchat
  176. @jodiacampbell I had that problem working from multiple offices. Whatever I needed was in the other place. Solution = digital. #prodchat
  177. @C_Ox2_K Oh, yes! I use @evernote, @Dropbox and other services with offline access. Still not helpful inside the Pentagon! LOL #prodchat
  178. I prefer a digital system when keeping my paperwork organized #prodchat
  179. The Neat software is pretty handy, though. The receipts one reads the receipts and puts the info in a database. Not too shabby! #prodchat
  180. @C_Ox2_K It’s been a learning process, and now I know to print what I need before going to see my client…and stepping outside! #prodchat
  181. @apinaud, same here I take pictures of all my receipts with Evernote #prodchat
  182. @C_Ox2_K @rsidneysmith I use Dropbox for my course lectures for a given semester. Everything else is on Evernote. #prodchat
  183. @C_Ox2_K We have not! Do you like it? (PS We love how a lot of tools are integrating @Dropbox, @box, and @evernote files.) #prodchat
  185. @jodiacampbell @jennpark it took me FOREVER to figure out how to organize my dissertation lit. Finally got it about two weeks ago. #prodchat
  186. I use my Scansnap scanner at home office, and when mobile use Camscanner on my phone — prprodchat
  187. @sendgine @C_Ox2_K @profkrg I’m finding that @LogMeIn and similar services are less necessary now with @google Drive. You? #prodchat
  188. I work on a table with iPad, index cards and coffee… Even that I have a nice set up at home I can work anywhere #prodchat
  189. A5: Until last semester I worked from home, work and school. Three offices meant msny things were in my car. Down to two. #prodchat
  190. A5 Our employees work wherever they like–but most do a mix of home and office. As long as they have laptops, they are good to go! #prodchat
  191. I never heard of @evernote until tonight. Thanks for introducing it to me. #GreatTips #prodchat
  192. @profkrg @jodiacampbell glad you did! That’s exactly what I’m struggling with right now, how to organize all that diss lit #prodchat
  193. @profkrg @C_Ox2_K Kenna, does your school have a particular eLearning platform it uses? #prodchat
  194. @profkrg @jennpark That’s still an issue but it’s too late now to reorganize. I refuse to go through 1000s of scanned pages again. #prodchat
  195. A5: I organized by putting everything in either Dropbox or Evernote. I lost a ton of stuff when they dumped MobileMe. 🙁 #prodchat
  196. A5: Sometimes I work in different locations…most of the time I stick to where I feel comfortable (Barnes&Noble, Starbucks etc.) #prodchat
  197. @rsidneysmith Definitely agree. @google is making some major, exciting moves in this space! #prodchat
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