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#Prodchat – 03/06/2013 – Myth of #MultiTasking

#Prodchat – 03/06/2013 – Myth of #MultiTasking

This week we discussed strategies to not only overcome multi-tasking but also to use multi-tasking for what it’s worth in our personal productivity systems! Great conversations! Enjoy!

  1. In case you missed last week’s chat, here’s the transcription for “SOHO Organization”:

    Also, don’t forget that the next Productivity Book Group is Saturday, March 16! Read  with us! Info:  or.
  2. @sendgine Great to see you too! Mine was interesting the dictator of my country died yesterday. How was yours? #prodchat
  3. @IsaPinaud Wow–will that result in a lot of changes? It’s been busy, but awesome! Great ideas coming through. #prodchat
  4. @IsaPinaud @sendgine Wow! And I was just happy with checking off all my planned tasks for today! 😛 #prodchat
  5. @sendgine As a country we have a lot of work to do, but I am hoping we change our current situation for the better. #prodchat
  6. @sendgine Glad to see you doing good! Ideas have been raining this week for me too! #prodchat
  7. @rsidneysmith Is it a bad sign that I’m updating my CRM in the other window during the #prodchat? 😉
  8. @IsaPinaud I am confident with people like you it will change for the better! So glad ideas have been flowing for you too! 🙂 #prodchat
  9. @rsidneysmith @sendgine I did not get much done… I can’t check off of my list President Dead haha #prodchat
  10. RT @rsidneysmith @bschorr Well, we’ll discuss that very issue tonight during #prodchat < I know. 🙂
  11. @rsidneysmith How are you this evening? #prodchat Love todays topic by the way.
  12. Let’s start with intro’s. In a tweet, tell us about you. And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  13. I presume most here are single-taskers, so let’s break the norm to discuss how #multitasking CAN improve productivity! #prodchat
  14. Hello #prodchat! This week’s topic is a great one and I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts.
  15. As we start, please add #prodchat to each tweet to show up in the conversation! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. for readability.
  18. As we start, please add #prodchat to each tweet to show up in the conversation! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. for readability. #prodchat
  19. @rsidneysmith A1: In my professional life I’m not truly multi-tasking but I do often have multiple tasks happening “at once”. #prodchat
  20. A1: I don’t think it works, but I don’t think we have a choice in today’s world #prodchat
  21. @apinaud Hey, Augusto! Great to have you back from your hiatus! Hope the little one is great and the book launch is going well! #prodchat
  22. I am Augusto Pinaud. An International Best Seller Author and pubic Speaker. #ProdChat
  23. @rsidneysmith Some of the things I do have lag time or waiting built in and I can do something else during those minutes. #prodchat
  24. Totally agree! RT “@jjmccullen: A1: I don’t think it works, but I don’t think we have a choice in today’s world #prodchat
  25. A1 I’m a multitasker by necessity, not by choice. #prodchat
  26. I’m just an 18 year old girl who loves GTD and omnifocus #prodchat
  27. A1: I’m currently all about single-tasking where it makes sense, and multi-tasking when ego-depletion kicks in. #prodchat
  28. Today I am releasing my most recent book #free on #Amazon 4:00 AM A Productivity Argument. PrProdChat
  29. Today I am releasing my most recent book #free on #Amazon 4:00 AM A Productivity Argument. PrProdChat
  30. @nmhouston Hey, Natalie! Great to have you here on the chat, as always! I’m looking forward to your thoughts on #multitasking! #prodchat
  31. A1 The word multitask is wrong according to David Allen. You can’t do more than one thing you can only switch really fast #prodchat
  32. RT @apinaud: Today I am releasing my most recent book #free on #Amazon 4:00 AM A Productivity Argument. prprodchat
  33. @rsidneysmith Thanks! Book launch is going great. Tomas is keeping me awake a lot. He also like to work at 4:00 AM #ProdChat
  34. @profkrg Hey, Kenna! I’m great. How’re you? Staying dry here in NYC. #prodchat
  36. A1 I’m not very good at multitasking if both tasks involve words– prefer serial focusing #prodchat
  37. RT @jjmccullen: A1: I dont think it works, but I dont think we have a choice in todays world #prodchat
  38. I like that term! MT @nmhouston: A1 Im not very good at multitasking if both tasks involve words– prefer serial focusing #prodchat
  39. A1.2 Your ability to multitask depends a lot on how long it takes you to become fully engaged in a task. #prodchat
  40. A1.2 Your ability to multitask depends a lot on how long it takes you to become fully engaged in a task. #prodchat
  41. A1. I try to avoid multitasking as much as possible. I can’t do anything really well when I am multitasking. #ProdChat
  43. A1.2 Only exception: Eating Ice Cream. That you can multitask all that you want 🙂 #ProdChat
  44. @rsidneysmith Well, as a grad std, professor, journal editor, etc. I have to be able to juggle multiple projects. #prodchat
  45. A1 the one kind of multi-tasking I do like is to talk to a friend on the phone while cooking or doing laundry, other chores #prodchat
  46. RT @apinaud: A1. I try to avoid multitasking as much as possible. I cant do anything really well when I am multitasking. #prodchat
  47. RT “@IsaPinaud: A1.2 Your ability to multitask depends a lot on how long it takes you to become fully engaged in a task. #prodchat
  48. @rsidneysmith That’s “juggle” in my head, even if I can’t physically work on multiple things at once, which I often have to do. #prodchat
  49. Q2: Multitasking tends to stress me out. I close out the day and don’t feel like I really accomplished anything
  50. A3 It gives you more chance to make excuses such as “I did not get A done because I was working on B” Although B is not important #prodchat
  51. A2b: I find my relationships suffer when I multitask. Visualize myself looking at my mobile while eating dinner. Bad, bad. 😐 #prodchat
  52. RT @sendgine: A2 Multitasking seems to make people feel like they accomplish less since they cannot focus on one single goal. #prodchat
  53. A1: I try to avoid multitasking whenever possible, which is most of the time. #prodchat
  54. @jjmccullen Our thoughts exactly–though we all multitask like crazy! #prodchat
  55. A2 The way multitasking affects you depends a lot on your engagement threshold #prodchat
  56. A2 On seriously crazy days, I often end up feeling a bit like I have ADHD bc I never get to fully focus on just one thing. #prodchat
  57. @profkrg It’s chilly. I just returned from AZ, so everything is colder relatively speaking. 😛 #prodchat
  58. @rsidneysmith Great point. I think our ability to disconnect and enjoy free time suffers as well. #prodchat
  59. @profkrg Let me know if you’re free for coffee while you’re here! 🙂 #prodchat
  60. Definitely. Everyone is different. RT “@IsaPinaud: A2 The way multitasking affects you depends a lot on your engagement threshold #prodchat
  61. A2 I may have participate on the studies. I am really bad at multitasking. I get so easily distracted that need to handle only 1 #ProdChat
  62. RT @jjmccullen: Q2: Multitasking tends to stress me out. I close out the day and dont feel like I really accomplished anything #prodchat
  63. A2: Multitasking makes me feel more stressed. It also takes longer to complete tasks because you’re doing more than one. #prodchat
  64. A2 Multitasking takes you out of being present. Not a good thing. #prodchat
  65. A2.1 Multitasking makes you become harder on yourself because you can’t measure what you got done. You can’t write 28% of a check #prodchat
  66. Yes, learning to stop is so important. MT @sendgine: I think our ability to disconnect and enjoy free time suffers as well. #prodchat
  67. A2c: Multitasking also feels mental/emotional energy-draining faster than single-tasking, in my experience. #prodchat
  68. A2c: Multitasking also feels mental/emotional energy-draining faster than single-tasking, in my experience. #prodchat
  69. A2 I also think multitasking results from the idea that society sees busyness as a badge of honor. That’s annoying in itself. #prodchat
  70. @jodiacampbell Brilliant point! Yes. Being busy is seen as a sign of self-worth. #prodchat
  71. @rgfeal is a convention of some tweetchats — leader has posed questions with Q1, Q2 –helps to follow the threads #prodchat
  72. A2 Multitasking can take us away from what is most important. We do so much that we miss the real goal, the right purpose. #prodchat
  73. @jodiacampbell Do you keep track of all those things that can be outside of your head? Calendar, tasks/projects lists? #prodchat
  74. @jodiacampbell I completely agree. The busier you are the “more” you are doing… not true at all. #prodchat
  75. @sendgine Thanks! In addition, people in general have this conception that busy people are important people. #prodchat
  76. A2 Multitasking is hard to quit, though — if you are anxious, it can boost your adrenaline, illusion of getting things done. #prodchat
  77. @jodiacampbell Yes. Not true at all. It’s been our experience that you absolutely make time for what is important to you. #prodchat
  78. +1 MT @nmhouston: A2 Multitasking is hard to quit-if you are anxious, it can boost adrenaline, illusion of getting things done. #prodchat
  79. @rsidneysmith Of course! I use Orchestra as my to-do list app and @googlecalendar. Without them, I’m lost. #prodchat
  80. A3: I’ve heard of selective multitasking…basically choosing which tasks to do it with, and which not to do it with. #prodchat
  81. RT @jodiacampbell: Of course! I use Orchestra as my to-do list app and @googlecalendar. Without them, Im lost. #prodchat
  82. @rsidneysmith Exactly what we were going to say. In a way, using multitasking as an excuse to not get the key things done. #prodchat
  83. A3: ironically, I was just thinking about that. I never just watch TV. I’m always grading, reading, tweeting, etc. #prodchat
  84. A3 Important to remember that for some of us, extra inputs or tasks help focusing. No one rule: brains are wired differently. #prodchat
  85. A3: I also rarely just drive. Iisten to audiobooks during my commute. #prodchat
  86. @profkrg Yes, that may be included within a concept called #layering. We’ll discuss in Q4. 🙂 #prodchat
  87. A3: There are some forms of multitasking (ex: audiobook on the treadmill) that excel productivity. #prodchat
  88. A3: There are some forms of multitasking (ex: audiobook on the treadmill) that excel productivity. #prodchat
  89. A3 No. There is rapid refocusing, for example when you drive and talk or when you can cook and talk on the phone #prodchat
  90. RT @profkrg A3: I also rarely just drive. Iisten to audiobooks during my commute. #prodchat < Me too. Or podcasts.
  91. A3.2 Important tasks can not be done while multitasking. Will take longer and quality will be affected #prodchat
  92. A3.2 Important tasks can not be done while multitasking. Will take longer and quality will be affected #prodchat
  93. A3.2 Important tasks can not be done while multitasking. Will take longer and quality will be affected #prodchat
  94. I’m an advanced student. 😉 RE: @rsidneysmith: may be included within a concept called #layering. We’ll discuss in Q4. 🙂 #prodchat
  95. Focus is key RT “@apinaud: A3.2 Important tasks can not be done while multitasking. Will take longer and quality will be affected #prodchat
  96. @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith My calendar was always imp & I love lists, but #GTD drove home the necessity of getting it all down. #prodchat
  97. A3b: One other form I know is meta-tasking…transitioning intelligently between tasks…there’s always overlap, in my mind. #prodchat
  98. @jodiacampbell @IsaPinaud That’s awesome, Jodi! #GTD has worked wonders in my life, for sure. I can’t count the ways. #prodchat
  99. I think it might also be multitasking if you’re doing one thing but thinking of the other. Means you’re not fully engaged. #prodchat
  100. A3 Yes.. multitasking can also be called procrastination 😉 #prodchat
  101. +10 RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Yes.. multitasking can also be called procrastination 😉 #prodchat
  102. @rsidneysmith where does the term meta-tasking come from? I’m interested in this idea #prodchat
  103. Yes! MT @nmhouston: I think it might also be multitasking if youre doing one thing but thinking of the other…not fully engaged. #prodchat
  104. @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Ha Ha! Sometimes, not always. (Don’t tell our supervisors. Just kidding. :)) #prodchat
  105. A3 We spend hours taking measures to control our surroundings; only to without any effort invent an unlimited ways to sabotage it #prodchat
  106. A3.5 Multitasking the most common way of sabotage #prodchat
  107. A3.5 Multitasking the most common way of sabotage #prodchat
  108. @nmhouston I came up with the term myself years ago to acknowledge the space b/w one goal and starting on the next. #metatasking #prodchat
  109. @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Just getting the little things to worry about out of my head has made such a difference. #focus #prodchat
  110. RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Yes.. multitasking can also be called procrastination 😉 #prodchat
  111. RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Yes.. multitasking can also be called procrastination 😉 #prodchat
  114. A3 also social media is multitasking that people don’t even count as a “task” #prodchat
  115. @jodiacampbell Yes, as I frequently say to myself, worry only about what you can do something about. Ignore the rest. #prodchat
  116. Dinner is almost ready, meaning no #prodchat once again. Methinks we need to shift dinner to 6 pm PST on Wednesdays. Sigh.
  117. Definitely! RT @nmhouston A3 also social media is multitasking that people don’t even count as a “task” #prodchat
  118. I agree Ray! Multi-tasking IS draining. Also, I agree that there is overlap as you work on tasks, however it leads to distraction #prodchat
  119. Interesting. Could you expand? RT “@nmhouston: A3 also social media is multitasking that people don’t even count as a “task” #prodchat
  120. A4 Before bedtime I’m usually on fb/twitter/skype chatting and layer that while picking up my room for 15 minutes #prodchat
  121. @profkrg HAHA. Nah! We have lots of #productivity goodness yet to come out of #layering. 😀 You’re just an overachiever, is all! #prodchat
  122. @jodiacampbell @profkrg the question is, how is this working for you? do you want to change something? or are you content? #prodchat
  123. A4 Routines, Routines, Routines… Plan the time will take you to begin, do and finish ie Laundry Get the Towels, Wash and Fold #prodchat
  124. “meta-tasking” sounds interesting BUT, you must complete one task before you transition to another no? #prodchat
  125. @sendgine Many people respond to msgs, tweets, etc, almost instantly, being cued by their devices — but takes time to switch back #prodchat
  126. –> @mikevardy<— I read his blog as well. 🙂 #prodchat Super nice guy! Met him at #nmx @profkrg
  127. A4.2 Laundry-Towels: Wash 45 min / Drying (45-60 min) / Folding (15 min)
    Plan for task that will be done in a block of 45 and 60
  128. @nmhouston Ah! That makes a lot of sense. The #MillenialGeneration is proof of that phenomenon for sure! #prodchat
  129. @profkrg I am not. I work super hard to maintain the organization #prodchat
  130. @profkrg most of the time the mountain is because we don’t count the folding time #prodchat
  131. A4 If I have to watch videos or a movie for college I usually catch up on other homework in the meantime. #prodchat
  132. yes, @apinaud is right, if you learn how long it actually takes to do something, you can layer it, plan for it, etc. Use a timer! #prodchat
  133. @apinaud @profkrg or because you have too many clothes/ not enough storage space, hence procrastinate putting them away. #prodchat
  134. @NYC_CoachO thanks Coach. I am glad I have been able to, but I am really not. I need to work hard at it constantly #prodchat
  135. @nmhouston @profkrg I’ve become much better at NOT multitasking to cut down on wasted time. #prodchat
  136. @apinaud Thats one thing I like about omnifocus how you can put an estimated time it will take to complete then see tasks that way #prodchat
  137. @profkrg I don’t know if it is or not, that’s relative, but it had serve me well for years #prodchat
  139. @apinaud the great ones are never satisfied… Thanks for being a model! #prodchat
  140. Think of automaticity as doing something so often it becomes automatic; your brain’s unconscious takes over. #prodchat
  141. Think of automaticity as doing something so often it becomes automatic; your brain’s unconscious takes over. #prodchat
  142. @apinaud probably a philosophical question (aka: requires drinks), but if it’s “hard work” to be organized… Makes me wonder. #prodchat
  143. Q6 I think it can help, but it takes at least 90 consecutive days to automate something you will need a lot of discipline. #prodchat
  144. A5: One area in which I want to bring automaticity into my life is in writing. So many checklists for grammar, style, form! #prodchat
  145. Q5 Automaticity could increase efficiency. Through repetition of the same multitasking activities, people can be more effective #prodchat
  146. A5b: I’d like to be able to make editing (boiling down) my writing to its essence automatic so I can be more creative, write more. #prodchat
  147. A5: Your mind doesn’t have to switch gears when you’re performing a routine. Less time lost. #prodchat
  148. A5: Your mind doesn’t have to switch gears when you’re performing a routine. Less time lost. #prodchat
  149. RT “@profkrg: A5: Your mind doesn’t have to switch gears when you’re performing a routine. Less time lost. #prodchat
  150. A5 Habit-building is very powerful — whether for good or less good habits. Multitasking is an automatic habit for many. #prodchat
  151. @profkrg part of the reason it is hard work it is because you need to always work on it, or you will go your old ways #prodchat
  152. RT @profkrg: A5: Your mind doesn’t have to switch gears when you’re performing a routine. Less time lost. #prodchat
  153. A5 one of the best ways to create new habit is to attach it to an existing one. Build a routine that way. #prodchat
  154. A5 one of the best ways to create new habit is to attach it to an existing one. Build a routine that way. #prodchat
  155. A5 one of the best ways to create new habit is to attach it to an existing one. Build a routine that way. #prodchat
  156. A5 one of the best ways to create new habit is to attach it to an existing one. Build a routine that way. #prodchat
  157. @apinaud maybe the old ways (habits) are better. Sometimes easier is better, yes? #prodchat
  158. @profkrg exactly why routines help so much. Instead of do laundry (to use the same example) as you need it, plan for it. #prodchat
  159. A5c: There’s a lot of myth around habit development; you can see my episodes 12-15 about automaticity: odprodchat
  160. @apinaud I’m not picking. Just curious. Hoping your smartitude will rub off! #prodchat
  161. @profkrg @rsidneysmith Another word I like in the same vein is: “autonomic.”.. #prodchat
  162. @nmhouston Interesting concept…Could you explain it further? #prodchat
  163. @profkrg I was really disorganized for years (I know ironic) so I don’t want those all ways #prodchat
  164. @apinaud yes! Why am I always surprised that there is more laundry. It’s like everyone in my house wears clothes every day! #prodchat
  165. @apinaud @profkrg household routines easy to automate, makes big difference.  lots of tips. #prodprodchat
  166. Good for work! RT “@nmhouston: one of the best ways to create new habit is to attach it to an existing one. Build a routine #prodchat
  167. @profkrg I wasn’t thinking that… I will love if I can simply pass it on #prodchat
  168. To add to @nmhouston‘s thought…sometimes it’s best not to replace a bad habit but start a new one in a worn path…low threshold #prodchat
  169. @apinaud So, it’s about happiness and satisfaction. The work is worth the result for you. #prodchat
  170. @IsaPinaud for example: when I let my dogs out in the morning, I start a load of laundry right then. Don’t have to think about it. #prodchat
  171. When I have projects I can break up into smaller tasks with no particular order needed I multitask between the same project. #prodchat
  172. That site is full of great Ideas.RT @nmhouston: @profkrg household routines easy to automate, makes big dif odprodchat
  176. @nmhouston @IsaPinaud I was thinking that I start my coffee, then wake up my son while it brews. Every. Single. Day. #prodchat
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