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#ProdChat – 03/13/13 – #Project Planning

#ProdChat – 03/13/13 – #Project Planning

This week Augusto Pinaud (@apinaud) was our guest host for #ProdChat, discussing Project Planning! I hope you enjoy the discussion!

  1. This week’s #ProdChat is at 8pm EDT! Join us tonight as @apinaud hosts in my stead…topic: Project Planning.#productivity
  2. MT @rsidneysmith: #ProdChat is at 8pm EDT! Join us tonight as @apinaud hosts in my stead…topic: Project Planning.#productivity
  3. MT @rsidneysmith: #ProdChat is at 8pm EDT! Join us tonight as @apinaud hosts in my stead…topic: Project Planning.#productivity
  4. Today 8pm ET ­ #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat, discussing “ #Project #Planning ”! Join us!
  5. @apinaud Hi Augusto! NIce to see you again! How are you? #prodchat
  7. A1 My method is simple, I try to add first in the description What will remove this project from the list. #ProdChat
  8. Hey guys! Sorry I won’t be able to join tonight. Such a great topic, and @apinaud as guest host. Sorry I’m missing it. Have fun!! #Prodchat
  9. A1 I like mapping them out in a monthly/weekly/daily way. Having daily goals ensures you always accomplish SOMETHING #prodchat
  10. A1 I like mapping them out in a monthly/weekly/daily way. Having daily goals ensures you always accomplish SOMETHING #prodchat
  11. A1 I like mapping them out in a monthly/weekly/daily way. Having daily goals ensures you always accomplish SOMETHING #prodchat
  12. @apinaud We’re terrific! We actually just got covered by @Forbes–so it’s a marvelous day today! 🙂 #prodchat
  13. @IsaPinaud Great to see you again! How is everything in your country? Hopefully getting better! 🙂 #prodchat
  14. @sendgine Congratulations! thanks for celebrating it here with us #ProdChat
  15. @IsaPinaud We’re fabulous–excited for another great #prodchat! 🙂
  16. Did you guys hear that I got to meet @rsidneysmith this week? It was fabulous! #prodchat
  17. @sendgine Great to see you too I was just writing you… Everything is okay it seems #prodchat
  18. @michgunn We’ll miss you! Hope you have a fabulous evening! 🙂 #prodchat
  19. A1 #prodchat For new projects I make lists and use “mind maps/webs”
  20. @profkrg That’s awesome! Where did you get to meet up? #prodchat
  21. Agreed! We love creating mind maps too! RT @kelsey13hall: A1 #prodchat For new projects I make lists and use “mind maps/webs”
  22. A1b I try to get the objective in mind… If you don’t define DONE it will never be done #prodchat
  23. I was in NYC for a conference. RE: @sendgine: That’s awesome! Where did you get to meet up? #prodchat
  24. Hey #prodchat! First time for me. A1 I’m a mid mapping brainstormed myself. Gotta get everything down before I can organize. #prodchat
  25. @apinaud Thank you! It’s good to be here. I read your productivity tips book last week. I really enjoyed it. #prodchat
  26. A1c I like looking for pictures and creating a folder for the project with things that inspire me for this particular project #prodchat
  27. @lewisjasona Jason! Welcome to #prodchat! We love mind mapping too–best way to do business! 🙂 #prodchat
  28. @IsaPinaud We really like that–inspiration is important to making tasks fun and successful! #prodchat
  30. @sendgine That is true! Also since I work in design it helps a lot #prodchat
  31. A2 – I use free mind since it is a WORK pc #prodchat


  33. A2b After pen and paper everything goes into omnifocus as a new Project 🙂 #prodchat
  34. A2 Pen and paper for sure–as well as a planner and calendar, usually on our phones! #prodchat
  35. @JohnHaley2 Hi John and welcome to #prodchat …Being a student myself I’m sure you will find these chats helpful
  36. A2 I love freemind on the pc but I really wish I had something that was more seamless with the ipad. #prodchat
  37. A2 I use MindManager for complex projects that will required days of thinking. Also Vision Boards for long term ones. #prodchat
  38. @IsaPinaud Omnifocus? We’re not familiar with that–is that an app or program? #prodchat
  39. Did you guys know science has proven that writing with a pen or pencil helps your mind flow increase for more ideas? #prodchat
  40. A2b Omnifocus handle the result of that thinking #prodchat
  41. @IsaPinaud Really? How interesting. Most people seem to think it is old-fashioned. Ha Ha! #prodchat
  42. @sendgine No, I haven’t but I’ll definitely check it out. #prodchat
  43. I like that one. Use it for creating simple models. @sendgine: @lewisjasona We like using MindNode–have you tried that? #prodchat
  44. Adding to my previous tweet different color pens also help your mind make more associations resulting in another increase of ideas #prodchat
  45. Adding to my previous tweet different color pens also help your mind make more associations resulting in another increase of ideas #prodchat
  46. A2 my work is more IT/report building….Colors dont work for me…. #prodchat
  47. @IsaPinaud I totally believe in the value of writing by hand, but if it’s not legible when I’m done… #prodchat
  48. Same here RT @lewisjasona: @IsaPinaud I totally believe in the value of writing by hand, but if it’s not legible when I’m done… #prodchat
  49. @apinaud Don’t blame my nephew he is too tiny and cute to be blamed! #prodchat
  50. @IsaPinaud Good deal! We’ll have to check that research out! #prodchat
  51. @lewisjasona That is why I had resorted to typing, but by hand I get at least twice the ideas I used to #prodchat
  52. @lewisjasona pen and paper only work for me if it is something quick and I have no interruptions so I can read hieroglyphs #prodchat
  53. A3 – Work uses Lotus Notes, I put in the TO DO section and use AwyeSync to push to my gmail account so I only have one system… #prodchat
  54. A3 – Work uses Lotus Notes, I put in the TO DO section and use AwyeSync to push to my gmail account so I only have one system… #prodchat
  55. @JohnHaley2 Skimmed it and it looks interesting although weird haha #prodchat
  56. A3 It depends on the project. We use our own system, of course, but also online to-do lists and phone reminders. #prodchat
  57. Green you associate with money for example RT @sendgine: @IsaPinaud Good deal! We’ll have to check that research out! #prodchat
  58. A3b I also have a planner, which I use mostly as a calendar so I know my commitmentsand projects when I’m not home. #prodchat
  59. A3 After all the thinking with Maps I spend sometime working everything into Omnifocus #prodchat
  60. A3: Interestingly, still the same tools – pen, paper, iCal. #prodchat
  61. Oh yeah. Although I’ve missed some reviews lately. 🙁 RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Omnifocus Omnifocus Omnifocus. #prodchat
  62. One system is all I can manage RT @apinaud A3 After all the thinking with Maps I spend sometime working everything into Omnifocus #prodchat
  63. Do you carry a notebook or how do you work that paper? RT @profkrg: A3: Interestingly, still the same tools – pen, paper, iCal. #prodchat
  64. @IsaPinaud Totally agree. You have to have one system or it is really inefficient and overwhelming. #prodchat
  65. @profkrg I can’t do paper because I can’t read what I write and I am always afraid of the lack of backup #prodchat
  66. @lewisjasona I used to miss them and now have a “daily review” as a repeating task in omnifocus haha 😉 #prodchat
  67. @lewisjasona I have a folder called Routine where all does repeting tasks go 🙂 #prodchat
  68. @lewisjasona You may need to go Pavov on yourself. Works great been doing it for years #prodchat
  69. @apinaud I always carry a journal-type notebook in my handbag. I find I refer to it more if it’s on paper. #prodchat
  70. @IsaPinaud hmmmmm. A task to review my tasks? Not sure that would work.. #prodchat
  71. @sendgine Same goes with inboxes… You should only have one or two inboxes … three or four MAX #prodchat
  72. My desk is for WORK and my gmail account is for HOME/Personal input, they both sync so 1 system in 2 locations 🙂
  73. @apinaud @profkrg Absolutely. We love the security of online, but there is also something about a notebook too that is classic! #prodchat
  74. @apinaud I’ve never really considered a lack of backup because key dates are in my iCal anyway. #prodchat
  75. @apinaud Lack of backup? Scan it 🙂 #prodchat ability to read it is a problem haha
  76. @apinaud plus, it seems like I remember the plan once I work through it on paper. #prodchat
  77. @IsaPinaud Seriously! Talk about e-mail overload! Between work and personal, it can be really hectic! #prodchat
  78. @profkrg I carry a small wallet, 3 keys, iPhone and headset all the time, so I need to work on those constrains #prodchat
  79. @profkrg Do you find recording everything on paper can be more time-consuming? #prodchat
  80. It work. Like a charm RT @lewisjasona: @IsaPinaud hmmmmm. A task to review my tasks? Not sure that would work.. #prodchat
  81. @apinaud The iPhone headset is everyones’ best friend at our office. 🙂 #prodchat
  82. @apinaud kinda like making a grocery list. I don’t look at it much at the store because I remember what’s on there. #prodchat
  83. Iphone has Siri for use while driving and zipnote while in meetings and nothing to write on… #prodchat
  84. @sendgine maybe. I do my regular to do lists via an app, but I plan big projects on paper. It helps me think them through. #prodchat
  85. @sendgine I worked with a guy who had 7 email accounts and more than 100 emails on each. Not fun #prodchat
  86. A4 file folders at work desk, Evernote for personal….work does not allow access to Evernote, so I have to use Iphone at work #prodchat
  87. Q4 Online! We take advantage of cloud-based storage as much as possible. Currently, we’re experimenting w/ DropBox and Drive. #prodchat
  88. In newsrooms too. @sendgine: @apinaud The iPhone headset is everyones’ best friend at our office. 🙂 #prodchat
  89. @lewisjasona I do a version of that daily with my coffee in the morning. @IsaPinaud #prodchat
  90. A4 I like Evernote, but my company doesn’t approve. Anyone else have this problem? #prodchat
  91. @profkrg It comes down to whatever works best for everyone’s individual style! Sometimes brainstorming is best on paper too. #prodchat
  92. @lewisjasona Do WR with a Starbucks coffee that only order on WR (that what I mean with go Pavlov on yourself)
    @IsaPinaud #prodchat
  93. Q4: I keep my files in @evernote and @Dropbox. I also back up on a @LaCieTech external drive. #prodchat
  94. Why? @lewisjasona: A4 I like Evernote, but my company doesn’t approve. Anyone else have this problem? #prodchat
  95. A4 I create a computer folder at the same time I create the project in omnifocus. Its a habit #prodchat
  96. One good tip to increase productivity, get up-to-date smartphones, Dont be left behind. My old phone is very innefficient #prodchat
  97. One good tip to increase productivity, get up-to-date smartphones, Dont be left behind. My old phone is very innefficient #prodchat
  98. One good tip to increase productivity, get up-to-date smartphones, Dont be left behind. My old phone is very innefficient #prodchat
  99. He obviously didn’t. That many emails would stress me out! @sendgine: @IsaPinaud Holy cow! How did he manage all that? #prodchat
  100. @apinaud @profkrg We’ll admit, we were a bit skeptical at first. But, everyone definitely loves them now! #prodchat
  101. @apinaud @sendgine True confession… I haven’t used mine yet. I need quite when I work. #prodchat
  102. A4. If there is a lot of support material usually is on Evernote. it is really easy to find there. #prodchat
  103. A4b If it is just a couple of lines of information they stay in OmniFocus #prodchat
  104. @profkrg @apinaud Wow! Really? You should give it a try when you are not working. Or use it for phone calls! 🙂 #prodchat
  105. @JohnHaley2 now I have a good excuse for my obsessive iPhone updates, other than just being a techie. #prodchat
  106. A4b I;ve used evernote for a short time which means I am still not at the point of using it as reference for project #prodchat
  107. @lewisjasona interesting. I’ma professor, so my systems are pretty much independently my choice. #prodchat
  108. @IsaPinaud Yes, me too. Looking at puppys and kittens funny, but who knew it may increase productivity? #prodchat #prodchat
  109. Same here ! @apinaud A4b If it is just a couple of lines of information they stay in OmniFocus #prodchat
  110. @profkrg I like music, quiet my brain #prodchat

    When I write the diff of writing without the right music (& volume) is around 1000 w/h

  111. @apinaud I like the coffee plan. That might help me be more disciplined. #prodchat
  112. @sendgine @apinaud I use headphones most in the gym, but I’d rather not talk about that right now. #offthewagon #prodchat
  113. @profkrg I have yet to upgrade! I feel left behind, and very out of touch! Time to upgrade. #prodchat #prodchat
  114. A4c I don’t like putting photos in evernote (dont know why) but it might be why I use a plain folder and not evernote for projects #prodchat
  115. @lewisjasona Then convert them on PDF and keep it on the place you are going to work with them #prodchat
  116. @JohnHaley2 My 5 is just fine, but it’s requiring new case and adapter purchases, which is annoying. #prodchat
  117. Not a classical music fan, but when I need to get work done, and relax, it helps substantially! #prodchat #ccct410mkt #prodchat
  118. A5 Definitely I have Personal school and work and those are subcategorized for example work I have general, covers, malaika etc #prodchat
  119. A5 I organized them all in Omnifocus folders. But I think I may have created a monster. #prodchat
  120. A5 Definitely. Often in order of priority, deadline, number of employees need, budget/resources–all types of categories! #prodchat
  121. A5 – no, just preface with W for work or P for home and sort accordingly #prodchat
  122. @JohnHaley2 Same here. Mozarts sonata for two pianos in d minor is proved to increase concentration #prodchat
  123. A5 I do, extensively. I have 13 groups right now examples: Property, Books, Finances, Personal, Our Family are some of those #prodchat
  124. @lewisjasona I did the same. Make sure the folders are current and your monster will be tamed 🙂 #prodchat
  125. The next Productivity Book Group is this Sat.! Discuss #GTD w/ us! + event) or htt chprodchat
  126. @profkrg @apinaud do you put your projects in categories such as personal and work or something similar? #prodchat
  127. A5: Ah! Yes! I categorize by home, blog, work, school, etc. For work, I break it down by semester and class. #prodchat
  128. @profkrg Do you have my projects separated on Personal, Work, etc or all on one list #prodchat
  129. Honestly, as a professor, most of my life is broken into semesters. #prodchat
  130. A5 Projects do not need a category for me, I just see them in a list #prodchat
  131. Sooooo… How many projects is everyone managing anyway? Sorry @apinaud… I know you’re supposed to be asking the questions. #prodchat
  132. @profkrg It would be nice to dump a bunch of stuff every semester… I guess I could #prodchat
  133. @cable0 Interesting. And you don’t get confused at all? #prodchat
  134. I keep reading about @OmniFocus. Perhaps I should explore it again. #prodchat
  135. A5 Actions – yes I put in normal GTD categories in the TODO section of Lotus Notes #prodchat
  136. @lewisjasona Ha Ha! Is too many to count a good answer? We love being busy, so we don’t mind that at all! #prodchat
  137. Q5.5: How many projects is everyone managing anyway? #prodchat

    Good Question RT @lewisjasona:

  138. Good evening to everyone on #prodchat ! How are you doing folks?
  139. @apinaud I usually keep four semesters on the cloud and backup everything else to my external. #prodchat
  140. Anyone have advice for increasing productivity when you’re tired from a long day? (besides coffee) #prodchat @ejyoung67 #prodchat
  141. @sendgine nope, W for work projects and P for home/personal projects #prodchat
  142. @profkrg If you do, try to move your current setup, that may work. Play with it after something is working there not before that #prodchat
  143. @lewisjasona Actually that is an incorrect statement of mine. I have hundres of projects but only about 10 or 15 are active #prodchat
  144. A5 – 23 projects active….15 work and 8 home #prodchat
  145. @JohnHaley2 @ejyoung67 I took a nap today. I’ll regret it when I can’t sleep be/c I need to work or won’t be/c I took a nap. #prodchat
  146. A6 – take time to imagine it completed BEFORE starting #prodchat
  147. @JohnHaley2 Pomodoro tecnique: work for 25 min take a 5 minute break.. Lets your mind relax, but not enough to make you lose focus #prodchat
  148. @JohnHaley2 Pomodoro tecnique: work for 25 min take a 5 minute break.. Lets your mind relax, but not enough to make you lose focus #prodchat
  149. @JohnHaley2 Pomodoro tecnique: work for 25 min take a 5 minute break.. Lets your mind relax, but not enough to make you lose focus #prodchat
  150. @JohnHaley2 Taking a quick walk usually helps! (Plus, it gets some extra exercise in.) Otherwise, chocolate is always a solid bet. #prodchat
  151. @lewisjasona OF only give me the number of actions and that number was scary enough. More than 100 for sure #prodchat
  152. True that! RT “@cable0: A6 – take time to imagine it completed BEFORE starting #prodchat
  153. @alphaefficiency We hope you get some rest! We wish you all the best at the embassy tomorrow! 🙂 #prodchat
  154. Q7 Write down everything you have to do as if you we explaining it to someone else. You are more detailed that way #prodchat
  155. Q7 Write down everything you have to do as if you we explaining it to someone else. You are more detailed that way #prodchat
  156. A6: Determine up front how you will organize the project. Otherwise, you’ll feel scattered the entire time. #prodchat
  157. A6: Purge. If you are not going to make it happen park it aside. Remove the noise of the system and only keep REALLY current ones #prodchat
  158. A6: Purge. If you are not going to make it happen park it aside. Remove the noise of the system and only keep REALLY current ones #prodchat
  159. Yes!! RT “@profkrg: A6: Determine up front how you will organize the project. Otherwise, you’ll feel scattered the entire time. #prodchat
  160. A6b Would be great to do if I would have the time projects, the only thing that produce is noise. Purge #prodchat
  161. @apinaud Thank you, ill check it out right now. The old debate of studying late night, or early morning. good topic #prodchat #prodchat
  162. Should have joined #prodchat way earlier considering that you’re really engaging and awesome. Thanks
  163. A6 Just finished reading @JasonWomack s new book, so I’m working on thinking in 15 min blocks (~1% of the day) to make them count. #prodchat
  164. @JohnHaley2 As an old member of the Club of the Owl I can tell you that I am really enjoying 4AM as a time to work #prodchat
  165. A6b when naming the project my title is always the result so I don’t forget it #prodchat
  166. And there we go! Another #prodchat hour zoomed by at the speed of our productivity!
  167. @profkrg @OmniFocus I’ve been using it for a year and a couple of months and never looked back. I believe it’s not for everybody #prodchat
  168. +1 RT @profkrg: A6: Determine up front how you will organize the project. Otherwise, you’ll feel scattered the entire time. #prodchat
  169. @alphaefficiency Next Week Wednesday 8:00 PM EST It would be great to have you here #prodchat
  170. Can’t believe its over! Great topic! #prodchat Thanks @apinaud for hosting tonight 🙂
  171. One more reason to make it happen @JasonWomack RT @lewisjasona: A6 Just finished reading JasonWomack s new book… #prodchat
  172. Great #prodchat everyone! Thanks for facilitating @apinaud! See you all next week! #prodchat
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