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#Prodchat – 03/20/2013 – #Procrastination

#Prodchat – 03/20/2013 – #Procrastination

This week’s #ProdChat was all about #procrastination and hosted by the wonderful…the inimitable…the splendid Natalie M. Houston (@nmhouston). Thanks, Natalie and to all the prodchatters that joined the conversation last night!

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight’s topic: Procrastination
  2. Whoohoo! RT @nmhouston: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonights topic: Procrastination #prodchat
  3. Let’s start things off with intro’s. In 140 characters, tell us a bit about you. And, do you use a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  4. I’m Natalie, a productivity coach & academic. I help people move forward on the projects and goals that are important to them. #prodchat
  5. Hi. Michelle here. I’m a manager of things, people, projects, companies, etc. I use GTD and OmniFocus to keep sane. 🙂 #prodchat
  6. I’m Jason, an engineering manager trying to use GTD within OmniFocus to get more of the right things done. #Prodchat
  7. Don’t put it off any longer…join us with hashtag #prodchat to talk about procrastination — tips, strategies, etc
  8. RT @nmhouston: Don’t put it off any longer…join us with hashtag #prodchat to talk about procrastination — tips, strategies, etc
  9. Oh lord! @nmhouston: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight’s topic: Procrastination”
  10. Hi Jason, Natalie, Jodi, & the Sendgine team! #prodchat
  11. I’m Jodi. I’m a PhD candidate finishing my dissertation in Scottish religious history. I use GTD to help control my life. #prodchat
  12. @nmhouston Oops! Our mistake! We just participated in #TChat at 7 and forgot to switch hashtags! Our fault. 🙂 #prodchat
  13. As we start, remember to add #prodchat to each tweet to make sure you show up in the conversation feed! Answer A1, A2, etc. for readability.
  17. Hi, #prodchat! I’m Kenna, a media professor from Oklahoma. My productivity system is organized chaos with a heavy dose of procrastination.
  18. A1 Procrastination is only a problem for me when I haven’t really made a commitment to the task at hand (so I’ve come to learn) #prodchat
  19. You too, Kenna! 🙂 RT @profkrg: @michgunn Hey, Michelle! Great to see you. #prodchat
  20. A1 Procrastination is a major problem for me, partly because of perfectionism & also bc of fear of failure. #prodchat
  21. You too! 🙂 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Awesome to chat with you again!! 🙂 #prodchat
  22. .@nmhouston A1:Yes! It is *the* problem, though it often forces me to work under pressure which I thrive on. #prodchat
  23. Before we forget, we’re Sendgine! We love learning about how people are increasing productivity, especially with online tools. #prodchat
  24. This is so true MT @michgunn: Procrastination is only a problem when I haven’t made a commitment to the task #prodchat
  25. This is so true MT @michgunn: Procrastination is only a problem when I haven’t made a commitment to the task #prodchat
  26. I’m a reformed journalist turned #hackademic. I’m good at procrastinating until the #deadline #prodchat.
  27. @sendgine Hi! Oklahoma is beautiful. We’re in the 60s and it’s Spring Break! #prodchat
  28. I love those! @ivorytowerjourn: I’m a reformed journalist turned #hackademic. I’m good at procrastinating until the #deadline #prodchat.”
  29. We all struggle with procrastination, but it seems to worsen when we have a lot to accomplish and it is too overwhelming. #prodchat
  30. A1: Procrastination is a problem for me, especially when I’m uncertain about a task. #prodchat
  31. @profkrg Jealous! Spring Break–a nice vacation for you, I hope! 🙂 #prodchat
  32. A1 Sometimes I find I procrastinate when I haven’t really thought through the next step. When my next action is really step 5. 😉 #prodchat
  33. A1 Definitely a problem. Getting started on the tough or ill-defined tasks is the hardest part. #prodchat
  34. @nmhouston Not really. I hate having things waiting. I like to get stuff done as fast as possible.#prodchat + I try to model good behavior
  35. As a PhD candidate writing my dissertation remotely, I’ve got lots of household tasks and internet to aide in my procrastination #prodchat
  36. Exactly! @michgunn: A1 Sometimes I find I procrastinate when I haven’t really thought through the next step. #prodchat
  37. It’s easy to come to rely on the adrenaline of procrastinating until a deadline . . . but it can catch up to you health wise #prodchat
  38. @jodiacampbell: A1 Procrastination is a problem for me, partly because of perfectionism & also bc of fear of failure. #prodchat <~seconded!
  39. It’s easy to come to rely on the adrenaline of procrastinating until a deadline . . . but it can catch up to you health wise #prodchat
  40. A1 That requires recognizing that I’m procrastinating to fix. Sometimes that’s a little hard to notice. Weekly reviews help that #prodchat
  41. @christinaines what is it about this chat that attracts us dissertation writers? #prodchat
  42. @jennpark Great points! Procrastination is motivated by factors that you don’t immediately think of, like fear and perfection. #prodchat
  46. @christinaines I’m in the same situation w/ the same distractions. It’s brutal on my writing! #prodchat
  47. Yes! @jennpark: @jodiacampbell: A1 Procrastination is a problem for me, because of perfectionism and fear of failure. #prodchat
  48. @nmhouston that adrenaline actually causes me great anxiety. I hate it. I like to get it done #prodchat
  49. .@nmhouston Thanks. Forgot to introduce myself. Grad student at UBC doing Victorian lit and obscenity. Major procrastinator. #prodchat
  50. @nmhouston I am inclined to put off cleaning my house or grading long, boring paper #prodchat
  51. ah yes! MT @sendgine: We all struggle with it, but it seems to worsen when we have a lot to accomplish and it’s too overwhelming. #prodchat
  52. A2: Things I don’t enjoy, like making phone calls or answering emails. #prodchat
  53. @justinohearn You’re studying some cool topics! Glad you are chatting with us today! #prodchat
  54. Us too! RT “@profkrg: A2: Things I don’t enjoy, like making phone calls or answering emails. #prodchat
  55. @mssackstein I clean house to avoid doing things I don’t want to do. It’s faux productivity. #prodchat
  56. @nmhouston I was just about to say that I was dropping in a bit late into #prodchat!
  57. Oh yeah! “@jodiacampbell: A1 Procrastination is a problem for me, partly because of perfectionism & also bc of fear of failure.” #prodchat
  58. speaking personally, I am a terrible procrastinator about grading. Once I’ve started, it’s fine, but getting started can be hard #prodchat
  59. A2 Cleaning, baking, cooking, walking my dog…anything, really, to avoid the dissertation or, worse, grading. #prodchat
  61. I’m “layering tasks” right now – getting my hair done and attending #prodchat. Woo Hoo!
  62. @nmhouston A2: often find myself putting off tasks that will require “more time”–particularly if I don’t currently have that time #prodchat
  63. @nmhouston The grading certainly is the work in this job. The rest is just fun! #prodchat
  64. A2 I have to agree with others, phone calls are tough. Not sure why… I used to love to chat on the phone… #prodchat
  65. Lol! @jodiacampbell: A2 Cleaning, baking, cooking, walking my dog anything, really, to avoid the dissertation or, worse, grading. #prodchat
  66. perfectionism lies behind a lot of procrastinating behavior — and leads to fear of failure too @michgunn @jodiacampbell #prodchat
  67. A2: I put off menial tasks like transcribing notes, and then it’s too late and i don’t remember what i was talking about #prodchat
  68. @michgunn We totally sympathize. Phone calls have become easier to put off, just by nature of new technology. #prodchat
  69. Go girl!!! @profkrg: I’m “layering tasks” right now – getting my hair done and attending #prodchat. Woo Hoo!
  70. A2 Exercise! That’s another “Why?!” I know it’s good for me and I always feel great once I’m out for a run. It’s just hard to do. #prodchat
  71. A2 Usually I procrastinate the ones that I haven’t thought through or identified the really specific next action. #prodchat
  72. A2: I put off grading (natch) and anything I imagine is less important than The Walking Dead or House of Cards (see: everything) #prodchat
  73. @profkrg @jodiacampbell I totally agree, Kenna. I hate grading. My least favorite part of teaching #prodchat
  74. chunking tasks down into smaller bits can help sidestep the procrastination sometimes #prodchat @jennpark
  75. chunking tasks down into smaller bits can help sidestep the procrastination sometimes #prodchat @jennpark
  76. chunking tasks down into smaller bits can help sidestep the procrastination sometimes #prodchat @jennpark
  77. A2 I find that I am sometimes paralyzed by all I have to do so I just don’t to any of it. Instead I invent errands and chores. #prodchat
  78. yup! MT @lewisjasona: A2 I procrastinate the ones that I havent thought through or identified the really specific next action. #prodchat
  79. good points MT @lewisjasona: I procrastinate the ones that I haven’t thought through or identified the really specific next action #prodchat
  80. I’m participating in a #prodchat right now, so that’s why I’ve taken over your feed. Thanks for sticking with me!
  81. Great question–sometimes I do, but never thought of it as procrastination “@nmhouston: anybody put off doing things they love? #prodchat
  82. @jennpark a girl’s gotta get her hair done, right? It just takes like three hours for me because I have so much hair. #prodchat
  83. @nmhouston Ha Ha! Not really. That’s a good point to think about. Maybe it comes down to priorities? #prodchat
  86. @nmhouston I love writing, but I put it off when I feel like I lack the focus to do it. #prodchat
  87. @profkrg Committing to cleaning the house doesn’t work. I go on Twitter or write, lol #prodchat
  88. @nmhouston Yep! I stop letting myself doing things I enjoy when not doing enough work. It’s a bit sick and twisted. #prodchat.
  89. @nmhouston I try, kids are inclined to procrastinate, no matter how much time they are given. Trying to break them of the habit #prodchat
  90. @jodiacampbell so maybe try flipping it around: schedule something you love first, to motivate the other #prodchat
  91. Me too. RT @nmhouston Yep! I stop letting myself doing things I enjoy when … enough work. Its a bit sick and twisted. #prodchat. #prodchat
  92. A3 Recognizing that I’m procrastinating. Ha! But very true. Those dishes needed to be done, didn’t they? #prodchat
  93. A3 My biggest challenge re: procrastination is lack of accountability since I’m working remotely. And flexible deadlines. #prodchat
  94. @nmhouston Hmm…good idea, but I don’t know if I can “reward” myself before doing the work to earn the reward. #prodchat
  95. A3 Sometimes we’re so busy, we don’t realize w’re inadvertently procrastinating by trying to do too much. So, maybe organization? #prodchat
  96. Really, right?! “@sendgine: Totally!! Ha Ha! RT “@michgunn: A3 Recognizing that I’m procrastinating. Ha!”” #prodchat
  97. My hairdresser said we’ll answer Q3 later. 😉 #prodchat
  98. A3 My challenge is just stopping procrastinating on the dissertation. Teaching or somethings else is always a more immediate need. #prodchat
  99. @nmhouston The biggest challenge is the pressure. I don’t knowing something HAS to get done, that’s why I try to get it done early #prodchat
  100. @christinaines Absolutely! Accountability has a HUGE role. Do you like working remotely? We’ve found that strengthens results! #prodchat
  101. A3 one of the challenges I sometimes have is the rabbit hole otherwise known as the internet ..easy to lose track #prodchat
  102. Oh, so easy! MT @nmhouston: A3 one of the challenges I sometimes have is the rabbit hole AKA as the internet ..easy to lose track #prodchat
  103. @mssackstein knowing that you are sensitive to adrenaline & pressure obviously helps you structure your work differently #prodchat
  104. A3 Biggest challenge? Probably making myself work on the most important stuff when there is so much easier (but useless) busy work #prodchat
  105. @sendgine It’s interesting to me that what motivates others, devastates me. I’m like a deer in headlights #prodchat
  106. @nmhouston I now rely on Freedom app to regularly block the internet, otherwise I just won’t write. The internet is too alluring. #prodchat
  107. Today (day 2 long service leave) house pipes blocked & sewage running through garage. Tis a great day to procrastinate #prodchat
  108. @nmhouston exactly, I’ve learned that I don’t deal with stress well, so I do it early #prodchat
  109. One of the threads I’m noticing here is that Important tasks get put aside for Urgent ones …until they too become urgent #prodchat
  110. @christinaines It definitely takes adjusting, but we hope you come to like it! We love the flexibility-you can work from anywhere. #prodchat
  111. @nmhouston I need to read that book. So many people have told me about it. #prodchat
  112. Ditto! RT @jodiacampbell: @nmhouston I need to read that book. So many people have told me about it. #prodchat
  113. @mssackstein Then you are way ahead! Since you know what motivates and limits you, you are in solid control of your productivity. #prodchat
  114. The Important/ Urgent distinction is from Merrill-Covey, very helpful #prodchat
  117. @christinaines It blocks the entire interwebs. I can’t be trusted w/ email access some days bc it turns into an endless cycle. #prodchat
  118. A4 I manage my procrastination by making an accountability chart: One side has the time I worked the other what I did in that time #prodchat
  119. A4 for me, using a timer is the best way to just get started on something I’d otherwise put off. Just 10 or 15 mins even. #prodchat
  120. A4. When I catch that I’m procrastinating on something, I check the wording of the task. Sometimes that’s enough to unlock it #prodchat
  121. A4. And if that’s not it, I’ll try writing about it. That will definitely help me understand what’s got me stuck. #prodchat
  122. @michgunn oh, that’s interesting — can you share an example? #prodchat
  123. A4 Remembering to break things down to the smallest baby step and then to DO those baby steps helps me get past procrastinating. #prodchat
  124. mT @nmhouston: A4 for me, using a timer is the best way to just get started on something Id otherwise put off. Just 10or15 mins. #prodchat
  125. A4 I’m also a huge fan of the pomodoro techniques and a new site I called Focus@Will, which is like pandora + a timer #prodchat
  126. @nmhouston I’m hyper organized. I have calendars all over and a plan book. I think in chunks of time. Weeks at a clip #prodchat
  127. A4. I learned that last trick from @apinaud‘s book “25 Productivity Tips”. And, yeah, why didn’t I think of that? 😉 #prodchat
  128. A4 We like to break down tasks into actionable steps too. Plus, we use a lot of to-do lists in order of priority and deadline. #prodchat
  129. Logging behavior is very helpful as @christinaines suggests — helps you see what you are actually doing #prodchat
  130. A4: I have found great ambient noise vids on YouTube (coffee shop is my fav) that do not allow me to wander as easily. #prodchat
  131. @nmhouston I set small goals that I know I can accomplish in manageable chunks of time. I tell myself, I have to get this done. #prodchat
  132. @justinohearn That’s really cool, actually. Do you just search for “ambient noise videos?” #prodchat
  133. @nmhouston Timers are definitely helpful. Harsh sometimes, but good for accountability! 🙂 #prodchat
  134. A4 I have been trying to break the procrastinated task down and just get a little bit done to get started… Thanks @JasonWomack #prodchat
  135. @nmhouston Sure. Like “call so and so”. I may really not want to. Maybe an email will do the trick instead. #prodchat
  136. One v large biscuit tin helped when I was doing my PhD & suffering from prolonged procrastination – didn’t help figure tho. Sigh. #prodchat
  137. @justinohearn Great idea. I also like brainwave enhancing binaural audio recordings #prodchat
  138. @sendgine thanks. I try. I do know my behaviors very well. #prodchat I’m an expert multitasker
  139. @christinaines It’s drastic, but I want to defend this summer, so I need it. I check my email then turn on Freedom for hours. #prodchat
  140. Ohhh! MT @nmhouston: A4 using a timer is the best way to just get started on something Id put off. Just 10 or 15 mins even. #prodchat
  141. A4: Making a list. I love marking things off my list! #prodchat
  142. @sendgine I actually don’t find using a timer harsh — it is my best friend for getting work done 🙂 #prodchat
  143. @sendgine I actually don’t find using a timer harsh — it is my best friend for getting work done 🙂 #prodchat
  144. @mssackstein That’s a great skill to have!! Multitasking never goes out of style! 🙂 #prodchat
  145. @justinohearn Wow! We’re so impressed! We had no idea this existed! Very fun. Trying this tomorrow! 🙂 #prodchat
  146. There’s a new coffee house background sound site everyone is buzzing about lately:  #prodchat
  147. even a 5 minute timed quick start on something, like clearing up my workspace, is very motivating #prodchat
  148. @jennpark @sendgine Tried it. Didn’t work for me: 10 minute loop and sounded like a cafeteria. It gave me the idea, though. #prodchat
  149. Yeah! RT @nmhouston: even a 5 minute timed quick start on something, like clearing up my workspace, is very motivating #prodchat
  150. @jennpark Ha Ha! No worries! We’re totally checking it out right now. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!! #prodchat
  151. we’ve already started talking along these lines:Q5 WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ANTI-PROCRASTINATION TOOLS OR APPS? #prodchat
  152. we’ve already started talking along these lines:Q5 WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ANTI-PROCRASTINATION TOOLS OR APPS? #prodchat
  153. @nmhouston Kind of like promising yourself you’ll run for at least 10 minutes. Then once you’re out there, you keep going. 🙂 #prodchat
  154. Definitely agree RT @nmhouston: even a 5 minute timed quick start on something, like clearing up my workspace, is very motivating #prodchat
  155. @sendgine thanks. I think I was born with it. Able to compartmentalize #prodchat
  156. @nmhouston Good catch! Harsh was not the right word at all. 🙂 We need to use it more often ourselves! #prodchat
  157. I’ll have to check out the coffeehouse soundtracks. I like Music for Brainwave Massage CD (& others) by Jeffrey Thompson #prodchat
  158. Whoa… that said OhLife (dot com).. not sure why that’s a much longer link instead. Ha! #prodchat
  159. A5 I love Orchestra for my to do list & depend on Freedom to save me from the internet. I wouldn’t get 1/2 as much done w/o it. #prodchat
  160. A5 Focus Booster is a simple timer that helps me infinitely, otherwise new favorite is  for music + timer #prodchat
  161. A5 my current action tracker is @todoist which is nicely designed, helps me a lot #prodchat
  162. A5 TimeOut & Take A Break are also great for making sure I take breaks – breaks that are actually restorative NOT internet breaks. #prodchat
  163. Funny. I thought I was hearing myself on the Coffitivity background noise. Could be it my starbucks? Actually very distracting. #prodchat
  164. I also use @idonethis for evening reflection on what I did during the day #prodchat
  165. @sendgine Yes. Take A Break is a meditation app. Time Out freezes your access to your computer for a designated length of time. #prodchat
  166. @christinaines We’re not huge fans of those either, which is surprising since we like a lot of Google’s products. #prodchat
  167. Interesting! RT @nmhouston: I also use @idonethis for evening reflection on what I did during the day #prodchat
  168. RT @nmhouston: I also use @idonethis for evening reflection on what I did during the day #prodchat
  169. @sendgine Time Out takes a bit to get used to & commit to, but I’m finding it worth it. #prodchat
  170. Taking real, quality breaks — with the apps @jodiacampbell mentions or any timer — is so important! #prodchat
  171. @nmhouston @idonethis Can I ask how this is better than simply looking at your todo list for the day? What’s the specific benefit? #prodchat
  172. Has anyone used the newest version of Simpleology? #prodchat
  173. @sendgine Exactly! Nothing bursts my productivity bubble faster than folks discussing in public as though they were in private #prodchat
  174. @jodiacampbell Yes, I would imagine so! Computer headaches are a common occurrence in our offices. #prodchat
  175. A6 Sure! Just do something else that’s on your list. At least you’re still accomplishing stuff. 😉 #prodchat
  176. @jodiacampbell writing out, in any words you choose, activates the brain differently, promotes reflection & inquiry. @idonethis #prodchat
  177. True story! RT “@michgunn: A6 Sure! Just do something else that’s on your list. At least you’re still accomplishing stuff. 😉 #prodchat
  178. A6 When I procrastinate, that’s usually a sign that the next step may not be the right one. So it’s an opportunity to reassess. #prodchat
  179. A6 We think so, if the task being procrastinated is less important or due later than the current task being substituted. #prodchat
  180. Great idea, @michgunn. Maybe good to have a larger, ongoing or more universal to-do list that you can pick from if need be? #prodchat
  181. I feel better now RT @michgunn: A6 Sure! Just do something else thats on your list. At least youre still accomplishing stuff. 😉 #prodchat
  182. @michgunn Good way to think about it. So, procrastinating could actually help you re-focus and move in the correct direction. #prodchat
  183. A4: I give myself rewards for attaining goals. Eg: 2hrs work = 1/2 hour of Portlandia. #prodchat
  184. A6 So catching a need for reassessment is actually pretty productive in my mind. Don’t want to do a task that’s not the right one #prodchat
  185. A6 I find that usually when I’m procrastinating I’m engaging in behaviors that are not only not productive but often not healthy #prodchat
  186. @christinaines @michgunn I definitely need a master to-do list for when I can’t make myself work on one particular project. #prodchat
  187. Oh yes! GTD! 🙂 MT @christinaines: Great idea. Good to have a larger, ongoing or more universal list that you can pick from? #prodchat
  188. A6 I procrastinate productively by writing blog posts or getting a haircut. The former more often than the latter, obviously. #prodchat
  189. @justinohearn very good strategy to set up rewards — and actually follow through with them! #prodchat
  190. @michgunn that’s really interesting–I think that definitely feeds into times that I procrastinate on a project #prodchat
  191. Course correction, good! 🙂 MT @sendgine So, procrastinating could actually help you re-focus and move in the correct direction. #prodchat
  192. @jodiacampbell Good idea! So you could still feel good about being productive! #prodchat
  193. MT @michgunn: When I procrastinate, usually a sign that the next step may not be the right one. It’s an opportunity to reassess. #prodchat
  194. Dude! Read it! So worth it! 🙂 RT @christinaines: @michgunn pretty sure i own that book… and never read it! #prodchat
  195. @christinaines That’s a really good observation. We still like to take our healthy snack breaks to procrastinate, though. 🙂 #prodchat
  196. @sendgine Absolutely. Who doesn’t have multiple things to do anyway? Putting them all on a master list just makes sense for me. #prodchat
  197. @michgunn Ha Ha! We’re on the same wavelength of thought. 🙂 #prodchat
  198. @jennpark Sadly, it took me a minute to choose one of the least embarrassing shows that I watch! #prodchat
  199. if I’m procrastinating, I’m not doing anything truly enjoyable or truly productive. Best to pick real reward for real effort #prodchat
  200. @michgunn hard to find the time to justify reading anything except for the diss. (and blogs, twitter, facebook, etc.) 😛 #prodchat
  201. @jodiacampbell I find master lists hard to work with as they are usually several pages. #prodchat
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