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#ProdChat – March 25, 2015 – Professional Versus Personal Social Media

#ProdChat – 03/25/15 – Professional Versus Personal Social Media

On March 25, 2015, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Professional Versus Professional Social Media. Social Media has become an ever-increasing part of our daily lives, and with that, comes a responsibility to manage it effectively from a personal and business perspective. Issues relating to ownership (who owns your Facebook/Twitter profile? You or your company?) to etiquette to effective communication focus to life-work balance all come up when navigating the professional versus personal Social Media waters. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about professional versus personal Social Media management. Enjoy!


  • Q1: What are reasons you might want differentiation between professional and personal Social Media?
  • Q2: On any one Social Media site, do you currently have different profiles for personal and professional? Why?
  • Q3: What are some ways to distinguish your professional image from your personal messaging on the same Social Media account?
  • Q4a: With much of professional Social Media, you have to walk a fine line “personalizing your brand, [but] not getting personal”…
  • Q4b: …as @annhandley has said. (Read later: How do you?
  • Q5: Do you do more public/private messaging with your professional/personal Social Media?
  • Q6: How can blending professional and personal Social Media engagement benefit you?
  • Q7: What is one thing you are going to do going forward to change your professional/personal Social Media going forward?

Picture tweets:

#ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q1 #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q2 #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q4a #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q4b #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q5 #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q6 #ProdChat - Managing Prof-Pers SoMe - Q7

Raw transcript:

User Tweet
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts!
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing Managing Professional Versus Personal Social Media! Join us!
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat
rsidneysmith What’s one productivity success you’ve had over the past week? #prodchat
halduauthor Hey #prodchat, how’s it going?
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability!
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hey, Ben! How’re you? I’m doing great! 🙂 #prodchat
JPurll @rsidneysmith Hello, this is Juliet. #prodchat
halduauthor I’m Ben, I do a little bit of everything, mostly social and edtech #prodchat
rsidneysmith @JPurll Hey, Juliet! How’re you? #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith doing well, semester is heating up, but hanging in there #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q1: What are reasons you might want differentiation between professional and personal Social Media? #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Glad to hear! Read to talk SoMe today on #prodchat? 🙂
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: What’s one productivity success you’ve had over the past week? #prodchat
halduauthor @JPurll hi there, I don’t think we have met, welcome to #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith of course! #prodchat
JPurll @halduauthor Hi, Ben. I’ve hosted #prodchat previously. Was wearing the @prodchat mask.
rsidneysmith A1: For me, it’s life-work balance. If I didn’t have differentiation, I’d work all the time! Lol. #prodchat
halduauthor A1: privacy, work/life balance, member of the CIA, etc #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q1: What are reasons you might want differentiation between professional and personal Social Media? #prodchat…
halduauthor @JPurll haha, I see now. Speaking of using different social accounts #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith you don’t work all the time!? #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor So this tweet will explode in 3…2…1. 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor I do, but not in Social Media! 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q2: On any one Social Media site, do you currently have different profiles for personal/professional? Why? #prodchat
mbti_estj A1. Having separate professional & personal social media sites might help focus the messages that could be different for each.#Prodchat
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj Hey, Chris! How’re you today? #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q2: On any one Social Media site, do you currently have different profiles for personal/professional? Why? #prodchat http…
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj That’s a great point…if you don’t know what hat you’re wearing, it can be tough to communicate effectively! #prodchat
halduauthor Where is everyone? @IsaPinaud @cooperjohnj @nmhouston @apinaud @ArtGelwicks @macbikegeek #prodchat
mbti_estj @rsidneysmith Great Ray! How are you? Sounds like an interesting subject tonight on #prodchat
rsidneysmith A2: Now that most Social Media allow you to send messages to specific groups, I have consolidated to as few accounts as possible. #prodchat
IsaPinaud Hey! Sorry I”m late #prodchat
rsidneysmith A2a: Twitter is probably the only SoMe profiles left where I have so many…mostly not to annoy people with too many tweets! #prodchat
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: Where is everyone? @IsaPinaud @cooperjohnj @nmhouston @apinaud @ArtGelwicks @macbikegeek #prodchat
rsidneysmith #prodchat RT @LivingHappierAf: @rsidneysmith Yes. One for the day job and one for the business I am building on the side
halduauthor A2: no not currently, but it is a decision that I take clients through. It depends on the purpose(s) you are using social for #prodchat
IsaPinaud A1 Because your professional and personal views might not be the same #prodchat
mbti_estj A2. I have 4 twitter accounts (1 personal, 1 work, 1 Fort Detrick Toastmasters club, 1 Toastmasters District 18). #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LivingHappierAf Welcome, Wilma! Good to have you on #prodchat! (Make sure to use the #prodchat hashtag to show in the stream!) 🙂
IsaPinaud I’m Isabel a.k.a. Wonder Woman 😛 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Hey, Isabel! How’re you? :)) #prodchat
LoisMarketing Simple answer: for me and for my firm, I have single profiles in SoMe. Clients are set up in various ways for various reasons. #prodchat A2
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj Yes, I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts! It’s always a good topic. #prodchat
joshmccormack RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts!
JPurll A1: In an effort to be more welcoming to clients, I don’t want to narrow my professional life with my personal choices. #prodchat
IsaPinaud A2 I don’t and I probably won’t at least for now. I don’t use social media personally enough. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Hey, Lois! Great to see you here on #prodchat again! How’re you? 🙂
joshmccormack Hi #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @IsaPinaud: I’m Isabel a.k.a. Wonder Woman 😛 #prodchat
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Doing great… how about you? #prodchat
halduauthor .@IsaPinaud  #prodchat
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith Thanks! Great to see you and everyone again too! #prodchat
joshmccormack A1: I suppose I see the benefit to separating personal & professional social media. I personally don’t. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Fantastic to hear, and I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. 🙂 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing It’s always a treat to have you! 🙂 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj Do you think that helps you be more strategic in your communications and engagement? #prodchat
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: @IsaPinaud Fantastic to hear, and I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. 🙂 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @joshmccormack Hey, Josh! How’re you today? #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @joshmccormack: A1: I suppose I see the benefit to separating personal & professional social media. I personally don’t. #prodchat
joshmccormack @rsidneysmith Good thanks. 🙂 #prodchat
LoisMarketing Even if I opted to separate personal and professional I still would share very limited personal. So I’m cool w just single accts #prodchat
IsaPinaud RT @joshmccormack: A1: I suppose I see the benefit to separating personal & professional social media. I personally don’t. #prodchat
halduauthor @IsaPinaud wow, you must have had a really goo consultant help you make that decision 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @joshmccormack Glad to hear, and glad you can be with us. Fun topic! #prodchat
mbti_estj @rsidneysmith Yes, and for a business it is important for branding to communicate within the theme & scope of the brand. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing That makes a lot of sense…it’s a very personal (or rather, very professional) choice! 🙂 #prodchat
IsaPinaud @halduauthor Yeah, I think his name was Ben something 😛 #prodchat
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith I don’t share anything online that I wouldn’t share IRL among a networking group or with other associates. #prodchat A2
mbti_estj @rsidneysmith Absolutely Ray! It helps to be more targeted to the specific audience of each. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing That’s a good standard! I tend to say that, “I won’t say anything that I wouldn’t want my mother to hear.” #prodchat
halduauthor I do not condone having multiple accounts for the sake of being two faced though, wherever you are be the person you should be #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Unfortunately, that doesn’t limit me very much! 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q3: What are some ways to distinguish your professional image from your personal messaging? #prodchat
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith If it’s a truly personal matter or personal news — I pick up the phone! #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Or the NSA 😉 #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: What are some ways to distinguish your professional image from your personal messaging? #prodchat…
rsidneysmith @halduauthor That makes sense. You shouldn’t be duplicitous because technology allows you to hide it. #prodchat
JPurll @LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith That’s what Hillary’s productivity coach suggested, too. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @LoisMarketing Eh, if the NSA wants to hear the conversations w/my mother, all I ask is for THEM to call her instead! #prodchat
LoisMarketing Follow the rule of not posting anything online that you wouldn’t display on a billboard. Personal insights etc can enhance. #prodchat A3
halduauthor @rsidneysmith exactly, but there can be good reason to segment messages, ie grandparents usually like baby pics more than clients #prodchat
mickychopra #prodchat A1 when it comes to branding personal & professional are two sides of same coin #brand
halduauthor @LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith …and tweet it? That’s what phones are for right? #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Exactly! I actually don’t want pictures of my baby niece public. It should be her choice when she’s old enough. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @LoisMarketing I would tweet far less without my phone. *scratches head* Hehe. 😉 #prodchat
mbti_estj A3. Using separate accounts or different site maybe used to focus on differences as well (i.e. FB for personal,LI=Professional)#prodchat
rsidneysmith @mickychopra Welcome to #prodchat, Micky! Glad you can join us! Enjoy! #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @LoisMarketing: Follow the rule of not posting anything online that you wouldn’t display on a billboard. Personal insights etc can enhan…
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith @halduauthor Agreed. If I had kids or grandkids you’d hear all about them – but never see photos or too much info #prodchat
halduauthor RT @mbti_estj: A3. Using separate accounts or different site maybe used to focus on differences as well (i.e. FB for personal,LI=Profession…
halduauthor @mbti_estj yes, I reserve facebook for people I know IRL #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing @halduauthor That’s good self-control. I feel for kids whose parents are over-sharers in open forums like SoMe. #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @halduauthor: @mbti_estj yes, I reserve facebook for people I know IRL #prodchat
LoisMarketing RT @halduauthor: @mbti_estj yes, I reserve facebook for people I know IRL #prodchat << Same here and even there I share limited info
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj Agreed. But I find that I give/receive a lot of referrals from friends and now LinkedIn is populating with… #prodchat
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj …more and more friends IRL, but also professional contacts I may or may not have met IRL. #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing there is also a serious lack of understanding of privacy settings and group sharing on SoMe generally #prodchat
mickychopra #prodchat Not really and I don’t see a possibility either. Infact using different SoMe as & when solves my purpose A2
mbti_estj @halduauthor Me too Ben! #prodchat 🙂
rsidneysmith A3: Well, on Twitter, it’s subtle but my @w3consulting account has my business logo in my profile picture. #prodchat
LoisMarketing @halduauthor Also anything posted online is potentially viewable by anyone, privacy settings or not #prodchat @rsidneysmith
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @mbti_estj when I receive a LI invite I try to ask myself, could I endorse anything about this person? #prodchat
LoisMarketing I just don’t tell social media my personal and private business, plain and simple. #prodchat
joshmccormack RT @mickychopra: #prodchat A1 when it comes to branding personal & professional are two sides of same coin #brand
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @mbti_estj Good Litmus. I use @ThisIsSethsBlog’s “Could I call them to sleep on there couch when I’m in their city?” #prodchat
mickychopra #prodchat I can’t have my party/beer pics in d business presentation, don’t mix the objectivity. B professional to ur personal brand too. A3
joshmccormack @mickychopra I’m seeing that, too. Building personal relationships with business contacts develops trust and loyalty. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing That makes sense. If you don’t want anyone to know, don’t say it at all! 🙂 #prodchat
LoisMarketing I am more open in accepting LI invites — you never know where business or an introduction might come from. (cont) #prodchat A3
mbti_estj @rsidneysmith @w3consulting My work site @ITA_ServiceDesk has the business logo and not my pic on it to distinguish it for work. #prodchat
halduauthor The online world is not more dangerous than the physical world. Both should be approached with awareness #prodchat
mickychopra RT @joshmccormack: @mickychopra I’m seeing that, too. Building personal relationships with business contacts develops trust and loyalty. #p…
joshmccormack RT @rsidneysmith: @LoisMarketing That makes sense. If you don’t want anyone to know, don’t say it at all! 🙂 #prodchat
LoisMarketing (cont) It’s easy to then delete a connection if you become concerned or don’t wish to pursue it later. #prodchat A3
rsidneysmith Q4a: Much of prof. SoMe, you have to walk a line “personalizing your brand, [but] not getting personal”… #prodchat
joshmccormack Business often comes from friendships. Friendships can develop from willingness on social media. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj That makes sense! I’m the face of my business…our logo is second to people want me to speak at their event. #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q4b: …as @annhandley has said. (Read later: How do you walk that line? #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @mbti_estj it’s just that LI has a specific purpose and not meeting random strangers. That’s why they made Twitter #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @mbti_estj Agreed. These are people I know AND trust AND have equity to sleep in their home. #prodchat
LoisMarketing @halduauthor @rsidneysmith @mbti_estj I’ve become more open-minded and appreciative of LI as my biz has grown more intl in scope #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @mbti_estj Although, I admit I’ve become lax in that standard at times…I guess it’s time to clean house there! #prodchat
bevstorrs RT @joshmccormack: Business often comes from friendships. Friendships can develop from willingness on social media. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing @halduauthor @mbti_estj I get such lovely messages about my podcast from people finding me on LinkedIn globally. #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q4 is a two-parter…read both tweets so you can get the question! 🙂 #prodchat
mbti_estj @rsidneysmith @halduauthor Yes, I like LI for biz reference,checking candidates to hire or referring job announcements to people.#prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q4a: Much of prof. SoMe, you have to walk a line “personalizing your brand, [but] not getting personal”… #prodchat http…
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q4b: …as @annhandley has said. (Read later: How do you walk that line? #prodchat…
rsidneysmith Q5: Do you do more public/private messaging with your professional/personal Social Media? #prodchat
halduauthor .@mbti_estj @rsidneysmith you don’t want to be like, actually I don’t know that guy… #prodchat
halduauthor Twitter is having issues for me right now #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @joshmccormack: Business often comes from friendships. Friendships can develop from willingness on social media. #prodchat
mbti_estj A4. Walk the line by keeping to the mission/vision,brand messaging & theme of the biz,but add enough personal to make it real.#prodchat
rsidneysmith A5: I definitely do WAY more private messaging in both prof. and pers. Social Media. That’s where *real* connection happens for me.#prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: @LoisMarketing @halduauthor @mbti_estj I get such lovely messages about my podcast from people finding me on LinkedIn glo…
IsaPinaud Sorry guys have to leave early!! Thanks for everything! #prodchat
halduauthor A5: pretty even I would say #prodchat
LoisMarketing I do more public messaging via SoMe — I don’t mind the occasional private message but prefer to take private convo offline #prodchat A5
tigga7d6 @joshmccormack I guess I’m #lurking #prodchat now. *eating popcorn and watching @CW_TheFlash
rsidneysmith A5a: And that’s sad because of the amount of outbound, public messaging I do on a weekly basis. 😛 #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q5: Do you do more public/private messaging with your professional/personal Social Media? #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @LoisMarketing: I do more public messaging via SoMe — I don’t mind the occasional private message but prefer to take private convo offl…
LoisMarketing If someone inquires about biz, etc. I prefer to move to email, Skype or phone vs. limited characters in posts/tweets #prodchat A5
rsidneysmith A5b: My only thing is that I will NOT transact work communications via Facebook…email me or call me, *please!* #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Hahaha…have you ever had someone who send you like five or six DMs on Twitter?! It’s crazy! LOL #prodchat
mbti_estj A5. FB post are just to friends. For Twitter post I post mostly public, but do some private messages. #prodchat
halduauthor @LoisMarketing not exactly offline then… #prodchat
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith Same here and I’ll initiate w ‘may I call or email you and let’s exchange contact info?’ #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @mbti_estj: A5. FB post are just to friends. For Twitter post I post mostly public, but do some private messages. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing I’ve sent multiple DMs in a row because I didn’t have someone’s email before…would have much rathered emailed! #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @LoisMarketing: @rsidneysmith Same here and I’ll initiate w ‘may I call or email you and let’s exchange contact info?’ #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing That’s a great tactic. I only did the multi-DM because time was of the essence, as it were. #prodchat
LoisMarketing @halduauthor It may start with email but if it’s a business opportunity I want to move it to phone or Skype or inperson meeting #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing not really… it’s just like texting #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @rsidneysmith: @LoisMarketing I’ve sent multiple DMs in a row because I didn’t have someone’s email before…would have much rathered em…
BrandIdeas RT @mickychopra: #prodchat A1 when it comes to branding personal & professional are two sides of same coin #brand
tigga7d6 @rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing I feel the same. #prodchat
LoisMarketing @halduauthor @rsidneysmith Important is that we each be ‘fluid’, that we understand and respect how others wish to communicate #prodchat
mbti_estj A5. When personal messaging needs to be personal I switch to private messaging in FB or text or phone. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing @halduauthor That’s so important! Do unto others as they want to have done unto themselves. #diamondrule #prodchat
halduauthor @LoisMarketing i prefer google hangouts to skype, but I haven’t used Skype in years so maybe it’s gotten better #prodchat
rsidneysmith Two more questions coming! Next up in a minute! #prodchat
BrandIdeas Find the communication channel that feels most natural – if its personal the limit the audience to that person #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @LoisMarketing: @halduauthor It may start with email but if it’s a business opportunity I want to move it to phone or Skype or inperson …
joshmccormack If a client wants to communicate via smoke signals, I’ll learn. They’re the boss. #prodchat
mbti_estj A5. My older daughter text messages me and my younger one uses FB messenger. Different strokes for different folks/generations.#prodchat
MarkDealMBA I just missed #prodchat 🙁
rsidneysmith Q6: How can blending professional and personal Social Media engagement benefit you? #prodchat
rsidneysmith @joshmccormack I want to meet these clients who use smoke signals! 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @MarkDealMBA We still have 10 minutes, Mark! Dig it! 🙂 #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @BrandIdeas: Find the communication channel that feels most natural – if its personal the limit the audience to that person #prodchat
tigga7d6 RT @joshmccormack: If a client wants to communicate via smoke signals, I’ll learn. They’re the boss. #prodchat
BrandIdeas Social reflects your natural personality as much as your professional conduct – it should be a happy balance #prodchat
joshmccormack @rsidneysmith Medical marijuana? 😉 #prodchat
halduauthor .@MarkDealMBA  and #prodchat missed you
tigga7d6 RT @rsidneysmith: @joshmccormack I want to meet these clients who use smoke signals! 😉 #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q6: How can blending professional and personal Social Media engagement benefit you? #prodchat
rsidneysmith @joshmccormack LOL! #prodchat
LoisMarketing Let people get to know the personal side of the professional ‘you’. The two can work well together. #prodchat A6
Social_Age RT @joshmccormack: If a client wants to communicate via smoke signals, I’ll learn. They’re the boss. #prodchat
halduauthor A6: customers/clients feel like they are dealing with a real person with a real life #prodchat
rsidneysmith A6: If you’re a likable personally, demonstrating that in SoMe can be tremendously beneficial professionally also. #prodchat
MarkDealMBA A6: Social isn’t about B2C or B2B for private brands, it is P2P. Personal + business = flavor + value #prodchat
mbti_estj A6. Blending personal & professional may generate more sales or biz opportunities from the larger networking audience. #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @halduauthor: A6: customers/clients feel like they are dealing with a real person with a real life #prodchat
BrandIdeas RT @mbti_estj: A6. Blending personal & professional may generate more sales or biz opportunities from the larger networking audience. #prod…
MarkDealMBA @halduauthor i’ll add my two cents and take my nickel at the end #prodchat
mickychopra #prodchat I keep it simple & open depending on the need & time to get personal or professional. Strategy & scope keeps evolving! A5
mbti_estj RT @MarkDealMBA: A6: Social isn’t about B2C or B2B for private brands, it is P2P. Personal + business = flavor + value #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @MarkDealMBA: A6: Social isn’t about B2C or B2B for private brands, it is P2P. Personal + business = flavor + value #prodchat
TeiTrdagreat RT @LoisMarketing: Let people get to know the personal side of the professional ‘you’. The two can work well together. #prodchat A6
LoisMarketing I’ve broken more ‘ice’ tweeting about Formula 1 and football than I ever have sharing business tips 🙂 #prodchat A6
SeanRLoh RT @LoisMarketing: I’ve broken more ‘ice’ tweeting about Formula 1 and football than I ever have sharing business tips 🙂 #prodchat A6
rsidneysmith @MarkDealMBA Well said, Mark. It’s important to understand there are hearts and minds behind Twitter and Facebook profiles. #prodchat
halduauthor @rsidneysmith conversely if you are a jerk… well that will come through too #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q7: What is one thing you are going to do going forward to change your professional/personal Social Media? #prodchat
mbti_estj @MarkDealMBA Yes, also H2H (heart-to-heart) is always good too. #prodchat 🙂
BrandIdeas RT @mbti_estj: @MarkDealMBA Yes, also H2H (heart-to-heart) is always good too. #prodchat 🙂
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Q7: What is one thing you are going to do going forward to change your professional/personal Social Media? #prodchat http…
halduauthor .@LoisMarketing and let’s face it, ice was made to be broken #prodchat
LoisMarketing I’ll be the first to admit my LI profile needs work — so THAT. 🙂 #prodchat A7
mbti_estj @halduauthor @rsidneysmith Exactly! GIGO (Goodness In, Goodness Out or Garbage In, Garbage Out). 😉 #prodchat
Lujor78 RT @joshmccormack: If a client wants to communicate via smoke signals, I’ll learn. They’re the boss. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @mbti_estj @halduauthor It’s like data entry! 😉 #prodchat
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing I can say the same thing about my Facebook presence. I think it’s time to delete all of my Facebook pages. #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @LoisMarketing: I’ve broken more ‘ice’ tweeting about Formula 1 and football than I ever have sharing business tips 🙂 #prodchat A6
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: April 1 – Topic: “Best Productivity System…Ever!”! Have a great week, #productivity enthusiasts!
LoisMarketing RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: April 1 – Topic: “Best Productivity System…Ever!”! Have a great week, #productivity enthusiasts! http:/…
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: @mbti_estj @halduauthor It’s like data entry! 😉 #prodchat
mbti_estj RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: April 1 – Topic: “Best Productivity System…Ever!”! Have a great week, #productivity enthusiasts! http:/…
halduauthor Great seeing you all on #prodchat, catch you next week
rsidneysmith Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for today’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week!
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