#ProdChat – 03/27/13 – All About Paper!
For the week of 3/27/13, #ProdChat discussed paper-based productivity systems…the good, the bad, and the best-practices for folks starting out with (blending or going back to) paper into their productive life! Enjoy!
In case you missed it, this Saturday at noon EDT, Productivity Book Group ( http://productivitybookgroup.org ) continues its discussion of Getting Things Done by David Allen (Chapters 7-10). Please join us for the live call; details on the website!
Happy Wednesday #prodchat! Hope everyone is loving #MarchMadness! 🙂
@rsidneysmith Hi Ray! Nice to see you! Hope all is well!! 🙂 #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonights topic: “All About Paper!” #prodchat
I’m Kenna, a journalism professor from Oklahoma. I blog at http://www.profkrg.com . My productivity system is under development. #prodchat
@MikeClargo Hi Mike! Welcome–you’ll love #prodchat! 🙂
@MikeClargo Hi, Mike! I’m sure we’ll do a whole chat on metrics some day soon! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion! #prodchat
A1 Nope. Good night. 😉
@MikeClargo We also love post-in notes!! 🙂 #prodchat
@MikeClargo welcome, Mike. #prodchat
A1b: Oh, @nmhouston just reminded me that I journal on paper also! #prodchat
A1 And like, @nmhouston, I like to journal by hand. Although, I’ve been getting into online journaling. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A1: yes! My phone and sticker notes. I put everything on my calendar and have notes all over the house. #prodchat
Agreed. Faster online. RT “@MikeClargo: A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine #ProdChat“
RT @nmhouston: A1 I use paper for journalling, mindmapping, focusing #prodchat
Very True!! RT @MikeClargo: A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine #prodchat
I’m trying OhLife. I’m liking it! MT @rsidneysmith: I struggle with the idea of journaling online… #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thanks for letting me chirp in a bit late 🙂 Hi to you too! #ProdChat
@LoisMarketing Hi, Lois! Welcome! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I like paper! I have never find any disadvantage; maybe for time consuming? Because I have to go back and type it. #PRODCHAT
A2: My issue is losing what I’ve written down and procrastinating on processing the paper. Physical things feel more important. #prodchat
A2: My issue is losing what I’ve written down and procrastinating on processing the paper. Physical things feel more important. #prodchat
Hello, thanks for having me! “@rsidneysmith: @MCTheWriter Hi, Myrlande! Great to have on the #productivity chat! #prodchat”
@rsidneysmith Very true. With storing information online, it can be easier to ignore or procrastinate without physical reminders. #prodchat
That’s awesome! 🙂 RT @LoisMarketing: Yes Ill admit I have a DayTimer. Im such an 80s chick! 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith yes, I agree, procrastinating on processing paper- based info can be a real challenge #prodchat
@MCTheWriter Happy Wednesday! We’re glad you’re here on #prodchat too! 🙂
RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith yes, I agree, procrastinating on processing paper- based info can be a real challenge #prodchat
@MikeClargo me too — I *love* my scanner #prodchat
@nmhouston I’ve gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! @michgunn #prodchat
@nmhouston I’ve gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! @michgunn #prodchat
@LoisMarketing We’re only on Q2 so you can easily jump right in! 🙂 #prodchat
🙂 MT @rsidneysmith: Ive gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! #prodchat
@nmhouston me too — I *love* my scanner ; Tablet pc with wacom pen helps with further editing – not paper but close! #ProdChat
I need a new scanning solution…iOS app? Doxie? Fujitsu? 😉 RT @nmhouston: @MikeClargo me too — I *love* my scanner #prodchat
@MCTheWriter What is #prodchat?
@MikeClargo Those Wacom boards are amazing! I think that’s just made it to my “gadgets to get” list! cc @nmhouston #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I need a new scanning solution…iOS app? Fujitsu is great kit #ProdChat
@anjalimullany We’re a weekly conversation about personal #productivity here on Twitter. Join us every Wed at 8pm ET. 🙂 #prodchat
@anjalimullany We’re a weekly conversation about personal #productivity here on Twitter. Join us every Wed at 8pm ET. 🙂 #prodchat
@MikeClargo yes, I use a tablet & pen too, esp for reading/annotating PDFs. Like minds flock to #prodchat 🙂
@rsidneysmith Fujitsu Scansnap 1500M for desktop… Doxie for on the go… Turboscan for iphone… 🙂 #prodchat
Exactly!! 🙂 RT “@MikeClargo: A3: It just seems more unconstraining and creative #ProdChat“
@rsidneysmith I love my fujitsu scansnap. Totally worth the $$. For quick on the go I use Camscanner app #prodchat
True. @MikeClargo: A3: It just seems more unconstraining and creative #ProdChat”
RT @rsidneysmith A3a: Paper triggers your brain to remember better. (Kinesthetic memory, as it’s called.) – second that!! #ProdChat
Yes! MT @LoisMarketing: … I love having a large whiteboard in my office for freer thinking, creativity, problem solving #prodchat
A3 neurologically typing uses a lot of spatial processing in the brain, writing by hand does not. That’s why you think differently #prodchat
A3 neurologically typing uses a lot of spatial processing in the brain, writing by hand does not. That’s why you think differently #prodchat
Us too! RT “@rsidneysmith: A3b: I’ve always felt more (genuinely?) creative while drawing, mindmapping or other on paper. #prodchat“
True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
Me too RT @rsidneysmith: A3b: I’ve always felt more (genuinely?) creative while drawing, mindmapping or other on paper. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith so many benefits. As a writer, I always have papers with me. Whatever thought comes to mind, I write it down ( cont) #prodchat
@rsidneysmith (cont) then later go on and type it out… It helps me a lot with editing. #prodchat
A3: You could always try OneNote – with a tablet, you can tick things off there with almost the same tactility #ProdChat
A3: You could always try OneNote – with a tablet, you can tick things off there with almost the same tactility #ProdChat
@MCTheWriter That makes much sense…it’s a phasic writing process…gives your mind time to think over problems! Great method! #prodchat
@MCTheWriter That makes much sense…it’s a phasic writing process…gives your mind time to think over problems! Great method! #prodchat
+1 RT @nmhouston: Paper also has built-in size constraints (esp my fave the index card) –good for focusing lists, notes, etc #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I also jot new tasks on my printed list, then add them to my app at the end of the day when planning the next day. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: Paper also has built-in size constraints (esp my fave the index card); I’m more of a large flipchart kind of perso #ProdChat
Color sticker notes. Each color means something! From most important to my favorite!! “@rsidneysmith: Q4 #PRODCHAT”
@nmhouston Ha Ha! Love it! Definitely the forerunner for all the modern smartphones! #prodchat
A4: I’m personally fond of this: http://www.creativesoutfitter.com/product/22/action-runner … (Action Runner) #prodchat
There was such a great pic of the Hipster PDA… I’ll have to dig it up… pre pinterest. ha! @rsidneysmith #prodchat
Nice! RT @nmhouston:@sendgine I was a Palm Pilot early adopter. Had three of them before they stopped making em. #proudoldskooler #prodchat
@MCTheWriter Yes! I used to use color-coded Post-It’s just as I use color-coded index cards today. Each color has a meaning! #prodchat
@MCTheWriter Yes! I used to use color-coded Post-It’s just as I use color-coded index cards today. Each color has a meaning! #prodchat
I’m with @MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat A4
I’m with @MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat A4
A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (regular, extra large, and now mini) #prodchat
A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (regular, extra large, and now mini) #prodchat
@LoisMarketing I color-code almost everything that matches a life context/category. Love it! cc @MCTheWriter #prodchat
@LoisMarketing I color-code almost everything that matches a life context/category. Love it! cc @MCTheWriter #prodchat
MT @nmhouston A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (Reg, XL, and now mini) #prodchat
Color coding for sure! MT “@LoisMarketing: I’m w/@MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat“
Color coding for sure! MT “@LoisMarketing: I’m w/@MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat“
When marking up hardcopy, have each team member use a different color post-it tab for easy tracking of who did what. #prodchat
When marking up hardcopy, have each team member use a different color post-it tab for easy tracking of who did what. #prodchat
A4 But again, my fave is @livescribe. Meld of paper and digital that can not be beat. #prodchat
@nmhouston Baby index cards? I’m all about those now! Just discovered them too! x #ProdChat
@LoisMarketing Love the whiteboard too…my book was first outlined on one! : ) #prodchat #milliondollarwebsites
And with paper #productivity tools, one has to have the right pen (for me, bold tip, gel ink) #prodchat
@VirtualMarketer There you go! Love that! 🙂 #ProdChat
@Mededitor Thanks for the tip, Mededitor! #prodchat
@Get_Organized_ Welcome to the chat, Amanda! #prodchat
So cool! RT @rsidneysmith: @VirtualMarketer Agreed! I mapped out my first two companies on dry erase board! cc @LoisMarketing #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith: @VirtualMarketer Agreed! I mapped out my first two companies on dry erase board! cc @LoisMarketing #prodchat < Awesome!!
@rsidneysmith I’m fascinated by the future as touchscreens allow more and more of the “cross over” of writing to digital #ProdChat A5
@rsidneysmith @VirtualMarketer @LoisMarketing Whiteboards are sometimes the best tools available! We have several! #prodchat
@LoisMarketing I really feel like digital/smartpen technologies like @livescribe are the future…better if it doubles as stylus! #prodchat
@LoisMarketing I really feel like digital/smartpen technologies like @livescribe are the future…better if it doubles as stylus! #prodchat
@sendgine @rsidneysmith @VirtualMarketer @LoisMarketing Whiteboards are sometimes the best tools available! Tried Googledraw? #ProdChat
MT @MikeClargo: A5: I go with a share OneNote notebook … and a tablet pc with wacom pen, and a scanner of course #prodchat
@MikeClargo I’ve heard of it but I go to the whiteboard as a break from the computer 🙂 @sendgine @rsidneysmith @VirtualMarketer #ProdChat
@MikeClargo We have not! Please share! 🙂 #prodchat
Me 2! RT @nmhouston: I like iAnnotate on my tablet for marking up PDF articles I would have printed 5 years ago #ProdChat
Definitely! RT “@VirtualMarketer: @profkrg I agree…there’s just something really organic about making your mark on paper : ) #prodchat“
Definitely! RT “@VirtualMarketer: @profkrg I agree…there’s just something really organic about making your mark on paper : ) #prodchat“
@nmhouston Confession: I’m a pen snob. I write only with specific pens and esp. my fountain that I carry…even meal receipts. #prodchat
ah… here’s one of the pics I remember… http://bartblog.wordpress.com/2011/02/19/death-of-a-hipster/ … #prodchat
RT Good point! But done well, the computer can be transparent @LoisMarketing: I go to the whiteboard as break from the computer #ProdChat
@LoisMarketing yup, sisters. I’ve got a Galaxy and a Wacom too. 🙂 #prodchat
@MikeClargo Yes, I really like Google Draw for making flowcharts. I haven’t tried freeform but perhaps if I had a Wacom board! #prodchat
I have to check that out. “@nmhouston: on the software side, I use NitroPDF for manipulating, editing, combining scanned items #prodchat”
@rsidneysmith @nmhouston For me it’s everything from my Montblanc to any and every color of Bic gel pen 🙂 #ProdChat
@MCTheWriter PDFSam is also an amazing product for splitting and merging PDFs when @nitropdf doesn’t cut it. cc @nmhouston #prodchat
@MCTheWriter PDFSam is also an amazing product for splitting and merging PDFs when @nitropdf doesn’t cut it. cc @nmhouston #prodchat
*High fives* RT @nmhouston: @LoisMarketing yup, sisters. I’ve got a Galaxy and a Wacom too. 🙂 #prodchat