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#ProdChat – 03/27/13 – All About Paper!

#ProdChat – 03/27/13 – All About Paper!

For the week of 3/27/13, #ProdChat discussed paper-based productivity systems…the good, the bad, and the best-practices for folks starting out with (blending or going back to) paper into their productive life! Enjoy!

  1. In case you missed it, this Saturday at noon EDT, Productivity Book Group ( ) continues its discussion of Getting Things Done by David Allen (Chapters 7-10). Please join us for the live call; details on the website!
  2. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight’s topic: “All About Paper!”
  3. Hello, everyone. Michelle here. I’m a productivity enthusiast. I love all things organization… And, I’m a GTD’r. #prodchat
  4. @michgunn Hey Michelle!! We love all things organization too. How have you been? #prodchat
  5. RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonights topic: “All About Paper!” #prodchat
  6. hey, it’s #prodchat time! hi everybody! (and for those not following the hashtag, more tweets than usual from me for the next hour)
  7. Hey there! Good, how about you? RT @sendgine: @michgunn Hey Michelle!! We love all things organization too. How have you been? #prodchat
  8. I’m Kenna, a journalism professor from Oklahoma. I blog at . My productivity system is under development. #prodchat
  10. Agree with you there!! 😉 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Terrific!! Cant wait for summertime! 🙂 #prodchat
  11. Hi Ray – I’m just finding my feet – first ever chat – but my interest is metrics
  12. @michgunn @nmhouston @profkrg Hey, Michelle, Natalie & Kenna! Great to have you all on the chat! Q1 is out the gate! 🙂 #prodchat
  13. A1 Most of our organization is done online, but we still find that we use paper and pen to make to-dos or plan quick schedules. #prodchat
  14. @MikeClargo Hi, Mike! I’m sure we’ll do a whole chat on metrics some day soon! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion! #prodchat
  15. A1: Mainly post-it notes on giant wall charts #ProdChat
  16. I’m Natalie, an academic (English lit) & a productivity coach. #prodchat
  17. A1: I’m a dedicated Moleskine user…was a Franklin Covey planner-er. Now, mostly digital except for meeting notes. #prodchat
  18. A1 Nope. Good night. 😉


  19. A1 Teasing… but no, I don’t use … oh, Ray, your answer just changed mine… I use Livescribe for handwritten notes! Love it! #prodchat
  20. A1 I use paper for journalling, mindmapping, focusing #prodchat
  21. teeheehee Couldn’t resist. RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Oh, you, jokester, you! 😉 #prodchat
  22. MT @michgunn: A1 Teasing… but no, I dont use … oh, … I use Livescribe for handwritten notes! Love it! #prodchat
  23. A1b: Oh, @nmhouston just reminded me that I journal on paper also! #prodchat
  24. A1: if I’m honest, paper still is my preferred list and planning method. It’s just not practical. #prodchat
  25. RT @profkrg: A1: if Im honest, paper still is my preferred list and planning method. Its just not practical. #prodchat
  26. A1 And like, @nmhouston, I like to journal by hand. Although, I’ve been getting into online journaling. #prodchat
  28. @profkrg And, we’ll be discussing pro’s and con’s over the next two questions! 🙂 #prodchat
  29. A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine
  30. @rsidneysmith A1: yes! My phone and sticker notes. I put everything on my calendar and have notes all over the house. #prodchat
  31. A1 and @profkrg reminded me, that I will sometimes write lists on paper, later transfer to digital — for more flexible thinking #prodchat
  32. @michgunn @nmhouston I struggle with the idea of journaling online…and I’ve done in via blogging since the early 90s! Lol #prodchat
  33. Agreed. Faster online. RT “@MikeClargo: A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine #ProdChat
  34. RT @nmhouston: A1 I use paper for journalling, mindmapping, focusing #prodchat
  35. RT @sendgine: Agreed. Faster online. RT “@MikeClargo: A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine #ProdChat
  36. A2 The biggest disadvantage to paper systems is having to lug it all around with you, or not have it all at your fingertips. #prodchat
  37. A2: Really its about editability, and changing your mind – that is what is difficult on paper #ProdChat
  38. @michgunn Interesting. Do you use a specific program for that? #ProdChat
  39. Very True!! RT @MikeClargo: A1: I tend to think better on paper but edit better on the machine #prodchat
  40. A2 Sometimes paper seems to inspire more creativity for us. However, we love the quick ability to search and store online. #prodchat
  41. Yes I’ll admit I have a DayTimer. I’m such an 80s chick! 🙂 #ProdChat
  42. A2 disadvantage of paper is archiving & retrieval, though now with good scan/photog to PDF, much easier #prodchat
  43. I’m trying OhLife. I’m liking it! MT @rsidneysmith: I struggle with the idea of journaling online… #prodchat
  44. A2: I can’t haul all of my paper around in the palm of my hand like I can my iPhone. #prodchat
  45. A2: I can’t haul all of my paper around in the palm of my hand like I can my iPhone. #prodchat
  46. @rsidneysmith Thanks for letting me chirp in a bit late 🙂 Hi to you too! #ProdChat
  47. A2 Paper can also make collaboration and hearing very difficult too. It also isn’t as environmentally friendly… #prodchat
  48. @michgunn I may just have to give it another chance. It keeps emailing me every day. I’m, like, OMG! Stop! #prodchat
  49. @rsidneysmith I like paper! I have never find any disadvantage; maybe for time consuming? Because I have to go back and type it. #PRODCHAT
  50. Popping in here for the first time, and a bit late it appears. Double fisting my chat tonight with WJChat as well. Hi all. #Prodchat
  51. A2 another disadvantage of paper is susceptibility to decay (I live in a very humid/moldy climate) #prodchat
  52. A2: My issue is losing what I’ve written down and procrastinating on processing the paper. Physical things feel more important. #prodchat
  53. A2: My issue is losing what I’ve written down and procrastinating on processing the paper. Physical things feel more important. #prodchat
  54. Yeah!! MT @sendgine: paper seems to inspire more creativity for us. However, we love the quick ability to search and store online. #prodchat
  55. Hello, thanks for having me! “@rsidneysmith: @MCTheWriter Hi, Myrlande! Great to have on the #productivity chat! #prodchat
  56. @rsidneysmith Very true. With storing information online, it can be easier to ignore or procrastinate without physical reminders. #prodchat
  57. That’s awesome! 🙂 RT @LoisMarketing: Yes Ill admit I have a DayTimer. Im such an 80s chick! 🙂 #prodchat
  58. @NHDaveH Hi, Dave! Glad you could make it to the #productivity chat! We’re only on Q2, so feel free to answer those as we move on! #prodchat
  59. Thanks. Happy to be here and meet new people. RT @sendgine: @NHDaveH Multi-tasking at its finest! Welcome to #prodchat! #Prodchat
  60. A2: Two years ago I invested in a very fast duplex scanner – now I can archive all my paper notes and plans #ProdChat
  61. I kind of agree! “@profkrg: A2: I can’t haul all of my paper around in the palm of my hand like I can my iPhone. #prodchat
  62. MT @sendgine: @rsidneysmith Very true. With storing info online, it can be easier to ignore/procrastinate w/o physical reminders. #prodchat
  63. @rsidneysmith yes, I agree, procrastinating on processing paper- based info can be a real challenge #prodchat
  64. @MCTheWriter Happy Wednesday! We’re glad you’re here on #prodchat too! 🙂
  65. RT @MCTheWriter: I kind of agree! “@profkrg: A2: I cant haul all of my paper around in the palm of my hand like I can my iPhone.” #prodchat
  66. RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith yes, I agree, procrastinating on processing paper- based info can be a real challenge #prodchat
  67. @nmhouston I’ve gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! @michgunn #prodchat
  68. @nmhouston I’ve gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! @michgunn #prodchat
  69. 🙂 MT @rsidneysmith: Ive gotten better at it over the years, but my new @livescribe Sky smartpen is making it much better! #prodchat
  70. I’m so dying to buy a fujitsu scan snap… but waiting until I really need it. I use a DoxieGo now that I love. #prodchat
  71. Thank you! “@sendgine: @MCTheWriter Happy Wednesday! We’re glad you’re here on #prodchat too! :)”
  72. @nmhouston me too — I *love* my scanner ; Tablet pc with wacom pen helps with further editing – not paper but close! #ProdChat
  73. I need a new scanning solution…iOS app? Doxie? Fujitsu? 😉 RT @nmhouston: @MikeClargo me too — I *love* my scanner #prodchat
  75. @MikeClargo Those Wacom boards are amazing! I think that’s just made it to my “gadgets to get” list! cc @nmhouston #prodchat
  76. @rsidneysmith I need a new scanning solution…iOS app? Fujitsu is great kit #ProdChat
  77. @anjalimullany We’re a weekly conversation about personal #productivity here on Twitter. Join us every Wed at 8pm ET. 🙂 #prodchat
  78. @anjalimullany We’re a weekly conversation about personal #productivity here on Twitter. Join us every Wed at 8pm ET. 🙂 #prodchat
  79. @MikeClargo yes, I use a tablet & pen too, esp for reading/annotating PDFs. Like minds flock to #prodchat 🙂
  80. @rsidneysmith Fujitsu Scansnap 1500M for desktop… Doxie for on the go… Turboscan for iphone… 🙂 #prodchat
  81. A3: It just seems more unconstraining and creative #ProdChat
  82. Exactly!! 🙂 RT “@MikeClargo: A3: It just seems more unconstraining and creative #ProdChat
  83. A3: I think more clearly when I use pen and paper. #prodchat
  84. A3 Paper seems to inspire in a way that a computer or phone screen cannot. #prodchat
  85. A3a: Paper triggers your brain to remember better. (Kinesthetic memory, as it’s called.) #prodchat
  86. This is a bit off of the topic but I love having a large whiteboard in my office for freer thinking, creativity, problem solving #ProdChat
  87. A3 Benefit of using paper is the help with the thinking process. It slows you down enough to be more present with your thoughts. #prodchat
  88. A3: There is nothing quite as fulfilling as physically marking an item off of your to do list. #prodchat
  89. A3: You can flick through it and instinctively arrive at the right place #ProdChat
  90. @rsidneysmith I love my fujitsu scansnap. Totally worth the $$. For quick on the go I use Camscanner app #prodchat
  91. True. @MikeClargo: A3: It just seems more unconstraining and creative #ProdChat
  92. A3b: I’ve always felt more (genuinely?) creative while drawing, mindmapping or other on paper. #prodchat
  93. Yes! RT @profkrg: A3: There is nothing quite as fulfilling as physically marking an item off of your to do list. #prodchat
  94. Very true. RT @profkrg: A3: There is nothing quite as fulfilling as physically marking an item off of your to do list. #prodchat
  95. RT @rsidneysmith A3a: Paper triggers your brain to remember better. (Kinesthetic memory, as it’s called.) – second that!! #ProdChat
  96. Yes! MT @LoisMarketing: … I love having a large whiteboard in my office for freer thinking, creativity, problem solving #prodchat
  97. A3 neurologically typing uses a lot of spatial processing in the brain, writing by hand does not. That’s why you think differently #prodchat
  98. A3 neurologically typing uses a lot of spatial processing in the brain, writing by hand does not. That’s why you think differently #prodchat
  99. Us too! RT “@rsidneysmith: A3b: I’ve always felt more (genuinely?) creative while drawing, mindmapping or other on paper. #prodchat
  100. True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
  101. True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
  102. True confession: I’ve been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
  103. Me too RT @rsidneysmith: A3b: I’ve always felt more (genuinely?) creative while drawing, mindmapping or other on paper. #prodchat
  104. A3. I love paper when it comes to checking off things on a list when deleted on a computer its tough to remember that it was there #Prodchat
  105. It’s also much easier to avoid/ignore my app-based to do list. #prodchat
  106. @rsidneysmith so many benefits. As a writer, I always have papers with me. Whatever thought comes to mind, I write it down ( cont) #prodchat
  107. Funny, I always plan projects on paper. It’s easier to move stuff around on screen, but the thinking process is better on paper. #prodchat
  108. Funny, I always plan projects on paper. It’s easier to move stuff around on screen, but the thinking process is better on paper. #prodchat
  109. I also find it easier to take notes on paper. I tend to be a doodler while note taking. #Prodchat
  110. A3c: I find that paper that’s in sight stays in this happy memory space that doesn’t distract focus but doesn’t get lost either. #prodchat
  111. @rsidneysmith (cont) then later go on and type it out… It helps me a lot with editing. #prodchat
  112. RT @profkrg: Its also much easier to avoid/ignore my app-based to do list. #prodchat
  113. @NHDaveH Agreed! Not as much satisfaction goes into the accomplishment either, I feel. #prodchat
  114. @NHDaveH Agreed! Not as much satisfaction goes into the accomplishment either, I feel. #prodchat
  115. Paper also has built-in size constraints (esp my fave the index card) –good for focusing lists, notes, etc #prodchat
  116. A3: You could always try OneNote – with a tablet, you can tick things off there with almost the same tactility #ProdChat
  117. A3: You could always try OneNote – with a tablet, you can tick things off there with almost the same tactility #ProdChat
  118. Definitely. RT “@profkrg: Its also much easier to avoid/ignore my app-based to do list. #prodchat
  119. @MCTheWriter That makes much sense…it’s a phasic writing process…gives your mind time to think over problems! Great method! #prodchat
  120. @MCTheWriter That makes much sense…it’s a phasic writing process…gives your mind time to think over problems! Great method! #prodchat
  121. +1 RT @nmhouston: Paper also has built-in size constraints (esp my fave the index card) –good for focusing lists, notes, etc #prodchat
  122. When it comes to thumbs I’m all thumbs! Seriously I find it easier and quicker to write down notes rather than typing/texting #ProdChat A3
  123. @michgunn Maybe that’s the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat
  124. RT @profkrg: True confession: Ive been known to print my to do list just for the thrill of marking things off. #prodchat
  125. @profkrg Well, if we’re confessing, I print my @rememberthemilk task lists *every* day! It’s so gratifying to mark things off. #prodchat
  126. definitely for me. 🙂 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Maybe thats the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat
  127. Q4 will be here in a jiffy! Rather, under 50 seconds… #prodchat
  128. MT @sendgine: Maybe that’s the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat
  129. @rsidneysmith I also jot new tasks on my printed list, then add them to my app at the end of the day when planning the next day. #prodchat
  130. RT @nmhouston: Paper also has built-in size constraints (esp my fave the index card); I’m more of a large flipchart kind of perso #ProdChat
  131. RT @nmhouston: MT @sendgine: Maybe that’s the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat << Good point!
  132. This just made me miss my Palm Pilot… Digital with a pen for checking off my lists. Aw!!! #prodchat
  133. And storing. @nmhouston: MT @sendgine: Maybe that’s the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat
  134. And searching. @nmhouston: MT @sendgine: Maybe that’s the distinction. Paper is for thinking, online is for executing? #prodchat
  135. RT @michgunn: This just made me miss my Palm Pilot… Digital with a pen for checking off my lists. Aw!!! #prodchat
  136. @michgunn That’s way old school, Michelle. We might be judging. 😉 JK! #prodchat
  137. RT @michgunn: This just made me miss my Palm Pilot… Digital with a pen for checking off my lists. Aw!!! #Prodchat
  138. @michgunn I miss the Palm Pilot too! it had the best calendar and notes functions. #prodchat
  139. Judge away… Proud of my Handspring Visor! 😉 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Thats way old school, Michelle. We might be judging. 😉 JK! #prodchat
  140. I’m going to go dig it out of the closet even! I miss the running log on it for sure! 😉 #prodchat
  141. @sendgine I was a Palm Pilot early adopter. Had three of them before they stopped making ’em. #proudoldskooler #prodchat
  142. Right?! RT @nmhouston: @michgunn I miss the Palm Pilot too! it had the best calendar and notes functions. #prodchat
  143. @nmhouston Exactly! No frills…just calendar and notes. Those were the days! 😉 cc @michgunn #prodchat
  144. Color sticker notes. Each color means something! From most important to my favorite!! “@rsidneysmith: Q4 #PRODCHAT
  145. @nmhouston Ha Ha! Love it! Definitely the forerunner for all the modern smartphones! #prodchat
  146. A4: I love pens, paper and office supplies in general. I can’t possibly name a favorite. #prodchat
  147. There was such a great pic of the Hipster PDA… I’ll have to dig it up… pre pinterest. ha! @rsidneysmith #prodchat
  148. Nice! RT @nmhouston:@sendgine I was a Palm Pilot early adopter. Had three of them before they stopped making em. #proudoldskooler #prodchat
  149. @MCTheWriter Yes! I used to use color-coded Post-It’s just as I use color-coded index cards today. Each color has a meaning! #prodchat
  150. @MCTheWriter Yes! I used to use color-coded Post-It’s just as I use color-coded index cards today. Each color has a meaning! #prodchat
  151. I’m with @MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat A4
  152. I’m with @MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat A4
  153. A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (regular, extra large, and now mini) #prodchat
  154. A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (regular, extra large, and now mini) #prodchat
  155. @LoisMarketing I color-code almost everything that matches a life context/category. Love it! cc @MCTheWriter #prodchat
  156. @LoisMarketing I color-code almost everything that matches a life context/category. Love it! cc @MCTheWriter #prodchat
  157. MT @nmhouston A4 I recently discovered baby-sized index cards 3 x 2.5″ to add to my index card family (Reg, XL, and now mini) #prodchat
  158. A4. I tend to stick to basics, so I’d have to say half pads of unlined paper so I can write big and small on it. #Prodchat
  159. Color coding for sure! MT “@LoisMarketing: I’m w/@MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat
  160. Color coding for sure! MT “@LoisMarketing: I’m w/@MCTheWriter, finding color-coding notes and tabs to be very helpful these days. #ProdChat
  161. A4 Also I am a huge fan of Black N’ Red hardbacked notebooks #prodchat
  162. When marking up hardcopy, have each team member use a different color post-it tab for easy tracking of who did what. #prodchat
  163. When marking up hardcopy, have each team member use a different color post-it tab for easy tracking of who did what. #prodchat
  164. A4 I like ActionRunner too, Ray. I’m digging Whitelines (don’t show up when copied). #prodchat
  165. A4 But again, my fave is @livescribe. Meld of paper and digital that can not be beat. #prodchat
  166. @nmhouston Baby index cards? I’m all about those now! Just discovered them too! x #ProdChat
  167. A4: I find squared paper is very nice – it encourages me to move from writing to drawing – left-brain to right-brain #ProdChat
  168. And with paper #productivity tools, one has to have the right pen (for me, bold tip, gel ink) #prodchat
  170. So cool! RT @rsidneysmith: @VirtualMarketer Agreed! I mapped out my first two companies on dry erase board! cc @LoisMarketing #prodchat
  171. A5: I have to admit I wrote this question specifically with @michgunn in mind… 😛 #prodchat
  172. HA!!! 🙂 RT @rsidneysmith: A5: I have to admit I wrote this question specifically with @michgunn in mind… 😛 #prodchat
  173. A5: Mindmap on paper (or dry erase board) then photo or re-draw using a MindMap tool. #prodchat
  174. RT @rsidneysmith: @VirtualMarketer Agreed! I mapped out my first two companies on dry erase board! cc @LoisMarketing #prodchat < Awesome!!
  175. @rsidneysmith I’m fascinated by the future as touchscreens allow more and more of the “cross over” of writing to digital #ProdChat A5
  176. @rsidneysmith @VirtualMarketer @LoisMarketing Whiteboards are sometimes the best tools available! We have several! #prodchat
  177. A5: I’ve got to go with a share OneNote note book over an internal network and a tablet pc with wacom pen, and a scanner of course #ProdChat
  178. A5: I said it before, but I print my tasks/projects lists daily so I have a working copy to write on…then back-fill into RTM. #prodchat
  179. @LoisMarketing I really feel like digital/smartpen technologies like @livescribe are the future…better if it doubles as stylus! #prodchat
  180. @LoisMarketing I really feel like digital/smartpen technologies like @livescribe are the future…better if it doubles as stylus! #prodchat
  181. I like iAnnotate on my tablet for marking up PDF articles I would have printed 5 years ago –just keep it digital #prodchat
  182. MT @MikeClargo: A5: I go with a share OneNote notebook … and a tablet pc with wacom pen, and a scanner of course #prodchat
  183. @profkrg I agree…there’s just something really organic about making your mark on paper : ) #prodchat
  184. @MikeClargo I’ve heard of it but I go to the whiteboard as a break from the computer 🙂 @sendgine @rsidneysmith @VirtualMarketer #ProdChat
  185. Me 2! RT @nmhouston: I like iAnnotate on my tablet for marking up PDF articles I would have printed 5 years ago #ProdChat
  186. Definitely! RT “@VirtualMarketer: @profkrg I agree…there’s just something really organic about making your mark on paper : ) #prodchat
  187. Definitely! RT “@VirtualMarketer: @profkrg I agree…there’s just something really organic about making your mark on paper : ) #prodchat
  188. I completely LOVE my Wacom Bamboo tablet … and my Samsung Galaxy tablet too #ProdChat A5
  189. on the software side, I use NitroPDF for manipulating, editing, combining scanned items #prodchat
  190. @nmhouston Confession: I’m a pen snob. I write only with specific pens and esp. my fountain that I carry…even meal receipts. #prodchat
  191. RT Good point! But done well, the computer can be transparent @LoisMarketing: I go to the whiteboard as break from the computer #ProdChat
  192. @rsidneysmith I can tell from your avatar that you’re a pen snob. *Teasing*! @nmhouston #ProdChat
  193. @MikeClargo Yes, I really like Google Draw for making flowcharts. I haven’t tried freeform but perhaps if I had a Wacom board! #prodchat
  194. I have to check that out. “@nmhouston: on the software side, I use NitroPDF for manipulating, editing, combining scanned items #prodchat
  195. RT @sendgine: Please share! 🙂 Great massive whiteboard area which can be shared and saved and drawn on with a tablet pen. Link #ProdChat
  196. @rsidneysmith @nmhouston For me it’s everything from my Montblanc to any and every color of Bic gel pen 🙂 #ProdChat
  197. @MCTheWriter PDFSam is also an amazing product for splitting and merging PDFs when @nitropdf doesn’t cut it. cc @nmhouston #prodchat
  198. @MCTheWriter PDFSam is also an amazing product for splitting and merging PDFs when @nitropdf doesn’t cut it. cc @nmhouston #prodchat
  199. *High fives* RT @nmhouston: @LoisMarketing yup, sisters. I’ve got a Galaxy and a Wacom too. 🙂 #prodchat
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