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#ProdChat – 04/03/13 – #Email Productivity with @JJMcCullen

#ProdChat – 04/03/13 – #Email Productivity with @JJMcCullen

Jim McCullen, author of (#CYD is a book about setting up a modified #GTD system in #Outlook), joined us to discuss #CYD and #email #productivity. Great discussion, worth the read for some great nuggets!

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “Control Your Day” with author, @jjmccullen.
  2. Psyched for #prodchat tonight! Tune in for the next hour for great productivity tips and lightning speed conversation, efficiency-style 😉
  3. Looking forward to a great exchange of ideas on managing email using GTD on #prodchat tonight 8pm eastern
  4. Hi, everyone!! I’m Michelle. I’m a organization enthusiast and a GTD’r who uses OmniFocus to manage my world. Excited for this #prodchat
  5. Ditto! 🙂 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Hi Michelle! Looking forward to another great #prodchat! #prodchat
  6. Hello everyone, I am Jim, author of Control Your Day, hope we can get an interesting dialog going today, we’ve got lots of experts #prodchat
  7. I also think Jim’s book and practical method the best on email productivity I’ve read #prodchat
  9. Hi everyone, I’m Justin, and my research and consulting focuses on productivity for school administrators. Glad to see you! #prodchat
  10. A1: Too many inputs, too many lists , couldn’t keep it all under control. Probably the same reason people are attracted to GTD #prodchat
  11. @eduleadership Hi Justin! Looking forward to chatting with you tonight! You’re from Arkansas? Woo Pig Sooie! 🙂 #prodchat
  12. We’re Sendgine! We love to help people be productive and learn about new productivity trends! We like to have fun too. 🙂 #prodchat
  13. Anyone out there get frustrated with people you interact with that don’t have a system?
  14. @jjmccullen Amen! I knew I needed #GTD as soon as I read it…especially for email. #prodchat
  15. Definitely. Mass inefficiency! RT @jjmccullen: Anyone get frustrated with people you interact with that don’t have a system? #prodchat
  16. @GTDbloke I note in parenthesis who the question is for tonight. But feel free to jump in questions for @jjmccullen! #prodchat
  17. Yup! 😉 RT @jjmccullen: Anyone out there get frustrated with people you interact with that dont have a system? #prodchat
  18. @eduleadership That’s awesome! One of our team members loves the Razorbacks–we’ll pass that along. 🙂 #prodchat
  19. A1 for me CYD meets Jim’s response perfectly and entirely within Outlook #prodchat
  20. A1 for me CYD meets Jim’s response perfectly and entirely within Outlook #prodchat
  21. That was one of my reasons for developing CYD, I wanted to try to introduce a system to others that were struggling #prodchat
  22. @jjmccullen: Anyone out there get frustrated with people you interact with that don’t have a system?
    #prodchat” I just feel compassion.
  23. A1 yup – plus I see many Outllok Inboxes of many hundreds of emails – in other words forgotten emails #prodchat
  24. Started developing CYD in 2009 took about 2 years to get it to do everything I needed
  25. Started developing CYD in 2009 took about 2 years to get it to do everything I needed
  26. A1 unfortunately I suspect in the GTD community Outllok users maybe in the minority? #prodchat
  28. A1 unfortunately I suspect in the GTD community Outllok users maybe in the minority? #prodchat
  29. Q2: Extension. Do you use IMAP or POP3 to download email or do you just access in the cloud? #prodchat
  30. A2 I also use Outlook for calendar/meeting, directory and contacts mgmt #prodchat
  31. A2 I use Mac Mail & native iPhone app to manage my email. With a side of @sanebox to filter out the junk before it hits my inbox. #prodchat
  32. A2 In all honesty, we try to avoid email as much as possible. We do use GMail, though, on desktop and mobile. #prodchat
  33. A2 I know it’s used as thus but I don’t rate Gmail corporate ready #prodchat
  34. @michgunn Good call! We use Mac Mail too. 🙂 Love Apple products! #prodchat
  35. A2 extension… exchange. It all needs to sync without jumping through hoops. 🙂 I use folders to organize email I want to keep. #prodchat
  36. @sendgine, what is your primary tool to communicate within your organization if its not email? #prodchat
  37. A2 ah on my Android tablet is use Touchdown for Outllok/Exchange mgmt – excellent app #prodchat
  38. @michgunn, do you archive messages at the end of the year from those folders or keep forever? #prodchat
  39. @jjmccullen We do in-person collaboration as much as possible, and we use the system we developed in-house too. 🙂 #prodchat
  40. @GTDbloke, have you been able to give up your laptop and just use the tablet? #prodchat
  41. A2 also Maildroid seems to do an excellent job for Outlook and Exchange #prodchat
  42. A2: Outlook for work on a Mac, and I like Sparrow for the clean interface for personal gmail. #PRODCHAT
  43. @jjmccullen I don’t but do on vacation and it’s a good if not perfect substitute #prodchat
  44. @sendgine, side question, do you use Agile for the in-person collaboration? #prodchat
  45. @jjmccullen @GTDbloke Sadly I have laptops plus tablet plus mobile keyboard. Ridiculous! #prodchat
  46. A2 on vacation I met a SQL DBA doing VPN based support on his Android tablet! #prodchat
  47. @jjmccullen We love side questions! No, we don’t. Maybe we should check it out! What are the advantages? #prodchat
  48. @ErikJFisher: A2: Outlook for work on a Mac, and I like Sparrow for the clean interface for personal gmail. #PRODCHAT” Luv Sparrow!
  49. @jjmccullen I archive projects off upon completion (sometimes they span years). #prodchat
  50. @jjmccullen I archive projects off upon completion (sometimes they span years). #prodchat
  52. Hi, #prodchat! I’m late, as usual. Had to finish up a phone call. I hate email, so I’m so excited about tonight’s topic.
  53. @sendgine Agile provides a set of tools and processes to build projects in small working deliverables #prodchat
  54. @michgunn Random question, but what type of industry are you in Michelle, if you don’t mind us asking? #prodchat
  55. @jjmccullen We’ll put it on our list! Thanks for the suggestion–we love new tools! 🙂 #prodchat
  56. A3 not being a sycophant but I don’t see any CYD weaknesses except … #prodchat
  57. A3: Strength: Nothing gets lost, and you an focus on work based on your priorities. One touch for each message #prodchat
  58. A3: Strength: Nothing gets lost, and you an focus on work based on your priorities. One touch for each message #prodchat
  59. A3 I think it takes a modicum of applied Outllok knowledge and like GTD a discipline #prodchat
  60. A3: Weakness: Its a shift in the way you manage email, so it takes some transition time to get comfortable #prodchat
  61. A3 “discipline” although the virtual search folders work automatically once setup #prodchat
  62. @sendgine I don’t mind at all. I do project management. Most recently in AV design and integration & software development. #prodchat
  63. A3: I agree with @GTDbloke, requires a base level understanding of Outlook and GTD #prodchat
  64. A3: I agree with @GTDbloke, requires a base level understanding of Outlook and GTD #prodchat
  65. Oh, I should say, that the PM side… The other side is business strategy and development… 🙂 #prodchat
  66. Where can I learn more about ‘Create Your Day’? #Prodchat
  67. A3: I think the concepts of CYD can be applied to other email systems. The key is managing based on due date instead of receipt dt #prodchat
  68. Really dig! RT @jjmccullen: @sendgine Agile provides a set of tools and processes to build projects in small working deliverables #prodchat
  69. @jjmccullen but once setup it should work automatically if one understands GTD tight Jim? #prodchat
  70. Programs?! What do you mean by that. “@rsidneysmith: Q2: (All) WHAT PROGRAMS DO YOU USE FOR MANAGING YOUR EMAIL? #PRODCHAT
  71. @michgunn So cool! We were just curious since you mentioned doing long-term, sometimes several year projects. Rock on! #prodchat
  72. @michgunn are you an agile shop? I am looking for coaching in Agile #prodchat
  73. @jjmccullen True, though that’s with any system. Do you find the #GTD + #CYD upstart cost tough for some? #prodchat
  74. on a lightter note I told Jim I thought CYD meant Cover Your Derriere:) #prodchat
  75. on a lightter note I told Jim I thought CYD meant Cover Your Derriere:) #prodchat
  76. @GTDbloke, yes once setup, you really just need to operate the system. A neighbor stopped by last week to say CYD changed his life #prodchat
  77. RT @jjmccullen: A3: Strength: Nothing gets lost, and you an focus on work based on your priorities. One touch for each message #prodchat
  78. @rsidneysmith I think it just comes easier to someone that is used to working with a system. #prodchat
  79. @rsidneysmith I think it just comes easier to someone that is used to working with a system. #prodchat
  80. I’m finding there are many things I don’t understand being discussed in tonight’s #prodchat.
  81. Check out CYD at e book is available on amazon and I am ready and willing to assist with startup #prodprodchat
  82. A3 would it be fair to say Jim the dispciplne is in assigning priorities? Like today, later,m delete and so on? As GTD generally #prodchat
  83. Hey all! Happy to see the prodchat train running along. Sorry I’m late… #prodchat
  84. @jjmccullen I brought some Agile approaches to my team to get through some projects that were fast & furious. Worked great! #prodchat
  85. @profkrg CYD is a system I put together using Outlook and the concepts of GTD. #prodchat
  86. A3 ” based on due date” agree – but I don’t see how to do this with Gmail – can’t wait for your ratioanale! #prodchat
  87. @jjmccullen I found some great books on Agile… let me dig up those resources. I’ll post them later. 🙂 #prodchat
  88. @jjmccullen I found some great books on Agile… let me dig up those resources. I’ll post them later. 🙂 #prodchat
  89. @GTDbloke Ray has been working with me on the ins and outs of Gmail. #prodchat
  90. @profkrg That’s what the Google is for! (oh! And feel free to ask questions! I’m happy to answer.) #prodchat
  91. @jjmccullen I read quickly. I’ll look more in-depth after the chat. Thanks for trying to catch me up! #prodchat
  92. 🙂 RT @profkrg: Im finding there are many things I dont understand being discussed in tonights #prodchat. #prodchat
  93. @michgunn We’d love that info too–we’re intrigued! 🙂 #prodchat
  96. So am I. “@profkrg: I’m finding there are many things I don’t understand being discussed in tonight’s #prodchat.”
  97. @michgunn My email is quite unsophisticated. Oh, and annoying. #prodchat
  98. @profkrg, sorry I took us a bit off course with the comments about agile. #prodchat
  99. A4: discipline in assigning priorities the first time around #prodchat
  100. Maybe make it more fun by geeking out with it. Just a thought…RT @profkrg: My email is quite unsophisticated. Oh, and annoying. #prodchat
  101. A4: @GTDbloke, I create a folder called Due Today my goal is to clear those messages through 4D and next actions #prodchat
  102. A4: My major struggle with email is that I dislike it. This, likely, results in avoidance. #prodchat
  103. A4: My major struggle with email is that I dislike it. This, likely, results in avoidance. #prodchat
  104. We sympathize totally! RT “@profkrg: A4: My major struggle with email is that I dislike it. This, likely, results in avoidance. #prodchat
  105. @profkrg, I think that is a feeling shared by many today. 28% of the average work day is spent on email #prodchat
  106. @profkrg, I think that is a feeling shared by many today. 28% of the average work day is spent on email #prodchat
  107. Or there’s that. 😉 But you like Twitter and writing too much, no? 😉 RT @profkrg: @michgunn or throw my computer out the window? #prodchat
  108. A4 E-mail is very easy to lose track of and doesn’t really promote goal-oriented accomplishment, we’ve found. #prodchat
  109. Scary statistic! RT @jjmccullen: I think that is a feeling shared by many today. 28% of the average work day is spent on email #prodchat
  110. But I think people dislike it because they aren’t efficient with it. It can easily overwhelm you if you’re disorganized. #prodchat
  111. @jjmccullen that’s crazy! The problem is that I read it, have intent to respond, then it builds up. Spent hours today on email. #prodchat
  112. A4 so Kenna you’ll avoid it until it’s really unlikable? #prodchat
  113. Using a system, like Jim’s CYD helps tame the email monster… Hence the fans thanking him for changing their lives! #prodchat
  114. Using a system, like Jim’s CYD helps tame the email monster… Hence the fans thanking him for changing their lives! #prodchat
  115. My pitch is if CYD or some other system can reduce that # by 3% you get back 7 days of your life each year. #prodchat
  116. My pitch is if CYD or some other system can reduce that # by 3% you get back 7 days of your life each year. #prodchat
  117. And who isn’t interested in making email better in their life? #prodchat
  118. @michgunn Jim’s masterpiece is 100% Outlook (intended to be) so I can’t wait to see what he does with Gmail #prodchat
  119. aw… 😉 RT @profkrg: @michgunn I hate it when you know me so well. 😉 #prodchat
  120. Guess what? Hours emptying my inbox today. I already have 20 actionable items there. I’ve been home less than an hour. #prodchat
  121. @bgiourme @eduleadership @rsidneysmith I think that nervousness is justified but I suspect it’s managable #prodchat
  122. #butseriously RT “@michgunn: And who isn’t interested in making email better in their life? #prodchat
  123. Incredible!! “@jjmccullen: If CYD or some other system can reduce that # by 3% you get back 7 days of your life each year.” #prodchat
  124. My intent is to manage everything in Gmail next and then apply the CYD concepts. Just don’t tell my corporate IT I am doing that #prodchat
  126. I dislike email because it never stops coming. #prodchat
  127. A5: Yes moving from folders to categories or tags can be applied to any email system. #prodchat
  128. RT @jjmccullen: A5: Getting to Inbox Zero regularly, the ultimate goal, the email client doesnt really matter. #prodchat
  129. If you read the first couple chapters of CYD, you will quickly see the concepts are somewhat universal. #prodchat
  130. The next Productivity Book Group is Saturday, April 13! Read #GTD with us! Info: tprodchat
  131. @michgunn the email will come, even if I’m not checking it. Point well taken, though. It can only take the time I give it. #prodchat
  132. Adding to my list! @jjmccullen: If you read the first couple chapters of CYD, you will see the concepts are somewhat universal. #prodchat
  133. @sendgine Absolutely. I do 3x/day. That’s often enough for people to feel responded to & for me to collect actions into my system #prodchat
  134. @jjmccullen: If you read the first chapters, you will quickly see the concepts are somewhat universal. #prodchat 
  135. The ebook Control Your day will be free on April 11th/12th on Amazon. Download a copy and just look through intro & chapter 1 #prodchat
  136. A5 JIm when you’re done with Gmail I’d appreciate hearing how you think it stacks up against Outlook #prodchat
  137. A5 JIm when you’re done with Gmail I’d appreciate hearing how you think it stacks up against Outlook #prodchat
  138. And don’t forget to review the book on Amazon for @jjmccullen to help his rankings of #CYD! #prodchat (I still need to do that!)
  139. @GTDbloke, that is a great idea, I will keep notes as I go through the transition from Outlook to Gmail. #prodchat
  140. @rsidneysmith, thank you! Reviews are critically important. Last free run the book made it to 119 out of 1 million books, #prodchat
  141. @MCTheWriter Good point. We think the issue comes into play with teams and groups–often everyone has different tracking systems. #prodchat
  142. me too! RT @profkrg: Adding to my list! @jjmccullen: read … CYD, you will see the concepts are somewhat universal #prodchat
  143. Noted! RT @rsidneysmith: And dont forget to review the book on Amazon for @jjmccullen to help his rankings of #CYD! #prodchat
  147. @michgunn Got it. Maybe more people need to try that strategy! Much more efficient. 🙂 #prodchat
  148. I bought a copy, I just hadn’t yet read it since I’m not on Outlook. But was interested in the concepts universally. 🙂 #prodchat
  149. A6 in Outlook one can convert an email into a Task (To Do) #prodchat
  150. @jjmccullen: Thanks everyone for the support! #prodchat” We support our troops! …and our #productivity experts! 😉
  151. A6 haven’t found an elegant way yet in Gmail #prodchat
  152. A6: I send myself emails with the task details, this way everything is in one format. Don’t use Outlook tasks at all #prodchat
  153. @sendgine People are afraid it won’t seem responsive enough… but it really is. Just don’t make it midnight, noon & midnight. 😉 #prodchat
  154. A6 on Gmail you could apply a label (e.g. today) on sending #prodchat
  155. A6 I track tasks in OmniFocus. I, personally, don’t like to use email as my task management system. #prodchat
  156. A6 I track tasks in OmniFocus. I, personally, don’t like to use email as my task management system. #prodchat
  157. One question for the group, what is your preferred e-book reading device? #prodchat
  158. @MCTheWriter Got it! We think it can also get very confusing with different devices–laptops, phones, tablets, etc. #prodchat
  159. @MCTheWriter Got it! We think it can also get very confusing with different devices–laptops, phones, tablets, etc. #prodchat
  160. My pleasure! Thanks for sharing your ideas with the rest of us! 🙂 RT @jjmccullen: @michgunn Thanks for being a customer 🙂 #prodchat
  161. @jjmccullen: One question for the group, what is your preferred e-book reading device? #prodchat” Kindle.
  162. @rsidneysmith sorry – TRACKING TASKS FROM EMAIL Sidney TRACKING TASKS FROM EMAIL #prodchat
  163. A6: I respond and delete or add tasks to my 2Do app as I process. #prodchat
  164. A6: I respond and delete or add tasks to my 2Do app as I process. #prodchat
  165. iPad/iPhone on iBook. @jjmccullen: One question for the group, what is your preferred e-book reading device? #prodchat
  166. @GTDbloke Have you tried ActionInbox? Also, Gmail can convert emails to Google Tasks. #prodchat
  167. @bgiourme @eduleadership @rsidneysmith Brenda it just doesn’t have enough features for corp use for me #prodchat
  168. @rsidneysmith @jjmccullen hate Ebooks…. I have tried them but don’t grow on me.nothing like the actual book #prodchat
  169. @rsidneysmith okay – I can do it Sidney I just meant it isn’t featured in to Gmail as say Outlook #prodchat
  170. @jjmccullen I’m using an iPad for e-reading. But it’s a 1st gen and too heavy. (I have to prop it up.) Looking into the mini. #prodchat
  171. A6 I’ll take a peek at ActionInbox Ray thanks #prodchat
  172. @sendgine Was trying to hold out for Retina Display. It’ll come out the week after I break down and get the mini. Guaranteed! #prodchat
  173. @GTDbloke There are several Droid apps that work well with G Tasks as the back engine. Also, Astrid is pretty snazzy for some. #prodchat
  174. @MCTheWriter Agreed! All about finding the personal organization system best for your individual working style! 🙂 #prodchat
  175. True. But it’s really convenient! MT @ExclusiveAssist: @rsidneysmith @jjmccullen hate Ebooks….nothing like the actual book #prodchat
  176. @michgunn Ha Ha! Totally understand that. Always happens! However, we totally vouch for the mini–retina or no retina display. 🙂 #prodchat
  177. @rsidneysmith yes looked at a few – I like Gtasks for simple stuff – and thanks #prodchat
  178. If anyone wants a copy of CYD for the Ipad just flip me an email [email protected]
    /* */
    and I will send it over #prodchat
  179. @sendgine Oh no! I’ve been so good… Gotta run to the Apple store now. ;/ #prodchat
  180. And there you have it! Another #prodchat hour flew by us! Thanks, @jjmccullen, for joining us and sharing #CYD!
  181. And there you have it! Another #prodchat hour flew by us! Thanks, @jjmccullen, for joining us and sharing #CYD!
  182. 🙂 RT @jjmccullen: If anyone wants a copy of CYD for the Ipad just flip me an email [email protected]
    /* */
    and I will send it over #prodchat
  183. Yes! RT “@rsidneysmith: And there you have it! Another #prodchat hour flew by us! Thanks, @jjmccullen, for joining us and sharing #CYD!”
  184. Yes“@sendgine: @MCTheWriter Agreed! All about finding the personal organization system best for your individual working style! 🙂 #prodchat
  185. Ditto. I just couldn’t fit it. 😉
    RT @sendgine: @jjmccullen Awesome Jim! Thats very nice of you! #prodchat
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