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#ProdChat – 04/17/2013 – @MikeVardy

#ProdChat – 04/17/2013 – @MikeVardy

This week’s #ProdChat we had the pleasure of @apinaud guest-hosting for me again, with special guest productivity expert-author, @mikevardy!

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat. Tonigh it is my honor to bring you @mikevardy with us… Mike please introduce yourself.
  2. RT @apinaud: Getting ready to the fastest hour on Twitter. #prodchat Tonigh we will have the one and only @mikevardy #Prodchat
  3. I’m here, but may be in and out. Will try to jump in often. #Prodchat
  4. @mikevardy Welcome to #prodchat tonight Mike! We’re excited to learn from you!
  5. Thanks @apinaud. I’m a writer, speaker, and ‘productivityist’. I’ve written for a ton of sites & was Managing Editor at Lifehack. #prodchat
  6. Hi, #prodchat. I’m Kenna, a journalism professor from Oklahoma. I’m here as long as it doesn’t start to tornado.
  7. And we’re Sendgine! We love learning about productivity–and helping people be productive too! 🙂 #prodchat
  8. Also WJChat “@sendgine: Time for #prodchat! Happy Wednesday everyone! :)”
  9. Q1. What are the biggest assets one can have in their pursuit to become more productive in their lives? #prodchat
  10. A1: I’m going with honesty. Admit you have a problem with productivity, before you can do anything about it. #Prodchat
  11. A1: Honesty would be a good one, too — but without awareness the honesty can be unintentionally flawed. // @ErikJFisher #prodchat
  12. Hello tweeps! Myrlande is the name… I am a writer for Amour creole magazine, also I blog… #prodchat
  13. A1: Awareness will guide you to do the right things as opposed to trying to do everything. Discipline & willpower fuel the doing. #prodchat
  14. A1: Awareness will guide you to do the right things as opposed to trying to do everything. Discipline & willpower fuel the doing. #prodchat
  15. A1 #prodchat Yes, discipline for sure, and some good ol’ fashioned time-management skills. Cut out that nasty task-transition time. Blurg.
  16. A1. Focus and Concentration… So simple, but so hard #prodchat
  17. +1 RT @ErikJFisher: A1: I’m going with honesty. Admit you have a problem with productivity, before you can do anything about it. #Prodchat
  18. A1: It seems that people who are naturally more organized have an easier time being more productive. #prodchat
  19. A1: It seems that people who are naturally more organized have an easier time being more productive. #prodchat
  20. If you are interested in found more about @mikevardy book:The Front Nine, please go to this link in Amazon prodchat
  21. Haha! It is– my focus is anything on the Caribbean. “@WritingWhisper: @MCTheWriter Welcome to #prodchat. That magazine sounds…spicy! ;)”
  22. This might be controversial – what about ‘letting go’ sometimes. If you’re feeling really lazy/tired, etc? Or is that an excuse #prodchat
  23. So am I! Thank you for having me… “@apinaud: @MCTheWriter Welcome to #Prodchat We are so glad you join us today”
  24. A1: Knowing what to say “no” too is key also. You have to streamline requests and protect your time. #prodchat
  25. A1: Knowing what to say “no” too is key also. You have to streamline requests and protect your time. #prodchat
  26. A1: Knowing what to say “no” too is key also. You have to streamline requests and protect your time. #prodchat
  27. @SamMatla I don’t think it’s an excuse/laziness. I think it’s often b/c we try to cram too much in rather than the right stuff in. #prodchat
  28. @apinaud @mikevardy thank you for the welcome. looking forward to hearing some great thing. #prodchat
  29. @WritingWhisper Absolutely. Again, that’s all part of the awareness factor. #prodchat
  30. Most people in my experience don’t know how to say NO appropriately RT @WritingWhisper: A1: Knowing what to say NO too is key also #prodchat
  31. Yes! RT @WritingWhisper: A1: Knowing what to say “no” too is key also. You have to streamline requests and protect your time. #prodchat
  32. @mikevardy @SamMatla I agree with all of what you both said. In fact, sometimes we must RECHARGE to be productive. #prodchat
  33. A1: Some people also seem to more easily hone in on key tasks, instead of trying to do everything. #prodchat
  34. RT @ErikJFisher: A1: I’m going with honesty. Admit you have a problem with productivity, before you can do anything about it. #Prodchat
  35. @WritingWhisper Absolutely!! Sometimes ignoring the need to recharge is very damaging–not to mention discouraging. #prodchat
  36. @profkrg Hi Kenna! We think we missed saying “Hi!” 🙂 #prodchat
  37. @WritingWhisper Yep. I talk about taking January to reflect, recharge and renew in The Front Nine rather than take on resolutions. #prodchat
  38. Q2. Do you have any quick tips that can help people make big headway with their day? #prodchat
  39. Q2. Do you have any quick tips that can help people make big headway with their day? #prodchat
  40. Can anyone suggest a tweet chat spp for android ? Just replaced my iPhone #prodchat
  41. Can anyone suggest a tweet chat spp for android ? Just replaced my iPhone #prodchat
  42. Hello #prodchat It’s great to be here today. Sorry I am a little late
  43. @sendgine I feel my weakest when I need sleep. After a 2 hour nap, I’m good to go again! #prodchat
  44. @mikevardy That’s an interesting approach. We’ll have to check out your book! 🙂 #prodchat
  45. @WritingWhisper Us too! We also find we need eight hours of sleep–or a venti @Starbucks! 😉 #prodchat
  46. RT @WritingWhisper: I agree with all of what you both said. In fact, sometimes we must RECHARGE to be productive. #prodchat
  47. A2 #prodchat Take twenty minutes the evening prior to organize and think about how to achieve max efficiency. Sleep, and start early.
  48. A2. Follow @mikevardy and read his book The Front Nine… among others 😉 #prodchat
  49. @mikevardy We need to chat! I give my clients a “year from now letter” assignment. It’s amazing. No resolutions here – just focus. #prodchat
  50. A2: Make a list and tackle it one task at a time, starting with the most important. #prodchat
  51. And! @sendgine: @WritingWhisper Us too! We also find we need eight hours of sleep–or a venti @Starbucks! 😉 #prodchat
  52. A2: Secondly, plan your day the night before. It helps you start the day off quickly — and better still — more clearly. #prodchat
  53. @lucrecerbraxton Yeah, it doesn’t happen often. I’m referring to a random weekend nap. 🙂 #prodchat
  54. A2: Don’t check email first thing. Doing that will help keep you in control of the start of your day rather than someone else. #prodchat
  55. A2. Get plenty of rest, don’t take on too much, make sure to take breaks, and eat healthy snacks. 🙂 #prodchat
  56. A2: Don’t check email first thing. Doing that will help keep you in control of the start of your day rather than someone else. #prodchat
  57. A2. Exercise, proper restoration and nutrition are critical for a more productive day. #prodchat
  58. A2: Also, invert your inbox so that your oldest emails appear up top. That way they don’t get buried-you have to deal with them. #prodchat
  59. @mikevardy Good tactic. E-mails can be a huge time-waster! #prodchat
  60. I’d make a suggestion to clear your inbox daily, get it down to zero. I just wrote a post about this #prodchat
  61. @SamMatla Try to plan at least 1 task the night before to do first the next day. (3 is preferred.) #prodchat #experiment
  62. A2v2 #prodchat and if all else fails, install one of those gamified apps on your smartphone & earn badges for chores! -10-gamific…
  63. @mikevardy I was listening to @rsidneysmith‘s podcast on this just today. “First in, first out” is what he called it. #prodchat
  64. @WritingWhisper thats what we are trying to sell each other my wife and I. Sleep is overrated 😉 #prodchatbut i want a 2 hour nap

  65. @SamMatla We’d love to read it! Would you mind sharing the link? #prodchat
  66. Q3. How do you manage to balance your work & home life as a stay-at-home parent? #prodchat
  67. Q3. How do you manage to balance your work & home life as a stay-at-home parent? #prodchat
  68. Q3. How do you manage to balance your work & home life as a stay-at-home parent? #prodchat
  69. A2: Exercise, nutrition, and meditation are essential, but not quick tips that can impact now. But…all habits worth adopting. #prodchat
  70. @apinaud Alas, no. But if you do it on your Mac/PC first and whittle the emails down from there then you’re on your way. #prodchat
  71. @apinaud My normal day (which is M-Sat) starts at 4:30A so I can get all my writing done before the day gets hectic. #prodchat
  72. Here’s my post on email if anyone is interested, a couple of people have asked for the link. e-prodchatcaus… #prodchat
  73. A3: I have heavy lifting days and light lifting days. Heavy ones are for writing and big projects. Light ones are for small tasks. #prodchat
  74. man Q3 is something I’d love more tips on. I am back to work from home this week as a new mom #prodchat
  75. A3: (cont’d) The “lifting” is related to work stuff. So on light lifting days, I’m on full-on Daddy Duty. #prodchat
  76. @apinaud @mikevardy @ErikJFisher I am going to have to. I could get lost in it if I try to fix the past. #prodchat
  77. #prodchat My problem is trying to find time to fit a workout in a day that starts early and ends late. Exercise is gives me more energy tho
  78. #prodchat My problem is trying to find time to fit a workout in a day that starts early and ends late. Exercise is gives me more energy tho
  79. @mikevardy I am going to research a way to do it on the iPad #prodchat Thats a great tip!
  80. @RebeccaJoLuke How long do you normally workout for? You could look into High Intensity Interval Training #prodchat
  81. @RebeccaJoLuke We totally sympathize. Too often, work takes precedence over a workout because we’re so busy. #prodchat
  82. @lucrecerbraxton No one can fix the past. It can be redeemed though, but correct choices now. #Prodchat
  83. A3: I also don’t use “Home” as a context/tag in my task manager. Muddies the waters. Those new to home work should follow suit. #prodchat
  84. Truth! RT @ErikJFisher: @lucrecerbraxton No one can fix the past. It can be redeemed though, but correct choices now. #Prodchat
  85. @RebeccaJoLuke Rather than look at the “how to” look at the “why”. That makes it a far more compelling thing to prioritize. #prodchat
  86. @SamMatla @RebeccaJoLuke Set a standard around workouts and stick to it. Like you do your other stuff. It’s really about mindset. #prodchat
  87. +1 RT @ErikJFisher: @lucrecerbraxton No one can fix the past. It can be redeemed though, but correct choices now. #Prodchat
  88. @mikevardy Do you use different contexts for Heavy Lifting days and light lifting days? #prodchat
  89. @jasonb5232 That makes it a bit tougher. I don’t need to use home for geo-location often. I’ll get back to you on a workaround. #prodchat
  90. @RebeccaJoLuke if workouts keep you going, make it work. if you have free time in the beginning/middle of your day, do it then. #prodchat
  91. @RebeccaJoLuke Can you try going to bed 30 min early and do it first thing in the morning. #prodchat I recommend start the day at 4:00AM
  92. @apinaud No. The days are consistent so it’s not a need. I use contexts that revolve around energy levels, though..which helps. #prodchat
  93. @RebeccaJoLuke I am the same way. I need it to keep me going, and I struggle at times to get it in. Sometimes i waste MORE if not #prodchat
  94. Q4. Your Setup and Tools. You changed your setup recently, how is working? What Tools you use? What are your indispensable apps? #prodchat
  95. @apinaud I’ve just bought a win8 smartphone and it’s great, love the integration between apps (esp. OneNote). #prodchat
  96. Ditto, will be the equivalent of having a context called TO-DO @mikevardy: A3: I also don’t use “Home” as a context/tag #prodchat
  97. @WritingWhisper 4am? if that was the case i’d need to go to bed by 8pm. I am an early sleeper as it is, but that seems too hard #prodchat
  98. A4.1: Big question. I use @OmniFocus as my primary task manager and @asana and @flowapp for collaborative stuff. #prodchat
  99. A4: ‘m a big user of OneNote also. Have thought about Evernote but don’t really like it #prodchatprodchat
  100. @WritingWhisper But i guess whatever helps to get it in, should be necessary. Exercise is important
  101. @RebeccaJoLuke Pay attention on where you are wasting time at night and go to bed. Then early go to the gym #prodchat
  102. @RebeccaJoLuke Pay attention on where you are wasting time at night and go to bed. Then early go to the gym #prodchat
  103. A4.2: I use @3030App when I need to time how long I want to spend on a task and My Minutes to track hrs of deliberate practice. #prodchat
  104. @trello is a great project management tool I use for my team communication. #prodchat
  105. A4.3: @Postbox is my email app and I use @evernote extensively. My paperless workflow is run through the @neatcompany stuff. #prodchat
  106. A4: I have tweaked my workflow in the past to suit my evolving needs, but some apps just become stalwarts over time. #prodchat
  107. @mikevardy @jasonb5232 I use GeoLocation for when I arrived or leave the house in case I need to remind myself of something #prodchat
  108. @WritingWhisper @trello Trello is great, I absolutely love it. Even for personal projects! #prodchat
  109. I’m out everyone! Glad I came across this, it’s awesome. Catch up next week 🙂 #prodchat
  110. A4: Still not into Trello, played with it. Also have given IQTell a go (Oh, and I use @draftsapp on iOS as my capture tool.) #prodchat
  111. @mikevardy ?: My hubby is Techie guy, and I think sometimes too many apps can make one unproductive. Truth? #prodchat
  112. @RebeccaJoLuke Yep. Once you figure out what you’ll be using it for, then @evernote is killer. #prodchat
  113. @SamMatla good to have you here. I hope to see you next week! #prodchat
  114. @WritingWhisper Absolutely. Find what works and stick with it. Augment where you need, but don’t overdo it. #prodchat
  115. @WritingWhisper Absolutely. Find what works and stick with it. Augment where you need, but don’t overdo it. #prodchat
  116. Q5. How do you make time for the tasks that fall outside of writing and yet are still part of the overall “work”? #prodchat
  117. Q5. How do you make time for the tasks that fall outside of writing and yet are still part of the overall “work”? #prodchat
  118. I agree and believe this is important
    @mikevardy: Find what works and stick with it” #prodchat
  119. A5: One way is by using contexts and tags in a way that allows me to clearly identify low-energy and high-energy tasks. #prodchat
  120. @apinaud I block out writing time-literally in my calendar. All other tasks get blocked too – email, dinner, exercise, fun, free. #prodchat
  121. @WritingWhisper From 4:30 to 7:30 it is writing time for me. If I can write more great, but at least I try to protect those times #prodchat
  122. A5: I also use apps as contexts so that when I need to do the other work I can check out the corresponding contexts and go. #prodchat
  123. RT @apinaud: I agree and believe this is important
    @mikevardy: Find what works and stick with it” #prodchat
  124. Had a great #prodchat. Must run and finish up some client work tonight. Thanks for a great chat! ~Shannon
  125. A5: I focus on task over time. Time is big, tasks are easier to focus on. I’ll use @3030App for those occasions when time matters. #prodchat
  126. Can you expand on this: (@mikevardy: A5: I also use apps as contexts so that when I need to do the other work… #prodchat
  127. @WritingWhisper Thanks for joining us! Make sure to drop me a line for that talk! #prodchat
  128. Thanks for join today #prodchat. I hope you learn as much as I did. See you next week. Please join me to thank @mikevardy
  129. Here is the link to @mikevardy book. The Front Nine or join us in #prodchat toprodchat
  130. @profkrg Yes. Certain tasks require high energy, others don’t. These contexts can help you get things done even when you’re sick! #prodchat
  131. Thanks for hosting an excellent #prodchat @apinaud! We really enjoyed it! Awesome insights @mikevardy! 🙂
  132. Thanks to @apinaud for hosting and to all of those who joined in for #prodchat tonight! I had a blast!
  133. @sendgine Thanks so much! Feel free to reach out to me anytime for more of them…unless I run out! 😉 #prodchat
  134. Thanks for hosting @apinaud Although I stayed silent I was reading! #prodchat
  135. @mikevardy Thanks to you for share so much with us here #prodchatIt was really fun!

  136. @sendgine Nice to see you here! Sorry I haven’t joined in along time! #prodchat
  137. @ErikJFisher Thanks! And I’ll be appearing on your excellent podcast in a couple of weeks, right? #shamelessplug #prodchat
  138. @mikevardy So true. I try to do A, B, C and D before email. #prodchat
  139. Cool! RT @mikevardy: @ErikJFisher Thanks! I’ll be appearing on your excellent podcast in a couple of weeks, right? #shamelessplug #prodchat
  140. I am sick. My cough is very productive. Does that count? #gross RT @profkrg: @mikevardy I want to sleep when I’m sick. 🙁 #prodchat
  141. @ErikJFisher I try and make a game of it like “Let me see how many calls I can make in 15 minutes. Go!” #prodchat
  142. Oh ok now, I’m back. What did I miss?! Obviously, I missed both journos chats. #prodchat and #wjchat. We’ll be reading some tweets tonight
  143. @ErikJFisher: What works for everyone when it comes to staying on task? #Prodchat” “No interruptions, pls” on my door.
  144. @ErikJFisher for me it’s a short, clear list, a solid WHY, and a block of time. #Prodchat
  145. @mikevardy: Work on demanding tasks at time of day when you have the most energy #prodchat
  146. @IsaPinaud Great to see you too! Take care and stay in touch! 🙂 #prodchat
  147. @mikevardy Ha Ha! Somehow, we feel that won’t happen. Happy Wednesday Mike! 🙂 #prodchat
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