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#ProdChat – 04/24/2013 – Filtering Media for #Productivity

#ProdChat – 04/24/2013 – Filtering Media for #Productivity

This week we discussed how to filter content so that we block out what we don’t need and get what we want via all the various mediums out there! Great discussion! On 5/1, we’ll be discussing Work-Life Balance, or as I say in my recent Episode 63, “Life-Work Balance!”

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: Filtering Media. (We’ll be starting in just a few minutes!)
  2. .@profkrg LOL. Filtering media, as in, getting the right information and not being info-overwhelmed. Great #prodchat discussion ahead! 🙂
  3. Let’s start with intro’s. In a tweet, tell us about you. How productive are you feeling this week? #prodchat
  4. We’re excited for another terrific #prodchat tonight!! Join us in five minutes! #productivity
  5. @sendgine Hey, Sendgine! Welcome back to another exciting #productivity chat! Great to have you hear! #prodchat
  6. @LynnWhite Welcome, Lynn! Glad to have you here on the #productivity chat for the first time! We’ll have a great time. 🙂 #prodchat
  7. Say hey if you’re on #productivity chat… In a tweet, tell us about you. How productive are you feeling this week? #prodchat
  8. @rsidneysmith Great to chat again!! We’re excited for another #prodchat!! Nice to e-meet you too @LynnWhite!! 🙂
  9. By the way, we’re feeling very productive tonight. Lots of meetings tomorrow so we have to get ready! 🙂 #prodchat
  10. @sendgine I like that term “e-meet.” I’m going to use that! 😉 #prodchat
  11. Hello #prodchat friends! How this great week treating you all
  12. Please add #prodchat to your tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. for readability!
  14. Hi, everyone! Michelle here. I love to organize. And I’m a GTD’r. #prodchat
  15. @rsidneysmith Ha Ha! Feel free. We’d be honored if you did! 🙂 #prodchat
  16. A1: I just started checking my email 3 times a day, that really seems to be helping keep things under control #prodchat
  17. A1: I just started checking my email 3 times a day, that really seems to be helping keep things under control #prodchat
  18. @apinaud Hey, Augusto! Great to have you on the #productivity chat. It’s a good week if I’m alive. That’s my mantra! 🙂 #prodchat
  19. @michgunn Great to chat again Michelle! Hope you’ve been terrific!! #prodchat
  20. BTW, if I didn’t already, everyone please thank @apinaud for hosting last week with @mikevardy! #productivity #prodchat
  21. You too! 🙂 RT @sendgine: @michgunn Great to chat again Michelle! Hope youve been terrific!! #prodchat
  22. A1 Though we hate to say it, probably too much. It is awesome to have so much information available, but it can be overwhelming. #prodchat
  23. A1: I think there are days when I get too much email. 😛 #prodchat
  24. Q1. I think too much. I think you have to focus and know your goal. What info are you seeking. #prodchat
  25. A1 I seem to get too much across all the feed readers and social media. But I’ve learned to treat as streams rather than inboxes #prodchat
  26. MT @sendgine: A1 …probably too much. It is awesome to have so much information available, but it can be overwhelming. #prodchat
  27. Zero in. RT “@LynnWhite: Q1. I think too much. I think you have to focus and know your goal. What info are you seeking. #prodchat
  28. Hey Ray! 🙂 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Hey, Michelle! Always glad to have you here! 😀 #prodchat
  29. Hey #prodchat people! (My intro: I’m Natalie, a productivity coach & an academic)
  30. @jjmccullen I started doing that last month. It’s made a big difference. #prodchat
  31. @nmhouston Hey, Natalie! It’s been a while since we’ve chatted in the same #productivity chat. So good to have you here tonight! #prodchat
  32. RT @jjmccullen: A1: I just started checking my email 3 times a day, that really seems to be helping keep things under control #prodchat
  33. I’ll be on the weekly #productivity chat for the next hour — expect more tweets than usual. Tonight’s topic: Filtering Media. #prodchat
  34. @jjmccullen Do you turn off your automatic email notifications too? #prodchat
  35. @LynnWhite How have your clients responded to the responses only coming a few times per business day? #prodchat
  36. I’m Lynn-as if you couldn’t already tell. :-). I’m a Web Designer. #prodchat
  37. @LynnWhite BTW, so glad to have a fellow Washingtonian in the #productivity chat! (I lived in the DC Metro for many years.) 🙂 #prodchat
  38. @apinaud We’re great! Feeling productive! Ha Ha! 🙂 #prodchat
  39. @rsidneysmith @LynnWhite It looks like she’s a Texan at heart, though, so that’s most important. 😉 #prodchat
  40. MT @LynnWhite: A1. I think too much. I think you have to focus and know your goal. What info are you seeking. #prodchat
  41. A1 I just 2 days ago turn off the email on my iPhone. More for too much checking than anything else. It had been a great idea
  42. @rsidneysmith Did you? How long have you been gone? Im originally from TX. #prodchat
  43. @sendgine I won’t mess with Texas, and I definitely won’t mess with @LynnWhite (too much…it’s her first time!). 😉 #prodchat
  44. A1.2 I have been able to deal much better with the rest of the information without the distraction of the email #prodchat
  45. A1 I filter my information inputs pretty heavily — so that I can choose what I want to explore, learn, follow up on #prodchat
  48. Wow, That’s a bold move!! MT @apinaud: A1 I just 2 days ago turn off the email on my iPhone. #prodchat
  49. @apinaud Do you check your email at all on your phone now? Or only on tablet and laptop/computer? Or, just stopped it pulling? #prodchat
  50. A1: The amount of communication I get is my choice. I decide what to consume or what to delete/ignore. #prodchat
  51. @sendgine yes, I don’t think I am going to turn it on any time soon. More importantly it remove anxiety. I am super happy #prodchat
  52. MT @nmhouston: A1 I filter my inputs pretty heavily — so that I can choose what I want to explore, learn, follow up on #prodchat
  53. A2: I mountain bike whenever I can, not sure if that is what you were looking for Ray #prodchat
  54. RT @profkrg: A1: The amount of communication I get is my choice. I decide what to consume or what to delete/ignore. #prodchat
  55. A2: I don’t watch much TV. When I’m alone, I don’t even turn it on. When I travel abroad for work, I go about a month without it. #prodchat
  56. I’m a city cyclist! RT @jjmccullen: A2: I mountain bike whenever I can, not sure if that is what you were looking for Ray #prodchat
  57. Woah! RT @apinaud: no emails on the iPhone. I am only doing email on the iPad. I will remember that I am #iPadOnly #prodchat
  58. Agree with @apinaud and @jjmccullen that limiting the number of times (or devices) you check email is a great way to filter #prodchat
  59. This is why I love you. @rsidneysmith: (I’m a newspaper fan(atic)…so I have to limit myself. #prodchat
  60. @sendgine Houston. Fam still there. Actually going next week! #prodchat
  61. @profkrg Likewise. I don’t watch TV and what I do watch is through some Internet-based portal (Netflix, Hulu, etc.). All choice. #prodchat
  62. A2: I don’t watch TV. When I’m alone, I don’t even turn it on. When I travel abroad for work, I go about a month without it. #prodchat
  63. *HUG* RT @profkrg: This is why I love you. @rsidneysmith: (Im a newspaper fan(atic)…so I have to limit myself. #prodchat
  64. @sendgine I wasn’t sure either. If I need to receive one I can always pull the iPad, I am being more focused on email #prodchat
  65. @apinaud True–and then you are more focused and therefore more productive! #prodchat
  66. That is much more dangerous than Mountain biking rt @rsidneysmith I’m a city cyclist! #prodchat
  67. A2: I love to be outside. I sit on my patio and read or work tech-free in the yard. #prodchat
  68. @nmhouston After futzing with my settings, I set my phone to manual again yesterday so now it only pulls when I tell it to. #prodchat
  69. @jjmccullen You’re telling me! Actually, in DC, where I cycle the most, it’s not as bad as here in NYC! #prodchat
  70. RT @profkrg: A2: I love to be outside. I sit on my patio and read or work tech-free in the yard. #prodchat
  71. A2 like many others have said, all my TV viewing is by choice. Hate having it on in the background of other things. #prodchat
  72. A2 I guess the non-technology is not checking the inputs (floods) incessantly. Like others said, I choose when to engage it. #prodchat
  73. @sendgine Nope, not at all. I’m engaged in my work. That’s what I want to be doing. When I want to engage in comm, I do! 🙂 #prodchat
  74. @michgunn It takes a lot of self-control and discipline, though, for sure!! #prodchat
  75. MT @michgunn: A2 I guess the non-technology is not checking the inputs (floods) incessantly. Like others said, I choose… #prodchat
  76. Wow! I feel like we have such enlightened #productivity enthusiasts on the chat! Lots of communication control here! I like! 🙂 #prodchat
  77. @nmhouston Yes. It’s always negative. There is good in the world. #prodchat
  78. A2 Also, I try to reflect for a minute before jumping on twitter etc: why am I doing this, what do I seek? Increase awareness. #prodchat
  79. @sendgine Not really. I just prioritize what’s important. And I check often enough to still be on the same page as others. #prodchat
  80. @rsidneysmith I don’t know that I’d go that far. I consume my fair share and then some. #prodchat
  83. @michgunn To look like you know what is going on, right? 🙂 Ha Ha! #prodchat
  84. A3 I use #sanebox to filter out all the junk mail, for sure. Saves me HOURS of wasted time. So thankful! #prodchat
  85. MT @profkrg: I dont know that I’d go that far. I consume my fair share and then some. #prodchat
  86. A3: I really don’t. The only thing I can think of is controlling what I listen to in the car or at the gym through my iPod. #prodchat
  87. +1 MT @nmhouston: A2 I try to reflect for a minute before jumping on…: why am I doing this, what do I seek? Increase awareness. #prodchat
  88. Are you suggesting a Costanza? Love it! Ha!! RT @sendgine: @michgunn To look like you know what is going on, right? 🙂 Ha Ha! #prodchat
  89. A3 Instead of checking tons of news outlets, some of our team reads @theskimm for morning updates–not a tech tool, but cool. #prodchat
  90. A3 I quit trying to unsubscribe, so I create a rule to all unwanted email. I also purge RSS every two months and unsubscribe #prodchat
  91. A3 I don’t use any apps for filtering out media content. . . but @trapit is interesting for finding more of what you want #prodchat
  92. @rsidneysmith A3 I use @EasilyDo to filter only “important” posts from Facebook. This way I don’t get lost in my News Feed #prodchat
  93. Oh!!! Like! MT @apinaud: A3 I also purge RSS every two months and unsubscribe #prodchat
  94. Oh!!! Like! MT @apinaud: A3 I also purge RSS every two months and unsubscribe #prodchat
  95. Next #Productivity Book Group is Saturday 12ET! Join us as we discuss Ready for Anything by @gtdguy! prodchat
  96. @rsidneysmith @nmhouston Ugh. I don’t. I spend a ton if time on social. It’s one of the ways I relax. #prodchat
  97. +1 MT @apinaud: A3 I also purge RSS every two months and unsubscribe #prodchat
  98. +1 MT @apinaud: A3 I also purge RSS every two months and unsubscribe #prodchat
  99. @apinaud Have you tried I’ve been testing it for a few weeks and like it. #prodchat
  100. @sendgine @rsidneysmith Can do a bunch of other productive things in @EasilyDo too, so it makes sense to see it all in one place #prodchat
  101. @KLRoberson @rsidneysmith Very cool! We love new tools–thanks for sharing Kristin!! 🙂 #prodchat
  102. @apinaud I used to do a purge of RSS feeds, email lists subscriptions and Social Media brand follows in my Monthly Review. #prodchat
  103. I think I need to resume the Monthly Purge for all of these media things that fill up on me (including my YouTube Watch List!). #prodchat
  104. A3 on the paper side of things, s block unwanted bulk postal mail #prodcprodchat
  105. Q4: WHAT SERVICES DO YOU RECOMMEND FOR AGGREGATING/FILTERING MEDIA? (EG, @percolate, @lumiteam, @StumbleUpon) #prodchat
  106. Q4: WHAT SERVICES DO YOU RECOMMEND FOR AGGREGATING/FILTERING MEDIA? (EG, @percolate, @lumiteam, @StumbleUpon) #prodchat
  107. I just move. 😉 RT @nmhouston: A3 on the paper side of things, s block unwanted bulk postal mail #prodcprodchat
  108. @rsidneysmith I like to do a seasonal clearing out — of closets, of RSS, other inputs. Twice a year or so. #prodchat
  109. A4: So, I’m a super fan of @percolate. I asked them if they could be on the #productivity chat tonight, but didn’t hear back. 🙁 #prodchat
  110. A4: I love @Zite. It pulls from your RSS Feed and selected interests and makes a magazine-type reading app. #prodchat
  111. @michgunn @nmhouston Thanks for the link–our inboxes and postal boxes are always full! That’s also a good solution Michelle! 😉 #prodchat
  112. A4a: However, if you haven’t tried it, it’s amazing! #Percolate just boils it down to the most important stuff you’d want to see. #prodchat
  113. A4: I love Flipboard on my Android for aggregating media #prodchat
  114. A4: I’m also a big fan if Apple+A and Delete. Super effective. #prodchat
  115. @rsidneysmith resume as a every two month activity. Easier to maintain #prodchat
  116. +1 RT @profkrg: A4: Im also a big fan if Apple+A and Delete. Super effective. #prodchat
  117. A4b: I also love @Circa…amazing news app! OMG! I can’t say how much I enjoy it. The “follow story” feature will blow your mind. #prodchat
  118. +1 RT @profkrg: A4: Im also a big fan if Apple+A and Delete. Super effective. #prodchat
  119. @apinaud Good idea, Augusto! Now, hoping to capture that in my notebook so I’ll actually add it into my system later! #prodchat
  120. +1 RT @profkrg: A4: I’m also a big fan if Apple+A and Delete. Super effective. #prodchat
  121. @LynnWhite Well, my day job is also techie, so I follow a LOT of blogs…and so I do a pretty good job there of purging monthly. #prodchat
  122. OMG! How am I so not aware of this stuff? Crazy! I can’t wait to look at it all! #prodchat
  123. @LynnWhite On the personal feeds, follows and such, that’s where I end up following way too much stuff…why I gave up FB! #prodchat
  124. Right? We feel behind…Ha Ha! RT “@michgunn: OMG! How am I so not aware of this stuff? Crazy! I can’t wait to look at it all! #prodchat
  125. @rsidneysmith I think I need to try @Circa. It seems like something I would like. #prodchat
  126. not saying much, busy capturing recommendations of things to try out — thanks everyone! #prodchat
  127. @sendgine You will wonder how you consumed news before…like Flintstones meeting the Jetsons! LOL. #Circa #prodchat
  128. @michgunn It’s the reason why the #productivity chat is amazing! All these great resources! Love it! 🙂 #prodchat
  129. @rsidneysmith It looks like it! Love all the suggestions, Ray! You’re so on it!! #prodchat
  130. @rsidneysmith @LynnWhite I follow a ton of blogs and news sites. I love all of the info and consider it a big part of my job. #prodchat
  131. @jjmccullen @Flipboard is a pretty amazing app…I like the way you can add feeds and it’s magazine layout does its magic. #prodchat
  132. @profkrg Zite is not available for the HTC One yet, oh well, guess that is the cost I pay for jumping on the latest device #prodchat
  133. RT @nmhouston: not saying much, busy capturing recommendations of things to try out — thanks everyone! #prodchat
  134. I love my RSS Feed. If it ever feels overwhelming, I just empty the feed and move on with life. #prodchat
  135. RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: WHAT SERVICES DO YOU RECOMMEND FOR AGGREGATING/FILTERING MEDIA? (EG, @percolate, @lumiteam, @StumbleUpon) #prodchat
  136. @profkrg @LynnWhite Kenna, absolutely! I wish I could get paid to just consume all these data sources all day everyday! LOL #prodchat
  137. +1 RT @profkrg: I love my RSS Feed. If it ever feels overwhelming, I just empty the feed and move on with life. #prodchat
  138. +1 RT @profkrg: I love my RSS Feed. If it ever feels overwhelming, I just empty the feed and move on with life. #prodchat
  139. Does anyone use Vienna, RSSOwl or another desktop feed reader app? #prodchat
  140. +1 RT @nmhouston: +1 RT @profkrg: I love my RSS Feed. If it ever feels overwhelming, I just empty the feed and move on with life. #prodchat
  143. I use Reeder. It’s simple and clean. Really like it #prodchat
  144. @rsidneysmith @LynnWhite and read! I just want to read books all day every day. Is that so wrong? #prodchat
  145. @rsidneysmith limit RSS reading to 1 device. Help me to keep my focus #prodchat
  146. @rsidneysmith @LynnWhite of course, I remember when you had to go to a newsstand or bookstore to get a variety of newspapers. #prodchat
  147. Ha Ha. Simple enough! RT “@michgunn: A5 unsubscribe? #prodchat
  148. A5. Limit media consumption to one device. ie RSS on iPad, FB on iPhone #prodchat
  149. A5: A cute question from a media perspective, but turning off is the best way to ignite change. Don’t participate. #prodchat
  150. @profkrg *looks around* I see absolutely no problem with reading books all day every day! 😀 #prodchat
  151. RT @profkrg: A5: A cute question from a media perspective, but turning off is the best way to ignite change. Dont participate. #prodchat
  152. What I mean is that if it doesn’t serve you, then unsubscribe. If enough people do that, they get the message… is my thought #prodchat
  153. That could work too! RT “@apinaud: A5. Limit media consumption to one device. ie RSS on iPad, FB on iPhone #prodchat
  154. @profkrg Well, I see it as, I want to have a conversation with my clients. But they need to tell me when it’s too much. #prodchat
  155. RT @apinaud: A5. Limit media consumption to one device. ie RSS on iPad, FB on iPhone #prodchat
  156. @michgunn Make sense. Lost viewers or readers, lost popularity and revenue = change in information or sharing. #prodchat
  157. @michgunn I know that’s the harsh reality, but I wish for a better way of having an open dialog with biz/media. #prodchat
  158. @rsidneysmith & @sendgine Yeah. Maybe it’s a rather passive approach. But actions speak volumes. #prodchat
  159. @sendgine But, is it practical for all parties? I don’t think so. Social Media was a revolution because we wanted to connect, no? #prodchat
  160. @rsidneysmith you’d think a professor would get to do that! But noooo… #prodchat
  161. Ha! 😉 RT @profkrg: @rsidneysmith youd think a professor would get to do that! But noooo… #prodchat
  162. @rsidneysmith Like what? Like, “dude”, pushing out 100 feed items a day is way too many? is that what you mean? #prodchat
  163. @michgunn this is exactly right. And if they don’t “get it,” you’ve solved your problem. #prodchat
  164. @rsidneysmith Or do you mean more like, ‘hey, love that direction and would love to see more like it…’ ? #prodchat
  165. People were complaining about information overload in the 19th century. Process of adapting to new communication forms #prodchat
  166. I think that cutting off one’s nose to spite your face (vis-a-vis discontinuing connecting with biz/media) can be detrimental. #prodchat
  167. @michgunn @rsidneysmith Sure! Social media is for connecting, but also gives us the power to determine what/how much to connect. #prodchat
  168. Amen! MT @nmhouston: People complained about info. overload in the 19th century. Process of adapting to new communication forms #prodchat
  169. @nmhouston Ha Ha! Point taken Natalie! Same story, different day and age. 🙂 #prodchat
  170. @sendgine @michgunn I guess I’m professionally trying to determine the logic process as my customer (A) connect for valuable… #prodchat
  172. Yeah, so that’s exactly it… you can chose to keep the feed or not, and check into it as often as you would like. #prodchat
  174. “Media” isn’t the problem. Media is part of the environment in which we live. #prodchat
  175. “Media” isn’t the problem. Media is part of the environment in which we live. #prodchat
  176. “Media” isn’t the problem. Media is part of the environment in which we live. #prodchat
  177. @sendgine @michgunn content. (B) Too much, so I turn off completely. (C) No more connection. #prodchat
  178. And they will continue complaining RT @nmhouston: People were complaining about information overload in the 19th century #prodchat
  179. RT @rsidneysmith Does anyone use Vienna, RSSOwl or another desktop feed reader app? #prodchat < I actually use Outlook for RSS.
  180. .@nmhouston Agreed. And, biz/media are dialoging in this environment now. Our voices with theirs. The democratization of content. #prodchat
  181. @bschorr Does Outlook work well for you as an RSS feed reader, Ben? #prodchat
  182. @nmhouston I guess it depends on if you’re talking about mediums or the media. #prodchat
  183. A6 Oh boy, that’s a doozy! Kids aren’t able to grasp the impact of their today posts/tweets on their future selves. Very scary! #prodchat
  184. A6: You sound 180, @rsidneysmith 😉 I think we model, educate and they learn how to use sm by positive and negative examples. #prodchat
  185. MT @michgunn: A6 Thats a doozy! Kids arent able to grasp the impact of their posts/tweets on their future selves. Very scary! #prodchat
  186. A6 It seems that some adults struggle with oversharing on social media too. #prodchat
  187. @rsidneysmith yes, the relationships of creator, publisher, audience are differently configured now (at least some of the time) #prodchat
  188. @profkrg Sometimes I feel 180 years old! 😉 Especially after my most productive days! #prodchat
  189. Yes! RT @sendgine: A6 It seems that some adults struggle with oversharing on social media too. #prodchat
  190. A6: I find it funny when people ask me why I leave information out of my online profiles (ie, they’re never 100% completed). #prodchat
  191. A6 A recent article said society is still establishing online etiquette–so it might be a trial and error process for now. #prodchat
  192. @rsidneysmith Crazy suggestion… Subscribe to all your own outgoing messaging & see what it feels like as the subscriber? #prodchat
  193. @michgunn I receive every communication my company sends, so not so crazy! 😉 #prodchat
  194. Absolutely! RT @sendgine: A6 It seems that some adults struggle with oversharing on social media too. #prodchat
  195. @profkrg Well, you look fabulous for feeling 180 years old! 😉 #prodchat
  196. @rsidneysmith: Then you probably have a pretty accurate feel of what’s too much and what’s not enough. 🙂 #prodchat
  197. @sendgine Yup, if you think about it, the Internet and WWW are only a few decades old! Think of the auto, PC, etc industry at 30! #prodchat
  198. @rsidneysmith It’s hard to imagine because the Internet is so ingrained in all of our lives now. #prodchat
  199. @michgunn I probably do, but there’s a little self-doubt about it at times because I hear my clients’ woes of not creating enough #prodchat
  200. @rsidneysmith Ah! Thank you, dah-ling. You haven’t seen me limping after a long day in heels. #prodchat #oldladyknees
  201. See you all next Wednesday for another ridiculously edifying #prodchat !
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