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#ProdChat – 05/24/2018 – Productivity Toolbox – Document Automation and Document Assembly

#ProdChat – 05/24/2018 – Productivity Toolbox – Document Automation and Document Assembly

On May 24, 2018, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Productivity Toolbox – Document Automation and Document Assembly. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Productivity Toolbox – Document Automation and Document Assembly.” Enjoy!


  1. What is Document Assembly (a/k/a Document Automation)?
  2. Why is Document Automation/Assembly beneficial to your productivity?
  3. Why don’t you think more people use document automation/assembly? (It seems focused primarily within the legal industry.)
  4. What are the challenges to creating document automation and templates?
  5. How many document templates do you have currently?
  6. What are some examples of documents you would like to be able to automate?
  7. When should you create a document template from a document?
  8. What tools, apps or services can help you assemble, “templatize” and automate your documents?
  9. How do you choose the right document automation and document assembly software for you or your organization?
  10. What’s one way you can use document automation/assembly from our #ProdChat discussion today?

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time (GMT +0)
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Wed May 23 23:59:00 +0000 2018
xianfox I’ll be tweeting more than normal for the next hour or so due to participation in #ProdChat. Wed May 23 23:59:04 +0000 2018
xianfox Welcome back @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Wed May 23 23:59:53 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “#Productivity Toolbox: Document Automation and Document Assembly” Join us! Thu May 24 00:00:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith #ProdChat is a weekly #productivity chat, resuming 5/23/18. Join us for different personal productivity discussion topics Wednesdays at 8pm ET. Thu May 24 00:00:32 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @xianfox Thanks! I’m happy to be back to #prodchat. Thanks for being here today! I’m really looking forward to this topic, too. 🙂 Thu May 24 00:00:46 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:02:00 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck from Alabama. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:02:22 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Heyyy, Jim. Glad to see you! How’re you doing today? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:02:55 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Hi, #prodchat! I’m your @prodchat host. I also host, @prodbookgrp, & @prodcastshow. @Evernote Certified Consultant, @GoogleSmallBiz Advisor – Productivity, and Productivity/Technology Coach & Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant. Thu May 24 00:03:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Hey, Frank! How’re you this evening? Long time. 😉 Lol. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:03:15 +0000 2018
xianfox I’m an IT consultant from Wisconsin with particular focus on GTD and iOS. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:03:18 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith I know. LOL #prodchat Thu May 24 00:03:54 +0000 2018
michelle1908 I’m Michelle in Virginia. Productivity geek and e-learning designer #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:03:59 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck Good to see you @michelle1908 ! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:04:39 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:05:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Hey, Michelle! Glad to have my fellow Virginian #productivity enthusiasts represented on #prodchat! 🙂 How’re you? How’ve you been? Thu May 24 00:05:16 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck Same to you! #prodchat It’s been a long time since I’ve participated Thu May 24 00:05:24 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith I’ve been good! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:05:41 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck Productivity success: I think I became GDPR compliant. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:05:50 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu May 24 00:06:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith #Productivity Success: I gave a seminar and Webinar on #podcasting at and for the @alexvasbdc and @virginiasbdc last week, respectively. I believe both went pretty well. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:06:40 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I’m working on a blog and podcast on #GDPR for my clients! It’s a lot to take in, and compliance starts in a couple days! Yeesh! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:07:13 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Let’s talk about Document Automation and Assembly! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:08:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Fair warning: I used to head up document automation/assembly for a few of the law firms I worked at, in a past life/career. So, this topic is near and dear to me. 😛 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:09:00 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck Should be an interesting topic. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:09:29 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q1: What is Document Assembly (a/k/a Document Automation)? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:10:00 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A1: I’m not sure 🙂 I’m curious to find out #prodchat Thu May 24 00:11:19 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A1: It’s simply turning documents you would otherwise manually tailor/personalize into one that you can do automatically or semi-automatically. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:11:32 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A1: I had to Google the term just now! I think it’s what I used to help create my Privacy Policy on my website. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:12:17 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Like mail merge??? #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:12:18 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A1a: But, IMHO, it also covers digital signatures, creating autogenerated forms/questionnaires, and more. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:12:20 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A1: I supplied some information, answered some questions, and it produced an impressive-looking document for me to use. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:12:55 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Yes, mail merge is a form of document assembly. Document automation software can do much more sophisticated things, though. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:13:07 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A1b: Document automation/assembly is built into almost every major word processor, usually with less features than specialized document automation software like @hotdocsgroup @exari @contractexpress @woodpeckerdocs etc. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:14:51 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q2: Why is Document Automation/Assembly beneficial to your productivity? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:15:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That’s definitely a form of document automation, Frank! And, it can be so much more if you invest a little frontend energy into all kinds of repeatable documents you create. 🙂 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:15:35 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A2: I see it as a way to create a solid document once (like, a proposal, agreements, or emails) and then seamlessly personalize that document (template) into the final product, over and over again. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:16:39 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A2a: I cannot imagine how much less productive I would be if I had to draft bespoke proposals, agreements, emails, and more for every situation without starting from a template. Even more, document assembly software facilitates the process so I have less errors. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:17:43 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A2a: I cannot imagine how much less productive I would be if I had to draft bespoke proposals, agreements, emails, and more for every situation without starting from a template. Even more, document assembly software facilitates the process so I have less errors. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:17:43 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A2: It saves time and helps you systemize things to avoid errors #prodchat Thu May 24 00:17:56 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Exactly! I love that I can enter data in my software and it will spit back an error if I put in the wrong information. It’s saved my hide on many occasions! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:18:41 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q3: Why don’t you think more people don’t use document automation/assembly? (It seems focused primarily within the legal industry.) #prodchat Thu May 24 00:20:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith You can just ignore the double negative. 😉 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:20:21 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A3: I think it’s a matter of people not knowing what’s available. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:21:15 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A3: 1) A little bit of lack of knowledge that such software even exists, or is built into word processors. 2) It takes investing time upfront to create those templates. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:21:24 +0000 2018
PG_pmp @rsidneysmith A2: It saves lot of time from doing manual work & anyone can add value with available time #prodchat Thu May 24 00:21:46 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, every time I discuss document automation with my #smallbiz clients, they’re shocked that such a thing exists! I’ve been using document automation software since the ’90s! LOL #prodchat Thu May 24 00:22:03 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @PG_pmp Welcom, Piyush! Great to see you here on #prodchat! Thu May 24 00:22:14 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman That’s a great point, Jim. I can imagine people can feel reticent about the terminology without seeing it in action. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:22:43 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith A3: Maybe it (the demand) is driven by companies who make software more than by consumers? I don’t know. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:23:29 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 It’s quite possible. I sincerely do think every business that produces any quantity of documents should invest in document automation, but perhaps that’s not the case for individuals. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:24:27 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q4: What are the challenges to creating document automation and templates? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:25:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 I’m a special case, since I used to create document templates for work, but I use it so often in my personal and professional life for so many reasons. And, I find new opportunities every week. 😛 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:25:33 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A4: Finding the right software. Determining what should be automated and what shouldn’t. Taking the time to create document templates for the software to do its magic. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:26:21 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A4: In the workplace, resistance to change. Personally, slowing down long enough to invest the time on the front end to save time on the back end. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:26:23 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith What software is available for personal use besides Word? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:26:57 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A4: In a work environment, gaining consensus on the “right” language to use in templates. Sales may disagree with marketing who may disagree with legal. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:27:13 +0000 2018
prodbookgrp Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:29:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 @TheFormTool is one tool you can use for free. There are plenty of Word, @libreoffice and @googledocs plugins you can use. They’re also available for Outlook, Thunderbird, and and Apple Mail clients. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:29:54 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q5: How many document templates do you have currently? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:30:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith RT @prodbookgrp: Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:30:07 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A5: At this point, I have hundreds. Also, I have a Chrome extension called AutoTextExpander (not perfect, but good in many circumstances) that has text snippets that I insert into documents all the time. Plus, I use Canned Responses in Gmail. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:31:44 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A5: I probably have a dozen I use regularly. They are primarily Gmail canned responses or Chrome text expanders. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:32:00 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Yes, I love the Auto TextExpander for Google Chrome. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:32:39 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A5: All of my client proposals, quotes/estimates, agreements/contracts, letters and many emails are templates. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:33:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, it works great in many circumstances. It doesn’t work in the URL bar (oddly enough) and a few other fields, but it works well and it saves me oodles of time. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:33:58 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A5: I don’t have many that I can think of. I have a few email templates. I’ll be thinking about how I can create more though. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:34:13 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q6: What are some examples of documents you would like to be able to automate? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:35:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A6: I want to start “templatizing” more of my emails. Also, I plan to create templates for more blog posts…not so much for the same text, but so that the layout of different types of posts are consistent. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:36:31 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A6: When I need to supply the same information on a regular basis, it would be good to automate it. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:37:11 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A6: One big challenge is trying to automate my document assembly software with my digital signing software. I’d love to be able to generate a final document and then automagically have it sent off to the client for signature. Still a manual process currently. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:37:39 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A6: For example, it someone reaches out to me and could become a customer, it’s good to be able to respond quickly with good info. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:37:51 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A6: I had a lot of email templates in my previous job, but in my new job I just don’t have the need for them. Completely different work and responsibilities. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:37:57 +0000 2018
PG_pmp @rsidneysmith A4: organization facing challenge in doing cost benefit analysis + right kind of tool which can fit within #prodchat Thu May 24 00:38:25 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 That makes total sense. My last company I had tons more templates and now I have far less, even though I still have a lot more than most. Hehe. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:38:37 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @PG_pmp Yes, I find the price on some of these document assembly software astronomical. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:39:17 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q7: When should you create a document template from a document? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:40:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith #prodchat Thu May 24 00:40:04 +0000 2018
PG_pmp @rsidneysmith A6: templates for different matrices #prodchat Thu May 24 00:40:13 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee I’m here for #prodchat, albeit a bit late. What’s up tonight? Thu May 24 00:41:17 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A7: When you see yourself re-creating the same response over and over, take the time to make it a template. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:41:22 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A7: When it’s a document that you are going to use more than once #prodchat Thu May 24 00:41:38 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Let’s talk about Document Automation and Assembly! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:41:49 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck That’s what I tried to say Lol! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:42:06 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ncbluegrass Hi, Tim! I’d check out the various document automation software available, pick a specific document you assemble frequently, and then test your hand at “templatizing” it. You’ll learn along the way. Ask me any questions as you get started! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:42:20 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Welcome, Shannon! Great to have you! #prodchat How’re you doing today? Thu May 24 00:43:00 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman You can give yourself ample opportunities to tailor the document to be personal. Automated doesn’t need to at all be impersonal or robotic. It simply needs to be structured to save you time in production. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:43:44 +0000 2018
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A7: When you see yourself re-creating the same response over and over, take the time to make it a template. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:43:53 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Document automation is a life-saver. If organizations aren’t using it, then they’re crazy. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:43:56 +0000 2018
ncbluegrass After 3 repeated needs for same information. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:44:08 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Document automation saves all kinds of resources: time, money, energy, headache and stress. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:44:48 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith That’s my answer to a T, Tim! If you create a document three times, and you will again, it’s time to create a template. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:44:49 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q8: What tools, apps or services can help you assemble, “templatize” and automate your documents? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:45:00 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith @JKatzaman So true. I actually just started using @Contactually and sent a business announcement to about 40 people using the Scale Mail feature. I customized the beginning of each message. Great example that I didn’t even think about. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:45:24 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Templates are the universe’s way of telling us not to waste the little bit of time we have on this earth. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:45:40 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith FYI, I was reading up on this crude walk-through but seemingly viable way to do document assembly using Google Docs: #prodchat Thu May 24 00:45:43 +0000 2018
ncbluegrass Thanks good to join in again today been along time. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:45:49 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 @JKatzaman @Contactually Excellent use of document automation! 😀 Everyone can use this tech to save time and resources. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:46:35 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A8: Mail merge in office. You can still do forms in Word, Gmail canned responses, text expander software. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:46:44 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Most folks don’t realize the savings that automation and templates can have on their bottom line. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:46:48 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A8: @Contactually most recently. I’ve used a Google Doc add-in before at my last job in addition to Word’s mail merge. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:47:19 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Suffice it to say, if automation and templates aren’t saving you time and money, then you aren’t using them properly. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:47:27 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A8: Most people will immediately reap benefits from creating email templates if you send similar emails to people. But, then look to documents you are writing on a regular basis. Lesson plans, letters, reports, proposals, agreements, even small snippets of text. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:48:06 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ncbluegrass Glad to have you, Tim! It’s been a while for all of us. 🙂 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:48:29 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A8: @rsidneysmith Your mention of Autocrat reminds me of another add-on for Google Forms…formMule. It allows you to complete… #prodchat Thu May 24 00:48:55 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A8: I have many @evernote templates that I use also. Evernote Web has an amazing calendar integration that generates a meeting note. Great use of document assembly there! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:49:32 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A8; … a Google Form and the spreadsheet to which the responses go generate emails according to various rules. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:49:48 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q9: How do you choose the right document automation and document assembly software for you or your organization? #prodchat Thu May 24 00:50:00 +0000 2018
Contactually RT @michelle1908: @rsidneysmith @JKatzaman So true. I actually just started using @Contactually and sent a business announcement to about 40 people using the Scale Mail feature. I customized the beginning of each message. Great example that I didn’t even think about. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:50:09 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee I’ve used templates for everything from proposals, invoices and agendas to cover letters, resumes and thank you notes. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:50:12 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @evernote I’ll sometimes use my document automation software and then copy and paste it into Evernote. 😛 #prodchat Thu May 24 00:50:14 +0000 2018
DrFrankBuck A8: I created a set of templates that automate student discipline reporting using formMule. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:50:23 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee On that point, @linkedin has a built-in résumé generator/builder that you can use. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:51:02 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, and @Smartsheet has a lot of integrations that can automate not only document assembly but also other kinds of workflows. The best is document automation tied to other workflow automation, such as @ifttt and @zapier. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:51:52 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee We need to be careful w/ templates and automation. Their relative ease can lull us into carelessness and unforced errors. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:52:02 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A9: You need to test out the options for your use case. Not all document assembly software is created equal, nor priced the same. Free can be tempting but limited and make your template proprietary (not portable to another tool). #prodchat Thu May 24 00:52:57 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A9a: Make sure to pick a tool that works with your most common word processor or is easily copied over. I use one that doesn’t work with Google Docs, but easily copies over to it, so it’s no big deal for me. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:53:32 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Even when using templates, proofreading and editing is still important. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:54:13 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A9b: Look at the features that help you tailor the document…is it going to check formatting (capitalizing names, hyphenating phone numbers, etc.). #prodchat Thu May 24 00:54:20 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ShannonRenee Absolutely! You can’t be lazy with your documents just because of document assembly software. Great point, Shannon! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:54:45 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Q10: What’s one way you can use document automation/assembly from our #ProdChat discussion today? Thu May 24 00:55:00 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: @ShannonRenee Absolutely! You can’t be lazy with your documents just because of document assembly software. Great point, Shannon! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:55:11 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith A10: I’m going to review all of my customer support templates and make sure I’ve got them all. I recently realized that I might be able to write a few more templates for those, to save my and my staff’s time. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:55:54 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Document automation, templates and forms help us #WorkSmarter. #ProdChat Thu May 24 00:56:06 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Next week’s #ProdChat: Does Workplace Flexibility Help or Hurt Productivity? – 5/30/18. (Read this article to learn more before the chat: Join us! Thu May 24 00:57:00 +0000 2018
michelle1908 A10: I may think ahead about some emails that I may need to send future prospects and create templates. I’ll have to think a little more about whether I’m missing automation opportunities at my full-time job. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:57:37 +0000 2018
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Next week’s #ProdChat: Does Workplace Flexibility Help or Hurt Productivity? – 5/30/18. (Read this article to learn more before the chat: Join us! Thu May 24 00:58:02 +0000 2018
ncbluegrass A10: looking forward to exploring options, been informative. Have always used Apple’s keyboard snippet expander. #prodchat Thu May 24 00:58:30 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee Good #ProdChat, I like pop-ins and drop-bys LOL. Thu May 24 00:58:33 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @ncbluegrass Yeah, that’s a great start with document assembly. Document automation software definitely takes it all to the next level. Let us know how it goes! #prodchat Thu May 24 00:59:08 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee I’m happy to share this time management presentation with #ProdChat folks.
Thu May 24 00:59:55 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith Have a great rest of your week, all! Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending @prodchat! See you at our next #productivity chat on #prodchat! Thu May 24 01:00:00 +0000 2018
ncbluegrass Adding to calendar now. #prodchat Thu May 24 01:00:02 +0000 2018
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith @prodchat Thank you! #prodchat Thu May 24 01:00:31 +0000 2018
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 @prodchat You’re quite welcome, Michelle! #prodchat Thu May 24 01:00:43 +0000 2018
ShannonRenee RT @rsidneysmith: Have a great rest of your week, all! Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending @prodchat! See you at our next #productivity chat on #prodchat! Thu May 24 01:00:47 +0000 2018
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