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#ProdChat – 05/15/13 – #Travel #Productivity

#ProdChat – 05/15/13 – #Travel #Productivity

Natalie M. Houston ( @nmhouston), productivity coach, was gracious enough to guest-host #ProdChat last night, where we discussed productivity while traveling. Enjoy!

  1. Let’s start things off with intros: tell us a little bit about you & your interest in #productivity #prodchat
  2. @nmhouston Hey, Natalie! Thanks for hosting tonight! I’ll be on sporadically. Where are all the #productivity folks at? #prodchat
  3. I’m Natalie, a personal productivity coach and a literature prof. I help people find their focus. #prodchat
  4. RT @nmhouston: Im Natalie, a personal productivity coach and a literature prof. I help people find their focus. #prodchat
  5. @rsidneysmith hi Ray! so far it’s just you and me — maybe tonight is a productivity holiday! #prodchat
  6. Q1: What kind of travelling or commuting do you do? Air, train, car? How much & how often? #prodchat
  7. RT @nmhouston: Q1: What kind of travelling or commuting do you do? Air, train, car? How much & how often? #prodchat
  8. OK, all. Talk to @nmhouston: “I’m Natalie, a personal productivity coach and a literature prof. I help people find their focus.” #prodchat
  9. A1: All of the above. My travel schedule is pretty intense at times, so on average I would say I travel about four days per week. #prodchat
  10. @nmhouston So odd! Travel is such a great topic! I think you’re right…it’s just a #productivity holiday. 😛 #prodchat
  11. A1: My daily commute by car is fairly modest (25 mins each way) but I’ve been doing a lot more air travel the past few years #prodchat
  12. @nmhouston I for one love taking the train but am too happy just sitting there to want to work. #prodchat
  13. @rgfeal hi Rosemary! I know you’re a big traveller so I’m sure you have tips to share #prodchat
  14. @nmhouston I used to have a 1.5-hour commute each way to work…lots of audiobook and dictating to my phone time. #prodchat
  15. @rgfeal Really? I love working on the train…it’s my most productive time while traveling. No TSA/takeoff/landing to distract. #prodchat
  16. @rgfeal yes, sometimes I like to use the travel time specifically for NOT working #prodchat
  17. @rsidneysmith I would like to get in the habit of dictating to my phone more while driving, as I often get good ideas then #prodchat
  18. A2: Not having in-flight Web access on many of my regular routes. #firstworldproblems #prodchat
  19. RT @nmhouston: I would like to get in the habit of dictating to my phone more while driving, as I often get good ideas then #prodchat
  20. @nmhouston #prodchat Biggest productivity tip for being on the road I learned from @kfitz: build in some hotel time for intense writing.
  21. @nmhouston Yeah, it can be intensely creative open space to have great ideas or solutions. #prodchat
  22. MT @rgfeal: Biggest productivity tip for being on the road I learned from @kfitz: build in some hotel time for intense writing. #prodchat
  23. @nmhouston #prodchat Another hint: skip the cocktails and dinners and have a light in-room meal: gets you a long quiet eve of work.
  24. A2 My biggest productivity challenge while traveling is keeping up with regular routines (email etc) #prodchat
  25. A2: Another #productivity challenge is having only one project/task to work on. Shiny object syndrome on planes. #prodchat
  26. Yes, actually, in-flight wifi is a productivity challenge — I prefer having no phone/email access for a few hours #prodchat
  27. @rgfeal I’ve been thinking about making racehorse-style blinder glasses for me when I’m on the plane! #focus #prodchat
  28. RT @nmhouston: A2 My biggest productivity challenge while traveling is keeping up with regular routines (email etc) #prodchat
  29. @nmhouston #prodchat Ok, here’s a sick tip: take advantage of insomnia to do work.
  30. @rgfeal You’re right about hotels being good for writing — something I often take advantage of, even during a conference #prodchat
  31. @nmhouston When I travel, I try to organize my hotel rooms the same way each time so I feel at home. Helps my routine. #prodchat
  32. I did this last night! Thankful for it 2day RT @rgfeal @nmhouston #prodchat Ok, here’s a sick tip: take advantage of insomnia to do work.
  33. @rsidneysmith @nmhouston I used to do this when I traveled as a tech and stage manager. Interesting similarity! #prodchat
  34. Better than getting anxious about it, which doesn’t help you sleep. MT @rgfeal: #prodchat take advantage of insomnia to do work.
  35. Now that Verizon unlocked “wifi tethering” on mobile devices, it’s my best time saver trying to find inet on road #prodchat
  36. A3: Having my extra, external batteries for my iPhone since planes haven’t figured out how to put outlets on the plane yet. #prodchat
  37. @rsidneysmith Some @united flights now have outlets — which I think is absolutely brilliant. #prodchat
  38. A3: Now that Verizon unlocked “wifi tethering” on mobile devices, it’s my best time saver trying to find inet for laptop #prodchat
  39. @nmhouston Hmmm…I haven’t flown @united in quite some time…I will need to check them out! #awesomeness #prodchat
  40. @rsidneysmith That would be a dream! I meant at the hotel/airport. NOWHERE in the USA can you get free wifi. Only Asia 🙁 #prodchat
  41. @DerekTac Yes, I have a @solio charger but I also have two small batteries that I carry on me when the Solio’s too big to carry. #prodchat
  42. A3 exercise while travelling helps my focus: if no hotel gym, can always do push-ups, squats, yoga, etc in the room #prodchat
  43. @DerekTac I hope Google Fiber helps US broadband. And, then maybe US regulators will make telecomm a priority. #prodchat
  44. MT @nmhouston: A3 exercise while travelling helps my focus: if no hotel gym, can always do push-ups, squats, yoga, etc in-room #prodchat
  45. @nmhouston Those flexy-resistance bands are great for traveling and keeping up with fitness #prodchat
  46. A3 also lots of water on the flight — dehydration shows up as fuzzy thinking, tiredness #prodchat
  47. yes, definitely! RT @DerekTac: Those flexy-resistance bands are great for traveling and keeping up with fitness #prodchat
  48. @rsidneysmith I think we all hope Google Fiber comes to our cities. Time Warner domination in South Cali (No Fios yet either!) #prodchat
  49. #prodchat quiz: When I travel, I always build in time to care for myself or treat myself in some way.
    yes, always
    no, never
  50. @rgfeal Depends if there’s a bar in the lobby of the hotel 😀 #prodchat
  51. Q4: How do you prepare for a #productive trip? What are your 3 must-pack items? #prodchat
  52. @rgfeal One of the ways I treat myself on a trip is reading magazine on takeoff/landing. Also, fancy coffees #prodchat
  53. @nmhouston A friend of mine (@h1ojo) keeps referring me to this travel yoga mat & I keep forgetting to buy! prodchat
  54. @rgfeal It depends on travel for leisure or work, for leisure there’s extra care. If it’s work, it’s my usual self-care. #prodchat
  55. RT @nmhouston: Q4: How do you prepare for a #productive trip? What are your 3 must-pack items? #prodchat
  56. @nmhouston #prodchat I often swim, soak in jacuzzi, take walk to interesting place.
  57. A4: I use my @rememberthemilk travel checklists (one for each kind of travel). Top three: laptop, running shoes, swimsuit. #prodchat
  58. A4: internet cable, thumbdrive for hotel printers, alcohol swabs (for disinfecting hands, objects, etc.) #prodchat
  59. @rsidneysmith I have a travel mat but prefer Yoga Paws as take less space. I only pack carry-on. #prodchat
  60. Hi, #prodchat! I’m so sorry to be late. I got a phone call. 🙂
  61. Understandable. RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith I have a travel mat but prefer Yoga Paws as take less space. I only pack carry-on. #prodchat
  62. @rsidneysmith and @rgfeal are usefully reminding me about packing swim gear for trips. #prodchat
  63. @nmhouston I’m typically traveling for a week at a time, so I have a large, checked suitcase and my carry-on. #prodchat
  64. yes, laptop, phone, kindle would be another top-three list of mine #prodchat
  65. @profkrg Hey, Kenna! Welcome to the #productivity chat! 🙂 Hope your having a great week so far! #prodchat
  66. @MCTheWriter Great to have you, Myrlande! Hope you’re having a great day! #prodchat
  67. @MCTheWriter welcome! we’re talking about three must-pack items for productive travel #prodchat
  68. A4: Something I used to forget all the time: CHARGERS (for anything chargable). Often overlooked #prodchat
  69. @nmhouston I put laptop on there because I normally travel with my MacBook Air but for longer trips I have a larger laptop. #prodchat
  70. I just recently learned about & tried Earplanes, special earplugs for easing pressure changes — they really worked! #prodchat
  71. RT @DerekTac: A4: Something I used to forget all the time: CHARGERS (for anything chargable). Often overlooked #prodchat
  72. I travel internationally for 3-4 weeks at a time. I’m a good packer/traveler. #prodchat
  73. @profkrg Congratulations! One more day to a full week of running! Remember to stretch, hydrate and bask in all your runner glory! #prodchat
  74. MT @nmhouston: I just recently learned about & tried Earplanes, special earplugs for easing pressure changes–they really worked! #prodchat
  75. So important! I write each one on my packing list so not to forget one MT @DerekTac: CHARGERS (for anything chargeable). #prodchat
  76. @profkrg Do you travel light for int’l flights? I find it easier at checkpoints to just have less stuff #prodchat
  77. I am, thank you! “@rsidneysmith: @MCTheWriter Great to have you, Myrlande! Hope you’re having a great day! #prodchat
  78. @profkrg I know who to call the next time I need to travel internationally. 😉 #prodchat
  79. Important to get out and see the sun while working on the road. Sometimes we forget & need vitamin D. #prodchat
  80. Q5: What apps or software tools do you recommend for #productive travel? #prodchat
  81. Q5: What apps or software tools do you recommend for #productive travel? #prodchat
  82. Most Americans I read are Vit D deficient. 🙁 MT @DerekTac: Important to get out and see the sun…need vitamin D. #prodchat
  83. RT @nmhouston: Q5: What apps or software tools do you recommend for #productive travel? #prodchat
  84. A5: I use Wunderlist, a list making app that lives in the cloud for #productivity #prodchat
  85. @DerekTac yeah, that wasn’t going to do it when I had to travel with a head cold 🙁 #prodchat
  86. @DerekTac I’m a shoe lover who is out of the country for a month. I take two huge bags. #prodchat
  87. @nmhouston Ah, I can see how that would help with a headache/head cold #prodchat
  88. @profkrg One word for you: SHOPPING :D. Maybe a bad idea, you might spend the whole paycheck during your visit! #prodchat
  89. A5. Well, I have an iPhone, so I recommend evernotes, simplenotes, notes, reminders etc. #Prodchat
  90. I like Todoist (for travel or at home) — great to capture all my ideas and next actions and it syncs on all my devices #prodchat
  91. @profkrg It’s funny. I used to travel frequently overseas until about 10 years ago…then abruptly stopped. #somedaymaybe #prodchat
  92. and google maps on my phone has made travel so much easier!! No more folding & unfolding & feeling like an obvious tourist #prodchat
  93. A5: I use my Kayak, Schemer, Triplist and Uber as my fave apps on the road! #prodchat
  94. @nmhouston I don’t know where I would be without Google Maps (no pun intended!) #prodchat
  95. @nmhouston Yes, the Google Maps navigation mode sucks battery but is *amazingly* accurate and fluid. #awesomeness #prodchat
  96. Also, I spring for the temporary international data plan on my phone when I travel. So worth it. #prodchat
  97. Also, I spring for the temporary international data plan on my phone when I travel. So worth it. #prodchat
  98. Also, I spring for the temporary international data plan on my phone when I travel. So worth it. #prodchat
  99. RT @rsidneysmith A5: I use my Kayak, Schemer, Triplist and Uber as my fave apps on the road! #prodchat
  100. All this task app talk, is anyone an @astrid user and what are you doing now that Astrid is going away? #prodchat
  101. Q6: How do you get back to your regular #productive routines after a long trip? #prodchat
  102. Q6: How do you get back to your regular #productive routines after a long trip? #prodchat
  103. RT @nmhouston Also, I spring for the temporary international data plan on my phone when I travel. So worth it. #prodchat
  104. A6 I *try* to unpack my suitcase first thing after I hug & kiss everybody. But I don’t always.Then it sits there way too long. #prodchat
  105. A6: Start planning what’s next and making lists while still on the tarmac #prodchat
  106. Q6. Good question. I need some answers, because I’m taking off for one tomorrow, a long one until Monday… Any tips?! #prodchat
  107. A6: Kids don’t make that optional. They want their Mom back and involved. I jump in. #prodchat
  108. @nmhouston I also have this problem. Don’t know many that can unpack right away #prodchat
  109. @nmhouston And… Drive makes driving safer, HotelTonight for spontaneity, and Streetline to find a parking space fast! #prodchat
  110. RT @nmhouston: Q6: How do you get back to your regular #productive routines after a long trip? #prodchat
  111. RT @nmhouston: Q6: How do you get back to your regular #productive routines after a long trip? #prodchat
  112. A6: I don’t tell anyone when I’m actually coming back to the office. That way I have time to catch up before phone/email starts. #prodchat
  113. A5: TeamViewer (to access my home PC from my iPhone) and Google Drive #prodchat
  114. Smart! MT @rsidneysmith: I don’t tell anyone when I’m actually coming back to the office. That way I have time to catch up #prodchat
  115. @profkrg The pain will subside. But pay attention to it. And then the glory will begin! 😉 #prodchat
  116. A5: Always use Yelp in a foreign (and not so foreign) landscape to find good food nearby while traveling #prodchat
  117. @nmhouston Except that I keep telling everyone about this trick so now they’ll know! 😉 (I’m still not answering phone/email!) #prodchat
  118. @DerekTac Remarkably, I find @foursquare incredibly helpful for uncovering good local eats on the road! #prodchat
  119. Alright guys, going to squeeze some more work in before the next Twitter chat. Until next time… #prodchat
  120. these are all great suggestions — taking notes — #prodchat
  121. Thanks, Natalie, for hosting! RT @nmhouston: Check out the #prodchat transcript tomorrow, which @rsidneysmith will send out! #prodchat
  122. Thanks, Natalie, for hosting! RT @nmhouston: Check out the #prodchat transcript tomorrow, which @rsidneysmith will send out! #prodchat
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