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#ProdChat – 06/22/2016 – All About Email

#ProdChat – 06/23/2016 – All About Email

On June 23, 2016, #ProdChat discussed the topic, All About Topic. Productivity Coach Natalie M. Houston hosted #ProdChat for us to discuss the perennial, popular topic of getting your email manageable and more productive. So many great suggestions during this #ProdChat! Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “All About Email.” Enjoy!


Q1: Let's start with the positive. How does email help you be productive?  #prodchat 

Q2: What are your biggest email challenges? #prodchat

Q3: What benefits or obstacles do you have using email on mobile devices? #prodchat

Q4: What works for you? Share your best email tip or strategy! #prodchat

Q5: What are your favorite email shortcuts, tools, or apps? #prodchat

Q6: What do you want to try over the next week to change how you handle email? #prodchat

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
nmhouston Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Jun 23 00:00:08 +0000 2016
nmhouston Today on #prodchat our topic is: All About Email. Join us! #productivity Thu Jun 23 00:01:21 +0000 2016
nmhouston First, intro yourself! Tell us a bit about you and your interest in #productivity! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:01:41 +0000 2016
Minimologist It’s about to get chatty! Join us? We’re talking about email on #ProdChat, starting now. Thu Jun 23 00:02:29 +0000 2016
JKatzaman Getting ready to email it in on #ProdChat. Thu Jun 23 00:03:23 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston Hi, Lee Herman, GTD enthusiast and practitioner, email user since 1978 #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:03:30 +0000 2016
nmhouston I’m Natalie, an English professor & productivity coach. I help people move forward on the projects that matter most to them. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:03:43 +0000 2016
nmhouston @macbikegeek Hi Lee, glad you’re here! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:04:27 +0000 2016
nmhouston While we wait for others to arrive…what’s a productivity success you’ve had recently? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:05:20 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston I’m an efficiency consultant in Allentown, PA. Got paper pain? #GetOrganized! I work onsite and via Skype. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:05:32 +0000 2016
nmhouston @macbikegeek I’m impressed with 1978 as your email origin date! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:06:04 +0000 2016
nmhouston @Minimologist Hi Colleen, glad you’re here! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:06:32 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston Thanks, Natalie, glad to be here. Major shift in #GTD tools esp. @Trello, major completion in work project… #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:07:01 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston I printed a mindmap with my four key projects. I put a checkmark of progress next to each one every day. Inspiration! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:07:58 +0000 2016
macbikegeek and doing Focus Camp with @shawnblanc. Email back then was on the mainframe and you had to compile the client yourself. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:08:04 +0000 2016
nmhouston I’d have to say that taking today off to rest after a lot of travel was my most recent productivity success . . . #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:08:22 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud Hello everyone! #Prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:08:26 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston Glad to make it this week! Thanks for hosting. Great topic. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:08:28 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud welcome! Good to see you here. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:09:06 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud I’m a 22 year old illustration/design student from Caracas, Venezuela obsessed with productivity, minimalism and GTD #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:09:08 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @nmhouston I got 4 hours of deep work in this week! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:09:45 +0000 2016
Minimologist @macbikegeek @shawnblanc Back then, I wasn’t convinced this new-fangled email thing was worth the effort! Look how far we’ve come. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:09:55 +0000 2016
nmhouston @macbikegeek interesting, I recently started using @trello for larger scale project planning #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:10:05 +0000 2016
milhealth RT @rsidneysmith: @ChaimShapiro @ErinCondren @cbplan @martinjason @milhealth @shawnblanc REMINDER: @nmhouston hosts #ProdChat. Join us http… Thu Jun 23 00:10:07 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud Hi Isabel! Great to see you!! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:10:29 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston Great point! That will pay off in the long run. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:10:42 +0000 2016
nmhouston @michelle1908 Hi Michelle, welcome! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:11:02 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q1: Let’s start with the positive. How does email help you be productive? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:11:16 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston @trello started there, now trying it as primary GTD tool as well, along w @coachdotme and @evernote #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:11:22 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek Hello! How are you? It’s great to be here 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:11:54 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A1: async communication across distributed teams across organizations (my company and our customers) #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:12:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: Q1: Let’s start with the positive. How does email help you be productive? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:12:07 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston Hey Natalie! How are you this evening? #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:12:20 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud doing, great thx, check my earlier tweets for details. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:12:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Hi, Everyone! On the subway so I’ll be spotty here but listening in. ? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:12:43 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A1: It consolidates requests into one system and helps me provide internal and external customer service #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:13:11 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A1: I can stay in touch via email during the off-hours. Great for busy days and managing time zones. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:13:11 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A1 E-mail is great for getting specific info to clients. I send contracts, digital files (as a designer I have a lot) and more. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:13:33 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud I’m good, glad to be here after missing the past few weeks due to travel & time zone conflicts. How are you? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:13:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: I funnel most incoming touch-points to email (voicemail, faxes, text messages, etc.) so I mostly process from one source. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:14:26 +0000 2016
nmhouston A1: I much prefer email to phone conversations #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:14:39 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A1b I would love to use group project planning apps for/with clients, but most of them are not up for it. E-mail is the norm. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:14:55 +0000 2016
nmhouston A1: I can write drafts of an important email, revise, wait before sending. Allows as much time to think as you want. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:15:28 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Hey Ray! How are you? #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:15:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: Email is also great for asynchronous communication for interacting and delegating across timezones. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:15:42 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A1 Email gives you the flexibility of spreading your message broadly or one-to-one for a more focused connection. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:15:43 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston I like email until the swirl gets too bad. Then it’s time for a phone call. “Get all the liars in a (virtual) room” #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:15:46 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston I’m doing alright. I’ve also missed the past few weeks..things have been a bit crazy in Venezuela. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:15:57 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A1: I much prefer email to phone conversations #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:16:11 +0000 2016
nmhouston @rsidneysmith hi Ray! glad you’re here! how are you doing? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:16:16 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston I recommended this tactic to a client recently! Draft all, take a break, edit all, send. Keeps us looking smart. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:16:49 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud Yes, I was reading about some of what’s going on (and certainly that’s just the surface) #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:16:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman And email has a strong culture and etiquette built into business/prof. communication. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:17:12 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @JKatzaman: A1 Email gives you the flexibility of spreading your message broadly or one-to-one for a more focused connection. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:17:16 +0000 2016
nmhouston A1: and email facilitates keeping in touch with people — easy to just write a short email, even after a long time has passed #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:17:48 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q2: What are your biggest email challenges? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:18:23 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith The main thing is to maintain the etiquette and professional level. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:19:00 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston It’s getting really tough, but I have to keep going no matter the challenge #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:19:16 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A2: volume. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:19:41 +0000 2016
nmhouston @JKatzaman hi Jim, glad you’re here! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:19:53 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A2: I don’t like to use the smartphone to reply, so I end up reading twice to reply on the laptop once. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:20:06 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A2 I tend to subscribe to newsletters and then get too many e-mails. I just did a major unsubscribing fest last week..ha! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:20:31 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 As with everything, you have to strike a balance of being in control of email rather than letting it control you. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:20:46 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud I’m doing a major major email diet on lists myself. Still ongoing. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:21:13 +0000 2016
nmhouston @Minimologist I think that’s something a lot of people do — you wind up handling emails twice (or more!) #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:21:20 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A2: Having to follow up repeatedly w/team members. I have to do a better job re: following up in person to move projects forward. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:21:37 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud digital decluttering always feels good! I did some of that recently too. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:21:47 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek I unsubscribed from most..I still have to many though so it’s ongoing as well. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:22:47 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek I unsubscribed from most..I still have to many though so it’s ongoing as well. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:22:47 +0000 2016
nmhouston A2: workplace cultures where reply-all is the norm. Makes it hard to sort important from not-important messages #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:23:09 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston I’m actually also doing a #minsgame by @TheMinimalists but I’m only getting rid of digital. It’s so easy to accumulate #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:23:26 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud I use a different email address to subscribe to newsletters and handle purchases. Keeps my main email address clean. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:25:41 +0000 2016
nmhouston @macbikegeek said “volume” which is what so many struggle with — the quantity of email the average professional handles #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:25:56 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q3: What benefits or obstacles do you have using email on mobile devices? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:26:20 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @nmhouston @IsaPinaud I did too – a major clean up of Google Drive and @evernote #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:26:43 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A3: gives me tremendous freedom around scheduling and travel. Can still respond to work as needed. Two-way street, but mostly good #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:27:29 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A3: Email on mobile — Hard to respond, easy to stay current. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:28:17 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A3: Benefits – I can quickly process email while on the go. Obstacles – Lack of formatting options #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:28:20 +0000 2016
nmhouston A3, like @Minimologist, sometimes I don’t reply to certain emails on the phone, then have to reread on PC. Trying to change this. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:28:48 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist I tried this, but never got used to checking 2 accounts. Had over 3k when I did, so ended up deleting the account #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:28:58 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A2: workplace cultures where reply-all is the norm. Makes it hard to sort important from not-important messages #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:29:40 +0000 2016
milhealth It doesn’t … I seek to find anything other than email to be productive. Email is the worst! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:29:47 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 A mobile device won’t give you a full view of a long email. You might miss details you’d see on a larger screen. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:29:57 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud @Minimologist newer clients let you see all accounts together. Easier sometimes than checking separately #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:30:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Did you miss @prodbooks last discussion or episode? Listen here: #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:30:15 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A3: I wouldn’t know because I don’t use it on email. I check it once or twice a day on the computer. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:30:27 +0000 2016
nmhouston A3 and these days, my phone can handle attachments etc that were more problematic a few years ago #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:30:35 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud an admirable minimalist approach! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:31:03 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud I use gmail to pull both from my business domain into one place. Junk goes to a folder to check at leisure. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:31:47 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek @Minimologist I didn’t know this. Will have to research more! Thanks 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:31:54 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: @IsaPinaud an admirable minimalist approach! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:32:12 +0000 2016
nmhouston A3 the biggest drawback I see (for myself & my clients) is that mobile means some people expect instant reply. Email isn’t chat #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:32:23 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston I have basically dumbed down my smart phone 😛 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:32:29 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist This is something I’ll have to look into! Thank you 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:32:54 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q4: What works for you? Share your best email tip or strategy! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:33:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3: I train everyone to write email so I can respond via mobile. Help me say “yes” or “no,” or provide brief responses. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:34:53 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A4: not original with me, but checking email only periodically works best. Like @nmhouston said, it’s not chat. Using @slackhq #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:35:00 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud @macbikegeek In Gmail, Settings/Accounts&Import/CheckMailFromOtherAccounts. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:35:03 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A4: Personal – Ruthlessly unsubscribe. Work – Get to inbox zero daily or at least 3 times/week by processing not checking #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:35:19 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A4 Inbox zero. I try to start every monday with zero e-mails. It makes everything easier #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:35:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3: For everything else I set it to come back to my inbox when I’ll next be at my desk. Or I call the person. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:35:39 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A4: Set up a “delete later” tag, and shuffle iffy messages into it. Keeps the inbox clean, allows for rescuing msgs. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:36:15 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A4: Also – Turn off all notifications and close the application while doing actual work #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:36:20 +0000 2016
nmhouston A4 Depends on your workplace, but limiting email to a few set time blocks can make the rest of the day much more productive. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:36:27 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A4 I can’t emphasize this enough: Do not reply to all — even if you were blind copied. Wastes time, can be embarassing. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:36:31 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A4b Disconnect email from your SM. Getting an email from Fb every time someone likes something you shared is a waste of time. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:36:50 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A4: Using @followupthen too! Makes me look like I’m on top of things #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:37:12 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist @macbikegeek Thanks 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:37:17 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud I haven’t quite gotten to zero, but practice no-scroll inbox. Releases me from perfectionism. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:37:55 +0000 2016
nmhouston +100 #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:38:09 +0000 2016
nmhouston A4: Stop thinking of it as “email.” That’s just the tool, a way to communicate, teach, request, wonder, share, sympathize, etc #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:39:47 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist I like the sound of no-scroll inbox. I use sundays to do a lot of set-ups for the upcoming week 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:40:37 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist I get to inbox zero, do a weekly review, decide the three MITs for that week, etc #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:41:03 +0000 2016
nmhouston @michelle1908 important distinction many people miss, between processing and checking. Processing is where the work happens! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:42:06 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q5: What are your favorite email shortcuts, tools, or apps? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:42:24 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: Q4: What works for you? Share your best email tip or strategy! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:43:17 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud The perfectionism of Zero was maddening for me. Made me hate when a client replied — not good! No-scroll is kinder. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:43:21 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A5: I’ve been experimenting with Boomerang. Not loving it yet, but we’ll see. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:44:30 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A5: I think it’s @followupthen – I use it almost daily #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:44:32 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A5: lately, emailing to @trello and @evernote. like @unrollme but decided to just unsub if I wasn’t reading things in inbox #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:05 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Want to talk #productivity and #resilience? Join @prodbookgrp 6/25 @ noon ET! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: Templates! Use templated responses for emails that you get regularly and require a thoughtful response. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:16 +0000 2016
nmhouston A5: I use @boomerang to preschedule routine reminder emails etc #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4a: I have some templates that are Q&A for me to write a proper response. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: Q5: What are your favorite email shortcuts, tools, or apps? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:45:55 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith thinking of setting some template responses up with @textexpander #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:46:26 +0000 2016
nmhouston @Minimologist I mostly use it for scheduling emails to be sent at a certain time. There are other features though. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:46:58 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: @CloudMagic, @gmail and Google Inbox apps. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:46:59 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A5 Scheduling app for emails to go out at a certain time. Clients get their work @ 7am, when I’m usually only getting up. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:47:56 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith How did I forget?! At work, Outlook templates save me time #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:48:09 +0000 2016
nmhouston A5: I use email shortcuts for creating @todoist items, too #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:48:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: I use @baydin’s app to process emails! It’s gamified awesomeness! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:48:33 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A5b Scheduling also helps me cross things off my to-do list for other days where I’m busier and might forget to send the e-mail #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:49:20 +0000 2016
Minimologist @rsidneysmith I need to do more of this! Do you use Gmail? Is there an add-in/lab for this? #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:49:21 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek @TextExpander Great idea! I have them for email, Google Docs, Android, Mac/iOS, etc. Templated text copy is a godsend.#prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:49:58 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist It might be that I’m not that hard on myself. My goal is inbox zero, but I won’t go crazy if it’s not there yet. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:50:02 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist Maybe my policy is no-scroll to zero and I hadn’t realized it yet 😛 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:50:22 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith @TextExpander thinking of using the fill-in capabilities – could be pretty awesome to have std text but personalize #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:50:49 +0000 2016
nmhouston A5: limiting emails to a few key sentences, using clear subject lines, makes a difference in whether they get read or not #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:51:10 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Text Expander is the best. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:51:21 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q6: What do you want to try over the next week to change how you handle email? #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:51:23 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Could you explain this a bit more? #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:51:41 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston also putting things like “Action Requested”, “Input Requested”, etc. In subject line helps w responses #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:52:03 +0000 2016
nmhouston It’s clear that scheduling and follow up tools are big hits on #prodchat tonight! Loads of great app suggestions Thu Jun 23 00:52:04 +0000 2016
macbikegeek A6: continuing email diet. Might actually start on @textexpander email response templates. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:53:34 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A6 I want to try @Minimologist and @macbikegeek explanation of getting two accounts but viewing them together 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:53:41 +0000 2016
Minimologist @nmhouston A6: Read-and-reply, not read-ponder-get a cup of coffee-putter around-reply. #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:53:54 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @macbikegeek: @nmhouston also putting things like “Action Requested”, “Input Requested”, etc. In subject line helps w responses #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:54:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @Minimologist Yup, there are several decent template browser plugins for Gmail. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:54:20 +0000 2016
nmhouston A6: I’m going to clear out some backlog in my non-essential email tabs (which I don’t keep to no-scroll) #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:55:07 +0000 2016
Minimologist @IsaPinaud @macbikegeek Contact me directly if you need help.
Thu Jun 23 00:55:08 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @Minimologist @nmhouston sometimes ponder is an appropriate thing to do. My work inbox is mostly real work, takes longer. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:55:09 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A6: Unsubscribe from a few more lists #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:55:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Sure, so for example, when a client has a problem, my email template for that has questions designed for me to respond. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:56:12 +0000 2016
Minimologist @macbikegeek @nmhouston You’re right, ponder is often necessary. Coffee and puttering, though, not so much! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:56:26 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @Minimologist Thank you so much! You are so kind! I’ll try to figure it out, but will let you know otherwise 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:57:07 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @Minimologist @nmhouston puttering, maybe optional. Coffee, not so much! 😉 #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:57:09 +0000 2016
nmhouston Thanks everyone for a great chat about email! Join us again next week! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:57:10 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @nmhouston thanks, Natalie! Great session. See everyone next week! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:57:48 +0000 2016
nmhouston I always love hearing from others in #prodchat who are figuring out good ways of using tech and handling workflow! Thu Jun 23 00:57:55 +0000 2016
nmhouston If you missed any of tonight’s chat, check out the #prodchat Storify tomorrow from @rsidneysmith! Thu Jun 23 00:58:27 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @nmhouston Thank you! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:58:31 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Love this! I get a lot of repeat questions/issues related to design/technology/file types because of design work! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:58:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Questions are based on empathy, asking about factors, solutions, etc. I the heat of the moment I wouldn’t think of. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:59:01 +0000 2016
nmhouston @michelle1908 Glad you were here! see you next week! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:59:17 +0000 2016
Minimologist @macbikegeek @nmhouston Ha! You’re right again! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:59:18 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud See you all next week!! Thanks @nmhouston for hosting 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 00:59:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Basically, when X happens what are the questions my ideal self would ask to get Y response for the best outcome. #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:59:50 +0000 2016
nmhouston @macbikegeek Thanks for your ideas and tips Lee! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 00:59:51 +0000 2016
nmhouston @IsaPinaud Have a great week — hope to see you again soon! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:00:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Thanks for hosting, Natalie! Awesome as always! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:00:55 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Sounds great! This is going into my inbox for further review on sunday. Thanks ray! #ProdChat Thu Jun 23 01:01:04 +0000 2016
nmhouston @rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud wow, this is great Ray — #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:01:05 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: @IsaPinaud Basically, when X happens what are the questions my ideal self would ask to get Y response for the best outcom… Thu Jun 23 01:01:26 +0000 2016
nmhouston @rsidneysmith and it’s extra fun when you’re here as well! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:02:07 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @nmhouston I’ll be here. Have a great one! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:03:05 +0000 2016
boomerang @nmhouston @rsidneysmith We have some data-backed tips for getting responses to your emails #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:04:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Ping me with Q’s as you develop these templates. We use dialog-style Q&A for documents why not bespoke email! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:05:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith RT @boomerang: @nmhouston @rsidneysmith We have some data-backed tips for getting responses to your emails #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:05:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @boomerang @nmhouston Thanks for sharing, Team Baydin! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:06:03 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith I will. This sounds like a game changer! #prodchat Thu Jun 23 01:08:45 +0000 2016
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