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#Prodchat – 06/26/13 – Less Stress!

#Prodchat – 06/26/13 – Less Stress!

  1. @michgunn Welcome to #Prodchat, Michelle! I hope you’re having a great day! I’m on my way back from #DC to #NYC. 🙂
  2. Hey guys! Michelle here. I’m a productivity geek. #prodchat
  3. NICE! 🙂 RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #Prodchat, Michelle! I hope you’re having a great day! I’m on my way back from #DC to #NYC. 🙂
  4. #prodchat Hello @rsidneysmith , looks like tweetchat is down, is there an alternative?
  6. Retail manager, GTD evangelist, gadget addict. #ProdChat
  7. hi #prodchat! I’m Natalie, an academic & a personal productivity coach.
  8. I am a journalism professor and collegiate media adviser in Oklahoma. I’m always working to improve my processes. All of them. #prodchat
  9. A1 I think just the right amount… or maybe not enough. 😉 #prodchat
  10. I’m using tweetdeck. Not bad! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat Hello @rsidneysmith , looks like tweetchat is down, is there an alternative?
  11. @scrubly: @rsidneysmith Don’t forget us! #prodchat” Hey, Scrubly! You are not forgotten! How’re you? 🙂
  12. A1: Too much wrong stress, not enough productive stress. #ProdChat
  13. @rsidneysmith @profkrg I’m all about “less stress” #prodchat and it comes with the end of a school year
  14. A1: Right this second? No stress. I’m sitting by the pool watching my daughter and her friend swim. An hour ago, a lot. #prodchat
  15. #prodchat – Jim here, author of Control Your Day, the definitive guide on using Outlook & GTD
  16. I function best with lots of stuff going on, so I’m always in between stress, lol #prodchat
  17. @mssackstein You should be shedding that stress in layers right now! #prodchat
  18. A1: If I am to be honest with myself, I am slightly overly stressed lately, and I need to manage my system a little better. #prodchat
  19. MT @mssackstein: I’m all about “less stress” #prodchat and it comes with the end of a school year
  20. #prodchat I’m John, commercial real estate appraiser in Alexandria, VA. A1: I’m in the “bring on the stress!” career phase. So, just right.
  21. Welcome, Jim! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat – Jim here, author of Control Your Day, the definitive guide on using Outlook & GTD
  22. RT @xianfox: A1: Too much wrong stress, not enough productive stress. #ProdChat
  23. A1 Mostly I feel have just the right amount of stress in my life, as long as my blood sugar isn’t too low; then I feel grumpy. #prodchat
  24. A1. Just enough stress to make me feel productive at the end of the day. #prodchat
  25. Welcome John! Glad your stress levels are just right! MT @jrnolan12: #prodchat I’m John, commercial real estate appraiser in Alexandria, VA.
  26. @profkrg I am. I’m watching tv with my son listening to the rain. It’s awesome #prodchat
  27. A2 Not checking in with my system causes me stress. #prodchat
  28. RT @scrubly: A1. Just enough stress to make me feel productive at the end of the day. #prodchat
  29. Yes, exactly. RT @scrubly: A1. Just enough stress to make me feel productive at the end of the day. #prodchat
  30. What Michelle said. RT @michgunn: A2 Not checking in with my system causes me stress. #prodchat
  31. @mssackstein I could use some rain to give me an excuse to cuddle up on the sofa. #prodchat
  32. MT @nmhouston: A1 …the right amount of stress in my life, as long as my blood sugar isn’t too low; then I feel grumpy. #prodchat
  33. #prodchat A2: Juggling multiple time-sensitive tasks simultaneously. Perfect world=Tackle task+Finish task+Tackle next task.
  34. Q2: Interruptive tasks, lack of direction. A boss not meeting her goals & preventing me from achieving mine. #ProdChat
  35. A1 Also not capturing my next steps in an actionable way causes me stress. Easily corrected by reworking the project plan… #prodchat
  36. A2 The stress comes when others are disorganized, and not as on top of their work as I am! #prodchat
  37. A2: I feel the most stress when I feel like I’m not in control of capturing and processing those loose items in my system. #prodchat
  38. Also, not watching my introvert battery meter causes me stress. I need periodic recharging, just like my devices. #prodchat
  39. +1 RT @michgunn: A2 Not checking in with my system causes me stress. #prodchat
  40. RT @jrnolan12: #prodchat A2: Juggling multiple time-sensitive tasks simultaneously. Perfect world=Tackle task+Finish task+Tackle next task.
  41. Ya! “@nmhouston: Also, not watching my introvert battery meter causes me stress. I need periodic recharging, just like my devices” #prodchat
  42. RT @xianfox: Q2: Interruptive tasks, lack of direction. A boss not meeting her goals & preventing me from achieving mine. #ProdChat
  43. @nmhouston OMG! I have so many electronic devices that need charging every day…maybe I need to plug myself in! 😉 #prodchat
  44. RT @scrubly: A2 The stress comes when others are disorganized, and not as on top of their work as I am! #prodchat
  45. #prodchat A2, when I fall behind and can’t get through all my backlog
  46. A2 Oh, I have another… an influx of inputs. Like an inbox at more than 20 stresses me out… just sayin’ #prodchat
  47. @rsidneysmith Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies & brains . . .#prodchat
  48. A2: A lot of things to do and frequent interruptions. #prodchat
  49. 🙁 been there… felt that! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2, when I fall behind and can’t get through all my backlog
  50. So true! RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies & brains . . .#prodchat
  51. Yes! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2, when I fall behind and can’t get through all my backlog
  52. #prodchat A2 when I wrap up for the day and realize I accomplished nothing I set out to do
  53. Ha! And my inbox used to be 100+ per day. It’s all relative, I suppose. #prodchat
  54. A2: I’ve also been lax about adding things to my list, now it’s all swimming in my head. #prodchat
  55. Ugh! @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2 when I wrap up for the day and realize I accomplished nothing I set out to do”
  56. yep. I can feel that one too! RT @profkrg: A2: A lot of things to do and frequent interruptions. #prodchat
  57. Loose items definitely = stress. MT @rsidneysmith: when I’m not in control of capturing & processing loose items in my system. #prodchat
  58. A2 just re-engaged some part of me that has been missing for the past several weeks relating to my #productivity. I’m so glad #prodchat
  59. Been there. RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2 when I wrap up for the day and realize I accomplished nothing I set out to do
  60. Listening to other people’s answers about what causes stress is very reassuring — I could say “me too” to almost all of them #prodchat
  62. I mean, reassuring because we all experience these things #prodchat
  63. Very true, an unhealthy habit “@nmhouston: Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies.#prodchat
  64. A2 just re-engaged a part of me that’s been missing for the past several weeks re: my #productivity. I’m so glad #prodchat exists! 😉
  65. It’s a big boat! 😉 RT @nmhouston: I mean, reassuring because we all experience these things #prodchat
  66. #prodchat – By the way, I’ve been trying to limit myself to just 3 times a day to process email. When I do that, I get so much more done!
  67. @nmhouston Funny, I was just thinking that talking about stress is stressful. #prodchat
  68. @nmhouston Yes, knowing we’re all in this together is both comforting and energizing in some way. #prodchat
  69. +100 MT @jjmccullen: #prodchat I’ve been trying to limit myself to just 3x a day to process email. When I do that, I get so much more done!
  70. A3: My physical and digital world tends to start showing that I’m over my stress limit. Disorganization abounds! #prodchat
  71. A3: When there are a million things to do and all I can think about is taking a nap. Avoidance is my favorite coping strategy. #prodchat
  72. Q3: Anger rears its ugly head. Direct result of feeling loss of control. #ProdChat
  73. Totally missed Q3… ha! A3 I’ve reached stress limit when I crash, can’t be nice to anyone, and all I want to do is sleep :/ #prodchat
  74. Cool! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat – …trying to limit myself to just 3 times a day to process email. When I do that, I get so much more done!
  75. A3 My body signals my stress limit pretty clearly. Have learned to pay attention or it’ll just get worse. . . #prodchat
  76. Yes, that’s common. RT @xianfox: Q3: Anger rears its ugly head. Direct result of feeling loss of control. #ProdChat
  77. The next Productivity Book Group is JUNE 29 at noon ET! Join us as we discuss THE FRONT NINE by @mikevardy! prodchat
  78. Wow! Such a central theme of avoidance and people wanting to sleep when over-stressed. #prodchat
  79. A3. If I can’t comprehend what needs to be done next, and literally can’t read my to do list w/o a blanking, I know I’m done. #prodchat
  80. #prodchat A3: Under bed, in fetal position, sobbing. Kidding. I like to think about “big picture” stuff to calm down from high stress.
  81. A3 I don’t usually realize my stress level is at it’s limit until it’s too late. Wish I could see it coming better. :/ #prodchat
  82. @profkrg Ha! It’s remarkable how other people’s stuff doesn’t bother me…it’s only the intimacy of my own stuff disorganized. #prodchat
  83. Yes, I think sometimes the body makes you sleep when you’re stressed– let the brain reset. #prodchat
  84. @rsidneysmith I actually looked at it today and thought “no wonder I can’t get anything done.” #prodchat
  85. Like what, @nmhouston? Any tips on what to look for? I have real trouble recognizing it coming #prodchat
  86. @nmhouston for me, I think I don’t know what to do next, so I just do nothing. #prodchat
  87. +100 MT @michgunn: A3 I don’t usually realize my stress level is at it’s limit until it’s too late. Wish I could see it coming… #prodchat
  88. @profkrg Well, recognition of the issue is the first step to it being solved! 🙂 #prodchat
  89. @michgunn everyone is a bit different. you are breathing: high up in your chest? shallow? those are signs of stress #prodchat
  90. @michgunn @nmhouston I read a book about self-insight being the most elusive concept in existence. Almost impossible. #prodchat
  91. @michgunn also, hands on hips or slumped over tends to be stress sign for many people. Open the chest, loosen arms, breathe. #prodchat
  92. Thx! MT @nmhouston: everyone is a bit different…how you are breathing: high up in your chest? shallow? those are signs of stress #prodchat
  93. #friedbrains MT @scrubly: If I can’t comprehend what needs to be done next and can’t read my to-do list w/o blanking, I’m done. #prodchat
  94. @profkrg @michgunn @nmhouston I really love my meditation practices for self-insight. Also, running as meditation for me too. #prodchat
  95. @nmhouston Those are great signs! I’ll have to work on recognizing that. Thanks, Natalie! #prodchat
  96. @michgunn 3rd stress sign: catastrophic thinking, that everything is terrible, this project will never end, that you’re no good. #prodchat
  97. +1 RT @rsidneysmith: I really love my meditation practices for self-insight. Also, running as meditation for me too. #prodchat
  98. A4. I walk away from my computer, close my eyes for a few mins, and try to work through the problem w/o looking at a screen #prodchat
  99. A4: Hot bath with Epsom salt (relieves muscle tension). Run, walk, bike ride. Read. Call my brother. Watch old scifi tv series. #prodchat
  100. A4 Same here @rsidneysmith! I sooo miss running for the de-stress and clarity it used to give me. Working on getting back into it! #prodchat
  101. MT @nmhouston: stress sign: catastrophic thinking, that everything is terrible, this project will never end, that you’re no good.#prodchat
  102. #prodchat A4: Two words: Cat videos! Honestly, physical activity. Running/biking as far/fast as possible is very therapeutic.
  103. That means you’re doing it! 😀 Kudos! RT @profkrg: Don’t say the “r” word! #prodchat #cantmovemylegs
  104. A4: Hot bath, glass of wine and get a good night’s sleep and tackle one thing at a time the next day. #prodchat
  105. A4: And, honestly, just go off to my husband. Venting makes me less stressed. #prodchat
  106. A4: I also think of my fitness regimen as preventative medicine for de-stressing on a regular basis…a stress-release valve. #prodchat
  107. Oh! I just thought of another sign for me that I’m stressed… escapism — when all I want to do is escape into tv or movies… #prodchat
  108. For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health… MT @profkrg: A4: …just go off to my husband. Venting makes me less stressed. #prodchat
  109. A4 to de-stress: I run, do hot yoga, lift weights, play w/dogs, take salt bath, watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, eat carbs . . . #prodchat
  110. Keep up the work! You’re going to find your stride soon. RT @profkrg: oh, I’m doing it! #prodchat #ouch
  111. @nmhouston Nice! Thought you’d just slip that one past us didn’t you? 😉 #prodchat
  112. Ah, sorry I’m late… #prodchat. Looks like I get two twitter chats to distract me from my deadline! 🙂 A welcomed break.
  113. @jrnolan12 yes, how could I forget cute animal videos. We DVR Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies. #prodchat
  114. That’s awesome! MT @nmhouston: @jrnolan12 We DVR Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies. #prodchat
  115. @michgunn hey, you got to match the cure to the cause. Some days a run is enough; other days require something stronger 🙂 #prodchat
  116. @nmhouston That’s awesome! #prodchat (Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies)
  117. A5: I think I tend to launch into action when others are stressed. I’m a helper like that. #prodchat
  118. A5 I usually look for ways I can help defuse the stress for others. Usually means streamlining my next actions to support them. #prodchat
  119. Agreed. RT @profkrg: A5: I think I tend to launch into action when others are stressed. I’m a helper like that. #prodchat
  120. A5: Plus it’s easier to be pragmatic about other people’s stress. #prodchat
  121. A5: Although, sometimes, spending time helping others with their problem distracts from getting your work done #prodchat
  122. A5: I’m quite empathetic so I’ve always been cautious as an adult about the stress/distress of others…I easily adopt theirs. #prodchat
  123. A5 Definitely am affected by others’ stress if they are close to me — might need to rearrange my priorities for a while. #prodchat
  124. A5 But also, I have to be careful not just to “catch” stress from others. Can be like a virus. #prodchat
  125. Yes. Yes it can! RT @nmhouston: A5 But also, I have to be careful not just to “catch” stress from others. Can be like a virus. #prodchat
  126. Understandable! MT @nmhouston: A5 Definitely am affected by others’ stress if they are close to me… #prodchat
  127. #prodchat A5: Taking a few mins to listen to stressed person reduces productivity short-tern, but letting him/her vent helps de-stress l-t,
  128. #prodchat A5: Taking a few mins to listen to stressed person reduces productivity short-tern, but letting him/her vent helps de-stress l-t,
  129. Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
  130. Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
  132. +1 RT @nmhouston: Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
  133. A5 I try to avoid stressed out people, they only slow me down! #prodchat
  134. @nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
  135. #Prodchat A6 I work much better under stress. Get some of my best work done the day before or of the deadline
  136. #Prodchat A6 I work much better under stress. Get some of my best work done the day before or of the deadline
  137. @rsidneysmith A6: No, I like more stress. I work best when the pressure is on like a vice grip! #prodchat
  138. +1 RT @jrnolan12: @nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
  139. A6: If I don’t feel enough motivation, I create a deadline for me to finish the first step in a project. It helps usually. #prodchat
  140. A6: When there is not enough stres to motivate, I burn time on my deadline until I get more stressed. #prodchat #DeadlineMotivation
  141. Me too, tho I wish it were otherwise. MT @jjmccullen: #Prodchat Get some of my best work done the day before or of the deadline
  142. +10 RT @jrnolan12: @nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
  143. A6 Yeah, sometimes too little stress does not light a fire under us. Hello, procrastination! (And then stress and guilt!) #prodchat
  144. A6: Physical stress builds muscle, mental stress builds knowledge, emotional stress builds character. #ProdChat
  145. A6 if I don’t feel enough motivation, I set a timer, do “just 15 minutes.” That usually gets me started. #prodchat
  146. @nmhouston Agreed! I sometimes make deadlines earlier than they are just so I think there’s less time and therefore more pressure. #prodchat
  147. Sage. RT @xianfox: A6: Physical stress builds muscle, mental stress builds knowledge, emotional stress builds character. #ProdChat
  148. RT @nmhouston: A6 if I don’t feel enough motivation, I set a timer, do “just 15 minutes.” That usually gets me started. #prodchat
  149. ditto MT @nmhouston: Me too, tho I wish it were otherwise. MT @jjmccullen: #Prodchat Get some of my best work done the day before a deadline
  150. A6 No stress is sometimes bad–If I don’t have a deadline or several things to do, at EOD I don’t feel good about my day #prodchat
  151. A6: I would like to find out. This sounds foreign to me. #prodchat
  152. @rsidneysmith you flatter me. #ProdChat The truth is, this chat has been very therapeutic for me this evening. Thanks one and all.
  153. 😉 RT @profkrg: A6: I would like to find out. This sounds foreign to me. #prodchat
  154. Oh. Yes. RT @nmhouston Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
  155. @xianfox I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed #prodchat this evening! Join us anytime!
  156. again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
  157. again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
  158. Agreed! RT @nmhouston: again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
  159. That was great! Thanks, all! Another #prodchat is over, but join us here again next week! Transcript comes out tomorrow! #productivity
  160. Thanks everyone! This #prodchat has given me some good food for thought! Have a great week!
  161. #prodchat A6: Occasional malaise is natural. I take my hands off the reins and the funk goes away within a day or two.
  162. +1“@michgunn: Thanks everyone! This #prodchat has given me some good food for thought! Have a great week!”
  163. @rsidneysmith Thanks for a great #prodchat tonight — important topic, great discussion prompts! love this group!
  164. +1 RT @jrnolan12: #prodchat A6: Occasional malaise is natural. I take my hands off the reins and the funk goes away within a day or two.
  165. @nmhouston Thanks, Natalie! Always enjoy having you on or hosting #prodchat! 😀
  166. +1 MT @scrubly: walk away from my computer, close my eyes for a few mins, try to work through the problem w/o looking at a screen #prodchat
  167. @rsidneysmith I wish I could have joined tonight! I’m burning the midnight oil doing an emergency project for a client! #prodchat
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