@rsidneysmith Don’t forget us! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Fabulous, thanks! #prodchat
#prodchat Hello @rsidneysmith , looks like tweetchat is down, is there an alternative?
Intro: I’m a #SmallBiz tech speaker/trainer @w3consulting. #Productivity & #GTD evangelist via #PBG, #prodpod & #prodchat.
@jjmccullen Hi, Jim. #prodchat
I’m using tweetdeck. Not bad! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat Hello @rsidneysmith , looks like tweetchat is down, is there an alternative?
@nmhouston Hi, Natalie! #prodchat
@mssackstein You should be shedding that stress in layers right now! #prodchat
MT @mssackstein: I’m all about “less stress” #prodchat and it comes with the end of a school year
Hi! RT @nmhouston: hi @michgunn @profkrg @rsidneysmith nice to see you all, sorry I’m late (was working out) #prodchat
Welcome, Jim! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat – Jim here, author of Control Your Day, the definitive guide on using Outlook & GTD
Welcome John! Glad your stress levels are just right! MT @jrnolan12: #prodchat I’m John, commercial real estate appraiser in Alexandria, VA.
@mssackstein I could use some rain to give me an excuse to cuddle up on the sofa. #prodchat
MT @nmhouston: A1 …the right amount of stress in my life, as long as my blood sugar isn’t too low; then I feel grumpy. #prodchat
RT @jrnolan12: #prodchat A2: Juggling multiple time-sensitive tasks simultaneously. Perfect world=Tackle task+Finish task+Tackle next task.
Ya! “@nmhouston: Also, not watching my introvert battery meter causes me stress. I need periodic recharging, just like my devices” #prodchat
@nmhouston OMG! I have so many electronic devices that need charging every day…maybe I need to plug myself in! 😉 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies & brains . . .#prodchat
🙁 been there… felt that! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2, when I fall behind and can’t get through all my backlog
So true! RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies & brains . . .#prodchat
Yes! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2, when I fall behind and can’t get through all my backlog
Ugh! @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2 when I wrap up for the day and realize I accomplished nothing I set out to do”
Loose items definitely = stress. MT @rsidneysmith: when I’m not in control of capturing & processing loose items in my system. #prodchat
A2 just re-engaged some part of me that has been missing for the past several weeks relating to my #productivity. I’m so glad #prodchat…
Been there. RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat A2 when I wrap up for the day and realize I accomplished nothing I set out to do
Very true, an unhealthy habit “@nmhouston: Most of us pay more attention to our devices than to our bodies.#prodchat“
A2 just re-engaged a part of me that’s been missing for the past several weeks re: my #productivity. I’m so glad #prodchat exists! 😉
It’s a big boat! 😉 RT @nmhouston: I mean, reassuring because we all experience these things #prodchat
@nmhouston Funny, I was just thinking that talking about stress is stressful. #prodchat
@nmhouston Yes, knowing we’re all in this together is both comforting and energizing in some way. #prodchat
+100 MT @jjmccullen: #prodchat I’ve been trying to limit myself to just 3x a day to process email. When I do that, I get so much more done!
@rsidneysmith me too 🙂 #prodchat
Cool! RT @jjmccullen: #prodchat – …trying to limit myself to just 3 times a day to process email. When I do that, I get so much more done!
The next Productivity Book Group is JUNE 29 at noon ET! Join us as we discuss THE FRONT NINE by @mikevardy! http://goo.gl/gonxO prodchat
@rsidneysmith I actually looked at it today and thought “no wonder I can’t get anything done.” #prodchat
Like what, @nmhouston? Any tips on what to look for? I have real trouble recognizing it coming #prodchat
@nmhouston for me, I think I don’t know what to do next, so I just do nothing. #prodchat
Thx! MT @nmhouston: everyone is a bit different…how you are breathing: high up in your chest? shallow? those are signs of stress #prodchat
@nmhouston Those are great signs! I’ll have to work on recognizing that. Thanks, Natalie! #prodchat
+1 RT @rsidneysmith: I really love my meditation practices for self-insight. Also, running as meditation for me too. #prodchat
A4 Same here @rsidneysmith! I sooo miss running for the de-stress and clarity it used to give me. Working on getting back into it! #prodchat
MT @nmhouston: stress sign: catastrophic thinking, that everything is terrible, this project will never end, that you’re no good.#prodchat
HAHAHA MT @jrnolan12: #prodchat A4: Two words: Cat videos! …
@nmhouston Nice! Thought you’d just slip that one past us didn’t you? 😉 #prodchat
@jrnolan12 yes, how could I forget cute animal videos. We DVR Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith or die trying. #prodchat
That’s awesome! MT @nmhouston: @jrnolan12 We DVR Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies. #prodchat
@nmhouston LOVE IT! 😀 #prodchat
@nmhouston That’s awesome! #prodchat (Animal Planet’s “Too Cute” for crappy day emergencies)
@rsidneysmith I will be back next week on #prodchat
Yes. Yes it can! RT @nmhouston: A5 But also, I have to be careful not just to “catch” stress from others. Can be like a virus. #prodchat
Understandable! MT @nmhouston: A5 Definitely am affected by others’ stress if they are close to me… #prodchat
#prodchat A5: Taking a few mins to listen to stressed person reduces productivity short-tern, but letting him/her vent helps de-stress l-t,
#prodchat A5: Taking a few mins to listen to stressed person reduces productivity short-tern, but letting him/her vent helps de-stress l-t,
@rsidneysmith Thus demonstrating good self-insight 🙂 #prodchat
🙂 RT @nmhouston: Thus demonstrating good self-insight 🙂 #prodchat
Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
@jrnolan12 Great perspective, John! #prodchat
+1 RT @nmhouston: Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
@nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A6: No, I like more stress. I work best when the pressure is on like a vice grip! #prodchat
+1 RT @jrnolan12: @nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
A6: When there is not enough stres to motivate, I burn time on my deadline until I get more stressed. #prodchat #DeadlineMotivation
Me too, tho I wish it were otherwise. MT @jjmccullen: #Prodchat Get some of my best work done the day before or of the deadline
+10 RT @jrnolan12: @nmhouston Also, singing along with silly pop song in car WAY too loudly (windows up, of course). #prodchat
@nmhouston Agreed! I sometimes make deadlines earlier than they are just so I think there’s less time and therefore more pressure. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A6 if I don’t feel enough motivation, I set a timer, do “just 15 minutes.” That usually gets me started. #prodchat
ditto MT @nmhouston: Me too, tho I wish it were otherwise. MT @jjmccullen: #Prodchat Get some of my best work done the day before a deadline
@rsidneysmith you flatter me. #ProdChat The truth is, this chat has been very therapeutic for me this evening. Thanks one and all.
Oh. Yes. RT @nmhouston Oh, I forgot another de-stresser: Three-Minute Dance Party. Put on headphones, shut door, dance wildly. #prodchat
again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
Agreed! RT @nmhouston: again, it is great to hear so much commonality in our responses — very encouraging #prodchat
That was great! Thanks, all! Another #prodchat is over, but join us here again next week! Transcript comes out tomorrow! #productivity
@rsidneysmith Thanks for a great #prodchat tonight — important topic, great discussion prompts! love this group!
+1 RT @jrnolan12: #prodchat A6: Occasional malaise is natural. I take my hands off the reins and the funk goes away within a day or two.
@jrnolan12 and +1000 for using the word “malaise” 🙂 #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanks, Natalie! Always enjoy having you on or hosting #prodchat! 😀
@rsidneysmith Thanks! I’ll be on time next time… #prodchat
@nmhouston We’re kindred spirits, I tell ya! #prodchat 😉
@rsidneysmith I wish I could have joined tonight! I’m burning the midnight oil doing an emergency project for a client! #prodchat