#ProdChat – 08/14/13 – #Kindness
For this week’s #ProdChat, we discussed the importance of kindness in our personal productivity both at home and at work.
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: Kindness
Doing Less Means More Productivity, Kindness & Love http://huff.to/mEZ0TN althyLHealthyLivingatprodchat
Increase Productivity by Including Kindness in Your Culture – http://s.shr.lc/1cOBaet chprodchat
@nmhouston Welcome to the #productivity chat, Natalie! 🙂 Let’s see how many people join us for a mid-August convo! 😛 #prodchat
hi @rsidneysmith . . . how are you? #prodchat
@nmhouston I’m really well this week, thanks! 🙂 How’re you? #prodchat
@nmhouston I definitively believe it. People don’t realize how kindness is working toward and from them at all times. #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 welcome to the chat! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thanks! I hope your week is going well. #prodchat
MT @nmhouston A1 Kindness to yourself first & foremost helps productivity — not trying to do too much, or at the wrong time #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 fantastic example! What you give does come back around. #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanx Natalie #ProdChat
@nmhouston LOL yes in theory… we’ll see how the plan works out with this one! #ProdChat
RT @nmhouston True altruism boosts your energy, rather than draining it. #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 That’s fantastic! Compassion goes so much farther than vitriol. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A2) I think most people would like to believe their job makes a difference #prodchat
@rsidneysmith well the vitriol is right there under the surface believe you me… haha but it does tend to poison the waters #ProdChat
@tburgess57 welcome! #prodchat
@fromraewithlove Welcome to the #productivity conversation, Rae! (I’m Ray too! LOL) Jump right in! 🙂 #prodchat
@fromraewithlove Welcome to the #productivity conversation, Rae! (I’m Ray too! LOL) Jump right in! 🙂 #prodchat
@nmhouston I do that, then often fail to follow up promptly! #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 I’ve seen how negative energy (complaints, anger) tends to attract more of the same. Positivity changes the flow. #prodchat
@smhouston agree… as does forgiveness in response to harm done to one’s self #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith A3) kindness I believe is about advancing the common good, protecting from harm, and assisting others #prodchat
RT @tburgess57 A3) kindness I believe is about advancing the common good, protecting from harm, and assisting others #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I’m very big on kindness so I saw this and had to jump in! I believe it’s an important success tool many are missing.#prodchat
@tburgess57 I think adding some recognition of another’s pain/stress/challenge is part of that kindness formula too #ProdChat
Great point! MT @fromraewithlove: I’m very big on kindness … I believe it’s an important success tool many are missing. #prodchat
A3: Asking others how you can help them, rather than always wondering why no one is asking to help you. #givefirst #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 I used to be a funeral director so my opinion on kindness is biased by formal ethics training #prodchat
so true. Everyone suffers, even if you don’t know how/why. MT @CliffSiegel1: recognition of another’s pain/stress/challenge #ProdChat
@tburgess57 What are some of the core ethics principles of your training? #prodchat
@tburgess57 sounds like good training for all of us. Not sure how many ppl are even conversant with that word #ProdChat
MT @rsidneysmith: Asking others how you can help them, rather than always wondering why no one is asking to help you. #givefirst #prodchat
@rsidneysmith protecting from harm, protecting the public health, paternalistic decision making. I have used it in the real world #prodchat
Great ethics prinicples! MT @tburgess57 protecting from harm, protecting the public health, paternalistic decision making. #prodchat
Imperfection is the new black! 😉 MT @CliffSiegel1 A4 by showing forgiveness… erases the myth of being (having to be) perfect #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith a4) recognize limits and accept the limits. Work within them #prodchat
MT @nmhouston A4 Be kind to yourself w/ greater self-care (more sleep, etc); stronger boundaries; creating more balance work/life #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 Thanks for joining us, Cliff! We look forward to having you back again soon! #prodchat
RT @tburgess57 a4) recognize limits and accept the limits. Work within them #prodchat
@CliffSiegel1 glad you could join in! #prodchat
RT @nmhouston Another path to kindness: ask, would you talk to someone else as harshly as you talk to yourself? #prodchat
So true — and difficult for many of us MT @tburgess57: a4) recognize limits and accept the limits. Work within them #prodchat
@nmhouston failure to accept limits can turn into compassion fatigue #prodchat
@tburgess57 That’s very true! Self-care is as important an aspect of #kindness as care for others. #airplanerule #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I honestly think where I live lends to kindness. Things are just more laid back, friendly and caring. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5) volunteering is a great way to do kind acts #prodchat
@rsidneysmith To me, that’s just the way to be. It’s a normal part if life to help others every day. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith The challenge with company-mandated volunteering is that for some it will feel forced or uncomfortable #prodchat
@nmhouston I can understand that, but once you were there at that food kitchen and saw the good you were doing, that melted away. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith yes. I think our suspicious society places limits on kindness. It’s terrible #prodchat
RT @nmhouston A simple act of kindness is to truly acknowledge other people’s contributions — store clerk, waitstaff, etc. #prodchat
@tburgess57 There’s only one thing to do! Give more kindness! :-)) #prodchat
@rsidneysmith when I travel & someone is really helpful, I also send an email to hotel manager etc. Same for phone reps. #prodchat
A6: I’ve thought about creating a http://CharterForCompassion.org rg style “Kindness Pledge” for home and work.prodchatat
@tburgess57 Antonyms are meanness & cruelty. I think if we focus on avoiding and quashing those, we can increase kindness. 🙂 #prodchat
RT @tburgess57: I think if kindness has an enemy its entitlement. Entitlement defeats kindness #prodchat
RT @tburgess57: I think if kindness has an enemy its entitlement. Entitlement defeats kindness #prodchat
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for today’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week! Check out the transcript tomorrow!
Thanks @rsidneysmith for a really interesting discussion topic tonight on #prodchat! Lots to think about —
Agreed. RT @nmhouston: Thanks @rsidneysmith for a really interesting discussion topic tonight on #prodchat! Lots to think about —