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#ProdChat – 08/21/13 – Back to School #Productivity

#ProdChat – 08/21/13 – Back to School #Productivity

  1. Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  2. As we start the convo, remember to add #prodchat to each tweet so you show up in the feed! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. so we track with you.
  3. Q1: How disrupted was your routine while School was out? Why? #ProdChat
  4. Q1: How disrupted was your routine while School was out? Why? #ProdChat
  5. Hey, guys! Michelle here. Productivity geek. OmniFocus/GTD’r. Happy Wednesday! #prodchat
  6. I don’t have much to add with regards to school schedule impact, but I’m happy to play along tonight. 😉 #prodchat
  7. Well I don’t go to school but kids at home without school where really disruptive this summer #prodchat
  8. I can imagine! 😉 RT @apinaud: Well I don’t go to school but kids at home without school where really disruptive this summer #prodchat
  9. Q2: Now that we are back to school, are you planning to re-evaluate your workflows or just try to catch up #ProdChat
  10. Q2: Now that we are back to school, are you planning to re-evaluate your workflows or just try to catch up #ProdChat
  11. Hey there, Daniel! Welcome! 🙂 RT @DanielHayes: Hello #prodchat! First time stopping in!
  12. @DanielHayes welcome Daniel. You pick a quiet day #ProdChat I guess people is getting ready to school tonight
  13. A2 I think September always brings about the urge to sharpen pencils and buy new notebooks. Always good for system renewal. 🙂 #prodchat
  14. @apinaud It’s OK…I’m usually the quiet one in the back of the room anyway! #prodchat
  15. A2: It’s more hectic than ever know. I could use some new workflows though. 🙂 #prodchat
  16. Any examples of workflow changes you’re referring to @apinaud #prodchat
  17. Q3: What can you write down (and plan) so next year is less disruptive? #ProdChat
  18. Q3: What can you write down (and plan) so next year is less disruptive? #ProdChat
  19. Q3: What can you write down (and plan) so next year is less disruptive? #ProdChat
  20. @apinaud: @lewisjasona yes, I am planing tomorrow to review some instead of trying to run an catch up #ProdChat
  21. A1: Totally disrupted because I have a completely different routine in the summer. #prodchat
  22. A2: I’ll have to reevaluate because it’s a totally new semester and different schedule. #prodchat
  23. A3: probably not much, although I could do a better job with my summer goals. #prodchat
  24. @lewisjasona this year my 4yo don’t come back until 3:30 (use to be 1:30) so I have 2extra hours #ProdChat
  25. A3 Great question. I find that keeping notes on what’s going on end up being helpful later. You can look at them for trends later. #prodchat
  26. @profkrg well maybe the reminder is for the end of the school instead #ProdChat
  27. A2: Our shared Google calendar is working like a charm 4 our kid’s appts. We coord pick ups/drop offs, band, driver’s ed, etc #prodchat
  28. A1: My routine was not disrupted… I actually had a bunch of free time since I’m still in school haha #prodchat
  29. A3: I believe I have to plan out my goals a little bit more, since schoolwork gets in the way of most of my other goals. #prodchat
  30. @DanielHayes we use iCloud to accomplish the same. Works like a charm #ProdChat
  31. @DanielHayes we use iCloud to accomplish the same. Works like a charm #ProdChat
  32. As we start the convo, remember to add #prodchat to each tweet so you show up in the feed! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. so we track with you.
  33. Welcome: Back to School
    Let’s start things off with introductions Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  34. @DanielHayes Agree 100% on the family Google calendar. It’s the only way to go. #prodchat
  35. @DanielHayes Agree 100% on the family Google calendar. It’s the only way to go. #prodchat
  36. A4: Come back a little earlier from our 5 week road trip! Not shorten it, leave earlier! #prodchat
  37. A4: Come back a little earlier from our 5 week road trip! Not shorten it, leave earlier! #prodchat
  38. Q1: How disrupted was your routine while School was out? Why? #ProdChat
  39. A4: next year I will also vacation the last 2 weeks. Work from home with kids around the last two weeks was insane #prodchat
  40. Q2: Now that we are back to school, are you planning to re-evaluate your workflows or just try to catch up #ProdChat
  41. If multiple Google Calendars is new to you I have a link from @GetSimplifized to her video. Anyone want? #prodchat
  42. Q5: Did you discover/learn something about you on today’s #ProdChat?
  43. A5: As unique as I feel in this chaos, I am not the only one… Better planning for next year #prodchat
  44. I sorry for my sporadic participation. My Twitter is a bit janky tonight. #prodchat
  45. A5 Actually, I’m reminded that it’s probably a good time to give my system a fresh set of eyes. A little Back to School cleanup. #prodchat
  46. Well this had been a quiet #prodchat (unusual) so we are going to call it off early. Don’t run trying to catch up. Stop plan and think
  47. A5: I need to make my system work in favor of my school/work goals as much as my personal goals when I’m in school #prodchat
  48. @IsaPinaud Thank you! Great to be here. Glad I saw it in the stream. I’ve been missing out! #prodchat
  49. Thanks for coming to #ProdChat… Good luck now that school is back
  50. Thanks for coming to #ProdChat… Good luck now that school is back
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