#ProdChat – 08/29/13 – #Productivity Flow
This week we discussed the characteristics of productivity flow based on the book, Flow ( http://amzn.to/12OWhaW ), by Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi.
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! goo.gl/Uk35l | Today’s Topic: Productive Flow
@rsidneysmith Hi handsome 🙂 And hi all in #prodchat!
Intro: I’m the #productivity evangelist that puts on #prodchat. 🙂
@LoisMarketing Well, hello, Lois! Good to have you on #prodchat this evening. We’re going to have a great discussion!
@rsidneysmith Keep me posted about your ATL travel plans, ok? I look forward to getting together! #prodchat
@LoisMarketing Absolutely! I’ll be scheduling everything mid-September for October. :)) #tweetupATL #prodchat
@rsidneysmith very well thanks Ray #ProdChat
agreed! RT @rsidneysmith: A1: Flow for me is the state where effort and output are equal. I don’t feel anything hold me back. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith thanks. Always good to be here #prodchat
@LoisMarketing That’s soooo true. Having all the resources at hand to make a productive flow state happen is essential! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith yup! ironic I changed my oil today 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Love this topic! Love flow! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Ha. Yeah, it’s the whatnot that’s the really big problem. ;P #ProdChat
@LoisMarketing Great gameplan, Lois! #ProdChat
MT @LoisMarketing One key…is to have things organized for the next day and a to-do list made before I ‘sign out’ each day. #prodchat A2
@tburgess57 Welcome, Todd! #prodchat
@LoisMarketing Yeah, I’ve moved to checking my personal email once a day this summer. I’ll change that after Labor Day, though. #prodchat
Better than herding. 😉 Welcome! RT @tburgess57: Hello #prodchat. I spend an exhausting afternoon babysitting kittens
@LoisMarketing I love that feeling of a full workday well done…closing out and turning off for my evening. :)) #prodchat
@michgunn @rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing even better limit personal email to one device. Not your smartphone #ProdChat
@tburgess57 @GTDbloke @rsidneysmith @michgunn I disable notifications. If it is that urgent call. Works great #ProdChat
@LoisMarketing I hear ya. I just cannot…cannot work in make-shift workspaces at home. I gravitate toward distraction. #prodchat
Q4a is not a question, dahling… @rsidneysmith #prodchat
Yeah, I don’t quite grok Q4b. :/ Sorry, @rsidneysmith #ProdChat
I think I need to do that! @rsidneysmith: A4: …then I have specific rewards that I give myself for accomplishing projects/tasks. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Tier 1: A beer. Tier 2: A beer and slice of pizza … *teasing!* #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I can’t find b. 🙁 #prodchat
@LoisMarketing LOL! Wine is certainly one of my rewards. 😉 #prodchat
Ha! RT @LoisMarketing: @rsidneysmith Tier 1: A beer. Tier 2: A beer and slice of pizza … *teasing!* #prodchat
Like! MT @LoisMarketing: healthy balance. Work accomplished without needless distraction and disorganization. #prodchat A4
@rsidneysmith I was about to say — your reward system you mentioned with Q4 can apply with Q5 as well. Like the idea #prodchat A5
@LoisMarketing Yes, it’s most certainly applicable to both Q4 and Q5. 🙂 #prodchat
RT @LoisMarketing Rewards for me include Fri afternoons off during summer, then time for holiday shopping/errands in Dec #prodchat A5
@rsidneysmith but flow states don’t occur if tasks are mindless. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith nothing like a good book at Friday 2pm to celebrate a hard week #ProdChat
I finally got smart enough to put #ProdChat into my clipboard! 😉 @LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith @profkrg
@LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith I blogged about flow. I made sure I spelled his name right the first time. Then, copy and paste. #prodchat
A6: @SuperBetter is definitely one I’d check out for all kinds of things. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Cheers Ray #prodchat
FYI, my @Pinterest pasta is good but so spicy! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith you too Ray #prodchat
@rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing I remove all the distractions that get somehow to my desk during the day every night #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith not game related but Due for iOS will do that #ProdChat
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for tonight’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week! Check out the transcript in the morning!
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for tonight’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week! Check out the transcript in the morning!
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for tonight’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week! Check out the transcript in the morning!
@rsidneysmith Hope to attend next week! Thanks for the invite. #prodchat