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#ProdChat – 09/11/2013 – Too Much (Digital) Tech!

#ProdChat – 09/11/2013 – Too Much (Digital) Tech!

In this week’s #ProdChat, we tackle the tough questions with coming up with ways to smartly use low-tech when high-tech is too much! It was a great conversation!

  1. Join us at #ProdChat at 8pm Eastern! | Topic: “Too Much (Digital) Tech!”
  2. We all know the value of digital technology, but let’s find ways to expand where our lives can benefit from disconnecting a bit. #prodchat
  3. weekly productivity chat starting now…tonight’s topic “Too Much Tech.” Join in by following #prodchat
  4. @nmhouston hey, Natalie! Great to have you on the #prodchat! I’m suffering with Twitter API issues right now. On my mobile!
  6. @rsidneysmith Hello! Sorry for the long hiatus! Work has been insane! #prodchat
  7. @rsidneysmith doing ok, thanks! glad to be here, have had to miss the last couple of chats #prodchat
  8. oh,yeah, my #prodchat intro: I’m Natalie, an English lit professor & personal productivity coach
  9. @rsidneysmith Did you hear about Storify’s (your fave) acquisition by LiveFyre? #prodchat
  10. @derektac Yes, I saw that coming…as soon as they starte “Business” class services…that’s a sure-fire sign of buyout. #prodchat
  12. A1: I don’t think the problem is “too much technology.” But more in how we choose to use it. Or don’t choose. #prodchat
  13. A1: I don’t think the problem is “too much technology.” But more in how we choose to use it. Or don’t choose. #prodchat
  14. A1: I certainly don’t use too much technology…except when I find myself without Internet access (or battery life)…then, yes. #prodchat
  15. @nmhouston Hello Natalie, how are you tonight? Smaller is more intimate 🙂 #prodchat
  16. A1: I’m a young gun, so I am surrounded by tech day-to-day. Too much? Never. But I have built up quite a tolerance. #prodchat
  17. A1: But I do think unplugging and stepping away from tech is always a very healthy thing to do. #prodchat
  18. @nmhouston Absolutely. And, I hope that we’ll get to flesh a few of those choice moments in this #prodchat! 🙂
  19. @rsidneysmith explain. do you mean when you don’t have internet, you miss it? or realize you use it too much? #prodchat
  20. A2: Any time you’re in a one-on-one convo, at dinner or in the bathroom. #prodchat
  21. +1K RT @derektac: A1: But I do think unplugging and stepping away from tech is always a very healthy thing to do. #prodchat
  22. A2: Tech should be eliminated from cars. It’s dangerous out there and texting at red lights (esp. in LA) causes so much traffic! #prodchat
  23. @nmhouston When I go to a client site and there’s no Web access…or my battery runs low…I have to fall back on my non-digital. #prodchat
  24. A2 (cont): Most people don’t even know how to use their touch-centric-GPS/radio/AC. Should revert back to analog. #prodchat
  25. MT @DerekTac A2: Tech should be eliminated from cars. It’s dangerous out there and texting at red lights…causes so much traffic! #prodchat
  26. A2 I find it distracting when I am talking to someone f2f and their phone keeps beeping for each new email. #prodchat
  27. @DerekTac Well, science and studies/statistics are certainly confirming that statement, Derek! #itcanwait #prodchat
  28. @profkrg Not to be gross, but my bathroom times have doubled with the invention of smart phones. I never used to engage on toilet. #prodchat
  29. RT @profkrg A2: Any time you’re in a one-on-one convo, at dinner or in the bathroom. #prodchat
  30. I can’t stand it when people talk on the phone in the bathroom. Just be/c you and your friend are comfy chatting in the toilet… #prodchat
  31. Also, don’t text and walk across the street at the same time. MT @derektac: A2: Tech should be eliminated from cars. #prodchat
  32. @profkrg I never talk on phone in the pub. bathroom. I can’t stand it when others do. I only read tweets/FB/text #prodchat
  33. A2a: I *really* try when in personal, social settings to always put away my phone. It’s really tough…part of the experience… #prodchata>
  34. One time a guy was watching a baseball game on mobile next to me. I didn’t mind because it kept me up to speed with the game 😛 #prodchat
  35. A2b: is social media capturing, commentary and sharing. But in conversations, definitely no tech. #prodchat
  36. @nmhouston @rsidneysmith Sounds like the guy who caught ebola from the stolen cell phone deserved it! HA! #prodchat
  37. (Going to clean my phone with alchy swabs when I get home haha) #prodchat
  38. Also, many meetings would be more efficient if everyone put away phones to focus on conversation. 15 minutes instead of 45. #prodchat
  41. For many people, writing lists by hand is more effective in committing to priorities because engages the brain differently. #prodchat
  42. A2: I don’t have internet on my phone plan, this limits my phone use to my to-do lists, texts & phone calls unless I’m at home #prodchat
  43. @IsaPinaud Hey, Isabel! Great to have you on #prodchat! Jump right in! We’re using new media technology to talk about disconnecting! 😛
  44. A3: Benefits are low maintenance… Disadvantages are everything else (speed/capability/quality) #prodchat
  45. A3: Definite Benefit: CONCENTRATION & FOCUS I try to turn off my internet for an hour a day so I focus on the task at hand #prodchat
  46. A3: Benefit: no battery life on a REAL book, or, say, the sun. You know the parameters and it’s very nature, eco-friendly even! #prodchat
  47. A3: Disadvantage: Using non-digital technologies usually means things move sloooooooower. #impatient #prodchat
  48. A4: Disadvantage: You have to carry your system around and its not accesible everywhere #prodchat
  49. RT @ReportSchick A3: Benefits are low maintenance… Disadvantages are everything else (speed/capability/quality) #prodchat
  50. main disadvantage of analog systems is lack of backup. but now is easy to photo/scan the important things. #prodchat
  51. main disadvantage of analog systems is lack of backup. but now is easy to photo/scan the important things. #prodchat
  52. main disadvantage of analog systems is lack of backup. but now is easy to photo/scan the important things. #prodchat
  53. Q3: Benefits: Less glitches/confusion/efficient/simple Disadvantages: Not all inclusive/SLOW/clunky/non-efficient #prodchat
  54. A3: I feel greater accomplishment when I mark something off a written to do list. #prodchat
  55. MT @isapinaud: CONCENTRATION & FOCUS I try to turn off my internet for an hour a day so I focus on the task at hand #prodchat
  56. MT @isapinaud: CONCENTRATION & FOCUS I try to turn off my internet for an hour a day so I focus on the task at hand #prodchat
  57. Productivity Book Group: SEPT 14, 12ET! Join us to discuss 7 HABITS… (Parts 1&2) by Dr. Stephen Covey!
  58. A3: I think better when taking written notes or outlining, planning on paper. #prodchat
  59. A3: I think better when taking written notes or outlining, planning on paper. #prodchat
  60. +1 MT @IsaPinaud A3: Benefit: CONCENTRATION & FOCUS. I try to turn off my internet for an hour a day so I focus… #prodchat
  61. @nmhouston Which is sort of ironic don’t you think? haha Using technology to back up a low tech system #prodchat
  62. Agreed! RT @profkrg A3: I feel greater accomplishment when I mark something off a written to do list. #prodchat
  63. RT @profkrg A3: I think better when taking written notes or outlining, planning on paper. #prodchat
  64. @profkrg I’m a doodler at heart, love taking notes by hand. But..I…fasssst and can add quick links,etc in Evernote. #prodchat
  65. Ditto. RT @profkrg: A3: I think better when taking written notes or outlining, planning on paper. #prodchat
  66. @profkrg I think the only way for me to brainstorm effectively (not efficiently) is on paper…but I keep trying digital! #prodchat
  67. For me and most of my coaching clients, the answer is a hybrid productivity system, part analog, part digital. Best of both. #prodchat
  68. A3: Benefit: It’s proven you get more ideas when brainstorming by hand, but I guess you could scan it into your tech system after #prodchat
  69. If I’m honest, I have thought many times about moving my planner and to do lists back to paper only. #prodchat
  70. If I’m honest, I have thought many times about moving my planner and to do lists back to paper only. #prodchat
  71. A3: Disadvantage: No notes in the cloud. Non-collaborative! #prodchat
  72. @DerekTac That’s a definite consideration…as long as you’re engaged in the process, your brain doesn’t know the difference. #prodchat
  73. I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  74. I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  75. I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  76. I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  77. The best tool for you is the one that you will use. The one you enjoy. The one that suits your brain, body, & behavior. #prodchat
  78. @profkrg Well, speaking for myself, partly shiny object syndrome and partly because I know technology will get there. #hopeful #prodchat
  79. +1,000 RT @DerekTac A3: Disadvantage: No notes in the cloud. Non-collaborative! #prodchat
  80. Also, I’m less likely to task-shift with analog materials. Depending on your goal that’s a plus or minus. #prodchat
  83. @profkrg This is exactly why I don’t have internet in my phone plan. I have a dumb phone that’s only smart at home with wi-fi #prodchat
  84. Best tool = brain. I understand it’s a hybrid of biological (analog) and electrical (digital?). Apply this to productivity = win #prodchat
  85. A4: I love whiteboard and dry erase. Big, editable, and can be collaborative (if the board is big enough)! #prodchat
  86. The best thing for me about electronic is the ability to program and repeat tasks on my calendar, etc. #prodchat
  87. The best thing for me about electronic is the ability to program and repeat tasks on my calendar, etc. #prodchat
  88. RT @DerekTac A4: I love whiteboard and dry erase. Big, editable, and can be collaborative (if the board is big enough)! #prodchat
  89. A3 I don’t like to be available all the time. Low tech works for me in that way. I check e-mails twice a day, sometimes once #prodchat
  90. @profkrg Agree! Automation (in moderation) will set you free! #prodchat
  91. @DerekTac I agree…I’m a huge dry erase boarder. (I even keep a tag in my system #DEB for photos of mind sweeps and brainstorms.) #prodchat
  92. MT @derektac: Best tool = brain. it’s a hybrid of biological (analog) and electrical (digital?). Apply this to productivity = win #prodchat
  93. Truth. RT @profkrg: I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  94. I’m in a weird generation where I lived through the bridge of analog to digital eras. Hybrid has worked best for me throughout. #prodchat
  95. A4 low tech mind sweeps & plans: lists: pen and paper. Index cards or post-its for moving ideas around spatially. #prodchat
  96. A4 I use paper and colored pens to brainstorm. For me, the messier the better. I’ve brainstormed with paint once or twice #crazy #prodchat
  97. @nmhouston Just as I came upstairs to grab my paper notebook, I saw the topic of tonight’s #prodchat! Notes & brainstorming always analog +
  98. A4: I love taking graphic paper and color pencils or markers and going to town! #prodchat
  99. @boswells731 @nmhouston Welcome to the #prodchat, Michelle! Great to have you join our conversation! Always welcome! 🙂
  100. @boswells731 I’ll need to re-check out Freedom. You like? Or, you love? 😉 #prodchat
  101. @isapinaud yes, helps to separate writing ideas down, then sort, move, etc. Good for kinesthetic & visual people especially. #prodchat
  103. @nmhouston I’m a total visual person, which is why I loved the idea! Wrote it down in my notebok 😉 #prodchat
  104. Oh yes, Kenna. Yes. “@profkrg: I was just thinking yesterday about how much less stress I had when my phone was dumb. #prodchat
  105. @isapinaud and of course index cards come in lots of colors, just to make it interesting 🙂 #prodchat
  106. @isapinaud and of course index cards come in lots of colors, just to make it interesting 🙂 #prodchat
  107. A5: I track my exercise routine on a notebook to see if I’m improving each week (doing more of each exercise per min) #prodchat
  108. A5: Sometimes I like to whip out my abacus to calculate my rent/bills while I chisel it into my stone tablets. (joking!) #prodchat
  109. Another low tech productivity system: one spot for keys, phone, other stuff you need to get out the door. Pick One Place. #prodchat
  110. @nmhouston I am a compulsive index card shopper. I even have marbled & rainbow ones. I don’t even remember how I got those :S #prodchat
  111. @nmhouston I ALWAYS do this and guess what? I never lose my keys/wallet/phone. Never pick a place near the front door (thieves) #prodchat
  112. Write on! (that’ll be our rallying cry) RT @DerekTac @rsidneysmith White-boarders, UNITE! #prodchat
  113. Write on! (that’ll be our rallying cry) RT @DerekTac @rsidneysmith White-boarders, UNITE! #prodchat
  114. A5 my favorite analog tracking method: stickers on wall calendar. If you want digital version, try @chainscc #prodchat
  115. LOL. It’s still one of the most powerful data tools in the world! RT @DerekTac A5: Is Excel considered low-tech? 😀 #prodchat
  116. @rsidneysmith You are now on two teams. Whiteboarders and Office Supplies Shopper haha 😛 #prodchat
  117. I’m a big Post-It’s guy. I love the medium/large ones with lines! My mem. sucks, so there’s almost always a Post-It on the door #prodchat
  118. A5: I’ve created a huge mindmap that I handdraw on every once in a while to show completed “Big Rocks” in my year. #prodchat
  119. Alright, I have to go, but great chat tonight folks! Nice to meet some of you! Derek, out, WRITE ON BROTHER @rsidneysmith! #prodchat
  120. A5: I have a general calendar printed and placed everywhere. General meaning I have 5-6 excercise without specifying WHAT I’ll do #prodchat
  121. Glad not to be on the Hoarders team too! RT @IsaPinaud You are now on two teams. Whiteboarders and Office Supplies Shopper haha 😛 #prodchat
  122. @DerekTac Glad you could make it out for some #prodchat, Derek! Always great to have you in the convo. Write on! 😉
  123. A5: I then cross my calendar over with my weekly todo list and know exactly when I can do each thing #prodchat
  124. A5: I was an avid FranklinCovey planner user for many years…worked really well for week-to-week mapping. #prodchat
  126. Good idea! RT @profkrg A5: We keep a weekly menu in a drawer in the kitchen. That’s how we see what we have as dinner options. #prodchat
  127. A6 I have my system in omnifocus, but e/week I pick 15 things to accomplish work&college then make them about 25 Keeps me focused #prodchat
  128. Thanks @rsidneysmith for hosting another great #prodchat! I’ve got to run — see you all later everyone —
  129. A6: I have become a huge fan of writing on pads and photo-ing them into @Evernote/@Springpad OR transcribing into @simplenoteapp #prodchat
  130. @nmhouston Thanks for joining tonight, Natalie! Talk to you later! :)) #prodchat
  131. A6: Obviously for me, I use @livescribe in so many contexts. It’s great to work on paper and simultaneously captured digitally. #prodchat
  132. A6 I use ical to hold my daily schedule (non-changing) and use a whiteboard (joining the team) calendar for appointments & such #prodchat
  133. Thanks #productivity enthusiasts joining #ProdChat! Join next week for another scintillating topic! Check out the transcript en la mañana!
  134. @rsidneysmith Thanks to you for hosting! Nice spanish by the way. Orgullosa Venezolana 🙂 #prodchat
  135. @IsaPinaud So good to #prodchat with you, Isabel! Have a great rest of your week! 🙂 #TeamMNML
  136. @IsaPinaud So good to #prodchat with you, Isabel! Have a great rest of your week! 🙂 #TeamMNML
  137. @IsaPinaud De nada! 😉 Le dije a tu hermano que debemos hacer #prodchat en español. Tal vez! cc @apinaud
  138. @rsidneysmith Love. It serves as a timer *and* enforcement to avoid distractions. W/ Freedom+Scrivener I meet word goals quickly. #prodchat
  139. @rsidneysmith @apinaud Seria Buenisimo! No sabia que hablabas español! Si vas a hacer #prodchat en español avisame y te ayudo!
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