#ProdChat – 09/18/13 – Taking Action!
This week’s Productivity Chat was guest-hosted by Natalie Houston (@nmhouston), productivity coach, on "Taking Action!" Check it out!
Tonight at 8:00 pm ET/5:00 PT I’ll be hosting the weekly #productivity chat. Topic: Taking Action! Join us by following #prodchat
Great start to fall! MT @nmhouston: 8:00 pm ET I’ll be hosting weekly productivity chat. Topic: Taking Action! Join us: follow #prodchat.
“Taking Action! Creating & Completing Measurable Action Steps on Your Projects” –tonight on #productivity chat 8 pm ET. Follow #prodchat
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight’s topic: Taking Action!
Let’s start off with intro’s. In 140 characters, tell us a little bit about you. And, do you use a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
#ProdChat: Every Wednesday, 8PM ET. For those looking to improve their personal productivity, #tweetchatshappeningnow
@nmhouston #prodchat I direct the MLA. Always looking for new productivity systems. Latest: a journal-book: 21 Days: Make or Break a Habit.
Hey all! Michelle here. I’m a productivity enthusiast. Thanks for hosting @nmhouston!!! #ProdChat
@nmhouston I forgot what A1 etc means #prodchat
@nmhouston On Day 18 of making a new habit. Like the journal w its prompts. #prodchat
@nmhouston Agreed! It was hard to get used to that definition, but it makes a lot of sense, practically speaking. #ProdChat
I think really single step actions. Non-ambiguous next actionsā¦ RT @nmhouston: So what makes an action do-able? #ProdChat
@nmhouston Ha! I’m a big fan of making it easier on my future self! š #ProdChat
@nmhouston one of my favorites: Journal about project X #ProdChat helps unstuck them sometimes
@nmhouston other times is: Block X hours to work on Project X (and take some action) #ProdChat
@nmhouston If only it was the project’s fault and not my own. š But I like the visual of the project hiding out on my list. š #ProdChat
@nmhouston Looks like everyone is off being productive! #prodchat
True!! RT @nmhouston: sometimes projects dress up in language pretending to be actions. “Review” can hide several embedded steps #prodchat
@isapinaud hi Isabel! Glad you could join us! #prodchat
@nmhouston Glad I could be here Natalie! #prodchat
Hi @IsaPinaud, welcome!! š #ProdChat Phewā¦ finally got that tweet out correctly. š
@IsaPinaud What’s GTD? #prodchat
@nmhouston #prodchat Using this structured journal that comes w steps, questions, etc is espec good for behaviors that get in way of X.
@nmhouston I choose to need to do that. #prodchat
Great one! MT @isapinaud: A4 I also like to ask myself “what can I do to get this off my list?” #prodchat
Nice! MT @IsaPinaud: A4 I ā¦ ask myself “what can I do to get this off my list?” usually gives me ideas and helps things flow #prodchat
LIKE! RT @nmhouston: A4 One of my favorite inquiries is to ask “how can I make this more enjoyable?” Helps reframe a stuck project #prodchat
@nmhouston My energy arises from writing and speaking. I swear I know nothing until it is voiced. #prodchat
Good one! MT @isapinaud: A4 Ask “Do I need any additional info?” You might be stuck because you need it #prodchat
@BruixaVioleta I completely understand #prodchat
Me too! MT @bruixavioleta: A few minutes of free-writing in my notebook always helps me thru those “stuck” moments. #prodchat
@bruixavioleta hi Melissa! welcome to #prodchat!
@nmhouston: I keep hearing about todoist. I’ll have to check it out #ProdChat
+1 @nmhouston: Me too! “@bruixavioleta: A few minutes of free-writing in my notebook always helps me thru those “stuck” moments.” #prodchat
@nmhouston I agree. I like to plan out projects on paper, often. Something about pen to paper helps with thinking things through #ProdChat
@nmhouston Have you been intentionally changing that? #ProdChat
@nmhouston I don’t think mine is deadline related. I just prefer the focus and satisfaction of major accomplishment, I think. #ProdChat
@bruixavioleta yes, for me too. House projects I often just attack over a weekend, but writing projects are different #prodchat
@nmhouston Nice. I like the idea of intentionally working towards that. Hmmm. A goal for the week I think. š #ProdChat
Check out the #prodchat storify tomorrow, which @rsidneysmith will tweet out! And join us next week, same day & time for another chat!
Nice! @IsaPinaud: I try to take each step as a major accomplishment so small steps = more accomplishments which keeps me motivated #prodchat
Thanks for hosting, @nmhouston! Have a great week everyone!! #ProdChat
@michgunn @apinaud @isapinaud @rgfeal @bruixavioleta Thanks for chatting tonight — great ideas & energy! #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanks so much for hosting #ProdChat last night!