#ProdChat – 09/25/13 – Goals with Glenn Watts of Time Management Magazine
August Pinaud (@apinaud) guest-hosted a discussion about Goals with Glenn Watts of Time Management Magazine (@TimeManagementM). Enjoy!
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: Goals with Glenn Watt, the Founder/Senior Editor of Time Management Magazine
Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
Welcome Glenn @TimeManagementM to #ProdChat
I am a best seller author, my goal is to help people create small changes to produce big impacts. I am also an #OmniFocus fan #ProdChat
.@TimeManagementM thanks for join us tonight #ProdChat
Hi, #prodchat! I’m a journalism prof from OK. I blog at profkrg.com. I have a huge productivity crash at about 3 p.m. daily.
+1 ā@TimeManagementM: A1.6.I have been passionate about spreading the message that goal setting is a path to freedom ever since.#prodchatā
@IsaPinaud welcome! #ProdChat
@MarkOutThere then you are in the right place I think. Sharing is something we do every week #ProdChat
@DanielHayes hi Daniel. Welcome back! #ProdChat
@TimeManagementM can you explain a little bit more that process? #ProdChat
@MarkOutThere I also pick always LIFE #ProdChat
@TimeManagementM I was just about to say that I applied a theory similar to this #prodchat
@MarkOutThere I like more the idea of placing them on hold until the other is achieved #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud I can not take credit for it…It is from JD Meier’s Getting Results the Agile Way #prodchat
.@TimeManagementM have you ever walk away from a goal? In order to achieve other as @MarkOutThere described? #ProdChatā
@TimeManagementM Yes, that is where I read it š #prodchat
@IsaPinaud For Tasks, I use OmniFocus, but I am now tinkering with Asana. #prodchat
@DanielHayes Thanks 4 listing these tools! Some r new 2 me! #prodchat
That’s one of the biggest challenges ā@MarkOutThere: @TimeManagementM @apinaud The temptation to please others is strong. However #ProdChatā
@LeavUrImge2FDP My pleasure! Enjoy! #prodchat
@MarkOutThere @TimeManagementM also to unhappiness if I may add to the great master saying #ProdChat
@MarkOutThere if I used paper I will never be able to read back. I only write secrets in paper. After I do no one can read them #ProdChat
@TimeManagementM What is Asana? I’ve never heard of it :O #prodchat
@TimeManagementM I will be sure to check it out! Thanks!! #prodchat
@DanielHayes see you next time! #ProdChat
@DanielHayes Hope you have a great week also! #prodchat
@TimeManagementM Ford said that if you ask people they would had request a faster horse… A faster horse is for me an SMART goal #ProdChat
@LeavUrImge2FDP I need big scary goals, or I do nothing but watch TV. #prodchat
@LeavUrImge2FDP I need big scary goals, or I do nothing but watch TV. #prodchat
@MarkOutThere @TimeManagementM Commitment is the hard part. But it is always great when you reach them #prodchat
@MarkOutThere @TimeManagementM I go Edison on failure He discover 10k wrong ways People failed because they don’t continue trying #ProdChat
@MarkOutThere I hope to see you back! Have a great week! #ProdChat
@MarkOutThere Goodnight! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Do use any particular approach to prioritize? #prodchat
@Pjsberger do you write them down? That helps in my case #ProdChat
The faster hour on Twitter has come to an end
Thanks to @TimeManagementM for be here today on #ProdChat
It was an honor Glenn
Thanks a lot
Thanks to @TimeManagementM for be here today on #ProdChat
It was an honor Glenn
Thanks a lot
@TimeManagementM I ask myself various questions mainly “Will this idea keep nagging me until it gets done?” #prodchat
@TimeManagementM I believe ideas nga you for a reason, they must have some sort of importance. #prodchat
@LeavUrImge2FDP better hit a star aiming to reach the moon than not reaching anything #ProdChat
@TimeManagementM I could send you an e-mail with a longer, more detailed response if you like #prodchat
Make sure you check Time Management Magazine and follow Glenn Watt @TimeManagementM #ProdChat
Make sure you check Time Management Magazine and follow Glenn Watt @TimeManagementM #ProdChat
@Pjsberger Well sometimes you aim the moon and hit the star next to it. trust be better than aiming at nothing #ProdChat