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#ProdChat – 09/28/2016 – Analogy (Non-Digital) Productivity

#ProdChat – 9/28/2016 – Analog Productivity

On September 28, 2016, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Analogy (or, Non-Digital) Productivity. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Analog Productivity.” Enjoy!


  1. What is the difference between digital and analog #productivity for you?
  2. Are you using more digital than analog #productivity tools, or vice versa today?
  3. What are some analog productivity systems you know of? How well do they work for you?
  4. What are some analog productivity tools that work just as well as their digital counterpart?
  5. What are the limitations of analog productivity?
  6. Who is analog productivity best for (in your opinion)?
  7. Do you have any non-digital productivity routines? Why? What? How?
  8. How do you balance the benefits of digital and automated #productivity with your analog systems/tools/routines?

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Wed Sep 28 23:59:01 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Almost time…need to get my notebook and pen. 🙂 #prodchat Wed Sep 28 23:59:18 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “Analog #Productivity.” Join us! Thu Sep 29 00:00:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Hi, Art! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:00:16 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Doing great Ray. Looking forward to one of my favorite topics. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:00:43 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:01:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Thanks for suggesting it! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:01:15 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck For the next hour, my content will be a part of #ProdChat #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:01:32 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I’m Art Gelwicks, founder of @TheIdeaPump, productivity strategist, pen and paper geek. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:02:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:02:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Hi, Frank! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:02:06 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:02:11 +0000 2016
JKatzaman Stepping into #ProdChat from Maryland. Thu Sep 29 00:02:35 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Doing well. Thanks, Ray. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:02:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Intro: I’m Ray Sidney-Smith, @Evernote Certified Consultant, @GoogleSmallBiz Advisor, Productivity/Tech Trainer. And, host of #ProdChat! Thu Sep 29 00:03:31 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Glad to hear, Frank! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:03:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hi, Jim! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:03:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Sep 29 00:04:01 +0000 2016
2Patra Patra Frame, smallbiz HR consultant, more paper and pen than other tools too. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:04:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q1: What is the difference between digital and analog #productivity for you? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:05:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @2Patra Hiya, Patra! Welcome to #prodchat! 🙂 How’re you today? Thu Sep 29 00:05:02 +0000 2016
nmhouston hi #prodchat — I’m Natalie, an English professor & personal productivity coach. I help people move forward on their most important goals. Thu Sep 29 00:05:17 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Doing fine, Ray. However, TweetDeck or maybe Twitter in general seems cranky right now. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:05:26 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @2Patra: Patra Frame, smallbiz HR consultant, more paper and pen than other tools too. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:05:39 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: The difference is in the objective and the method, not in the tools themselves. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:05:49 +0000 2016
nmhouston Expect more tweets from me in the next hour as I join tonight’s #prodchat on analog productivity tools Thu Sep 29 00:06:03 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: However…digital is better for recall, analog is better for creative thinking (for me) #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:06:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Welcome to #prodchat, Natalie! How’re you today? Thu Sep 29 00:06:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Uh-oh. Hopefully it clears up for you shortly! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:06:53 +0000 2016
halduauthor A1: there’s analog productivity? ? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:06:56 +0000 2016
nmhouston @rsidneysmith Doing well — been a long day but this is a nice way to finish my time at the computer — #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:07:10 +0000 2016
2Patra @rsidneysmith Always good after SBDC HR Consults 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:07:13 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @ArtGelwicks Interesting. I think we probably think about the tools. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:07:25 +0000 2016
prodchat And she’s our hostess with the most-ess, most third Wednesdays of the month! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:07:27 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @ArtGelwicks: A1: The difference is in the objective and the method, not in the tools themselves. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:07:34 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Yes, Ben. Yes. 😛 How’re you today, sir? Good to have you back! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:08:00 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: Digital productivity can sometimes focus too much on the tools and too little on the success. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:08:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @2Patra Woohoo! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:08:19 +0000 2016
halduauthor Ben Nielsen here, currently working in two libraries, writing a travel blog, and dabbling in board game development #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:08:22 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith great to be back Ray! I’m doing well. A lots been going on since I was last here. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:09:23 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A1 My productivity is both digital and analog. I take notes via pen and paper and from them produce stories posted on intranet. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:09:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hopefully mostly good things and we’re glad to have you here! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:09:58 +0000 2016
nmhouston A1 For me, digital tools are good for repetitive things (calendar events) and analog for creative/planning #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:10:00 +0000 2016
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks I second that. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:10:22 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I use both all day every day. There’s a purpose for both, strengths and weaknesses to each. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:10:23 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: Frank Buck. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:10:34 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @ArtGelwicks: I’m Art Gelwicks, founder of @TheIdeaPump, productivity strategist, pen and paper geek. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:10:47 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Analog can be an excellent gateway into more powerful digital tools…or as an escape from those same tools. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:11:44 +0000 2016
halduauthor Nobody has made a digital whiteboard that can do what the analog one does for me #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:11:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q2: Are you using more digital than analog #productivity tools, or vice versa today? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:12:01 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A2: About 50/50 for me but it can swing heavy either way based on need. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:12:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: Digital, to me, means utilizing electronic media for its benefits. Analog means a form factor and method for slow, deep work. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:12:48 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor What about those whiteboards that capture everything you write on them and digitizes the content? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:13:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2: I find that I am using more digital, but a healthy amount of analog as well. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:13:29 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Analog is also much easier to personalize as compared to defined experiences from digital. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:13:40 +0000 2016
halduauthor A2: definitely more digital #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:13:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks What’s the pivot point for you to choose digital over analog? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:14:10 +0000 2016
tomgrissom interesting take on analog #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:14:19 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Digital capture of analog information is a great, although not always convenient, tool in the toolbox. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:14:33 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith isn’t that still pretty analog? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:14:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks For me, it’s usually contextualize…meeting, paper notebook; workshop, that’s usually digital notebook (@Evernote). #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:15:09 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith The pivot for me is often if I will need to share the information with someone else. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:15:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @tomgrissom Welcome to #prodchat, Tom! How’re you today? Thu Sep 29 00:15:22 +0000 2016
mark_BCP @JKatzaman You need a tablet you can write on & turn into digital! #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:15:31 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor I think that’s a hybrid. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:15:38 +0000 2016
nmhouston Q2 Maybe 3:1 digital:analog. But, the 80:20 rule applies here — the 20-25% that are analog produce the most value #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:15:38 +0000 2016
2Patra A2 more analog than digital on days work with clients, easier 2 do notes w/out looking. Reverse on work FOR client days #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:15:54 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks There’s something to be said for the feel of a good pen on nice paper. Something inspiring. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:16:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Yes, I still wait for the day when going back and forth between content generated in either, in digital, are the same.#prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:16:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Ah, that makes sense. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:16:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @mark_BCP @JKatzaman Those Lenovo Yoga Book laptop/tablets are looking pretty snazzy! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:17:00 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I encourage people to use analog in times when they are thinking creatively to keep the tool out of their thoughts. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:17:10 +0000 2016
nmhouston A2 Sometimes it’s clear which tools are better digital — for me the no-brainer is calendar, ever since the original Palm. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:17:22 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Interesting thought. Personalize how? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:17:26 +0000 2016
tomgrissom @rsidneysmith doing well, I use a hybrid model as well, however benefits of digital ink preserve the analog flow in a digital way #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:17:42 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A2 I’m mostly digital after note taking. Then it’s a combination of Google, Word and email. Calendar beforehand to schedule. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:17:56 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Personalization not only for layout, structure, and flow but also the physical materials can create a connection #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:18:07 +0000 2016
kjaymiller A1 analog is where I expand and digital is where I collect #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:18:11 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom A1: for me – analog is pencil and paper. Digital is Pi + Wacom #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:18:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q3: What are some analog productivity systems you know of? How well do they work for you? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:19:01 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Took notes in a meeting today in my notebook. Needed them two hours later. Had them within 5 seconds. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:19:12 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I see. I know many people like personalization in that way. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:19:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @tomgrissom Yes, yes. I’m a fan of both ways…starting in digital or paper…as long as it all ends up in the same place. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:19:48 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A2: Digital calendar, tasks, notes, contacts. Paper journal for conversation. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:19:55 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A3: Bullet Journal and GTD are the most common. I have my own solution and most analog people have their own adaptations. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:20:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wcmckeedotcom Welcome, William. Glad to have you here on #prodchat. I do like my Wacom tablet! Thu Sep 29 00:20:21 +0000 2016
kjaymiller A2 more digital tools but that’s a problem. My notebook is my Swiss Army knife. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:20:23 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @mark_BCP I could look into that. It can’t be a software that interacts with office PC. That’s forbidden. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:20:25 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @kjaymiller Hi, Jay! Good to see you here on #prodchat. Great delineation between digital and analog modalities. Thu Sep 29 00:20:51 +0000 2016
nmhouston A2 I think it’s important to experiment. Not everyone works the same way. Some people create better with pen, some w/keyboard. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:21:09 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom A2: in the past pencil and notebook. Nowadays totally digital but still have analog for backup #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:21:32 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Everywhere I go I take a pocket notebook, pen, and phone. It’s a matter of need. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:21:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I think people still appreciate paper/pen when having an in-person meeting. Don’t you? It’s odd, but true. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:21:40 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3: I used a Day-Timer for years. Worked great, especially after reading Dr. Charles Hobbs stuff. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:22:04 +0000 2016
SallyReb End of work day, hoping to catch part of #ProdChat convo Thu Sep 29 00:22:16 +0000 2016
SallyReb End of work day, hoping to catch part of #ProdChat convo Thu Sep 29 00:22:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks And to clarify, Bullet Journal is both an analog system and tool. But it’s highly flexible. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:22:33 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I catch myself looking around at people’s notebooks and pens during meetings. Helps me set expectations in my head. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:22:48 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Whereas GTD is a methodology and is digital/analog-agnostic. Agree? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:23:15 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Ryder Caroll has released a formal bullet journal but his methodology has been around a lot longer. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:23:22 +0000 2016
nmhouston A3 my favorite analog systems: GTD with paper/folders; Hipster PDA; indexed notebook. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:23:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Right. It’s analog methodology first. Product second. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:23:55 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith I don’t know that it’s tech agnostic. GTD doesn’t translate as easily to as many platforms. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:24:07 +0000 2016
2Patra @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Not so odd, tech clients like that I am visibly paying attn to them, even as they look at screens 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:24:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @SallyReb Hi, Sally! How’re you today? Glad you could make it…we’re just getting warmed up! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:24:31 +0000 2016
SallyReb I just learned of Bullet Journaling from my sister, seemed overly complicated (or that could just be my sister) #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:24:33 +0000 2016
nmhouston A3 I’m intrigued by some of the bullet journal layouts I’ve seen, though I wouldn’t do the full notebook #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:24:49 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Best connection I’ve had in a while was when I replaced my boss’s legal pad with a proper notebook. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:24:59 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom A3: draw with pencil in notebook, scan/photography notebook, upload to blog, reflect on it. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:25:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @2Patra @DrFrankBuck Yes, I find it interesting (anthropologically). I pay attention better with pen/paper than typing myself. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:25:27 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @SallyReb It’s not uncommon for sisters to be complicated. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:25:27 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston There’s a big range of scale and complexity of implementation when it comes to Bullet Journaling #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:25:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @2Patra @DrFrankBuck But I know others who are much better at focusing at the keyboard. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:25:48 +0000 2016
halduauthor @nmhouston your such a hipster with that Palm Treo ?? (the pager symbolizes old tech) #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:25:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q4: What are some analog productivity tools that work just as well as their digital counterpart? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:26:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I think it’s a matter of your life’s complexity…the simpler it is, the more analog your GTD system can look like. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:26:36 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A4: Tough question. Digital is excellent for automating aspects of analog – task reminders, search, etc. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:26:48 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @nmhouston: A3 my favorite analog systems: GTD with paper/folders; Hipster PDA; indexed notebook. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:26:57 +0000 2016
SallyReb Ha! Great response! Very true #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:27:05 +0000 2016
mark_BCP .@JKatzaman Interesting. It’s been our IT Manager who has been using this technology for several years. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:27:34 +0000 2016
kjaymiller A3 Eisenhower matrix is a favorite of mine. Mind mapping as well. It’s great to see that these are digital as well #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:27:52 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith this is a recipe question, just as well is subjective #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:28:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @SallyReb I’ve studied it pretty closely and it’s definitely intriguing. Complexity usually relates to the person. 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:28:19 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Oddly enough my mind mapping is always digital. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:28:36 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3: The principal said to use a paper journal and take notes from front to back and to-dos from back of the book to the front. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:28:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston I’ve not fully implemented it ever, but I’ve gone a week here and there to test. Not for me. I have too much digital. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:28:52 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @mark_BCP I can check to see what’s available and approved. The day job is government. You can imagine what comes into play. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:29:12 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Yes, much of what we discuss is subjective. 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:29:25 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Again…analog doesn’t do well when you have to play well with others. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:29:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor I think we learn when we hear about people being productive, differently. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:29:47 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp Join us for the next #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:00 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A4: I find for mindmapping or other drawing, paper is easier for me than digital. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:02 +0000 2016
mark_BCP .@JKatzaman LOL! Then, all I can say is: “Good luck!” 🙂 #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:30:08 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith and by recipe I mean trick, obviously ? #autocorrect #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:15 +0000 2016
nmhouston @ArtGelwicks yes, exactly. I won’t draw a calendar page when I get huge value from digital. But am experimenting with others #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:21 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 Pen & paper is still my go-to for tasks that need more space visually and attention-wise. Camera setups, storyboard…grocery list #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:37 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston I keep my calendar in digital…but that’s because it’s a shared calendar. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @nmhouston Oh, Ben. How we’ve missed your antics! 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:30:58 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A4: For 1 on 1 meetings and phone calls, taking notes on paper is easier than digital. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:31:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Most of my mind maps are digital, but on occasion the pen and paper comes out! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:31:46 +0000 2016
kjaymiller A4 mindmapping seems much better analog you can doodle on your maps!!! #prodchat ? Thu Sep 29 00:32:04 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks It’s funny…many don’t consider analog “productive” but it’s a integrated part of their daily activities anyway. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:32:09 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom A4: my analog system worked fine, just digital allowed me to do more (easy tonal and color works) #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:32:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q5: What are the limitations of analog #productivity? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:33:00 +0000 2016
nmhouston @halduauthor Dude, I had a Pilot 1000 in 1996. Way before the Treo! #prodchat #oldskool Thu Sep 29 00:33:03 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston @halduauthor Still have my Pilot, Handspring, and Clio up on the shelf. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:33:34 +0000 2016
SallyReb There is something about using paper in a 1 on 1 that feels more collaborative #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:33:40 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @wcmckeedotcom Great point. Digital does’nt make you organized. It lets an organized person move faster. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:33:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 It’s good that we have the ability to change between analog and digital to suit our tastes and needs! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:34:05 +0000 2016
halduauthor @nmhouston my first one was the Palm III it was pretty sweet, even had infrared #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:34:08 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5: Search capability to me is the biggest drawback with analog. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:34:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @nmhouston I would keep my digital calendar even if I never shared it, purely for access anywhere, portability. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:34:31 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @halduauthor @nmhouston The flip cover made it. All it needed was the communicator chirp. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:34:38 +0000 2016
halduauthor A5: lack of automation is a big one. And no cloud storage is also tough. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:35:08 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith @nmhouston My Travelers Notebook is always with me..and when it isn’t my Field Notes are. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:35:12 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @halduauthor @nmhouston Loved the Palm. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:35:29 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A5 Chicken scratches have only a short shelf life before you forget when they meant. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:35:36 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A5: Collaboration. Search. Weight. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:35:39 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: I haven’t heard anyone mention Sketchnotes. Does anyone use or has anyone tried it? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:35:50 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @nmhouston: @halduauthor Dude, I had a Pilot 1000 in 1996. Way before the Treo! #prodchat #oldskool Thu Sep 29 00:36:15 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Not quite artistic enough for Sketchnotes. I can see the value for some though. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:36:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston @halduauthor Amen, Natalie! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:36:23 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith @nmhouston Another vote for always having a memo pad in my pocket. (It also holds credit cards, etc.) #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:36:28 +0000 2016
nmhouston A5 I’ve found that consistently scanning paper notes is a good workaround for the limitations of analog access/reproducibility #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:36:35 +0000 2016
halduauthor @JKatzaman those dang ? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:36:54 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston I have a printer that scans direct to Google Drive. Wonderful analog – digital converter. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:05 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: @wcmckeedotcom Great point. Digital does’nt make you organized. It lets an organized person move faster. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:05 +0000 2016
tomgrissom analog/digital are blurred, I use a 3 yr old #surface tablet with digital pen, best of both worlds #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:10 +0000 2016
SallyReb I love taking handwritten notes. Lots of qualitative research training, plus writing helps me remember. Tough to share, tho #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:26 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck But that’s overcome for me by imaging those into @Evernote. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:39 +0000 2016
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks I’ve been working on it, getting better. I really like the concept #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:44 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom A5: cost and setup of physical mats. unable to use watercolour whereever – but digital painting is fine #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:49 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @halduauthor: A5: lack of automation is a big one. And no cloud storage is also tough. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:37:58 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5: As far as creativity, I am a much better writer digitally than on paper. Easier to edit instead and having to scratch out. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:38:11 +0000 2016
SallyReb A5 not familiar w Sketchnotes #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:38:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Ugh, me neither. I keep going back to it, but my perfectionism kicks into high gear with Sketchnotes and I’m done. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:38:49 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I write faster on digital. I write better on analog. Hence…I use both. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:39:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q6: Who is analog productivity best for (in your opinion)? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:39:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @SallyReb #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:39:23 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A6: Any role or task requiring focus is an excellent candidate for analog. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:39:50 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6: I think a person’s first organizational system should be analog. Think it through. Move to digital for speed. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:39:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston It’s also a way to manage keeping a limit on paper pile-ups. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:40:07 +0000 2016
nmhouston A5 Analog reference materials are not portable — my Kindle lets me carry tons of books wherever I go #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:40:46 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks you just gotta learn to let these things go ?#prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:40:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Yes, that’s the key…wasting no cognitive energy on deciding which to use in the moment. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:40:57 +0000 2016
kjaymiller Would love to chat but it’s my wife’s birthday celebration!! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:41:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @ArtGelwicks Haha. In time. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:41:08 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom For those interested – my digital note/drawing setup. Raspberrypi/7inch TFT/Wacom #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:41:18 +0000 2016
halduauthor A6: ????? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:41:50 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston I will admit analog can result in a lopsided posture. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:41:53 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Pulling out a fountain pen to take notes in a leather notebook does set a tone in a meeting though. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:42:15 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck RT @ArtGelwicks: Pulling out a fountain pen to take notes in a leather notebook does set a tone in a meeting though. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:42:27 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, you have to slow down and get the basics right before you can speed up. Like in any sport. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:42:35 +0000 2016
nmhouston A6 Analog productivity is best for those for whom it works. Which isn’t everyone, due to brain differences, context, etc. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:42:44 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A6 Analog productivity works best for those who can write as fast as they think. Coincidentally, that gap narrows with age. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:43:01 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Yes! RT @ArtGelwicks Pulling out a fountain pen to take notes in a leather notebook does set a tone in a meeting though. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:43:07 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom @nmhouston love my kindle so much. Also good to convert notes into it for later reference. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:43:31 +0000 2016
halduauthor Oh, and for those who haven’t met men before, I’m normally joking, but I’m serious about productivity #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:43:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston I’ve centralized scanning annotations in my physical books and my Kindle clippings into @Evernote. 🙂 It’s amazing. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:43:36 +0000 2016
nmhouston A6 For example, I often draft longhand. But many with dyslexia or learning disabilities compose better at a keyboard. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:43:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @kjaymiller Happy Birthday to your other half! Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by #prodchat! Thu Sep 29 00:43:56 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @wcmckeedotcom: For those interested – my digital note/drawing setup. Raspberrypi/7inch TFT/Wacom #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:12 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6: I think analog is better for those who have little digital input…not receiving lots of email. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:13 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck we should totally have pro productivity teams! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wcmckeedotcom Thanks for sharing, William! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:19 +0000 2016
tomgrissom for those that say you cannot do analog in digital, some examples is it the medium or the process #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:25 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Analog is great as an immediate “fire and forget” capture tool. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:28 +0000 2016
2Patra @ArtGelwicks mine are both purple… #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:48 +0000 2016
nmhouston A6 Productivity enthusiasts, managers, teachers, etc need to be open to the fact that no one tool/method fits everybody #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:48 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @tomgrissom I think in many cases it’s the tool or lack thereof. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @nmhouston And higher rates of repetitive stress injuries (no, not carpal tunnel syndrome… #myth). #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:44:58 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q7: Do you have any non-digital productivity routines? Why? What? How? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:45:01 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom I use Gimp for notes/drawing and recordmydesktop for screencast. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:45:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks #professionalism #highclass #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:45:15 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7: I keep going back to the paper journal where I keep notes from phone calls and small meetings… #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:45:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wcmckeedotcom Have you been able to get any proficiency with @inkscape or @scribus? Not sure you have a need; I just have a want. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:46:02 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Downside of analog…so many wonderful, expensive toys. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:46:25 +0000 2016
halduauthor @nmhouston true that. I just listened to a podcast on the fallacy of the average and a one size fits all mentality #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:46:39 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7: …at the end of the day, I read what I have written during the day, decide on to-dos, and clip the corner of the page. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:46:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck NPL…National #Productivity League. The mascot–you guessed it, a big checkmark! 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:46:46 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A7: Each morning I review my analog notes and make sure what needed to go digital, did. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:47:31 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith NPL? Is there really such a thing? Or did you just invent it? LOL #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:47:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Just created it…I’m so creative. 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:13 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck will there be concessions? ??? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:21 +0000 2016
wcmckeedotcom @rsidneysmith yes I use @inkscape for poster/logos and slide deck with sozi addon. Texstudio for page layout #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:26 +0000 2016
nmhouston A7 I try to keep the first 2 hours of the day analog. Read, journal, write my day’s goals. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:40 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks I’m liking the NPL. I see a hashtag coming… #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:43 +0000 2016
SallyReb A7 written to do list at end of day every Friday – habit for years #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:51 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wcmckeedotcom I’ll have a look at Texstudio. Thanks! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:48:56 +0000 2016
tomgrissom @ArtGelwicks tools evolve, trying to shoe-horn in a process into a tool that was not designed for it is frustrating #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:49:35 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @halduauthor @rsidneysmith And there will be cheerleaders…who are waving Franklin Planners instead of pom-poms, #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:49:45 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @tomgrissom That’s always the challenge. It’s key to adapt and evolve your processes to match your preferred tools. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:50:18 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck I’m sure concessions would be a hit…but they’d have to be nutritious so we can stay productive! 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:50:32 +0000 2016
nmhouston @rsidneysmith @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck is this a fantasy league, where we get to team up David Allen, Stephen Covey, etc? #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:50:59 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q8: How do you balance the benefits of digital and automated #productivity with your analog systems/tools/routines?… Thu Sep 29 00:51:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck @halduauthor LOL! This could really be a *thing*! 😛 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:51:05 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @nmhouston @rsidneysmith @halduauthor We are onto something! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:51:35 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @nmhouston: A7 I try to keep the first 2 hours of the day analog. Read, journal, write my day’s goals. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:51:40 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A8: It’s a constant back and forth, refining the processes and using the strengths of each. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:51:43 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Same here. Other than as my digital running gear, I don’t try to use my phone and such until I’ve had analog time. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:52:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks It almost has a (DC Comics?) Justice League vibe to it also! Lol. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:52:57 +0000 2016
tomgrissom @ArtGelwicks too often in education it is unfortunately the other way around, get the tools 1st then decide #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:52:59 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 @nmhouston @rsidneysmith @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck Laura Vanderkam will be my team’s Diana Taurasi #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:05 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Never had to charge a battery in my paper notebook. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:13 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A8 I keep analog to a minimum, opting for digital for the vast majority of my productivity process. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:53:17 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A8: You have to be really clear on how to use each part. Be consistent. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:29 +0000 2016
nmhouston A8 Figure out what’s working before focusing on what doesn’t work. Then experiment, evaluate, repeat. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:40 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @nmhouston @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck Natalie, that’s a good one too! We can pit one #productivity methodology against the other! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:44 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @tomgrissom Usually based on the company providing the biggest price break. 🙁 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:45 +0000 2016
SallyReb Coming to end of my commute. Thanks folks, always learn something new from you #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:53:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 @nmhouston @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck Vanderkam would need to go up against Gretchen Rubin, or Laura Stack! Ha! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:54:19 +0000 2016
tomgrissom @ArtGelwicks exactly #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:54:27 +0000 2016
SallyReb RT @nmhouston: A8 Figure out what’s working before focusing on what doesn’t work. Then experiment, evaluate, repeat. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:54:33 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 @nmhouston @halduauthor Ah but Charles Hobbs is still my hero. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:55:00 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @SallyReb Good thing we didn’t say anything to steer you off the road, driving you to drink later. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:55:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: That’s what review/reflect time is for. You can step back, assess what’s working when, and use tools appropriately. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:55:31 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q9: What will you try or how will you improve your analog #productivity after today’s #ProdChat? Thu Sep 29 00:56:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck @rogue_crayon99 @nmhouston @halduauthor I’m sure we can fit him in somewhere! NPL Member Emeritus! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:56:18 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A9: I’ll use this as a rationalization and justification…to go shopping. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:56:39 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 @nmhouston @halduauthor @DrFrankBuck HA! She’d need to, there’s not a minute more available to her! 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:00 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @nmhouston: A8 Figure out what’s working before focusing on what doesn’t work. Then experiment, evaluate, repeat. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:08 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A8: You have to be really clear on how to use each part. Be consistent. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:15 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @JKatzaman: A8 I keep analog to a minimum, opting for digital for the vast majority of my productivity process. #ProdChat Thu Sep 29 00:57:23 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A9: Pretty happy with the one part of the system (journal for notes during phone/small meeting). Don’t see any changes. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @SallyReb Great to have you join us, Sally! See you next time! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:39 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @ArtGelwicks: A9: I’ll use this as a rationalization and justification…to go shopping. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:57:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @milhealth Simply, non-digital productivity tools and methods. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:58:22 +0000 2016
nmhouston A9 I’ve been thinking about my analog processes anyway this month, so this is a good chance to reflect/evaluate #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:58:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: October 5 – “Automating Desktop & Mobile Productivity.” Have a great week, all! Thu Sep 29 00:59:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9: I’m going to make sure my categorical analog methods are in good working order in my upcoming Weekly Review. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:59:00 +0000 2016
halduauthor Sorry folks, got off twitter for a minute. Thanks for a great #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:59:18 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks `Great chat everyone! Have a productive week! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:59:35 +0000 2016
2Patra Thanks Ray plus all! #prodchat Thu Sep 29 00:59:53 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Thanks, everyone. #prodchat Thu Sep 29 01:00:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! Thu Sep 29 01:01:01 +0000 2016
nmhouston Thanks @rsidneysmith for hosting another great #prodchat! Great chatting with everyone! Thu Sep 29 01:01:46 +0000 2016
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