#ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation: goo.gl/Uk35l | Tomorrow’s Topic: “How to Decide What Not to Do”
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! goo.gl/Uk35l | Today’s Topic: “How to Decide What Not to Do”
@rsidneysmith Yeah, intrinsically I do that. I try very hard to not find myself in putting out fires mode all the time. 🙂 #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith I use that system too #prodchat LOVE IT
@MaryMBacon Welcome to the #prodchat, Mary! Great to have you, and glad to have another Covey matrix practitioner among us! 🙂
@rsidneysmith Tried that. Not effective. I’m too sensitive, etc. #prodchat
That’s great! MT @rsidneysmith: For 2014… I’m cancelling projects that are not viable and focusing only on the most important. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith lol. I don’t know that I deserve that label yet, but I’m great. #prodchat
You have an accountability partner, don’t you?? RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Hold me to it! 😉 #accountability #prodchat
@MaryMBacon This is a good one, Mary! Don’t miss it! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith it usually just means stepping away from a shiny object for me. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I’ve heard great things about the “don’t do” list. Do you never allow yourself those items? #prodchat
But I like those things! @rsidneysmith: A3b: Twitter, reading my RSS feeds, focusing too narrowly on my clients’ writing projects. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Twitter, chatting in the office, reading things that should be saved for later… The normal stuff. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith @MaryMBacon I’m a big Twubs fan. I usually chat from regular Twitter on my phone. #prodchat
Hardcore mobile chat! RT @profkrg @rsidneysmith @MaryMBacon I’m a big Twubs fan. I usually chat from regular Twitter on my phone. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith for me it happens in the afternoon when I’m crashing and I need to do lower level tasks instead of wasting time. #prodchat
@profkrg Gotcha. I use @Feedly (browser), @MozThunderbird (Windows) and @ViennaRSS (OSX) for RSS feeds. #prodchat
A4 Also… The #PomodoroTechnique. I know it works for many people. I keep thinking I should give it a try. #ProdChat
A4: Some combination of Magic Work Cycle (magicworkcycle.com), or @focusboosterapp, and @RescueTime to keep me focused. #prodchat
@ljthornton Is that what you use? Tips? Do you have a digital calendar or paper too? #prodchat
@rsidneysmith this is super helpful. I need total (rare) quiet in my office to focus, but I can hyper focus in coffee shops. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith this is super helpful. I need total (rare) quiet in my office to focus, but I can hyper focus in coffee shops. #prodchat
A5 Details… I love the details… and sometimes, well done is good enough. Sadly I like perfection. *sigh* #ProdChat #GottaFixThat
A5 Details… I love the details… and sometimes, well done is good enough. Sadly I like perfection. *sigh* #ProdChat #GottaFixThat
A5: I get mired in, “is this done? Or, can it be improved?” #perfectionism #prodchat
No smack talk about my beloved gadgets, please. ;O MT @rsidneysmith: A5: I used to have a gadget problem… #prodchat
A5: I am a total perfectionist, so I try to do #allthethings #prodchat
A6: Get an accountability partner. teamaccountabilityproject.org … #prodchat
@rsidneysmith #prodchat get a coach A6
RT @MaryMBacon #prodchat get a coach A6
@rsidneysmith Yeah, only bummer is remembering to add the #. So I keep twitter (desktop app) open to catch my mistakes and add #ProdChat
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for today’s #ProdChat! Join us next week for another great chat! Check out the transcript tomorrow!
@rsidneysmith Thank you! Another great chat! #prodchat