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#ProdChat – 10/26/2016 – How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting

#ProdChat – 10/26/2016 – How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting

On October 26, 2016, #ProdChat discussed the topic, How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting. As the start of a series of discussions over the next three weeks, we are discussing how to make meetings effective for you and with whomever you are meeting. We discussed how to prepare for an effective meeting today, next week we’ll discuss how to conduct effective meetings (from being a good host, facilitating discussions, parliamentary procedure for the 21st century, and how to handle conflicts), and close out the series with how to handle post-meeting notes and responsibilities. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting.” Enjoy!

#ProdChat - Effective Meeting Series


  1. Why is preparation so important to an effective meeting?
  2. How do you identify and communicate the purpose of an effective meeting?
  3. How do you make sure the right people help prepare and attend the meeting?
  4. If you or someone is presenting at a meeting, what preparation needs to be done?
  5. How do you prepare an effective meeting agenda?
  6. What is the best way to build consensus on a meeting agenda/decisions beforehand?
  7. What actions should be done before an effective meeting?
  8. What should be provided to participants before a meeting?
  9. How do you determine how choices are made at a meeting (e.g., vote, appointed decisionmaker, etc.)?
  10. If there is equipment or tools to be used or presented with at the meeting, what should you do to prepare?

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Wed Oct 26 23:59:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting.” Join us! Thu Oct 27 00:00:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Hi, Frank! How’re you today, good sir? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:00:00 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Doing well @rsidneysmith . Hope you have had a good week. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:00:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:01:00 +0000 2016
prodchat We are starting #ProdChat now! Join us! #productivity #smallbiz #meetingprofs #meetings Thu Oct 27 00:01:26 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck from Alabama. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:01:55 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:02:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Ray from DC. @Evernote Certified Consultant, @GoogleSmallBiz Advisor, & Productivity/Technology/Management Consultant. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:03:34 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability!
Thu Oct 27 00:04:01 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Today led a book study on my book with a great group of school leaders. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:04:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith I wonder if @macbikegeek will be joining us today. I forgot that I hadn’t sent a reminder to him. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:04:40 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That’s fantastic! I hope it went well! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:04:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q1: Why is preparation so important to an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:05:00 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Hey folks, everybody have a productive day? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:05:05 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Hello Art. Welcome. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:05:32 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: A meeting without a plan is a compounding lack-of-interest. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:05:48 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Hey, Art! Good to have you here. Quite a productive day…really looking forward to this #prodchat mini-series/discussions! Thu Oct 27 00:05:58 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks And, how are you doing, Art? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:06:14 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Doing well, been uping my writing frequency the last couple of weeks. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:06:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @milhealth @macbikegeek HA! ? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:06:51 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A1: When you don’t plan, you waste your time. When you don’t plan a meeting, you waste everybody’s time. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:07:22 +0000 2016
halduauthor Hey #prodchat friends, just got here. A1: a meeting without preparation is like a ship without a sail ⛵️ Thu Oct 27 00:07:24 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Welcome Ben. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:08:05 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: Always remember that the amount of time wasted is a multiple of the number of attendees. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:08:19 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @ArtGelwicks Exactly! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:08:56 +0000 2016
halduauthor RT @DrFrankBuck: A1: When you don’t plan, you waste your time. When you don’t plan a meeting, you waste everybody’s time. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:09:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: Not planning for a meeting is like being at work with no aim x the number of meeting attendees! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:09:13 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith @milhealth good evening! thanks for the ping, Ray. I was in transit to FARM folk music conference in Iowa City, Iowa #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:09:20 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A1 Being unprepared for meetings ruins everyone’s day because those meetings last a whole day. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:09:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek @milhealth Happy to ping ya! Sorry I forgot you in my list of #prodchat reminders. Hope the commute was good! Thu Oct 27 00:09:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q2: How do you identify and communicate the purpose of an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hey, Ben! Good to see you! How’re you doing today? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:05 +0000 2016
milhealth RT @rsidneysmith: @macbikegeek @milhealth Happy to ping ya! Sorry I forgot you in my list of #prodchat reminders. Hope the commute was good! Thu Oct 27 00:10:07 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A1: When you don’t plan, you waste your time. When you don’t plan a meeting, you waste everybody’s time. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:15 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A2: Subject line of the invite, preliminary agenda shared in advance, clear statement of expected results #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:43 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith pretty good. Still a little under the weather #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:44 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith @halduauthor 🙂 uneventful but half of it in really hard rainstorms. only about 4 hours. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:49 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW Cathy von Hassel-Davies NC REALTOR and writer #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:10:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: I think about a meeting as a time of concentrated work to be done. That means every minute counts and should be planned. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:11:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @CathyagentHPW Hi, Cathy! Glad you can join us here on #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! How’re you today? Thu Oct 27 00:11:32 +0000 2016
halduauthor @JKatzaman so true #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:11:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hey, Jim! how’re you doing today? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:11:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Awe, well, I hope you feel better soon. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:12:10 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A1: Good planning shows respect for everyone in the room. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:12:20 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A2 Create a meeting agenda and sent it out beforehand so everyone knows what to expect. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:12:24 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek @halduauthor That’s quite a hike! I know those drives all too well. But, glad it was positively uneventful. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:12:40 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW @rsidneysmith Doing great! Enjoying the great weather we’ve been having. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:12:53 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A2: Understand that meetings are to discuss and decide, not to review and do. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:12:57 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: REMINDER: #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat, is 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific – Topic: Preparing for Effective Meeting… Thu Oct 27 00:13:07 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a2 start the meeting by recapping expected outcomes and agenda for meeting and setting any ground rules for the discussion. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:13:16 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Doing fine, Ray. How’s things with you? #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:13:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2: I always think about whether the meeting needs to be held at all. If it does, that’s the reason I should communicate. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:13:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2a: Then, I usually choose to communicate that appropriately: letter, email, phone, or at another event/meeting. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:14:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q1: Why is preparation so important to an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:14:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Glad to hear, sir! Things are well here! Discussing meetings gets me excited! 😛 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:14:29 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A2: An agenda allows people to do their homework ahead of time. Less thinking off the top of your head. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:14:34 +0000 2016
harrisonia Hey folks! Sonia tweeting from Northern Virginia and able to join #ProdChat tonight! Thu Oct 27 00:14:37 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @ArtGelwicks: A2: Understand that meetings are to discuss and decide, not to review and do. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:14:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q3: How do you make sure the right people help prepare and attend the meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:15:00 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A2a: Remind people the importance of doing their prep work #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:15:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek We’ll be discussing the actual meeting next time. 😉 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:15:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Hi, Sonia! Good to have you here on #prodchat today! How’re you? Thu Oct 27 00:15:47 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A2: I like agendas that start off saying, “At the end of this meeting, the following will be true..” #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:15:53 +0000 2016
milhealth Great point! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:16:33 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 Based on your agenda, you’ll know the meeting topics and who can address those topics. Include them in the meeting. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:16:46 +0000 2016
milhealth RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: How do you make sure the right people help prepare and attend the meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:16:46 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a3 private contact w key participants to enlist support and commitment to get ready. set clear expected outcomes sent to all #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:16:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3: I assess every meeting as a project in and of itself…I do a SWOT analysis…determine who needs to attend or provide input. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:16:57 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3: Think about who really needs to be human be there. Smaller is usually better. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:17:07 +0000 2016
harrisonia A1) Prep is important for effective mtgs b/c it provides continuity for the event’s purpose & reaching expectations. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:17:21 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @DrFrankBuck: A1: When you don’t plan, you waste your time. When you don’t plan a meeting, you waste everybody’s time. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:18:09 +0000 2016
w3consulting #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat is happening now! Join us! Thu Oct 27 00:18:37 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ArtGelwicks: A1: Always remember that the amount of time wasted is a multiple of the number of attendees. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:19:33 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: A1: Not planning for a meeting is like being at work with no aim x the number of meeting attendees! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:19:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q4: If you or someone is presenting at a meeting, what preparation needs to be done? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:20:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @JKatzaman: A1 Being unprepared for meetings ruins everyone’s day because those meetings last a whole day. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:20:01 +0000 2016
halduauthor A3: people only help prepare if they derive some benefit from having the meeting. if you want their help, meet their needs #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:20:04 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q2: How do you identify and communicate the purpose of an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:20:08 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A4: Presentation view and tuning, identification of key message items, rehearsal of flow and message. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:20:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: I try to make sure that if someone is presenting, that I extend an opportunity for a practice run with me before the meeting. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:21:35 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A4: I want to know who the audience is, my time frame, room setup. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:21:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: I also ask for them to submit to me the presentation slides beforehand, not just for tech but also so I know they’ve prepared. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:22:01 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a4 understand who you are trying reach, what u want them to take away and what “currency” they need to “buy” what u r selling #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:22:24 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a4 understand who you are trying reach, what u want them to take away and what “currency” they need to “buy” what u r selling #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:22:24 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A4a: I always “walk the stage” to make sure I’m comfortable with the surroundings. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:22:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: If I’m presenting, I usually send a questionnaire about a variety of details. The more information the better I can prepare. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:22:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Absolutely. Self-interest is the highest form of return on investment. Haha. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:23:22 +0000 2016
harrisonia A2) Identify & communicate purpose of effective mtgs by answering WHAT/WHY, tying those w/ your audience’s combined interest. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:23:49 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ArtGelwicks: A2: Subject line of the invite, preliminary agenda shared in advance, clear statement of expected results #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:23:56 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW A4: Research and develop on the agenda, line up speaker/s, don’t forget the desserts 😉 #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:24:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks That’s helpful if you’re able to go to the venue before the meeting! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:24:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q5: How do you prepare an effective meeting agenda? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:25:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Yes! I like that the meeting can be thematic and therefore more focused on meeting everyone’s needs! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:25:02 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck . @CathyagentHPW Desserts are always good! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:25:18 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A4 Consider why you need to have a meeting in the first place. What needs to be discussed with whom? Set a time limit and place. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:25:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: I usually start with templates I’ve created for a variety of different meetings I regularly have. It builds upon success. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:26:29 +0000 2016
harrisonia A2.2) Communicate the purpose of effective mtg by linking objectives w/ approved industry standards. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:26:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5a: After each really successful meeting, I note what made it successful, and so many times it was a good agenda! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:27:03 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A5 For an agenda, know what topics to include and a logical progression from start to finish. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:27:22 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Yes, nothing hurts a meeting more than jumping around topics that, reordered, could be so much smoother. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:28:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith Good so far and long week! How have u been? #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:28:05 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: How do you make sure the right people help prepare and attend the meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:28:34 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Same here…pretty hectic, but all’s well that ends well. Two more presentations and Friday will be here! 😉 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:28:37 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Did you miss a #productivity book discussion? Catch up here: And, join us for this months’… Thu Oct 27 00:29:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: You can Google almost any kind of meeting agenda and find several good examples. Use them as a starting point! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:29:37 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5: Put the meatier stuff towards the first of the meeting so you don’t run out of time. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:29:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q6: What is the best way to build consensus on a meeting agenda/decisions beforehand? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:30:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, and with the tough stuff out of the way, meetings usually rise in energy and momentum (if they’re done well). #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:30:23 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5: Assign a time limit for each agenda item. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:30:32 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW A5: Agenda is discussed in last meeting Then line up agenda to keep interest going during meeting 1-business 2-speaker 3-wrap-up #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:30:45 +0000 2016
harrisonia A3) Choose the right mtg mgmt & prep team by ensuring every1 understands the event purpose and their role with it & its success. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:31:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q6 has more to do with what @ArtGelwicks said earlier. How do you get to those decisions at the table? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:31:29 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a5 we do very targetted meetings, either list of items or single small topic for status or decision, stand-up formats #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:31:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6a: For almost every decision on a meeting agenda, I have conversations with each meeting participants who has a vote/say. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:32:08 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A6: If it’s a decision that can be made and committed to it’s ready for a meeting. If not, defer it. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:32:43 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6b: I want to know how they’ll vote or lean before we are altogether. No surprises in an effective meeting. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:32:44 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a6 have to do the offline work with key stakeholders you need support from and know the politics beforehand and get people onboard #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:32:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6c: Meeting decisions, IMHO, should mostly be already decided before you walk in the meeting room. Hash out the details before. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:33:07 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6d: Otherwise, you get into tug-of-war in the meeting instead of making decisions. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:33:26 +0000 2016
harrisonia A3) The agenda brings attendees closer to the actual meeting content since viewing the objectives; continues momentum. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:34:31 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @DrFrankBuck: A2: I like agendas that start off saying, “At the end of this meeting, the following will be true..” #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:34:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q7: What actions should be done before an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:35:00 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Excellent point. Meetings are good for consensus building and validation. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:35:12 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A6 Be prepared to present options for decision points so everyone knows pros and cons to reach best course of action. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:35:31 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7: A great agenda is tops. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:35:49 +0000 2016
harrisonia @ArtGelwicks Yes! Review and do during committee meetings! #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:35:49 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7: #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:36:04 +0000 2016
bobstanke I wanted to join the #prodchat tonight, but watching my squad had to come first. #PowerOfThePack Thu Oct 27 00:36:08 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: If you or someone is presenting at a meeting, what preparation needs to be done? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:36:38 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7: Also check temperature, sufficient seating, refreshments ready. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:36:59 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A7 An effective meeting depends on preparation. Wing it, and everyone wastes time. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:37:06 +0000 2016
briandordevic RT @rsidneysmith: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Oct 27 00:37:51 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7: I get as many actions toward projects to be discussed at the meeting. That way, the project is as far along as possible. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:38:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Good point! I once taught a full-day seminar in a library that was soooo hot. Good training, terribly uncomfortable! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:38:47 +0000 2016
harrisonia A4) B4 presenting, KNOW your subject matter and know your audience. Don’t speak far above them and don’t be condescending. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:38:50 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Be prepared for your tech to fail. You need be able to execute no matter what happens. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:39:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q8: What should be provided to participants before a meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:40:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A-men! As I always say, “the presentation goes on with or without PowerPoint”! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:40:27 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck . @harrisonia So important. Tailoring the content to the audience is sometimes tough but very important. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:40:32 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW Temp very imp! too hot or too cold people want to sleep instead of paying attention. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:40:43 +0000 2016
harrisonia A4.2) If presenting, bring your own LCD cables just in case and a backup of the presentation u sent in advance. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:40:52 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a8 agenda and any materials needed to support discussion/decision making at the meeting #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:40:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: All materials that they need to review to be informed and prepared to discuss and decide and act at the meeting. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:41:06 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q5: How do you prepare an effective meeting agenda? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:41:18 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8a: Don’t wait until the day before the meeting to send materials! Or, worse, give them a stack at the meeting! #unproductive #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:41:31 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A8: Participants need to know what’s going to be expected so they can prepare. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:41:36 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @CathyagentHPW: A4: Research and develop on the agenda, line up speaker/s, don’t forget the desserts 😉 #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:41:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Don’t forget a spare presenter remote and batteries! That’s saves me at about 1 in 10 meeting presentations. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:42:07 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A8 Present participants with an agenda and expectations before the meeting along with a list of everyone attending. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:42:35 +0000 2016
halduauthor Sorry #prodchat internet on the train is iffy… Thu Oct 27 00:42:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8b: My staff knows that if someone provides me a stack at meeting, I’m likely to call for postponement and rescheduling. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:43:28 +0000 2016
harrisonia A5.1) #RobertsRules of Order, Newly Revised has a good starting point for drafting a meeting agenda. #ProdChat #RONR Thu Oct 27 00:43:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hey, it happens to the best of us! A few weeks ago Twitter was on the fritz. Lol. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:43:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Oh, how I love parliamentary procedure! I was a parliamentarian in a past life, I tell ya! 😉 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:44:22 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Being a Toastmaster was an excellent way to hone my presentation skills #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:44:28 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q9: How do you determine how choices are made at a meeting (e.g., vote, appointed decisionmaker, etc.)? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:45:01 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A9: Depends if you have a group of peers or if there are organizational layers present #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:46:10 +0000 2016
harrisonia A5.2) Prepare effective mtg agenda by 1st checking your org’s operating procedures. Use mtg objectives as framework. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:46:22 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Q9: I hate voting publicly. People are often pressured to go with the flow. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:46:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @CathyagentHPW David Letterman kept the Ed Sullivan Theater at 55 F…it got the most laughs! Not at your meetings, folks! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:47:06 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a9 setting who decides is part of setting up meeting and agenda. it depends like @ArtGelwicks said. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:47:11 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q9: How do you determine how choices are made at a meeting (e.g., vote, appointed decisionmaker, etc.)? #prodchat https:/… Thu Oct 27 00:47:23 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A9 Know ahead of time what choices need to be made at the meeting and the approach needed to reach those results. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:47:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck We now use an online voting tool that’s purely for internal business decisions. Votes are tallied w/o group pressure. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:48:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That is, there is still group pressure, but not as much from having to vote aloud or call votes. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:49:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia A9) Voting methods & who’s eligible should be clearly defined in org bylaws w/ the procedures in a separate document. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:49:06 +0000 2016
Specodi RT @harrisonia: A4.2) If presenting, bring your own LCD cables just in case and a backup of the presentation u sent in advance. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:49:14 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW @rsidneysmith I would be curled up in a ball going to sleep 🙂 55 to cold for a meeting #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:49:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q10: If there is equipment or tools to be used or presented with at the meeting, what should you do to prepare?… Thu Oct 27 00:50:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9: One problem is many meetings are far less formal, don’t adhere to parliamentary procedure. So standards need to be set. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:50:16 +0000 2016
harrisonia A5) Also include time limits w/ agenda to keep it moving. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:50:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9a: Don’t take the lack of formality as an out for less structure. That’s usually when a framework can usually work best. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:51:01 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q6: What is the best way to build consensus on a meeting agenda/decisions beforehand? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:51:09 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A9: Start with voting secretly on a number of alternatives. Narrow to the top several and vote from them. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:51:19 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith informality is fine if small group and all know the rules to follow – most of our internal meetings are this way #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:51:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: I usu. leave it to IT to test and setup meeting equipment. But then once I show up for a meeting, I’ll then do a pre-check. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:51:36 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A10 Practice with meeting tools to make sure you are familiar with them and everything works. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:51:37 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Exactly. If there’s a culture that exists and the group is small and established. Otherwise, it can be ineffective. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:52:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @CathyagentHPW On the flip side, I would make sure that that meeting didn’t last long! Haha. 😉 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:52:58 +0000 2016
harrisonia A6) Build consensus on a mtg agenda/decisions beforehand by REQUESTING INPUT from key organizers, members, or officers. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:53:06 +0000 2016
Specodi RT @JKatzaman: A10 Practice with meeting tools to make sure you are familiar with them and everything works. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:53:09 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith totally agree, like so many things, the right approach is very situational #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:53:26 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @macbikegeek: @rsidneysmith totally agree, like so many things, the right approach is very situational #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:53:40 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Join us for the next #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:54:00 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp Join us for the next #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:54:01 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q7: What actions should be done before an effective meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:54:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Please note: this is the first #prodchat in a mini-series on effective meetings! We have two more weeks’ discussion… Thu Oct 27 00:54:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: November 2 – We take meetings to the next level with… “How to Conduct Effective Meetings!” Have a… Thu Oct 27 00:55:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: If someone is bringing a prototype of something, I usu. ask about safety measures. Also, if they want to test it in the space.#prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:56:10 +0000 2016
macbikegeek thanks, @rsidneysmith, good session! thanks all and have a good week. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:56:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: Since I work with many entrepreneurs, I usually ask if they want to setup/test their Web/Mobile app before presenting. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:56:51 +0000 2016
harrisonia A7) B4 an effective mtg, ensure attendees have submitted & shared reports; bring their copy of org bylaws & std oper procedures. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:56:59 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW thanks @rsidneysmith for a great #ProdChat on How to Prepare for an Effective Meeting Thu Oct 27 00:57:07 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Have a productive week all! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:57:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @CathyagentHPW You’re very welcome, Cathy! Join us again soon! #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:57:34 +0000 2016
CathyagentHPW Goodnight all! A great #ProdChat tonight, looking forward to next week! Thu Oct 27 00:57:54 +0000 2016
harrisonia @DrFrankBuck Yes! Don’t forget having an optimal seating arrangement for THAT particular group. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 00:58:29 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q8: What should be provided to participants before a meeting? #prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:58:39 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 00:59:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia A8) Before the meeting, share with all participants the agenda, reports, other supporting docs, and list of speakers, of any. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 01:00:14 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ArtGelwicks: Be prepared for your tech to fail. You need be able to execute no matter what happens. #prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:25 +0000 2016
GTDPhilly RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
gtdpgh RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
w3consulting RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
gtdnyc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
gtddc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
focusatwork RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:00:34 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @JKatzaman: A8 Present participants with an agenda and expectations before the meeting along with a list of everyone attending. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 01:00:55 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: @harrisonia Oh, how I love parliamentary procedure! I was a parliamentarian in a past life, I tell ya! 😉 #prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:01:15 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith I’ve served as a parliamentarian but hadn’t become an RP. Love the rules and order! #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 01:03:07 +0000 2016
harrisonia Aiming to be here on time for next week! Enjoyed #ProdChat! Thu Oct 27 01:05:01 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Please note: this is the first #prodchat in a mini-series on effective meetings! We have two more weeks’ discussions upco… Thu Oct 27 01:05:24 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: November 2 – We take meetings to the next level with… “How to Conduct Effective Meetings!” Have a great… Thu Oct 27 01:05:41 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q10: If there is equipment or tools to be used or presented with at the meeting, what should you do to prepare? #prodchat… Thu Oct 27 01:06:06 +0000 2016
harrisonia A10) Test at least 3 times: b4 leaving home, upon arrival w/ A/V techs prior to day of mtg, and early on day of mtg. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 01:07:50 +0000 2016
harrisonia A10.2) Ask what model the tech devices are on-site to ensure compatibility. Bring your own cables, extension cords, & flash drive. #ProdChat Thu Oct 27 01:10:55 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Oct 27 01:11:24 +0000 2016
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