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#ProdChat – 10/29/14 – Productivity in the News

#ProdChat – 10/29/14 – #Productivity in the News

On October 29, 2014, #ProdChat discussed “Productivity in the News,” our first edition of this kind of tweetchat. Once a month we’ll be discussing interesting stories, videos and podcasts about personal productivity on the Web! This is our first go at it! Also, I’ll be posting a weekly framing blog post about the upcoming #ProdChat (this was this week’s framing post), to help folks prepare better for the tweetchats and to spread the word better. All the framing posts will be available on my blog, Two Minute Rule, a Productivity Blog. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about the productivity articles I shared. Enjoy!

This Week’s Questions and the Related Articles:

Q1: How might you envision smart email of the future? Could email evolve into something better, less time-wasting? Why, or why not? #prodchat

How Email Kills Workers’ Productivity

Q2: How does someone new to realizing they need a productivity system implement change? #prodchat

To Raise Productivity, Implement Changes Gradually

Q3: What are the pro’s and con’s of smartphone connectivity at home and at the office? #prodchat

Is Your Smartphone Sapping Your Productivity?

Q4: Do you think IT departments are failing at mobile collaboration? #prodchat

4 Reasons Why Mobile Collaboration is a Bust

Q5: Do you practice mindfulness? Do you zone out? What are some practical reasons for and implications of turning off? #prodchat

In Praise of Zoning Out

Q6: How do you focus on your highest priorities and goals? What do you think of Warren Buffett’s two-list strategy? #prodchat

Warren Buffett’s ‘Two-List’ Strategy: How to Maximize Your Focus and Master Your Priorities

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