Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we will talk about email, calendar, paper and more with @MikeVardy.
Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
Nice and hoppy. Perfect for #prodchat. – Drinking a Maximus by @lagunitasT at @cliftsanfran — t.co/DL9iDNqgQR #photo
@mikevardy Welcome Mike! I am so glad to have you here. #ProdChat
So wish I had a beer to join you. 🙁 D’oh! MT @mikevardy: Nice and hoppy. Perfect for #prodchat. – Drinking a Maximus by @lagunitasT
@mikevardy Your upcoming eBook is on calendar management. So let’s start there #ProdChat
Hi, Isa! RT @IsaPinaud: Hello everyone on #prodchat
@mikevardy Just what I said, but you were able to explain it better RT RT RT #prodchat
A2: (I’ll be devoting an entire segment to the power of paper on Day 3 of my @creativeLIVE course this wk: t.co/Bv6iviTn4j #prodchat
Oh! Intrigued! MT @mikevardy: I use it as an entry point with my own little system I call “The Strikethrough System”. Works for me #prodchat
Interesting! RT @IsaPinaud: A2a I write my weekly to-do list on paper, so I don’t get overwhelmed with the bigger lists #prodchat
A2.B: The exception for capture is when I use @draftsapp — which does happen more often nowadays. #prodchat
Can you elaborate more on the “The Strikethrough System“@mikevardy: A2: #prodchat
@michgunn I’ll be going over it on Saturday’s @creativeLIVE session first, then writing about it later: t.co/Bv6iviTn4j #prodchat
Cool!MT @mikevardy: I’ll be going over it on Saturday’s @creativeLIVE session, then writing about it later: t.co/XP4ysklnJy #prodchat
@mikevardy This sounds awesome! #prodchat
A3 the 4 D’s? Jim @jjmccullen ‘s VYD (for Outllok) is peerless IMHO #prodchat
@jjmccullen CYD excuse me #ProdChat
@mikevardy Great to see you here on #prodchat Mike!
A3 the 4 D’s? Jim @jjmccullen ‘s (correction) CYD (for Outllok) is peerless IMHO #prodchat
ditto! MT @mikevardy: A3: I use email addresses attached to task mgrs to get things out of there. #prodchat
@DanielHayes good to see you here Daniel! #ProdChat
@DanielHayes Great to see you too! And congrats on the podcast nomination!! #prodchat
@mikevardy Thanks so much, Mike! #prodchat
@mikevardy you need another long post on this. I am not totally sold on this idea #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud, you use OF for your “in” right? You may be able to link the message and file it away the first time. just a thought #ProdChat
@DanielHayes I’ll be seeing you at NMX, right? #prodchat
Deal “@mikevardy: @apinaud (And I need you to write a post on the geo-fencing in @OmniFocus thing we discussed earlier…) #prodchat ;-)”
@mikevardy @apinaud @OmniFocus @asana @evernote in Outlook I can make it a task without forwarding #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Let’s DM after. I’ll explain or find you a link to get a description of how. 🙂 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud I do the same! #prodchat
@Watermelonworks That’s funny! #prodchat
@Watermelonworks I’m glad I’m not alone! #prodchat
@DanielHayes Sad but true! #prodchat
@mikevardy You may like it! Simple, easy to use interface. A good “read/unread” system. Works great with my GMail/work email/etc #prodchat
Bit by bit RT @IsaPinaud A5a Make up three goals for the day, week and month for the project. Set milestones #prodchat
Totally!! RT @IsaPinaud A5 Celebrate small victories #ProdChat
So important! “@IsaPinaud: A5 Celebrate small victories #ProdChat”
@mikevardy Is this going to be in one of your CreativeLIVE sessions? I’d be interested to see what you mean #ProdChat
@mikevardy Absolutely! “If it ain’t inspected, it’s neglected!” #prodchat
Q6: @mikevardy What aspect of your platform do you devote the most time to? What’s the toughest to juggle? #prodchat
Join #PBG 11/9 for a #productivity discussion of the first 5 chs. of _Willpower Instinct_! t.co/7ixZ15FZ1K #ProdChat
good one! RT @DanielHayes: Q6: What aspect of your platform do you devote the most time to? What’s the toughest to juggle? #prodchat
@DanielHayes A6: Great q! Definitely writing. And it’s the toughest to juggle. Especially as I expand my horizons to guest posts. #prodchat
@Watermelonworks Have a good week, Jenny! Thanks for joining in! 🙂 #ProdChat
@Watermelonworks thanks for coming! #ProdChat
@Watermelonworks Goodbye! Great to meet you! #prodchat
A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
@mikevardy Ah! You’ve mentioned that before. I’ll check it out. Thanks!! #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud A6: Get out of them unless they meet the majority of the IDEA Criteria I mention here: t.co/68oFzhBArw #prodchat
Whoa! Quick look at NeuYear. Looks cool!!! Great tip @mikevardy #prodchat
@mikevardy They are only two, the thing is they are complete opposites, but both take me towards future goals. #ProdChat
@mikevardy Thanks for the article! I’ll take a look at it #ProdChat
Great Q! RT @TheDailySaint: A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
Join me to thank @mikevardy for tonight’s #prodchat but sadly the fastest hour in twitter has come to an end! See you next week
@TheDailySaint A6: How discipline is forced upon u when you work for The Man & how you need to foster it yourself when you don’t! #prodchat
Thanks everybody! Had a blast on #prodchat! Hope to see you in the chat over the next 3 days at @creativeLIVE t.co/Bv6iviTn4j
Big shoutout to @hootsuite for building a service that helped me manage my panes during #prodchat tonight. #gratitude
@IsaPinaud Great idea! I may just try that starting tomorrow morning! #prodchat
@mikevardy #prodchat Mike I’m a PMP so I tend to think of projects as more than tasks & activities. However, I see Outlk Todos as task mgmt
@mikevardy #prodchat easy! They’re discrete attributes. Think this idea was in the 7 effective etc.
@mikevardy #prodchat agree – I meant too often one is not in control of destiny especially in large and/or political orgs