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#ProdChat – 10/30/2013 – @MikeVardy on #Productivity

#ProdChat – 10/30/2013 – @MikeVardy on #Productivity

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we will talk about email, calendar, paper and more with @MikeVardy.
  2. Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  3. What?! Awesome!! 🙂 MT @apinaud: Welcome to #ProdChat! Tonight we will talk about email, calendar, paper and more with @MikeVardy.
  4. Hi, guys! Michelle here. Productivity geek, Omnifocus fan and GTDer. 😉 #ProdChat
  5. @apinaud I’m Mike. I’m an author, speaker, podcaster, and productivityist. I use a hybrid approach of paper and digital. #prodchat
  6. I am bestSelling Author, My system is contained on #OmniFocus and I have been #iPadOnly since 2011 #ProdChat
  7. That still amazes me Augusto!! MT @apinaud: I have been #iPadOnly since 2011 #ProdChat
  8. Psyched! 🙂 RT @apinaud: @mikevardy Welcome Mike! I am so glad to have you here. #ProdChat
  9. So wish I had a beer to join you. 🙁 D’oh! MT @mikevardy: Nice and hoppy. Perfect for #prodchat. – Drinking a Maximus by @lagunitasT
  10. @mikevardy Your upcoming eBook is on calendar management. So let’s start there #ProdChat
  11. Q1: What’s one key way that people can own their calendars as opposed to being owned by them? #ProdChat
  12. Q1-2: What is the most common problem you have found on others’ calendars? #ProdChat
  13. @apinaud A1: One key way is to think big with your calendar and not small. Avoid hyper scheduling b/c that leaves no wiggle room. #prodchat
  14. A1-2: People tend to use their calendars as a task mgmnt tool. It’s not meant for that. It’s a time mgmnt tool – very different. #prodchat
  15. A1 not by indiscriminately blocking huge chunks off! #prodchat
  16. A1 I like blocking out time for my big projects. Otherwise time people assume any available time is available to book. :/ #ProdChat
  17. That’s a great one. You need to establish boundaries. Then respect them. RT @GTDbloke: A1 judiciously accepting invitations? #prodchat
  18. A1 Don’t add your to-do list to your calendar, only deadlines and appointments. #prodchat
  19. Follow the questions, tonight we will do something new on question 6 here at #ProdChat
  20. Whoa. Exciting! 😉 RT @apinaud: Follow the questions, tonight we will do something new on question 6 here at #ProdChat
  21. Whoa. Exciting! 😉 RT @apinaud: Follow the questions, tonight we will do something new on question 6 here at #ProdChat
  22. A1 looks like my answer is to confuse everyone by lousy typing! #prodchat
  23. Making agreements w/ yourself is def. 1 way to hack your calendar. RT @michgunn: A1 I like blocking out time for my big projects. #ProdChat
  24. @mikevardy Just what I said, but you were able to explain it better RT RT RT #prodchat
  25. @GTDbloke If you don’t respect your boundaries after setting them, no one will. #prodchat
  26. So very true! RT @mikevardy: @GTDbloke If you don’t respect your boundaries after setting them, no one will. #prodchat
  27. Q2: With all of the digital products we have available, is paper still a viable way to put together a todo list? Why or why not? #ProdChat
  28. Loaded question!! MT @apinaud: Q2: …Is paper still a viable way to put together a todo list? Why or why not? #ProdChat
  29. A2 viable but the better solution? Notice I didn’t use the superlative #ProdChat
  30. A2: Absolutely. It’s not great for long-term task management, but for capture & curation paper is 1 of the better tools out there! #prodchat
  31. @michgunn wait until you see the second part of that loaded question #ProdChat
  32. A2 to me the main difficulty with paper is changing it #prodchat
  33. Q2.B.How many of our #Prodchat members are using paper? How can you use paper and digital together as part of your workflow? #ProdChat
  34. Q2.B.How many of our #Prodchat members are using paper? How can you use paper and digital together as part of your workflow? #ProdChat
  35. A2: (I’ll be devoting an entire segment to the power of paper on Day 3 of my @creativeLIVE course this wk: #prodchat
  36. A2 I love paper for a quick off-the-cuff short list, but not for bigger picture task management. Great for thinking things out. #ProdChat
  37. Oh boy! 😉 RT @apinaud: @michgunn wait until you see the second part of that loaded question #ProdChat
  38. A2 I use paper for temporary or temporal stuff what I need and expect to do soon #prodchat
  39. A2 For me paper is useless since I can’t read anything I wrote there #ProdChat
  40. Yes, and ongoing maintenance of lists! :/ RT @GTDbloke: A2 to me the main difficulty with paper is changing it #prodchat
  41. A2: I use it as an entry point with my own little system. I call it “The Strikethrough System”. Works for me. // @michgunn #prodchat
  42. Q2B (!) I use paper for thinking through ideas. Project planning, mindmapping and journaling. Pen to paper, helps to think somehow #ProdChat
  43. HA!! RT @apinaud: A2 For me paper is useless since I can’t read anything I wrote there #ProdChat
  44. A2 I used to be just on paper. I had printable GTD blank sheets that I would fill out, but now I use a little bit of both. #ProdChat
  45. @GTDbloke Jajajaja I am glad that I am even able to read ugly computer fonts #ProdChat
  46. A2.B: I rarely capture on anything but paper when I’m not at my Mac. There’s something about writing it down that makes it sticky. #prodchat
  47. A2a I write my weekly to-do list on paper, so I don’t get overwhelmed with the bigger lists #prodchat
  48. Oh! Intrigued! MT @mikevardy: I use it as an entry point with my own little system I call “The Strikethrough System”. Works for me #prodchat
  49. A2.B: But it never stays on paper. It always needs up either done or in a digital place (Evernote, OmniFocus, or Asana). #prodchat
  50. Interesting! RT @IsaPinaud: A2a I write my weekly to-do list on paper, so I don’t get overwhelmed with the bigger lists #prodchat
  51. A2.B: The exception for capture is when I use @draftsapp — which does happen more often nowadays. #prodchat
  52. Can you elaborate more on the “The Strikethrough System“@mikevardy: A2: #prodchat
  53. @michgunn I’ll be going over it on Saturday’s @creativeLIVE session first, then writing about it later: #prodchat
  54. Cool!MT @mikevardy: I’ll be going over it on Saturday’s @creativeLIVE session, then writing about it later: #prodchat
  55. @apinaud Sure. If it is crossed off, it’s done. Right arrow through it, it’s deferred. Not crossed off, needs processing. #prodchat
  56. Q3: Email inboxes never seem to cease being out of control. Have you ever control yours? What tips do you have? #ProdChat
  57. Q3: Email inboxes never seem to cease being out of control. Have you ever control yours? What tips do you have? #ProdChat
  58. A2.B: I’ll also add colour and context in there as well, using symbols and what-not. I’ve got a post planned to detail it further. #prodchat
  59. AB2 I dig the Clear app for simple lists that I might otherwise do on paper. Simple, quick, great UI. #PSA #ProdChat
  60. A3: Email’s a trap. It’s not where you’re meant to stay. I use email addresses attached to task mgrs to get things out of there. #prodchat
  61. A3 the 4 D’s? Jim @jjmccullen ‘s VYD (for Outllok) is peerless IMHO #prodchat
  62. A3 @sanebox Absolutely love their email filtering service! …I may have mentioned this before. 😉 #ProdChat
  63. A3 @sanebox Absolutely love their email filtering service! …I may have mentioned this before. 😉 #ProdChat
  64. A3 @sanebox Absolutely love their email filtering service! …I may have mentioned this before. 😉 #ProdChat
  65. A3 the 4 D’s? Jim @jjmccullen ‘s (correction) CYD (for Outllok) is peerless IMHO #prodchat
  66. A3: @OmniFocus @Asana and @Evernote all have email addresses you can forward stuff to. Use them. They help processing big-time! // #prodchat
  67. ditto! MT @mikevardy: A3: I use email addresses attached to task mgrs to get things out of there. #prodchat
  68. A3 in general act on email in the first pass #prodchat
  69. @DanielHayes Great to see you too! And congrats on the podcast nomination!! #prodchat
  70. A3 Agreed with Mike, I get stuff out of my inbox and into my system. My inbox is not a task management system. 🙂 #ProdChat
  71. A3 a decent email system should permit generating tasks and assignments #ProdChat
  72. A3: Also don’t filter all of my email into 1 account. Separate emails means separate mindsets. That’s how you deal w/ email well. #prodchat
  73. A3a Emails I want to read: If long I add them to a “READ” notebook on evernote and get to them when I have free time #prodchat
  74. YES!!! RT @GTDbloke: A3 in general act on email in the first pass #prodchat
  75. A3 Emails I need to reply go into a “reply” folder and a “reply email about ___” goes into my “in”. #prodchat
  76. @michgunn and remember the “act” can be delegate or defer (aka schedule) #ProdChat
  77. @GTDbloke Few do, so I find it’s best to steer the uninitiated into a task mgr instead. Email isn’t insular. Task managers can be. #prodchat
  78. A3b Most e-mails are a waste of time. The first thing I do is skim through and delta anything irrelevant #prodchat
  79. Couldn’t. Agree. More. 🙂 RT @GTDbloke: A3 in general act on email in the first pass #prodchat
  80. @mikevardy you need another long post on this. I am not totally sold on this idea #ProdChat
  81. A3 it’s quiet – are we all doing email? #prodchat
  82. @IsaPinaud, you use OF for your “in” right? You may be able to link the message and file it away the first time. just a thought #ProdChat
  83. @apinaud (And I need you to write a post on the geo-fencing in @OmniFocus thing we discussed earlier…) #prodchat 😉
  84. Or sending ideas to the @evernote folder “@GTDbloke: A3 it’s quiet – are we all doing email? #prodchat
  85. Q4: We never seem to have enough time in the day. Any tricks you can share to get more time on your side? #ProdChat
  86. Q4: We never seem to have enough time in the day. Any tricks you can share to get more time on your side? #ProdChat
  87. Ha! Sorry, I got distracted by Mike’s CreativeLIVE site. RT @GTDbloke: A3 it’s quiet – are we all doing email? #prodchat
  88. Deal “@mikevardy: @apinaud (And I need you to write a post on the geo-fencing in @OmniFocus thing we discussed earlier…) #prodchat ;-)”
  89. @GTDbloke When we mapped out the @creativeLIVE course, we actually devoted extra time to email. Maybe this is why… 😉 #prodchat
  90. @michgunn Yes I do. How do you do that? I suck at technology which is probably why I started a paper-based system haha #prodchat
  91. @GTDbloke I can proudly say I emptied my e-mail before prodchat started today…just got one never mind 😉 #prodchat
  92. @IsaPinaud Let’s DM after. I’ll explain or find you a link to get a description of how. 🙂 #ProdChat
  93. Nice! RT @IsaPinaud: @GTDbloke I can proudly say I emptied my e-mail before prodchat started today…just got one never mind 😉 #prodchat
  94. A4: I use more “human” approaches like time chunking & allocating heavy/light-lifting days to help me be more aware/more focused. #prodchat
  95. A4 it helps if you have the sort of job when you control your own destiny rather than being at others’ whims #ProdChat
  96. A4 Learn to TYPE … You will discover at least a couple of hours a week , maybe more #ProdChat
  97. A4 Learn to TYPE … You will discover at least a couple of hours a week , maybe more #ProdChat
  98. A4 Use those tiny little chunks of time when you are waiting, or in traffic, etc. #prodchat
  99. A4: When u use those human approaches often enough, they become more automated. Then you make better things happen on all fronts. #prodchat
  100. A4 Blinders! I love using my Focus button in OmniFocus. Helps me stay with what I’ve decided to do rather than random inputs. #ProdChat
  101. @GTDbloke But when u r more mindful about how you approach things, then u have a better chance of making it work better for u. #prodchat
  102. A1 And I turn off my email client. Even without the bells and whistles, it’s a distraction. #ProdChat
  103. A4 I changed the pomodoro technique so I work 45min & break 15 instead of 30-5 30-5 30-15 I get more out of my work & my breaks #prodchat
  104. So true!! RT @apinaud: A4 Learn to TYPE … You will discover at least a couple of hours a week , maybe more #ProdChat
  105. Paper is more effective as it forces engagement so recall later is better when you forget where you left the paper. #prodchat
  106. @GTDbloke Too often, we wind up just doing instead of examining why we’re doing it the way we are. That happens across the board. #prodchat
  107. @michgunn Yep. You can mitigate distractions. Notifications are that. So mitigate them. #prodchat
  108. A4a This is more a weekly thing. I pick 1 of my lists e/w & allot my free time to getting stuff on there done. #prodchat
  109. A4 focus on things that are both Urgent and Important first #ProdChat
  110. I use the Opera Mail Client. It’s the best free alternative to Outlook and Thunderbird that I’ve found. Good inbox/all mail sys #prodchat
  111. A4: I know @GTDbloke brought up delegation earlier (4 Ds). We don’t do delegation often enough. That’s something to work on. #prodchat
  112. @michgunn you make me think on horses and I am laughing so hard making neigh sounds #sillymoment #ProdChat
  113. @apinaud Ha!! Did I mistype something?? OH. Blinders… HA!! 🙂 #ProdChat
  114. @apinaud @michgunn as long as you don’t make an ass of yourself 🙂 #ProdChat
  115. @GTDbloke How did they become both? How many are in both? U want as little as possible there. More stuff in Not Urg/Imp is ideal. #prodchat
  116. @DerekTac Yet to give that one a go. Used a ton of clients, incl. cross-platform @Postbox #prodchat
  117. Q5: How you deal with big ideas in big projects that are hard to get them off the ground. Any tactics to move those forward? #ProdChat?
  118. @mikevardy @GTDbloke Gotta say I like to focus on Important/not urgent first. Otherwise I end up putting out fires all day 🙁 #ProdChat
  119. @mikevardy You may like it! Simple, easy to use interface. A good “read/unread” system. Works great with my GMail/work email/etc #prodchat
  120. A5 if they’re hard to get going maybe they shouldn’t? #ProdChat
  121. A5: That’s where I use the calendar beyond date-specific agreements. I theme 9 months out of the year for ideation. Big stuff. #prodchat
  122. A5 a critical success factor or chamion isn’t always obvious #ProdChat
  123. A5 Break them down into easy manageable tasks. #prodchat
  124. I’m really trying to get better and better at “reductivity”…giving lots of things the Heisman. #prodchat
  125. A5 Reverse engineer using Natural Planning Model from GTD… project planning is essential for me #ProdChat
  126. A5 Reverse engineer using Natural Planning Model from GTD… project planning is essential for me #ProdChat
  127. A5: A fave quote of mine: “Work iteratively. Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling.” #prodchat
  128. A5a Make up three goals for the day, week and month for the project. Set milestones #prodchat
  129. Bit by bit RT @IsaPinaud A5a Make up three goals for the day, week and month for the project. Set milestones #prodchat
  130. Nice! RT @DerekTac: A5: A fave quote of mine: “Work iteratively. Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling.” #prodchat
  131. A5: I map out in paper a flow chart of the goal and then all possible things required, then start including others input, then… #ProdChat
  132. @michgunn @DerekTac but sometimes decomposing into logical iterations is very challenging #ProdChat
  133. Yes! I’m so bad at this! 🙁 RT @apinaud: So important! “@IsaPinaud: A5 Celebrate small victories #ProdChat
  134. A5: You need to keep the big ideas/projects somewhat visible otherwise they’ll get swallowed by the smaller things. #prodchat
  135. @mikevardy Is this going to be in one of your CreativeLIVE sessions? I’d be interested to see what you mean #ProdChat
  136. A5 aWrite the big projects on a list and review that list at least weekly #ProdChat
  137. A5 aWrite the big projects on a list and review that list at least weekly #ProdChat
  138. Ready for something new!

    For Q6 on #ProdChat: You the participants ask the question. Do you have any question for Mike? #ProdChat

  139. Ready for something new!

    For Q6 on #ProdChat: You the participants ask the question. Do you have any question for Mike? #ProdChat

  140. @mikevardy Absolutely! “If it ain’t inspected, it’s neglected!” #prodchat
  141. A5: Small victories are very important. Ideally, they all lead to bigger ones. It’s all about going forward instead of just going. #prodchat
  142. Here is mmine:
    Q6: Do you use Pomodoro Technique? Why? Why not? #ProdChat
  143. @GTDbloke @michgunn That’s part of the challenge isn’t it? You always need to start somewhere… #prodchat
  144. A5c I keep this quote for motivation: “Where nothing is certain anything is possible” Margaret Drabble #ProdChat
  145. @apinaud A6: On occasion. But I don’t conform with it. I’m a creative, so I don’t use 25 minutes. I hack it a bit. #prodchat
  146. I love this… I have so much to ask.. hmmm *thinking* #ProdChat
  147. Q6: @mikevardy What aspect of your platform do you devote the most time to? What’s the toughest to juggle? #prodchat
  148. @michgunn thanks. Hoping this new twist create amazing questions from amazing people #ProdChat
  149. A6: Sometimes. Many things I do take longer than 25 minutes to complete. I guess I could chop them down into smaller tasks.. #prodchat
  150. Q6 I’d love to hear more about how you theme nine months out on the calendar. Is that a running All Day but Free event? #ProdChat
  151. Join #PBG 11/9 for a #productivity discussion of the first 5 chs. of _Willpower Instinct_! #ProdChat
  152. Q6: What do you think about having separate, time-consuming projects, that don’t necessarily complement each other? #ProdChat
  153. good one! RT @DanielHayes: Q6: What aspect of your platform do you devote the most time to? What’s the toughest to juggle? #prodchat
  154. Got to run. interesting chat here. I will try and catch up with you all again! Have a great week! #ProdChat
  155. @DanielHayes A6: Great q! Definitely writing. And it’s the toughest to juggle. Especially as I expand my horizons to guest posts. #prodchat
  156. @DerekTac I changed pomodoro technique and work 45 and break 15… It might work for you! #prodchat
  157. @michgunn A6: I use the NeuYear calendar to do that. I get a bird’s eye view of my year with it. Love it. #prodchat
  158. @michgunn A6: I skip January (as per The Front Nine) and July & August b/c of my kids being off school. #prodchat
  159. A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
  160. A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
  161. @mikevardy Ah! You’ve mentioned that before. I’ll check it out. Thanks!! #ProdChat
  162. @IsaPinaud A6: Get out of them unless they meet the majority of the IDEA Criteria I mention here: #prodchat
  163. Whoa! Quick look at NeuYear. Looks cool!!! Great tip @mikevardy #prodchat
  164. @mikevardy They are only two, the thing is they are complete opposites, but both take me towards future goals. #ProdChat
  165. Great Q! RT @TheDailySaint: A6 #prodchat for @mikevardy Mike any surprises to going solo after working for The Man for so long?
  166. Join me to thank @mikevardy for tonight’s #prodchat but sadly the fastest hour in twitter has come to an end! See you next week
  167. @TheDailySaint A6: How discipline is forced upon u when you work for The Man & how you need to foster it yourself when you don’t! #prodchat
  168. D’oh!! So fast! Thanks @mikevardy & @apinaud! And thanks everyone! Great conversation tonight! See you next week. 🙂 #ProdChat
  169. Thanks so much @mikevardy, @apinaud, et al! Great session of #prodchat !!! Great to learn from some masters on Wednesdays!
  170. Thanks everybody! Had a blast on #prodchat! Hope to see you in the chat over the next 3 days at @creativeLIVE
  171. This passed too quickly! Thanks @mikevardy and to all of #prodchat Thanks @apinaud for hosting!
  172. Big shoutout to @hootsuite for building a service that helped me manage my panes during #prodchat tonight. #gratitude
  173. @IsaPinaud Great idea! I may just try that starting tomorrow morning! #prodchat
  174. @mikevardy #prodchat Mike I’m a PMP so I tend to think of projects as more than tasks & activities. However, I see Outlk Todos as task mgmt
  175. @michgunn @mikevardy #ProdChat I equate urgent as a planned priority as much as emergencies.
  176. @mikevardy #prodchat easy! They’re discrete attributes. Think this idea was in the 7 effective etc.
  177. @mikevardy #prodchat agree – I meant too often one is not in control of destiny especially in large and/or political orgs
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