#ProdChat – 11/20/14 – Habits with Bojan Dordevic of Alpah Efficiency Magazine
On November 20, 2014, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Habits, with guest-host Bojan Dordevic of Alpha Efficiency Magazine. Unfortunately, our normal transcript-ing tool didn’t work, so I had to pull the raw tweets from my archived spreadsheet (which you see below). It’s readable, and in chronological order. Read through and see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about habits and productivity. Enjoy!
bojandordevic | Hello guys, let’s talk about #habits and rituals on tonights #prodchat! #productivity | Thu Nov 20 01:00:06 +0000 2014 |
Christine_Chen6 | @halduauthor me either. Not going to make it to #prodchat tonight. See you guys next week! | Thu Nov 20 01:01:01 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | Hey #prodchat I’m here (though I’m also cooking soup…) | Thu Nov 20 01:03:56 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | “@bojandordevic: Q1 What is the first habit you built when you decided to improve your #productivity? http://t.co/kPmmm1IrCB” #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:06:42 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A1: #prodchat The first habit I’ve introduced was taking care of my body and working out. All the other good habits followed this one. | Thu Nov 20 01:09:53 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | A1: for me a foundation habit is creating a positive morning routine #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:11:36 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Q2: What kind of work rituals you have, and how they help you get work done? #prodchat http://t.co/463QLMl2p0 | Thu Nov 20 01:12:33 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | @bojandordevic it’s no accident many productivity enthusiasts are serious about exercise! Teaches you small steps make difference #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:12:49 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @nmhouston: @bojandordevic it’s no accident many productivity enthusiasts are serious about exercise! Teaches you small steps make diffe… | Thu Nov 20 01:13:24 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | I am forever late for #prodchat. I’m gonna try not to analyze that. | Thu Nov 20 01:14:21 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: @bojandordevic it’s no accident many productivity enthusiasts are serious about exercise! Teaches you small steps make diffe… | Thu Nov 20 01:15:10 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Q2: What kind of work rituals you have, and how they help you get work done? #prodchat http://t.co/463QLMl2p0 | Thu Nov 20 01:15:15 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston What kind of soup? #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:15:33 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A1: My first productivity habit was brain dumping. I don’t try to remember tasks, etc. I have a system for catching everything. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:16:53 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @bojandordevic: Q2: What kind of work rituals you have, and how they help you get work done? #prodchat http://t.co/463QLMl2p0 | Thu Nov 20 01:17:08 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: A1: My first productivity habit was brain dumping. I don’t try to remember tasks, etc. I have a system for catching everything… | Thu Nov 20 01:17:23 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: A1: My first productivity habit was brain dumping. I don’t try to remember tasks, etc. I have a system for catching everything… | Thu Nov 20 01:17:34 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | @profkrg cabbage, collards, chickpeas #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:17:48 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A2: I do a good job of batching work tasks like grading. I also stick to a schedule well. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:17:57 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | “@bojandordevic: Q2: What kind of work rituals you have, and how they help you get work done? #prodchat http://t.co/s9hLXh8gKE” | Thu Nov 20 01:17:59 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston That sounds healthy! We just had shredded chicken and black bean nachos. Not as healthy. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:18:41 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A2: My favorite ritual is related to #writing and it involves shutting all the notifications off, and closing the doors behind. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:18:54 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | @profkrg #prodchat so important — the brain is a terrible storage device | Thu Nov 20 01:19:18 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: A2: I do a good job of batching work tasks like grading. I also stick to a schedule well. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:19:31 +0000 2014 |
danperezfilms | Cup of coffee, AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” and I’m straight… #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:19:43 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: @profkrg #prodchat so important — the brain is a terrible storage device | Thu Nov 20 01:20:42 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston it really is! And I have to clear my hard drive as much as possible. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:20:47 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A2: My favorite ritual is related to #writing and it involves shutting all the notifications off, and closing the doors … | Thu Nov 20 01:20:47 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | A2 one of my work rituals is to take a few minutes to journal before settling into other writing. Set intentions, clear cobwebs. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:20:51 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @danperezfilms Why do I get the feeling that Highway to Hell is your life soundtrack? 😉 #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:21:15 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @danperezfilms In all seriousness, I work best when it’s quiet. That’s why I love my TR research says. It’s just me and the dogs. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:22:10 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | As @danperezfilms points out, caffeine is an important part of my work rituals too #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:22:20 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Q3: What are the apps that you habitually use? Guilty pleasures are acceptable answer also. #prodchat http://t.co/DHJBqmuhZm | Thu Nov 20 01:23:55 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: A2 one of my work rituals is to take a few minutes to journal before settling into other writing. Set intentions, clear cobw… | Thu Nov 20 01:25:27 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Q3: What are the apps that you habitually use? Guilty pleasures are acceptable answer also. #prodchat http://t.co/DHJBqm… | Thu Nov 20 01:25:39 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @bojandordevic: Q3: What are the apps that you habitually use? Guilty pleasures are acceptable answer also. #prodchat http://t.co/DHJBqm… | Thu Nov 20 01:26:24 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A3: This is such an easier way to answer the question of favorite apps. #prodchat http://t.co/3VdZaRcIrN | Thu Nov 20 01:27:57 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A3 My mindless @Twitter habit is out of control. but Besides @reederapp, @timefullapp, @instapaper n’ #writing in @draftsapp #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:28:27 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: A3: This is such an easier way to answer the question of favorite apps. #prodchat http://t.co/3VdZaRcIrN | Thu Nov 20 01:29:10 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | A3 my most productive “apps” are a pen and notebook, or plain text editor. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:29:13 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A3 My mindless @Twitter habit is out of control. but Besides @reederapp, @timefullapp, @instapaper n’ #writing in @draft… | Thu Nov 20 01:29:21 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @bojandordevic I think mindless social lurking is a good way to relax these days. It’s the new TV watching. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:30:15 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | I also really like @pocket and @camscanner #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:30:29 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A3: To make it a little bit easier #prodchat apps that I habitually use http://t.co/bP8eGljMfU | Thu Nov 20 01:30:43 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston I rarely use pen and paper anymore, even though I love it. I can usually sketch my way through a concept. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:31:20 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A3: To make it a little bit easier #prodchat apps that I habitually use http://t.co/bP8eGljMfU | Thu Nov 20 01:31:27 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | “@bojandordevic: A3: To make it a little bit easier #prodchat apps that I habitually use http://t.co/2XC6IsgQpt” #homescreens | Thu Nov 20 01:31:52 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Q4: If you were to start all over again, which habit would you choose to build first? #prodchat http://t.co/rUqOX6xoO6 | Thu Nov 20 01:32:38 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | Also I have to shout out to @gingkoapp which allows you to outline, plan, and write in a lateral thinking way. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:32:50 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @bojandordevic I don’t recognize Timeful or Bywords. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:33:01 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @bojandordevic It also looks like you use several list apps. Why? #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:33:28 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @bojandordevic: Q4: If you were to start all over again, which habit would you choose to build first? #prodchat http://t.co/rUqOX6xoO6 | Thu Nov 20 01:33:37 +0000 2014 |
netster23 | RT @bojandordevic: A2: My favorite ritual is related to #writing and it involves shutting all the notifications off, and closing the doors … | Thu Nov 20 01:34:05 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A4: Fitness! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:34:12 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston That app looks interesting. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:34:54 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Q4: If you were to start all over again, which habit would you choose to build first? #prodchat http://t.co/rUqOX6xoO6 | Thu Nov 20 01:35:40 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | @profkrg check them out @bywordapp and @timefulapp #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:36:18 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A4: #prodchat If I was to start rebuilding my #habits all over again, I would start with the habit of building habits. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:37:01 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | A4: the habit of setting experiments for habit change. Try something for 10 or 30 days and then evaluate. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:37:25 +0000 2014 |
johnnyneckbone | RT @bojandordevic: Q4: If you were to start all over again, which habit would you choose to build first? #prodchat http://t.co/rUqOX6xoO6 | Thu Nov 20 01:37:43 +0000 2014 |
agonzalezdelam | RT @alphaefficiency: “@bojandordevic: A3: To make it a little bit easier #prodchat apps that I habitually use http://t.co/2XC6IsgQpt” #home… | Thu Nov 20 01:37:55 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | .@profkrg I use @omnifocus for personal task management. @timefulapp for repetitive task, and @todoist for managing my employees. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:38:33 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: A4: the habit of setting experiments for habit change. Try something for 10 or 30 days and then evaluate. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:38:48 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A4: #prodchat If I was to start rebuilding my #habits all over again, I would start with the habit of building habits. #… | Thu Nov 20 01:38:54 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: .@profkrg I use @omnifocus for personal task management. @timefulapp for repetitive task, and @todoist for managing my e… | Thu Nov 20 01:39:07 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @nmhouston: A4: the habit of setting experiments for habit change. Try something for 10 or 30 days and then evaluate. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:39:35 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: @bojandordevic It also looks like you use several list apps. Why? #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:39:44 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: @bojandordevic I don’t recognize Timeful or Bywords. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:39:50 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Q5: What kind of bad #habits would you eliminate first ? #prodchat http://t.co/tFtdscAydD | Thu Nov 20 01:41:31 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | Meta. @bojandordevic: A4: If I was to start rebuilding my #habits all over again, I would start with the habit of building habits. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:41:59 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @bojandordevic: Q5: What kind of bad #habits would you eliminate first ? #prodchat http://t.co/tFtdscAydD | Thu Nov 20 01:42:12 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | .@profkrg my whole life is like that 😀 #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:42:25 +0000 2014 |
asyouevolve | @Christine_Chen6 Hey! Good to connect post #bufferchat 🙂 I see you’re onto #prodchat now, looks fun! | Thu Nov 20 01:43:05 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: Meta. @bojandordevic: A4: If I was to start rebuilding my #habits all over again, I would start with the habit of building hab… | Thu Nov 20 01:43:31 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @asyouevolve: @Christine_Chen6 Hey! Good to connect post #bufferchat 🙂 I see you’re onto #prodchat now, looks fun! | Thu Nov 20 01:43:44 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: Meta. @bojandordevic: A4: If I was to start rebuilding my #habits all over again, I would start with the habit of building hab… | Thu Nov 20 01:43:49 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Q5: What kind of bad #habits would you eliminate first ? #prodchat http://t.co/tFtdscAydD | Thu Nov 20 01:43:53 +0000 2014 |
JosePopoff | @bojandordevic @profkrg A5: Breaking into Twitter chats I am not even invited to…wait.. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:45:34 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A5: Right now, my biggest bad #habit is bad food. Need to get back to cultivating my #cooking habit! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:45:41 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A5: Procrastination! It makes everything take longer than it should. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:46:22 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @JosePopoff Lol! Welcome! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:46:43 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A5: Right now, my biggest bad #habit is bad food. Need to get back to cultivating my #cooking habit! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:46:44 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: A5: Procrastination! It makes everything take longer than it should. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:47:11 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, first. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:47:26 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @nmhouston: Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, firs… | Thu Nov 20 01:48:13 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, firs… | Thu Nov 20 01:48:15 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @nmhouston: Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, firs… | Thu Nov 20 01:48:21 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: A5: Procrastination! It makes everything take longer than it should. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:48:27 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | @profkrg sometimes you really *can* multitask #prodchat http://t.co/S8HVPPQk00 | Thu Nov 20 01:51:01 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Q6: Do you have a plan on how to eradicate bad #habits? #prodchat http://t.co/KXaWP6gayT | Thu Nov 20 01:51:24 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @bojandordevic: Q6: Do you have a plan on how to eradicate bad #habits? #prodchat http://t.co/KXaWP6gayT | Thu Nov 20 01:52:16 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Folks at #prodchat how did you like the photos I’ve created tonight? | Thu Nov 20 01:52:20 +0000 2014 |
SouthernChef123 | RT bojandordevic: A5: Right now, my biggest bad #habit is bad food. Need to get back to cultivating my #cooking habit! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:52:30 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @nmhouston Yumm! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:52:36 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Q6: Do you have a plan on how to eradicate bad #habits? #prodchat http://t.co/KXaWP6gayT | Thu Nov 20 01:52:37 +0000 2014 |
JosePopoff | @profkrg Why thank you! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:52:59 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | A6: I substitute every bad #habit with a desirable and a good one! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:53:22 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | A6: I think recognizing why you continue the bad habit and what you gain by stopping it are the first steps. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:53:36 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @SouthernChef123: RT bojandordevic: A5: Right now, my biggest bad #habit is bad food. Need to get back to cultivating my #cooking habit!… | Thu Nov 20 01:53:41 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: A6: I think recognizing why you continue the bad habit and what you gain by stopping it are the first steps. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:54:04 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: A6: I substitute every bad #habit with a desirable and a good one! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:54:09 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | @bojandordevic The photos are fun. They made it easy to see the questions in the stream. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:54:25 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @profkrg: @bojandordevic The photos are fun. They made it easy to see the questions in the stream. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:55:27 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | Hey folks at #prodchat, the latest issue of Alpha Efficiency #magazine is all about #habits! Get free trial at http://t.co/jJImGZf1jv | Thu Nov 20 01:55:36 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:56:16 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @alphaefficiency: Hey folks at #prodchat, the latest issue of Alpha Efficiency #magazine is all about #habits! Get free trial at http://… | Thu Nov 20 01:56:28 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @profkrg: A6: I think recognizing why you continue the bad habit and what you gain by stopping it are the first steps. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:56:35 +0000 2014 |
JosePopoff | A6: Firsr steps are determination and finding an inspiration. It has worked for me. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:56:41 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | @profkrg thank you Kenna! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:56:45 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:57:00 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @nmhouston: It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:57:17 +0000 2014 |
skinikini1 | Sorry I’m missing tonight’s discussion my prodchat peeps. Helping a friend with moving tonight. Catch you all next time. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:57:25 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | RT @JosePopoff: A6: Firsr steps are determination and finding an inspiration. It has worked for me. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:58:55 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @nmhouston: It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:59:06 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @JosePopoff: A6: Firsr steps are determination and finding an inspiration. It has worked for me. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 01:59:10 +0000 2014 |
nmhouston | Thanks @bojandordevic for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you all later! | Thu Nov 20 02:00:58 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | Thanks for the awesome #prodchat guys! Looking forward seeing you next week! | Thu Nov 20 02:00:59 +0000 2014 |
skinikini1 | @bojandordevic 🙂 next time for sure. I love #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:01:03 +0000 2014 |
akhuseby | RT @nmhouston: Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, firs… | Thu Nov 20 02:02:17 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @skinikini1: @bojandordevic 🙂 next time for sure. I love #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:03:25 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @bojandordevic: Thanks for the awesome #prodchat guys! Looking forward seeing you next week! | Thu Nov 20 02:03:30 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | RT @nmhouston: Thanks @bojandordevic for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you all later! | Thu Nov 20 02:03:36 +0000 2014 |
profkrg | RT @nmhouston: Thanks @bojandordevic for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you all later! | Thu Nov 20 02:04:46 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | @skinikini1 thanks for following my @alphaefficiency #magazine! Really appreciate it! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:05:04 +0000 2014 |
bojandordevic | If you don’t plan out a #twitterchat, hosting one will get you exhausted. Thanks to @buffer for helping at least a little bit! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:08:48 +0000 2014 |
rico3rick | RT @bojandordevic: Q5: What kind of bad #habits would you eliminate first ? #prodchat http://t.co/tFtdscAydD | Thu Nov 20 02:12:54 +0000 2014 |
MKHyde | RT @nmhouston: It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:23:13 +0000 2014 |
MKHyde | RT @nmhouston: It takes time and patience to change habits; expect slip ups and they won’t turn into setbacks #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:23:13 +0000 2014 |
alphaefficiency | @rico3rick @bojandordevic that’s a funny one! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 02:27:36 +0000 2014 |
christinaines | RT @nmhouston: Every habit you have, even the ones you label “bad,” is trying to protect you from suffering. Figure out what you fear, firs… | Thu Nov 20 03:12:32 +0000 2014 |
rico3rick | RT @alphaefficiency: @rico3rick @bojandordevic that’s a funny one! #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 04:45:34 +0000 2014 |
thesocialquest | @nmhouston To add to that: Trying ONE thing for a couple of days. I’ve juggled way too many habits way too many times before. #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 07:00:37 +0000 2014 |
danperezfilms | Touché! RT @profkrg: @danperezfilms Why do I get the feeling that Highway to Hell is your life soundtrack? 😉 #prodchat | Thu Nov 20 12:46:01 +0000 2014 |
mgcjusa | RT @profkrg: A3: This is such an easier way to answer the question of favorite apps. #prodchat http://t.co/3VdZaRcIrN | Thu Nov 20 14:57:51 +0000 2014 |
laurastack | RT @nmhouston: Thanks @bojandordevic for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you all later! | Thu Nov 20 16:33:29 +0000 2014 |
KhAlayoub | RT @nmhouston: Thanks @bojandordevic for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you all later! | Thu Nov 20 17:32:32 +0000 2014 |