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#ProdChat – 11/5/14 – Busting Procrastination

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#ProdChat – 11/5/14 – Busting Procrastination!

On November 5, 2014, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Busting Procrastination. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about increasing productivity by busting procrastination. Enjoy!

This week’s questions:

  • Q1: What do you procrastinate on most in your work and/or personal life? #prodchat
  • Q2: Why do you think most people procrastinate? #prodchat
  • Q3: What do deadlines (or no deadlines) have to do with the amount we procrastinate? #prodchat
  • Q4: What role does information play in procrastination? Too little/much, reliability? #prodchat
  •  Q5: Do times of the day, your energy levels, or willpower have anything to do with your procrastination? How so? #prodchat
  • Q6: How do you get over the procrastination hurdle of starting a task or project? #prodchat
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