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#ProdChat – 1/15/14 – #Writing #Productivity with @ProfKRG

#ProdChat – 1/15/14 – #Writing #Productivity with @ProfKRG

A big thanks to @ProfKRG for guest-hosting #ProdChat on “Writing Productivity.” Check out her blog at

  1. I’m hosting #ProdChat at 7 p.m. CST tonight. The topic is writing productivity. Join us!
  2. Tonight’s productivity chat topic: writing productivity. Join us 8 pm ET by following #prodchat
  3. Hi! Welcome to #prodchat. I’m Kenna. Tonight we’re talking about writing productivity.
  4. Please introduce yourself and tell us what device/Twitter app you’re using. #prodchat
  5. My name is Isabel Pinaud… I am using my mabook 🙂 #prodchat
  6. Good! Though, I’m currently procrastinating writing productively :). Using @tchatio ( ) #ProdChat
  7. I’m John, currently on the Metro with a smart phone. Glad to be here. #prodchat
  8. If you’re just joining, please introduce yourself and tell us what device/Twitter app you’re using. #prodchat
  9. 1. What type of writing do you regularly do? #prodchat
  10. @profkrg Social media is always a distraction for me, especially at night when my mind starts to get tired. #prodchat
  11. Whoops! Sorry about that. Heavy fog. Had to watch where I was going! Hi everyone! Michelle here. GTD’r and productivity fan 🙂 #ProdChat
  12. Impressive!!! RT @profkrg: @michgunn Hey, Michelle! I’m getting my hair done. #prodchat
  13. A1 fiction, non fiction, rambling, journaling, poems, songs … I’m not really tied to anything specific #prodchat
  14. A1 media releases, business blog, and guest posting #prodchat
  15. Q1. What type of writing do you regularly do? #prodchat
  16. Oh… I’m now on my Mac laptop using TweetDeck #ProdChat
  17. You too, Isa!! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: @michgunn Hey Michelle! Happy New Year 🙂 #prodchat
  18. Is it? @jrnolan12: Real estate appraisal reports. Fun stuff! #prodchat
  19. Fun! @a_robinson: A1 media releases, business blog, and guest posting #prodchat
  20. A1. Non-fiction primarily business management, leadership, technology, and, of course, personal productivity! #prodchat
  21. A1. Non-fiction primarily business management, leadership, technology, and, of course, personal productivity! #prodchat
  22. A1 I regularly journal. I also write email. (HA!!!!) 😀 #ProdChat
  23. A1. Academic writing, blogging, and and science writing for news outlets #prodchat
  24. Me too! Getting my hair cut! @a_robinson: I am on my mobile phone #prodchat
  25. @profkrg Hahaha. Hello, Kenna! I’m happy to be able to make it on tonight for the #writing #productivity topic on #prodchat
  26. Email. 😉 @michgunn: A1 I regularly journal. I also write email. (HA!!!!) 😀 #ProdChat
  27. Fun! @michaelmarieks: A1. Academic writing, blogging, and and science writing for news outlets #prodchat
  28. hey #prodchat sorry I’m late! I’m Natalie, an academic & a personal productivity coach
  29. Teeheehee! Although it’s true… RT @profkrg: Email. 😉 @michgunn: A1 I regularly journal. I also write email. (HA!!!!) 😀 #ProdChat
  30. Q2. What medium (pen and paper, laptop, etc.) do you find most productive? #prodchat
  31. @IsaPinaud Always a pleasure, Isabel! It seems like Internet access is back in full swing this week! Great! #prodchat
  32. Hi, Natalie!! RT @nmhouston: hey #prodchat sorry I’m late! I’m Natalie, an academic & a personal productivity coach
  33. @nmhouston Welcome to the party, Natalie! You’re not latewe’re just getting warmed up! 😉 #prodchat
  34. A1 I write in a variety of modes: academic articles, blogging for @ProfHacker, my own blogs, etc etc #prodchat
  35. A2 I love journaling in a nice ledger with a fountain pen. Helps me really connect to what I’m writing. #ProdChat
  36. @rsidneysmith I must say that #prodchat aside… I did not miss it. It was a very proactive week!
  37. A2a. Most productiveI would have to say from an output perspective: laptop (or tablet with wireless keyboard). #prodchat
  38. A2b. But for emotive writing, I would say the most effectively productive for me would be ink in my Moleskine journal. #prodchat
  39. A2 I find that I write really differently by hand vs on computer. For reflective deep thinking, I always start by hand. #prodchat
  40. A2 I like the feel of pen and paper for brainstorming and writing short stuff (poems/songs) … After that I’ll type in the computer #prodchat
  41. A2: I like writing from my desktop. I just adore the big screen. #prodchat
  42. A2. Same here @IsaPinaud Pen and paper for brainstorming/outlining and definitely laptop for composing #prodchat
  43. A2. Same here @IsaPinaud Pen and paper for brainstorming/outlining and definitely laptop for composing #prodchat
  44. A2: I usually outline blog posts and take notes in a journal. I love buying pretty journals. #prodchat
  45. interesting that several of us like to write by hand (for me it’s a bold point gel pen and a BlacknRed notebook) #prodchat
  46. A lot of you are really specific about your paper. #prodchat
  47. A2. I’m with RSS, emotive writing is way better in ink. Biz writing…keyboard #prodchat
  48. @profkrg The paper and ink quality for me is really important! If it doesn’t flow properly, I feel like my thoughts don’t either. #prodchat
  49. .@rsidneysmith: good distinction between productive “output” i.e. quantity and productive “effectiveness” i.e. quality writing #prodchat
  50. .@rsidneysmith: good distinction between productive “output” i.e. quantity and productive “effectiveness” i.e. quality writing #prodchat
  51. .@rsidneysmith: good distinction between productive “output” i.e. quantity and productive “effectiveness” i.e. quality writing #prodchat
  52. .@profkrg it’s easy to write notes while covering press conferences, also to write short pieces. Easy to carry. #prodchat
  53. A2 I prefer smaller sheets of separate paper, like index cards, for outlining. You can mix and match ideas however you want #prodchat
  54. Very! College ruled or no lines for me. Love Levenger Ledgers! RT @profkrg: A lot of you are really specific about your paper. #prodchat
  55. Thanks, @rsidneysmith. Good to be here. I’m new to #prodchat. Stumbled upon an RT a few minutes before you guys started tonight. #prodchat
  56. Q3. What methods do you use to make your writing time productive? #prodchat
  57. A2 a combo of writing on the MBAir, printing out drafts for editing and entering edits. [repeat] LOVING  #prodchat
  58. @profkrg I always say: choose tools you love. If you love your notebook and pen, you’ll have good energy around writing. #prodchat
  59. @profkrg I always say: choose tools you love. If you love your notebook and pen, you’ll have good energy around writing. #prodchat
  60. @IsaPinaud yes, index cards! regular, large, and tiny are all part of my workflow. #prodchat
  61. A2 I just started using Scrivener on the Mac for writing stuff that’s multi-faceted. (outlined, commented, etc) Really digging it! #ProdChat
  62. A3a. I really struggle with this! Looking forward to hearing what methods you guys use. #prodchat
  63. A3 I put on the right type of music to inspire me for whatever I’m working on. (Goes for writing and everything else, I suppose.) #ProdChat
  64. A3 My own version of the pomodoro technique. I do 45 min work/15 min break instead of 25w/5b 25w/5b 25w/10b #prodchat
  65. @nmhouston I actually think I got this idea from you a looong time ago on some #prodchat discussion.
  66. A3: I like to have music (instrumental only) on and the right lighting in order to write well. #prodchat
  67. A3 I use a timer — 20, 30, or 40 minutes depending what kind of writing it is. Key is to stop before you’re burnt out #prodchat
  68. @rsidneysmith A2: For me most productive is my desktop with dual monitors and a full-size keyboard. 🙂 #prodchat
  69. A3. 1st outline, 2nd go nuts writing within the structure of the outline, 3rd edit, 4th edit more, 5th edit more #prodchat
  70. A3 I listen to podcasts…If I put music on I usually end up singing and get distracted. It depends on my attention span at the time #prodchat
  71. A3. I follow the Anne Lamott method of writing the “shitty first drafts.” #prodchat
  72. A3. I follow the Anne Lamott method of writing the “shitty first drafts.” #prodchat
  73. @IsaPinaud I use OneNote for outlining – I can move stuff around, insert/delete and search it later. Plus share with my team. #prodchat
  74. A3 an idea the great @AnneLamotte writes about — write a crappy first draft. then go back and improve. #prodchat
  75. A3 an idea the great @AnneLamotte writes about — write a crappy first draft. then go back and improve. #prodchat
  76. A3. Otherwise, I make it a happen to write every day, in as closely the way. Habit starts as more important than substance! #prodchat
  77. Wow!! Talking in the background doesn’t distract you? I’m going to have to try that!! MT @IsaPinaud: A3 I listen to podcasts… #prodchat
  78. @rsidneysmith ha, just wrote the same thing then saw your tweet! birds of a feather. #prodchat
  79. A3: I need quiet to write. I also do best in the morning when my mind is fresh. #prodchat
  80. I like the freedom of no lines. 🙂 RT @profkrg: @michgunn I must have lines! #prodchat
  81. A3b. I do the best writing in the AM when my brain works best. Also use instrumental music or rain sounds to block out world #prodchat
  82. @IsaPinaud A3: I’ve tried podcasts but the words/discussion distract me too much. That’s why I need instrumental music. #prodchat
  83. @nmhouston Hahaha. We do flock together! :)) And, I am not shocked we’re both fans of @ANNELAMOTT either! #prodchat
  84. Another strategy I use: journal write for 2-5 minutes first about my focus/goals/intentions for the next writing block. #prodchat
  85. A3: if I’m having a hard time writing, I switch locations. Just moving from the computer to a pen, paper and new chair matters. #prodchat
  86. @a_robinson Oh, it’s great! I’ve used it for proposals, technical bids, and now building out a business idea. #ProdChat
  87. I’m with @bschorr on this…instrumental music or binaural beats with soundscapes…it activates the right brain frequencies. #prodchat
  88. Q4. What aspect of writing do you wish you could make more productive? #prodchat
  89. +1 “@rsidneysmith: A3. I follow the Anne Lamott method of writing the “shitty first drafts.” #prodchat
  90. @a_robinson It’s made by Literature & Latte. They have a great trial program. It allows side-by-side pages, comments, outlines… #ProdChat
  91. Me too “@profkrg: A3: I need quiet to write. I also do best in the morning when my mind is fresh. #prodchat
  92. @a_robinson … index cards for organizing thoughts. It’s truly fantastic. Definitely worth checking out. Mac and PC! 🙂 #ProdChat
  93. @rsidneysmith I’m also a fan of binaural music, definitely feel the difference. #prodchat
  94. @michgunn I’m not sure if it will work for you, but honestly I know I have to work once I hear my podcasts playing. #prodchat
  95. Q4. What aspect of writing do you wish you could make more productive? #prodchat
  96. A4a. @gtdguy says the Natural Planning Model works because, in project planning, we follow our brain’s logical progression. #prodchat
  97. @michgunn Also, I really like to sing, so with music I’ll start thinking about different styles for that son and the such #prodchat
  98. A4b. Same goes for improving my writing…I want to be able to follow this same NPM logic with story, plot, character dev, etc. #prodchat
  99. @a_robinson It’s also for template type things like proposals. Pick and chose what goes in the final draft. Brilliant!! #ProdChat
  100. A4 I used to wish for the perfect note-taking system. I’ve come to realize that going back thru something has value too. #prodchat
  101. @bschorr I guess we all have something that works better for us 🙂 #prodchat
  102. @profkrg @michgunn I am afraid my ideas and randomness have out grown sticky notes eek #prodchat
  103. @IsaPinaud I absent-mindedly sing along to music too. It works for me by engaging a different part of my brain…Ray can explain. 😉 #ProdChat
  104. @nmhouston I agree. So much value in reviewing notes! It’s why the Cornell note-taking method prescribes it! :)) #prodchat
  105. A4 The editing process. I feel like I over-edit sometimes! #prodchat
  106. A5 I generally journal at night before bed. Sometimes in the AM. But I’m not a professional writer, so no other scheduling there… #ProdChat
  107. @michgunn If you want me to explain how brain engages with music, ask @PEAK_NT (and read his book)! @IsaPinaud #prodchat
  108. @IsaPinaud Deadlines help with that. You learn that it’s as good as it can be in the time allotted. #prodchat
  109. A4. The first draft. It’s a huge struggle to turn off that perfectionist side of myself and crank something out. #prodchat
  110. @a_robinson Never fear! That randomness is actually not so random. Find ways to separate idea generation from organizing! 🙂 #prodchat
  111. writing time: consistency — showing up every day is key. But also, being prepared for jotting down insights whenever they occur. #prodchat
  112. writing time: consistency — showing up every day is key. But also, being prepared for jotting down insights whenever they occur. #prodchat
  113. writing time: consistency — showing up every day is key. But also, being prepared for jotting down insights whenever they occur. #prodchat
  114. writing time: consistency — showing up every day is key. But also, being prepared for jotting down insights whenever they occur. #prodchat
  115. @IsaPinaud Several educators in my life have told me that my first draft was better than my last draft! 😛 #prodchat
  116. Blocking out writing time is the best way to get it done. @jrnolan12: A5. Ugh. I wish I did. 5-minute game misconduct for Nolan #prodchat
  117. .@rsidneysmith @a_robinson a great tool for this is @gingkoapp –a card-based brainstorming/outlining.writing app #prodchat
  118. .@rsidneysmith @a_robinson a great tool for this is @gingkoapp –a card-based brainstorming/outlining.writing app #prodchat
  119. .@rsidneysmith you’re into something there lists vs organizing thoughts #prodchat
  120. A5 I usually write in the morning and I decide on one topic for each day. I struggle with consistently writing each day though #prodchat
  121. @a_robinson I also try to write as much as I can when it’s flowing. #prodchat
  122. A5. For business writing (outside of larger writing projects), I have blocks in my schedule. I need to keep those blocks sacred. #prodchat
  123. Q6. How do you guard your writing time from being spent on other things? #prodchat
  124. A5 I do one writing prompt every wed and Thursday. Any other writing I do is on a project list that gets schedules.. eventually #prodchat
  125. A6: I am crazy selfish about my research writing time. I have things to get done. No one will respect that time if I don’t. #prodchat
  126. A6: I am crazy selfish about my research writing time. I have things to get done. No one will respect that time if I don’t. #prodchat
  127. Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  128. Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  129. Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  130. A6a. Building in flexibility as well as IF-THEN methodology (Gollwitzer). Flexibility…move never delete writing time. #prodchat
  131. Q6. How do you guard your writing time from being spent on other things? #prodchat
  132. A6b. IF-THEN means that, if I sit down to write, then I will type words into my document. 🙂 #prodchat
  133. That makes me happy! @jrnolan12: Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  134. To increase consistency at writing or any habit, track what you do. I put stickers on a wall calendar or use @chainscc #prodchat
  135. Reason #1 I asked @profkrg to host tonight: RT @jrnolan12: Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  136. A6. This is hard as a graduate student. Non-academic writing is not my priority, but it’s what I enjoy. I make time #prodchat
  137. love this chat! RT @jrnolan12: Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  138. love this chat! RT @jrnolan12: Wow. You guys are awesome. Inspring me to get on my writing game. #prodchat
  139. @nmhouston I use the Streaks app. I’m uber competitive, so I don’t want to break my own streaks! #prodchat
  140. A6 trying to add a.m. meditation daily which is helping me clear the noise of “should be” – gained mental focus for creative #prodchat
  141. @michaelmarieks Which is exactly why I have trouble with guarding the time… #prodchat
  142. @michaelmarieks You have to make time for writing. It won’t just happen. I blog every day and I’m writing my dissertation. #prodchat
  143. A lot of people do this. @MarketingMusing: A8 turn off the Wifi on your computer. 🙂 #prodchat
  144. A8. Remove them (distractions)…by brute force preferably. #prodchat
  145. Eek! I named it Q8. I skipped one because of time. @rsidneysmith: Did I miss Q7? #prodchat
  146. Please remember that distractions are focus in wolves’ clothing. (No offense against any sports teams!) #prodchat
  147. Let me try again. Q7: How do you avoid writing distractions? #prodchat
  148. RT @profkrg: A lot of people do this. @MarketingMusing: A8 turn off the Wifi on your computer. 🙂 #prodchat” <~ smart people
  149. A8 Theres an app called SelfControl where you can blacklist certain websites for the amount of time desired #prodchat
  150. @profkrg Hahaha. No worries…as long as I didn’t miss a question! 😛 #prodchat
  151. Kick distractions in the rear! @rsidneysmith: A8. Remove them (distractions)…by brute force preferably. #prodchat
  152. A8. In general. Avoid tv, even in the background. No can do. #prodchat
  153. A8. In general. Avoid tv, even in the background. No can do. #prodchat
  154. .@profkrg somehow I guessed that about you reading your blog and tweets this month 🙂 #prodchat
  155. like @a_robinson I find that a daily meditation routine helps writing. Also visualization, devotion, & exercise #prodchat
  156. like @a_robinson I find that a daily meditation routine helps writing. Also visualization, devotion, & exercise #prodchat
  157. @MarketingMusing I can’t always because I need access to the online library. #prodchat
  158. @MarketingMusing That’s brilliant. The only hiccup is for some of the pieces that I write that require simultaneous research #prodchat
  159. YES! “@nmhouston: I find that a daily meditation routine helps writing. Also visualization, devotion, & exercise #prodchat
  160. Think of distractions as paying attention to something you don’t want to. You’re focusing…just not on what you decided to. #prodchat
  161. A7: I use distractions to my advantage by making deals with myself. Ex: If I finish this editing, I can check FB. #prodchat
  162. A7: I use distractions to my advantage by making deals with myself. Ex: If I finish this editing, I can check FB. #prodchat
  163. @michaelmarieks true. i’ve found good to research but then turn off. most of my focused creative writing happens this way #prodchat
  164. @michaelmarieks true. i’ve found good to research but then turn off. most of my focused creative writing happens this way #prodchat
  165. @profkrg yes I supposed that was weird but for some reason your writing/blog work has stuck out as really awesome to me #prodchat
  166. I’m with @nmhouston (no surprise!) and @a_robinson on daily meditation…the more I do, the more consistent my writing. #prodchat
  167. MT @rsidneysmith: distractions=paying attention to sthing you don’t want to. You’re focusing…just not on what you decided to #prodchat
  168. Last question: What’s your greatest writing concern right now? #prodchat
  169. Last question: What’s your greatest writing concern right now? #prodchat
  170. @nmhouston Yes, this is markedly different than the ADD version we have of distraction. They’re soooo different! #prodchat
  171. @nmhouston One is neurological system malfunctioning, and the other is your intrinsic reward system! #prodchat
  172. MT @rsidneysmith: I’m with @nmhouston and @a_robinson on daily meditation…the more I do, the more consistent my writing. #prodchat
  173. LQ: Finding ways to get rid of the other “stuff” so I can find more time for #writing! 😉 #prodchat
  174. that I write but when I read what i have written , its full gaps to be filled in later #prodchat
  175. It’s those mobile apps that can kill or enhance productivity 🙂 @MarketingMusing #prodchat #mobilechat
  176. We’re out of time. Wow! A lot of fabulous advice! Let’s connect here. Thanks for attending #prodchat.
  177. We’re out of time. Wow! A lot of fabulous advice! Let’s connect here. Thanks for attending #prodchat.
  178. We’re out of time. Wow! A lot of fabulous advice! Let’s connect here. Thanks for attending #prodchat

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