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#ProdChat – 11/6/13 – Productive Workspaces


#ProdChat – 11/6/13 – Productive Workspaces


  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! | Today’s Topic: “Productive Workspaces”
  2. Let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat (First question in a few!)
  3. Today’s topic for #ProdChat is all about, how do I make my environment as friction-less as I need to get more done?
  4. #ProdChat about to begin. Join on in for some productivity fun!
  5. tonight’s #prodchat is starting now: expect greater than usual tweet volume from me for the next hour, then back to the usual intermittency.
  6. Hi. Michelle here. I’m trying this #ProdChat on the go.
  7. Hey, Tracy! Great to have you here! RT @tracybrisson Have some time tonight and want to drop in on #prodchat!
  8. #prodchat Hello, I’m Ally. I’m a blogger at and I’m in college. I also do a million of things not online.
  9. hi #prodchat — finally I’m not travelling on a Wednesday! I’m Natalie, a productivity coach & an English professor.
  10. @rsidneysmith I am happy I can drop in- I actually listed to a bunch of #GTD virtual study goroup podcasts today. 🙂 #prodchat
  11. Please add #prodchat to your tweets. Questions will come IN ALL CAPS as Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. for readability!
  12. RT @rsidneysmith: Today’s topic for #ProdChat is all about, how do I make my environment as friction-less as I need to get more done?
  13. @tracybrisson Awesome! There’s a live #GTD VSG call tomorrow at 4pm ET. 🙂 I’ll be on the call. #prodchat
  14. I’m Tracy. Live in Savannah & own @oppsproject which does talent development, coaching and recruiting. I also write books. #prodchat
  15. A1: My work office space is really how I like it…I just wish I was in my office more often. My home office needs help. 😛 #prodchat
  16. a1: My office space is OPTIMAL. My HOME office is more noisy and busy. I’m better off working in a public area w/headphones. #prodchat
  17. A1: I share a home office with my boyfriend and we just spent weekend optimizing space. I needed more wall space #prodchat
  18. My home office is much better for my productivity than my work office space. #prodchat
  19. @tracybrisson That’s an awesome cohabitation project! What do you need the wall space for? #prodchat
  20. a1: home workspace is the kids play-table (not ideal). work desk is as simple is I can get it, but still feels cluttered. #prodchat
  21. @rsidneysmith I needed a place to stick my notes and a visual calendar. We bought Martha Stewart’s wall managers- love them #prodchat
  22. @rsidneysmith yes, I prefer to work at a cafe or bookstore. Nobody bothers me. This is only for writing. Research is best at home. #prodchat
  23. @nmhouston I hear that from many people. Is it because you get to control the space design/flow? #prodchat
  24. RT @tracybrisson I needed a place to stick my notes and a visual calendar. We bought Martha Stewart’s wall managers- love them #prodchat
  25. A1 I have a great home office set up. Although I might need a new desk soon… always tweaking. 😉 #ProdChat
  26. @joomux Welcome, Jeremy, to #prodchat! You like the minimalist look for your workspace then?
  27. A2a: I like clean work surfaces in theory, but I need lots of screens to build my dashboard of Web applications, as well as… #prodchat
  28. @rsidneysmith Absolutely! Simple workspace = clear mind = efficiency. #prodchat
  29. A2: Ideal workspace means having a refreshing drink, all paper work needed, printer, no noise/distractions – like twitter! #prodchat
  30. A2b: a kinda of arch deskspace so that I can put all my working documents out in front of me. #prodchat
  31. @michgunn I would LOVE a new desk. But I am on such a budget these days. :/ #prodchat
  32. A2 Ohhh!! Big glass table with only my laptop and a cup of coffee on it, with wide view of the ocean like on #Graceland #ProdChat
  33. RT @tracybrisson A2. I’d love a standing desk, but not full time. And a conference table to spread out. #prodchat
  34. @tracybrisson @michgunn hit up a thrift store or garage sale. I’ve gotten amazing $20 bc of a moving sale. #Prodchat
  35. RT @apinaud A1 I have a home office but I only use for conference/Skype calls. Tend to distract me more than help me #ProdChat
  36. Love a conf table!! RT @tracybrisson: A2. I’d love a standing desk, but not full time. And a conference table to spread out. #prodchat
  37. My home office has 3 “stations” for different kinds of work: standing desk, work table, armchair. #prodchat
  38. good tip! “@AllyFiesta: @tracybrisson @michgunn hit up a thrift store or garage sale. I’ve gotten amazing $20 bc of a moving sale. #Prodchat
  39. @tracybrisson I’m really thinking about installing a standing desk. I feel like I can’t do creative work standing, but other stuff #prodchat
  40. RT @nmhouston My home office has 3 “stations” for different kinds of work: standing desk, work table, armchair. #prodchat
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