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#ProdChat – 12/03/14 – Getting Out of a Rut

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#ProdChat – 12/03/14 – Getting Out of a Rut

On December 3, 2014, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Getting Out of a Rut. We all get stuck in ruts–feeling like we’re not in control of a project, our day, or even our lives–at some point(s). It takes clear-headed thinking to find your path out of a rut, and that’s what we discussed in this #ProdChat. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about coffee and productivity. Enjoy!

Questions for #ProdChat – 12/03/14 – Getting Out of a Rut

  • Q1: How do you define a rut for you? What’s it like to be stuck? #prodchat
  • Q2: What are some important things to remember as soon as you recognize you’re in a rut? #prodchat
  • Q3: What do you do to stop digging yourself into a deeper rut? #prodchat
  • Q4: What’s your process of getting out of your rut? Routines? Tricks? #prodchat
  • Q5: Are there any special books, apps, tools, motivational materials that help you get out of a rut? #prodchat
  • Q6: What’s the very *first* step, task and/or project someone should take on getting unstuck? #prodchat

Raw #ProdChat Transcript for 12/03/14

rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! | Topic: Getting Out of a Rut. Thu Dec 04 00:59:10 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing getting out of a rut. We all get stuck sometimes so let’s help each other get unstuck! Join us! Thu Dec 04 01:00:17 +0000 2014
halduauthor Hey #prodchat it feels like it’s been forever Thu Dec 04 01:00:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith So, let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. What’s one thing you were thankful for this Thanksgiving? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:01:04 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Well, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been here so yes, it does have that feeling. How was your Thanksgiving, Ben? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:01:50 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Dec 04 01:02:10 +0000 2014
halduauthor I’m Ben, I like productivity and tech, I was grateful for some time off from school. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:03:32 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 Hello there! Checking in for #ProdChat. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Thu Dec 04 01:03:34 +0000 2014
skinikini1 Good to be back to #prodchat and to my peeps. 🙂 Thu Dec 04 01:03:51 +0000 2014
lewisjasona Hey #prodchat folks! Thu Dec 04 01:04:13 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 Hi, Christine! Great to have you on the #prodchat today! Hope you had an equally wonderful Thanksgiving as well! Thu Dec 04 01:04:26 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 Hey everyone in #tchat, join @rsidneysmith now in #prodchat where we talk about getting out of a rut. Thu Dec 04 01:04:33 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith it was good, how about yours? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:04:37 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @skinikini1 Hi, Siope! How’re you today? Glad to have you on #prodchat! Thu Dec 04 01:04:53 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: Hey everyone in #tchat, join @rsidneysmith now in #prodchat where we talk about getting out of a rut. Thu Dec 04 01:05:01 +0000 2014
skinikini1 I’m grateful for pressure to be creative. I’m Siope and glad to be here with you all during #prodchat tonight. Thu Dec 04 01:05:02 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q1: How do you define a rut for you? What’s it like to be stuck? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:05:07 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @rsidneysmith hey! Thanksgiving was great. Nice to see the family and fill the belly. You? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:05:19 +0000 2014
halduauthor @skinikini1 nice to see you 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:05:31 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona Hey, Jason! Happy post-Thanksgiving workweek! How’re you, sir? :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:05:35 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @rsidneysmith Great. I’m glad to be back. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:05:37 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing Happy Holidays dear #prodchat buddies! Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Good to chirp in again. Thu Dec 04 01:05:50 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 So glad to hear! And, likewise. It was a delightful holiday with family. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:06:03 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith So, now down to business of the tough talk of getting out of a rut! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:06:25 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Hi, Lois! Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, too! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:06:44 +0000 2014
skinikini1 A1: I’m in a rut right now. Lack of motivation to create content. Lack of direction to do so is a problem too. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:06:47 +0000 2014
MeghanMBiro A ha ha See what I mean?! @Christine_Chen6 Hey everyone in #tchat @rsidneysmith now in #prodchat where we talk about getting out of rut Thu Dec 04 01:07:09 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing @rsidneysmith Thanks! I hope yours was relaxing and special 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:09 +0000 2014
halduauthor A1: a rut is when you either aren’t accomplishing what you want, or you just feel like things are not as they should be #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:19 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A1 feeling financially weak, lack of sleep, can’t catch up on work… Oh yes in a total rut, into a black hole. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:24 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud Hello Hello #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:27 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @rsidneysmith i’m doing great Ray! How about you? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:31 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith A1: For me, a rut is when I feel out of control of my month, quarter, or even, year. If I’m not directing the #productivity flow. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:07:35 +0000 2014
JessaBahr Jumping into an exciting #ProdChat Thu Dec 04 01:07:54 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona I’m great, Jason! Glad you could be here. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:01 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud I’m Isabel. I’m an illustration student and GTDer who loves OF and Evernote #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:07 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Isabel! How’re you, darling? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:12 +0000 2014
halduauthor @skinikini1 yeah me too, I feel like this semester I just haven’t been on top of my game #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:27 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 It can certainly feel that way, right? And, we all experience it sometimes. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:38 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @JessaBahr Hi, Jess! Great to have here on #prodchat! Thu Dec 04 01:08:48 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @halduauthor I’ve been off my game for about a week. It’s kinda spiraling out of control. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:08:58 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud hey 🙂 good to see you #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:02 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing Ruts’ can happen in any aspect of our lives. The realization – at any time – you’re ready for freshness and to change things up. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:08 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @MeghanMBiro Great to have you here in the #prodchat stream, Meghan! 🙂 Thu Dec 04 01:09:15 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @skinikini1 And, what does the top of your game look like, guys? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:32 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @IsaPinaud I totally relate to this. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:34 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A1 A rut is when you can’t or won’t get out of one place. For me, it’s when I know what to do but can’t seem to start #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:45 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud are you glad evernote has fixed its table editing on Mac? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:09:49 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @JessaBahr: Jumping into an exciting #ProdChat Thu Dec 04 01:09:50 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q2: What are some important things to remember as soon as you recognize you’re in a rut? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:12 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @rsidneysmith oh yes. It’s such a scary place to be in sometimes. It takes a lot of self talk and motivation. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:13 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @rsidneysmith @halduauthor It’s flow and its free. Open. It can be hard but its ok because it’s still doable. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:21 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A1a Of course, there is also the type of rut when you need new solutions or ideas and are stuck creatively #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:22 +0000 2014
halduauthor @skinikini1 good thing the new year reset is coming! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:36 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @skinikini1: A1: I’m in a rut right now. Lack of motivation to create content. Lack of direction to do so is a problem too. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:10:49 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: A1: a rut is when you either aren’t accomplishing what you want, or you just feel like things are not as they should be #… Thu Dec 04 01:10:53 +0000 2014
JessaBahr The same stuff that got you in the rut probably won’t get you out of it – time for a change! #ProdChat Thu Dec 04 01:10:56 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 It most certainly does. Here’s hoping we can impart some of that knowledge to everyone in this #prodchat! 🙂 Thu Dec 04 01:10:57 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @skinikini1: A1: I’m in a rut right now. Lack of motivation to create content. Lack of direction to do so is a problem too. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:07 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Doing great (although in a bit of a rut)… how about you? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:21 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @JessaBahr I like this! I probably need a change of scenery. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:23 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @skinikini1 So, this #prodchat is dedicated to you, Siope! We hope we can help. 🙂 Thu Dec 04 01:11:24 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor Hey!! Great to see you too! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:33 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @skinikini1 things are getting done that I care about, I’m being productive with my time, I feel happy 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:42 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @skinikini1: @IsaPinaud I totally relate to this. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:48 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud You too?! @skinikini1 said he’s in one too. It’s an outbreak of rut-itis! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:51 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud are you glad evernote has fixed its table editing on Mac? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:11:54 +0000 2014
halduauthor RT @IsaPinaud: A1 A rut is when you can’t or won’t get out of one place. For me, it’s when I know what to do but can’t seem to start #prodc… Thu Dec 04 01:12:03 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud amen #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:12:09 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @halduauthor: @rsidneysmith @skinikini1 things are getting done that I care about, I’m being productive with my time, I feel happy 🙂 #p… Thu Dec 04 01:12:15 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @rsidneysmith I feel honored. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:12:22 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A2 don’t beat yourself up! Shit happens sometimes. Get yourself up and try to fix the problem at hand, there’s always a solution #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:12:39 +0000 2014
halduauthor A2: that it is temporary, it is not a reflection of who you are but just what you are doing #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:12:51 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @JessaBahr Yes! Very Einsteinian, Jess! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:13:03 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A2 It doesn’t have to be perfect…perfectionism is a big trap…I cant start because I don’t think the end result will be perfect #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:13:10 +0000 2014
halduauthor RT @JessaBahr: The same stuff that got you in the rut probably won’t get you out of it – time for a change! #ProdChat Thu Dec 04 01:13:20 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @skinikini1 My new productivity year has happened! It feels great. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:13:35 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith I trust you will 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:13:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Yes, a kind of situational rut, right? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:14:00 +0000 2014
JessaBahr Or you never end! RT @IsaPinaud: A2 It doesn’t have to be perfect…it’s a trap…I cant start b/c I the end result won’t be perfect #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:14:06 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing LOL — I go back to when I was about 3 years old and would be “so fruscrated!” with something 🙂 #prodchat A2 Thu Dec 04 01:14:36 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @JessaBahr: The same stuff that got you in the rut probably won’t get you out of it – time for a change! #ProdChat Thu Dec 04 01:14:40 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A2 Sometimes I need to walk away from the situation and clear my head. That always help. Find inspiring distractions #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:14:42 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Exactly #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:14:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith A2: You won’t be stuck in that rut forever. Something will change. You’re an overachiever, remember? 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:15:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @dswebsme Glad you are here, D.S., on the #prodchat! Enjoy! Thu Dec 04 01:15:41 +0000 2014
martinlieberman @skinikini1 @rsidneysmith I hear ya! Even wrote about my struggles a couple months ago: #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:16:07 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: A2 don’t beat yourself up! Shit happens sometimes. Get yourself up and try to fix the problem at hand, there’s always … Thu Dec 04 01:16:10 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @halduauthor #prodchat Good luck. Thu Dec 04 01:16:15 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith oh yeah, how could I forget, silly Ben #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:16:21 +0000 2014
dswebsme Oops, That’s #ProdChat now. Sorry. @rsidneysmith Thu Dec 04 01:16:37 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 Sage advice! Sometimes doing/saying nothing is also an equal and appropriate response. 🙂 #CouplesCounseling #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:16:48 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @halduauthor: A2: that it is temporary, it is not a reflection of who you are but just what you are doing #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:16:55 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor That’s so important for people to recognize. Be hard on the problem, not hard on yourself! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:17:09 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A2a Be patient, you might be trying to move too fast #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:17:31 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @rsidneysmith yes absolutely agree. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:17:55 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith MT @dswebsme: A2: Remember that a rut is not a deadend! Course correct. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:17:57 +0000 2014
halduauthor There is this great phrase I heard in church it says “Sunday will come” I try to remember that in a rut, even though it’s hard #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:18:02 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing Moving out of a rut involves small steps. Don’t just sit waiting for the ‘light bulb’. Start w small changes #prodchat A2 Thu Dec 04 01:18:19 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Yes, Progress over perfection. #progressimperative #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:18:24 +0000 2014
skinikini1 @martinlieberman Thanks! Going to read it after #prodchat tonight. Good to get some perspective. Thu Dec 04 01:18:38 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @rsidneysmith: @halduauthor That’s so important for people to recognize. Be hard on the problem, not hard on yourself! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:19:13 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud So true! Slowing down is usually the best way to make the right next step! #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:19:15 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing “You may be on the right track but you’ll be run over if you just sit there” 🙂 #prodchat A2 Thu Dec 04 01:19:36 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @LoisMarketing Yes, it’s the small, consistent changes that always make for sustainable progress. Amen! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:19:59 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q3: What do you do to stop digging yourself into a deeper rut? #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:20:13 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @halduauthor it can be hard at the moment but once you get through it, you’re on the better side. #conqueringdarkness #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:20:22 +0000 2014
skinikini1 So taking a nap might be in order. That’s a change I could get used to doing. #prodchat Thu Dec 04 01:20:24 +0000 2014
lewisjasona RT @LoisMarketing: “You may be on the right track but you’ll be run over if you just sit there” 🙂 #prodchat A2 Thu Dec 04 01:20:50 +0000 2014
LoisMarketing Analogy – gym. I want to increase my program. I may not be prepped to add the 5 lb plate so I start w adding 2 lbs. #prodchat A2 Thu Dec 04 01:20:54 +0000 2014
halduauthor @Christine_Chen6 tru day #prodchat #refinersfire

ProdChat - Getting Out of a Rut

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