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Holiday #ProdChat – 12/10/2014

#ProdChat – 12/10/14 – Holiday #ProdChat, 2014 Edition

On December 10, 2014, #ProdChat hosted its annual Holiday ProdChat, an opportunity to discuss how to stay sane and productive during the winter holidays season. It’s a busy time of year, but people want to still be productive and enjoy the holidays. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say at our annual Holiday #ProdChat. Enjoy!


  • Q1: Do you have any office #productivity routines for before, during or after the holidays? #prodchat
  • Q2: What work planning methods do you practice now for getting ready for next year? #prodchat
  • Q3: What are some productivity pitfalls to watch out for at the office during the holidays? #prodchat
  • Q4: With holiday parties, personal travel and time off, how do you keep your projects on track this time of year? #prodchat
  • Q5: What’re your personal new year’s or annual planning that you do? How do you plan to achieve them? #prodchat
  • Q6: What kind of tools, tactics and maybe even apps help you the most during the holidays? #prodchat
  • Q7: The winter holidays season is a time for reflection, relationships and looking ahead. How do you make time for this? #prodchat
  • Q8: If you’re traveling for the holidays, what’s your best advice to yourself to stay sane and productive? #prodchat
  • Q9: If you’re hosting a party, or family staying with you, what are your best holiday hosting #productivity tips? #prodchat

Next #ProdChat: Jan. 7, 2015 – Kaizen #Productivity! See you in 2015! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, productivity enthusiasts!

ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity

Picture tweets:

ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat

ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat  Intro 2 (1) ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat  Intro 2 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat  Intro ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q1 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q2 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q3 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q4 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q5 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q6 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q7 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q8 ProdChat - Holiday ProdChat Q9

Raw transcript:

from_user text created_at
rsidneysmith Welcome to Holiday #ProdChat, the #productivity conversation, 2014 Edition! Thu Dec 11 00:59:16 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: Got questions about staying productive during the holidays? join us now for the weekly productivity chat by following #prodc… Thu Dec 11 00:59:50 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing the practical side of the holidays this holiday season! Join us! Thu Dec 11 01:00:23 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith So, let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:01:09 +0000 2014
halduauthor Time for the best hour of the week: #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:01:17 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Hey, Ben! How’re you today? RT @halduauthor: Time for the best hour of the week: #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:02:03 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Dec 11 01:02:11 +0000 2014
halduauthor I am Ben, a grad student in instructional tech, and right now it is the end of the semester ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:03:19 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 Hey everyone! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:03:25 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell Evening everyone. My name’s David Roussell. I’m an Author/Speaker; first time here & looking forward to it. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:03:43 +0000 2014
lewisjasona Good evening #prodchat friends! Thu Dec 11 01:03:48 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith oh you know, stressed out of my mind ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:03:55 +0000 2014
PEPQueensland RT @DarleneMLopez1: How to Prioritize When Everything Is a Priority #leadwithgiants #prodchat #leadership
Thu Dec 11 01:04:03 +0000 2014
halduauthor @DavidRoussell nice to meet you, welcome to the club ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:04:35 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks I’m Art Gelwicks. I’m not an expert so I’m going to stay at a Holiday Inn Express… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:04:36 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Well, nothing like a bit of #prodchat to spruce up your holiday season! 🙂 Welcome! Thu Dec 11 01:04:43 +0000 2014
dswebsme Hey #ProdChat. Fixing some dinner but hanging out to keep an eye on theconversation. How is everone? Thu Dec 11 01:05:08 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q1: Do you have any office #productivity routines for before, during or after the holidays? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:05:13 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith tru dat ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:05:17 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @halduauthor Thanks Ben. Pleasure to meet U also Sir. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:05:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 Hey, Christine! Welcome to the #productivity chat! Great to have you here again! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:05:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DavidRoussell Hey, David! Welcome to #prodchat! So great to have you here as a first-timer! Enjoy! Thu Dec 11 01:05:47 +0000 2014
nmhouston Hey #prodchat I’m Natalie, an English professor & personal productivity coach. I help people move forward on their most important goals. Thu Dec 11 01:05:51 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @rsidneysmith it’s always a pleasure to join! Let’s have some fun in #prodchat tonight Thu Dec 11 01:06:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona Hey, Jason! Great to have you here as always, sir! How’re you? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:06:19 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A1: Make great plans for the next year so I can forget them earlier? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:06:32 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor And so festive with Santa! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:06:34 +0000 2014
lewisjasona I’m Jason, an engineering manager and productivity student. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:06:44 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 That’s the (holiday) spirit! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:06:54 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud Hello! Sorry I’m late! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:00 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @rsidneysmith Thanks Ray; it’s great to be here. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:09 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Hey there, Art! Good to have you as always, sir! Hope you enjoy the #prodchat tonight! 🙂 Thu Dec 11 01:07:24 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud I’m Isabel. Illustrator, designer, and GTDer obsessed with OF and Evernote #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:26 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @rsidneysmith I’m great Ray! How are you? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:27 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @rsidneysmith: @dswebsme @macbikegeek @kmwexclusive @SheldonAYS REMINDER: 8pm ET/5pm PT today – Annual Holiday #ProdChat. Hope you can j… Thu Dec 11 01:07:29 +0000 2014
WonderPix Hi, stopping by to check out #prodchat … Can always use new ideas on being more productive! Thu Dec 11 01:07:39 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud Welcome to #prodchat 🙂 @DavidRoussell Thu Dec 11 01:07:51 +0000 2014
mcraegj .@rsidneysmith watch the wine and holiday punch consumption! Also, stick to your plan which is year round, not just the hols #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DavidRoussell Wonderful! We normally meet weekly but we’ll be off a few weeks because of holidays/travel! Enjoy the chat! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:07:56 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A1 I take the slow time to clean up my desk, delete/archive files, go through folders. It’s a great time to #organize #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:01 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud alright I guess we’ll forgive you #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:07 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks Thanks Ray…Nice to make it back. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:17 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @mcraegj Hey, Gary! Welcome to the #prodchat! Good advice! 😉 #productivity Thu Dec 11 01:08:19 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @IsaPinaud Thank U Isabel. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:25 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A1 Before is to get presents made (I handmade presents every year) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:34 +0000 2014
halduauthor @WonderPix hi Trish, nice to meet you #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:42 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Wrapping up the year includes personalized holiday cards, notes & some gifts to clients – A1 #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:08:51 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona So glad to hear, Jason! I’m doing really well myself. Gearing up for holiday get-togethers! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:52 +0000 2014
nmhouston A1: as an academic, holiday season coincides with end of semester: managing that transition the focus of my routines #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:08:59 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A1a: Making the move to mobile for the majority of my needs next year. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:09:14 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @dswebsme Hey, DS! Great to have you poking in/out of #prodchat today! I’m great, and you? Thu Dec 11 01:09:23 +0000 2014
WonderPix “@halduauthor: @WonderPix hi Trish, nice to meet you #prodchat” Hi Ben! Thanks Thu Dec 11 01:09:28 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A1a During the holidays I try to get my binder for the New Year done which includes “resolutions”, word, quotes, book to read, etc #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:09:34 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @IsaPinaud that’s amazing! Nothing more authentic than handmade presents. Very thoughtful! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:09:40 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @nmhouston Hey, Natalie! How’re you today? Great to have you here, as always! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:09:47 +0000 2014
macbikegeek Good evening, sorry to be late. #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:09:51 +0000 2014
halduauthor I don’t think we will see @skinikini1 today, the motab has their Christmas concert this weekend and I imagine they are rehearsing #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:09:55 +0000 2014
dswebsme A1: I try to avoid over eating/drinking and crazy schedules to help maintain steady energy levels. @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:10:00 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @Christine_Chen6: A1 I take the slow time to clean up my desk, delete/archive files, go through folders. It’s a great time to #organize … Thu Dec 11 01:10:11 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @Christine_Chen6 I do this too! Getting ready for the next year 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:25 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks LOL. That’s a way to do it. 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:26 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor That’s so thoughtful of you 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:37 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @DavidRoussell: @IsaPinaud Thank U Isabel. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:42 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Hey, Isabel! Great to have you here…late or otherwise! 😉 Jump right in! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:51 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @DTNEtiquette absolutely! We just wrapped up mailing out holidays cards to clients. Organizing holiday party for next wk! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:10:54 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q2: What work planning methods do you practice now for getting ready for next year? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:11:10 +0000 2014
dswebsme @rsidneysmith Very well. Glad to be winding down for the day. #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:11:17 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud this is Isabel ?￰゚ヤᄃ✏️?¬ワツ️✨?￰゚リテ #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:06 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @Christine_Chen6 Thanks 🙂 I try to include everyone …from gifts for family & friends to cards for cleaning crew at college #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:07 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @IsaPinaud exactly! It’s a great time to clean, re-organized and prepare for the new year! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:08 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @Christine_Chen6: @IsaPinaud that’s amazing! Nothing more authentic than handmade presents. Very thoughtful! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:09 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith
I review milestone every three days to make sure I’m staying on track during the holidays.
Thu Dec 11 01:12:14 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Preparing for 2015 includes setting goals with timelines – keeps me focused & targeted – #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:12:17 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith #prodchat NB: I adjusted the schedule today; we have 9, count ’em, 9 questions! They’re coming out every six minutes! Stretch fingers now! Thu Dec 11 01:12:29 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Thanks Ray 🙂 Glad to be here! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:51 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @IsaPinaud not a lot of people do that anymore. I love hand made gifts so don’t stop!! It keeps you creative too. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:54 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A2: Digital clean out and retagging is the first step. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:12:54 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @Christine_Chen6: @IsaPinaud exactly! It’s a great time to clean, re-organized and prepare for the new year! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:13:03 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @WonderPix Hi, Trish! Welcome to #prodchat. Great to have you here. Enjoy! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:13:08 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud always #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:13:08 +0000 2014
mcraegj A2 @rsidneysmith planning for next year is best planned long before now! Good to time to schedule meetings for Jan #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:13:18 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor Always creating something 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:13:22 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS This a great time to try new productivity tools or methods.#ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:13:31 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DTNEtiquette Fantastic, Deborah! And, great to have you on #prodchat today! :)) Thu Dec 11 01:13:53 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A2 I empty out my binder and begin a new one. From the cover to the information inside, everything gets updated… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:04 +0000 2014
lewisjasona A2: It’s work planning season… making sure budgets, staffing and deliverables all align and everyone’s goals support the team’s. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:12 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith I can’t handle the speed! ?￰゚リモ #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:26 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @mcraegj That’s my strategy for sure! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:39 +0000 2014
nmhouston A2 End of year is a good time for long-range planning, along with the usual monthly or quarterly view #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:40 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A2a Binder includes: word & quote for the yr, resolutions, goals, books to read, exercise, protects for the 1st 3 months, etc 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:14:55 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Lively today, eh? Find a laptop! #NotiPadOnly? LOL #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:01 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS This also a great time to visit and grow relationships.
Say thank you!
Thu Dec 11 01:15:14 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @SheldonAYS Ok, I’ll go down the rabbit hole… what are you trying out right now? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:17 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Delighted to be here! RT @rsidneysmith: @DTNEtiquette Fantastic, Deborah! And, great to have you on #prodchat today! :)) Thu Dec 11 01:15:26 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @Christine_Chen6 That’s true! I study illustration…so I’m always creating something 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:37 +0000 2014
halduauthor @nmhouston good to see you too Natalie 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:40 +0000 2014
nmhouston @IsaPinaud how often do you refer to this binder during the year? is this your daily tool? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:47 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A2 This is the time to build Q1 plan. Each department mgr should take the advantage to do that. Plan ahead and set goals! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:48 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @nmhouston Hey! great to see you too! How are you? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:15:51 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @DTNEtiquette: Preparing for 2015 includes setting goals with timelines – keeps me focused & targeted – #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:15:54 +0000 2014
dswebsme A2: I started my resolutions a month early this year to avoid the pressure (and excuses) people use =] @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:16:02 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A2a: Go back and make note of what didn’t work to not repeat those mistakes next year #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:16:06 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DTNEtiquette Yes, and it’s so motivating for me…gets me excited! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:16:15 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith my laptop is otherwise engaged uploading video at a snails pace ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:16:21 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A2b Creating the binder also includes reviewing what worked & what didn’t in the current year so I cana dust accordingly #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:16:56 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q3: What are some productivity pitfalls to watch out for at the office during the holidays? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:09 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud do you have a place you have written about this? I am very interested about this binder ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:22 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith
A full review of accomplishments and failures to find weakness/strengths.
Thu Dec 11 01:17:28 +0000 2014
nmhouston @ArtGelwicks Agree — but also good to spend time reflecting on what DID work this year — so often we only focus on the negative #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:38 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @SheldonAYS Yes, it’s actually the whole focus of my December month…see friends, family and colleagues. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:39 +0000 2014
mcraegj .@ArtGelwicks Great advice! Do this daily! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:48 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith +1 RT @lewisjasona: @SheldonAYS Ok, I’ll go down the rabbit hole… what are you trying out right now? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:17:58 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: A2 This is the time to build Q1 plan. Each department mgr should take the advantage to do that. Plan ahead and set goa… Thu Dec 11 01:18:34 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @dswebsme: A2: I started my resolutions a month early this year to avoid the pressure (and excuses) people use =] @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:18:40 +0000 2014
macbikegeek A2 time to review mission, goals, big picture before the rush of the new year. #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:18:42 +0000 2014
nmhouston @dswebsme yes, this is a great time of year to jump on a new fitness goal or life habit — every small step counts! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:18:45 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @nmhouston It is my daily tool. First pages are what I mentioned & then a calendar+dffrnt sections for different activities #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:19:04 +0000 2014
dswebsme A3: BAKED GOODS! They are awesome but they will destroy your rhythm. @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:19:11 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @dswebsme: A2: I started my resolutions a month early this year to avoid the pressure (and excuses) people use =] @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:19:16 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: A2a: Go back and make note of what didn’t work to not repeat those mistakes next year #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:19:21 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hahaha. I have three laptops, tablet and mobile…still hard to host and keep up! ;-P #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:19:33 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A3 Obviously you have to enjoy the holidays, but don’t leave everything for the last week of vacation #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:19:54 +0000 2014
lewisjasona Man, last week we discouraged coffee drinking and this week sweets… I’m not sure I can continue with this #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:04 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Inquiring minds want to know, Isabel! MT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud do you have a place you have written about this? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:09 +0000 2014
nmhouston @halduauthor @IsaPinaud me too — you’re reminding me of some binder setups I used in the past…might have to revisit #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:18 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith you need more hands #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:26 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor I don’t right now, my website should be coming out next year #excited …I can pm you about it though 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:27 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @SheldonAYS: @rsidneysmith
A full review of accomplishments and failures to find weakness/strengths.
Thu Dec 11 01:20:33 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A2b: Mapping my processes to look for bottlenecks and then pulling the cork. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:33 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @dswebsme Yes, beware of the sugar coma! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:20:41 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud great, after the semester finishes we need to get together and chat #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:21:13 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @nmhouston @halduauthor I can talk to you both about it after #prodchat if you like 🙂 Thu Dec 11 01:21:30 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud If you’re interested, you can guest-post about this on (I’m soft-relaunching in Jan!). 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:21:40 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: Inquiring minds want to know, Isabel! MT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud do you have a place you have written about this? #prodc… Thu Dec 11 01:21:44 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith
You have too!
Relationships need to be groomed to improve communication.
Thu Dec 11 01:21:50 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud do you have a place you have written about this? I am very interested about this binder ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:21:51 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: @halduauthor @IsaPinaud me too — you’re reminding me of some binder setups I used in the past…might have to revisit #prod… Thu Dec 11 01:21:54 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @rsidneysmith: @SheldonAYS Yes, it’s actually the whole focus of my December month…see friends, family and colleagues. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:21:56 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: @ArtGelwicks Agree — but also good to spend time reflecting on what DID work this year — so often we only focus on the neg… Thu Dec 11 01:21:59 +0000 2014
nmhouston One of my planning tools is a full year dry erase laminated wall calendar — really helpful to see it all at once #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:01 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: A2b: Mapping my processes to look for bottlenecks and then pulling the cork. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:10 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks Don’t forget to celebrate your successes and accomplishments.All work and no play… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @nmhouston @ArtGelwicks Yes, the affliction of the overachievers! We don’t focus on celebrating what we’ve done! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:35 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor Perfect 🙂 I finish classes this Friday…we can schedule after that #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:43 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston I love me some dry-erase boards. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:44 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @nmhouston love this idea! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:22:48 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @macbikegeek: A2 time to review mission, goals, big picture before the rush of the new year. #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:22:56 +0000 2014
halduauthor @lewisjasona ☕️?￰゚ヘᄅ?￰゚ヘᄚ?￰゚レᆱ #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:01 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith @lewisjasona
My next visit will #sprout #social for this first qrt 2015.
Thu Dec 11 01:23:09 +0000 2014
WonderPix RT @ArtGelwicks: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes and accomplishments.All work and no play… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:10 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q4: With holiday parties, travel and time off, how do you keep your projects on track this time of year? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:10 +0000 2014
jennpark RT @rsidneysmith: So, let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:18 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Thanks for the offer! I would be very interested 🙂 I’ll pm you #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:22 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Welcome to #prodchat! Good to see you back! Hope you’re having a better week! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:25 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: @nmhouston I love me some dry-erase boards. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:33 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes and accomplishments.All work and no play… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:42 +0000 2014
JessaBahr Jumping in SUPER late for #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:49 +0000 2014
Vip_1_mhm RT @JessaBahr: Jumping in SUPER late for #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:56 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @ArtGelwicks I thought I was the only one who was still in love with those. Lol, #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:23:58 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @halduauthor I wonder if there’s a #badhabits twitter chat? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:00 +0000 2014
davidherubel RT @JessaBahr: Jumping in SUPER late for #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:02 +0000 2014
saeddwo57 RT @JessaBahr: Jumping in SUPER late for #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:05 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona Just moderation…nothing more! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:15 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A4: Block time out on your calendar and stick to the blocks. Momentum is kept without being intrusive. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:19 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @nmhouston @halduauthor @IsaPinaud I. want. PICTURES! LOL 😉 #bindersfullofproductivity Hehe. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:24:46 +0000 2014
jennpark Oops, jumping in late for #prodchat as well! Thu Dec 11 01:24:57 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud I finish tomorrow then finals next week, should be done by Wednesday (provided I am still alive) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:25:02 +0000 2014
mcraegj .@rsidneysmith #Projectmanagement tools do the trick. I use @wrike for this #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:25:17 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @DavidRoussell At work Ihave 2 2’x3′ ones that are removable from my cube wall. Wonderful things. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:25:19 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith
Use alerts and calendars.
Thu Dec 11 01:25:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @IsaPinaud I keep saying we need to do a ProdChat Google+ Hangout on Air. Takers? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:25:24 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: With holiday parties, travel and time off, how do you keep your projects on track this time of year? #prodchat http:/… Thu Dec 11 01:25:30 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A4 Mark off * dates (24th, 25th, 31st,etc) schedule around them. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:25:54 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @SheldonAYS: @rsidneysmith
You have too!
Relationships need to be groomed to improve communication.
Thu Dec 11 01:25:58 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @ArtGelwicks: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes and accomplishments.All work and no play… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:03 +0000 2014
halduauthor A4: because I am a student I just don’t have as many projects during the holidays, but right before I have lots and it takes focus #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:08 +0000 2014
jennpark A4: I do think blocking out time for work is good. Also, for me, I need to block out time specifically for holiday related visits #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:11 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: One of my planning tools is a full year dry erase laminated wall calendar — really helpful to see it all at once #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:12 +0000 2014
dswebsme @nmhouston Mine was a big one this year so I wanted to get a head start! #90DayPursuit #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:26:16 +0000 2014
mcraegj @jennpark Never too late! And we are talking about staying on schedule so very relevant! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:20 +0000 2014
nmhouston A4 Really important to ask yourself, is this a *realistic* goal or plan for the week? Do you need more rest? quiet time? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:30 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @nmhouston As a huge fan of DEB’s, that’s ridiculously awesome! :)) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:34 +0000 2014
halduauthor @JessaBahr better late than not at all #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:39 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A4a I focus on school 2 days/wk, work/other activities 2 days/wk and personal projects the rest of the time. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:41 +0000 2014
jennpark A4: blocking out time for holiday related events gives me something to look forward to as well as provides a time limit 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:52 +0000 2014
JessaBahr @halduauthor Thanks Ben! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:26:59 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: A4: Block time out on your calendar and stick to the blocks. Momentum is kept without being intrusive. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:04 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @JessaBahr Hey, Jess! Great to have you here on #prodchat. Enjoy the convo! 🙂 Thu Dec 11 01:27:15 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @nmhouston @IsaPinaud ha ha, that is what I was thinking! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:18 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud I finish tomorrow then finals next week, should be done by Wednesday (provided I am still alive) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:29 +0000 2014
halduauthor @lewisjasona there is a twitterchat for everything #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:37 +0000 2014
JessaBahr @rsidneysmith thanks Ray! Excited for another #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:42 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona @halduauthor Haha…no would show up, because they wouldn’t want to build a good habit of attending! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:46 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor You have to survive if you want to see the binder 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:49 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: @halduauthor @IsaPinaud I keep saying we need to do a ProdChat Google+ Hangout on Air. Takers? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:27:59 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith @halduauthor Yes Please! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:13 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud that’s what I need, a goal to get me through #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:19 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A4b: Don’t feel obligated to maintain the same pace during the holidays. That’s why they’re called “holidays” after all… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:21 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @ArtGelwicks: A4: Block time out on your calendar and stick to the blocks. Momentum is kept without being intrusive. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:33 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor I study design… we have SO MUCH HOMEWORK during the holidays! #notfair #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:47 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A4 Really important to ask yourself, is this a *realistic* goal or plan for the week? Do you need more rest? quiet time? #p… Thu Dec 11 01:28:54 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Time with family, friends, loved ones gives a needed balance & provides energy for getting back to work once holidays are over – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:55 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A4 Use calendar*reminder alerts. I use excel to keep track of projects at work. I share it on Google Doc so the team is on board #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:28:56 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q5: What’re your personal new year’s or annual planning that you do? How do you plan to achieve them? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:29:06 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DavidRoussell @ArtGelwicks You are definitely *not* alone, David! In my last office, I have a full wall acrylic dry erase board. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:29:24 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud when I grow up I want to be just like you #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:29:34 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud I find it pretty important not to be too hard on myself during this time of year. It is the holidays after all #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:29:37 +0000 2014
halduauthor RT @ArtGelwicks: A4b: Don’t feel obligated to maintain the same pace during the holidays. That’s why they’re called “holidays” after all..… Thu Dec 11 01:29:55 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @jennpark Hey, Jennifer! Great to have you here. Jump right in, enjoy the #prodchat convo! Thu Dec 11 01:29:55 +0000 2014
JessaBahr I want to produce more content for @InternetPandas – so I’m adding time to my schedule to write every day to build habit #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:29:57 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS Auto release (email, social, & gifts) is great for this time of the year!#Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:04 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A5:This year’s goals are much more tactical than in years past. Need to be actionable and measurable. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:08 +0000 2014
lewisjasona RT @IsaPinaud: I find it pretty important not to be too hard on myself during this time of year. It is the holidays after all #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:10 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks ohhhh, it’s all making so much sense now #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:17 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @rsidneysmith: @JessaBahr Hey, Jess! Great to have you here on #prodchat. Enjoy the convo! 🙂 Thu Dec 11 01:30:20 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A5 I have general yearly goals, something I focus on every quarter & smaller goals for every month (three for each quarter focus) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:42 +0000 2014
mcraegj A5. #SMART objectives with #KPI’s and #PM tools and good old fashioned calendar #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:55 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud when I grow up I want to be just like you #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:30:57 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: A4 Really important to ask yourself, is this a *realistic* goal or plan for the week? Do you need more rest? quiet time? #p… Thu Dec 11 01:30:59 +0000 2014
ultrasoundangie RT @Christine_Chen6: A4 Use calendar*reminder alerts. I use excel to keep track of projects at work. I share it on Google Doc so the team … Thu Dec 11 01:31:09 +0000 2014
ultrasoundangie RT @DTNEtiquette: Time with family, friends, loved ones gives a needed balance & provides energy for getting back to work once holidays are… Thu Dec 11 01:31:19 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor That means a lot coming from someone I admire 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:31:29 +0000 2014
nmhouston A4 Choose the holiday activities that are most meaningful to you. You don’t have to do everything. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:31:30 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @IsaPinaud: A4a I focus on school 2 days/wk, work/other activities 2 days/wk and personal projects the rest of the time. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:31:35 +0000 2014
jennpark I love the #prodchat images by the way. Fun and festive Thu Dec 11 01:31:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud You have a very @ev #productivity perspective! Awesome! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:32:06 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A5b: This year there will be as much analog as digital for me. Moving hard back to pen and paper. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:32:14 +0000 2014
ultrasoundangie RT @IsaPinaud: A5 I have general yearly goals, something I focus on every quarter & smaller goals for every month (three for each quarter f… Thu Dec 11 01:32:23 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A4 Choose the holiday activities that are most meaningful to you. You don’t have to do everything. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:32:37 +0000 2014
rafaelgorro RT @IsaPinaud: I find it pretty important not to be too hard on myself during this time of year. It is the holidays after all #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:32:37 +0000 2014
CASUDI A4 No different than any other time = time management 🙂 Thanks for the chat invite #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:32:44 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @DTNEtiquette: Time with family, friends, loved ones gives a needed balance & provides energy for getting back to work once holidays are… Thu Dec 11 01:32:49 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: A4 Use calendar*reminder alerts. I use excel to keep track of projects at work. I share it on Google Doc so the team … Thu Dec 11 01:33:01 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS Q5-
More free education(coursera)!
Thu Dec 11 01:33:16 +0000 2014
halduauthor A5: I take time during the break between Xmas and New Years to set goals in 4 areas: mental, physical, spiritual, and social #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:33:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @IsaPinaud: I find it pretty important not to be too hard on myself during this time of year. It is the holidays after all #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:33:28 +0000 2014
_AngelsBlood RT @JessaBahr: I want to produce more content for @InternetPandas – so I’m adding time to my schedule to write every day to build habit #P… Thu Dec 11 01:33:31 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A5c: More professional training for me this year. Need to sharpen my skills. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:33:59 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @SheldonAYS Awesome, Sheldon! I’m always in at least one @coursera course! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:00 +0000 2014
balsoubh0012 RT @JessaBahr: Jumping in SUPER late for #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:04 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Now I want to meet this @ev #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:14 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @JessaBahr & I’m JUST THE OPPOSITE. Have to force myself to work on other things & ease up on content creation. #Prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:20 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: A5: I take time during the break between Xmas and New Years to set goals in 4 areas: mental, physical, spiritual, and soci… Thu Dec 11 01:34:26 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @JessaBahr @InternetPandas That’s awesome! I have several new podcasts launching in 2015 so I hear ya! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:42 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @mcraegj: A5. #SMART objectives with #KPI’s and #PM tools and good old fashioned calendar #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:34:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q6: What kind of tools, tactics and maybe even apps help you the most during the holidays? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:10 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith @coursera
Love it!
I can pass up free!
Thu Dec 11 01:35:11 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @rsidneysmith: @SheldonAYS Awesome, Sheldon! I’m always in at least one @coursera course! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:15 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @CASUDI You’re most welcome! 🙂 Enjoy your holiday season! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:27 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith @SheldonAYS I’m always doing online courses! Keeps you learning things you might not be able to learn somewhere else #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:35 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A5 Create a list of goals (big visions) and break it down monthly into realistic smaller goals to get me there! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:37 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: @JessaBahr @InternetPandas That’s awesome! I have several new podcasts launching in 2015 so I hear ya! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:44 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks ditto that Art, this year I learn to program! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:50 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @jennpark Thanks, Jennifer! It took quite a bit effort, to be honest. 😀 Glad you noticed! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:35:53 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: A4 Choose the holiday activities that are most meaningful to you. You don’t have to do everything. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:36:01 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @halduauthor HTML and CSS brush up for me. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:36:33 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor How very #characterethic Covery of you? 😉 #MormonConnection #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:36:40 +0000 2014
nmhouston @ArtGelwicks which things are you moving to analog? I do a lot with pen & paper myself, best way for me to think thru something #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:36:51 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @rsidneysmith
@hootsuite will be In full swing!
Thu Dec 11 01:36:51 +0000 2014
mcraegj RT @Christine_Chen6: A5 Create a list of goals (big visions) and break it down monthly into realistic smaller goals to get me there! #prodc… Thu Dec 11 01:37:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Do you want to do more live in-person training or Lynda/MOOC-style training? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:37:17 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith @SheldonAYS my computer is trying to upload my first Udemy course now, #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:37:18 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @IsaPinaud @SheldonAYS Congrats, Ben! Send me a link once it’s up! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:37:52 +0000 2014
dswebsme A6: @feedly, @buffer and Twitter help keep me connected without making it feel like a chore! @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:37:58 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @jennpark we appreciate your honesty #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:38:00 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A6 I use Evernote & OF all yr, but during the holidays I go back to paper & declutter these to get rid of no longer relevant items #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:38:07 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @dswebsme: A6: @feedly, @buffer and Twitter help keep me connected without making it feel like a chore! @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:38:24 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @nmhouston All my main notes and journals are being kept analog now. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:38:28 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor *Covey #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:38:40 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith you know me, I’m a covey disciple 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:38:45 +0000 2014
skinikini1 Sorry #prodchat peeps. I’m missing tonight but will join next week. 🙂 Thu Dec 11 01:38:49 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A6 I always have a paper/digital system, but during the holidays I stick to paper only #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:39:03 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith
I tell everyone about them all the time!
Always learning!
Thu Dec 11 01:39:04 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 “@dswebsme: A6: @feedly, @buffer and Twitter help keep me connected without making it feel like a chore! @rsidneysmith #ProdChat”<– me too! Thu Dec 11 01:39:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Yessir. Me too re: #8thhabit! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:39:15 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @IsaPinaud: A6 I always have a paper/digital system, but during the holidays I stick to paper only #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:39:20 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @IsaPinaud Could you write a book about how to clean up Omnifocus too? I could use that. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:39:28 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith I’ll take what I can get but online->certification is the most likely path for success for me. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:39:30 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS @halduauthor @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith
Yes! Please share.
Thu Dec 11 01:40:01 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith @SheldonAYS my computer is trying to upload my first Udemy course now, #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:40:05 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Gotcha! If there are any overlapping learning goals, I always enjoy accountability/collaboration! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:40:05 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor That is awesome! I might have a Udemy course coming out next year 🙂 #prodchat …What is the course about? Social media? Thu Dec 11 01:40:07 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @IsaPinaud lives digital but something nice about pen on paper thoughts are made of ink #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:40:12 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: @ArtGelwicks which things are you moving to analog? I do a lot with pen & paper myself, best way for me to think thru someth… Thu Dec 11 01:40:28 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @SheldonAYS: @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith
I tell everyone about them all the time!
Always learning!
Thu Dec 11 01:40:40 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud @SheldonAYS if it makes it through review I will… #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:40:42 +0000 2014
skinikini1 Good call. Yup! Rehearsals but thinking about you all. Love #prodchat @halduauthor Thu Dec 11 01:40:46 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q7: The season is a time for reflection, relationships and looking ahead. How do you make time for this? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:41:12 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @lewisjasona I can talk you through my process if you like 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:41:29 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks I’m SharePoint all the time now when I’m not mobile so that’s where my efforts are focused. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:41:34 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud of course 🙂 I think we should consider taking the teen productivity to Udemy #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:41:38 +0000 2014
lewisjasona @IsaPinaud I would love that! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:08 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @BrandIdeas Good to see you on the #prodchat again, Timm! Welcome! Hope you’re well! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:10 +0000 2014
halduauthor @skinikini1 you guys were great on Sunday #ChristmasDevo I saw you on screen. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:21 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas A7 Christmas parties are a relationship multi-taskers dream- lol #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:25 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Grab the moment even when it’s not scheduled to connect w/family, friends, biz relationships – don’t wait! – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:34 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @skinikini1: Good call. Yup! Rehearsals but thinking about you all. Love #prodchat @halduauthor Thu Dec 11 01:42:45 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A7: Good coffee, soft holiday music, and lots of creative visualization #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:50 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A7 I spend a lot of time with family around this time of the year. I take some alone time to reflect and appreciate myself too #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:42:51 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @DTNEtiquette: Grab the moment even when it’s not scheduled to connect w/family, friends, biz relationships – don’t wait! – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:43:26 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: A7 I spend a lot of time with family around this time of the year. I take some alone time to reflect and appreciate my… Thu Dec 11 01:43:30 +0000 2014
dswebsme A7: Family make up the most important relationships in my life and the never take a back seat. #FamilyFirst @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:43:36 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @ArtGelwicks: A7: Good coffee, soft holiday music, and lots of creative visualization #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:43:36 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @BrandIdeas I understand digital has a lot of benefits, but I’m an illustrator, so my system will always be highly paper based #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:43:41 +0000 2014
mcraegj .@Christine_Chen6 Excellent. Easy to forget to have some self appreciation time! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:01 +0000 2014
nmhouston A7: When you feel like you don’t have time, is precisely when you *need* to take time for meditation & reflection #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:07 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @rsidneysmith Doing great Ray some great tips here – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:07 +0000 2014
halduauthor A7: I use a time when everyone else is napping ? #prodchat #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:10 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I avoid terrestrial radio about a week before Thanksgiving until a week before XMas, then I enjoy the holiday music! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:12 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette @Christine_Chen6 Good for you! Self-reflection & self-appreciation good for the soul & energizing – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:15 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @IsaPinaud: @BrandIdeas I understand digital has a lot of benefits, but I’m an illustrator, so my system will always be highly paper bas… Thu Dec 11 01:44:33 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A7 This is what I meant about not being too hard on yourself. Prioritize people not work. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:44:42 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @nmhouston: A7: When you feel like you don’t have time, is precisely when you *need* to take time for meditation & reflection #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:45:10 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @nmhouston: A7: When you feel like you don’t have time, is precisely when you *need* to take time for meditation & reflection #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:45:30 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks Digital assists with organization but sometimes you need the freedom of a blank sheet and an open mind. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:45:30 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @ArtGelwicks: Digital assists with organization but sometimes you need the freedom of a blank sheet and an open mind. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:45:40 +0000 2014
jennpark This I need to remember MT @nmhouston: A7: When you feel you don’t have time is precisely when you *need* to take time #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:45:53 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor I had not thought of that! Awesome idea! Where is @cooperjohnj ?? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:00 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A7: When you feel like you don’t have time, is precisely when you *need* to take time for meditation & reflection #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:19 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith A-men! RT @ArtGelwicks: Digital assists with organization but sometimes you need the freedom of a blank sheet and an open mind. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:22 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @DTNEtiquette yes absolutely! Once you’re re-energize, you’ll have the energy and time to appreciate others! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:25 +0000 2014
DavidRoussell @DTNEtiquette I just had the same thought RIGHT as your tweet popped in. #Prodchat. Sometimes I just DO! Thu Dec 11 01:46:25 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: Digital assists with organization but sometimes you need the freedom of a blank sheet and an open mind. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:30 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud @cooperjohnj he’s probably prioritizing family 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:35 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas paper doesn’t give you notifications – its like an open thought bubble waiting to be filled #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:46:42 +0000 2014
SheldonAYS I make a point reflect personally!
How can I make my self better and set milestone for the next year.
Thu Dec 11 01:46:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q8: If you’re traveling for the holidays, what’s your best advice to yourself to stay sane and productive? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:47:08 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith A7: As I said at the top of #prodchat, December’s whole focus is time with people that matter to me. It’s so great! Thu Dec 11 01:47:18 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud @cooperjohnj he’s probably prioritizing family 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:47:34 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks Each day begins with a log page and continues with verbose notes and thoughts. Started to work well when I began to really write. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:47:44 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @rsidneysmith Kids are quieter when they are eating – travel tip #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:48:02 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @mcraegj yes! Very easy to forget about urself. Ur mind+spirit is the fuel to ur life. Need to nourish that in order to give out #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:48:05 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor @cooperjohnj That’s probably true… We should talk about this idea at some point 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:48:06 +0000 2014
cooperjohnj #prodchat sorry guys school has been insane, hopefully after these next two weeks I will be back @halduauthor @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Thu Dec 11 01:48:14 +0000 2014
mcraegj Who says men can’t multitask? #prodchat & #smallbizchat at the same time! Thu Dec 11 01:48:23 +0000 2014
jennpark A8: to stay sane and productive during travel–I’ve been learning/working on staying present #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:00 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette My holiday advice: be kind, be real, be generous, be patient – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:10 +0000 2014
nmhouston @ArtGelwicks exactly — that’s the power of “morning pages”! (Julia Cameron’s term) #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:14 +0000 2014
dswebsme A8: Don’t forget the chargers =] @rsidneysmith #ProdChat Thu Dec 11 01:49:24 +0000 2014
halduauthor A8: Ben, don’t worry too much about work, it will still be there when the holidays are over. Work if you can but enjoy life #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:24 +0000 2014
mjbohl07 RT @DTNEtiquette: My holiday advice: be kind, be real, be generous, be patient – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:39 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith A8: Travel light if you’re going to get presents that you have to return with! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:40 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Impressive! > RT @mcraegj: Who says men can’t multitask? #prodchat & #smallbizchat at the same time! Thu Dec 11 01:49:45 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A8 Use plane/train/boat time to get grinding tasks out of the way. Then you get a vacation with things you look forward to doing #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:49:49 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @cooperjohnj @halduauthor @rsidneysmith We miss you <3 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:17 +0000 2014
halduauthor @cooperjohnj @IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith ditto that man, school is nutso! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:22 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @jennpark That’s a great phrase…stay sane and productivity by staying present. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:27 +0000 2014
lewisjasona A8: I think you have to find a little bit of time for your regular routines. I get crabby when everything is different. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:34 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks During the holidays take pictures, not notes. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:49 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 A8 Put your devices down when spending time with family! Be able to prioritize and tunnel your attention to one thing at a time #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:50:59 +0000 2014
mcraegj .@IsaPinaud lol boat time! I like how you roll #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:51:13 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @Christine_Chen6: A8 Put your devices down when spending time with family! Be able to prioritize and tunnel your attention to one thing … Thu Dec 11 01:51:17 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @ArtGelwicks: During the holidays take pictures, not notes. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:51:27 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @Christine_Chen6 Agrees Holidays means it OK to unplug #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:52:02 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @mcraegj It depends on however you are traveling 😛 lol #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:52:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I just heard at #TNWUSA that there will be more photos taken this year than ever (aggregate) in the history of time! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:52:26 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 Yes! Eye contact with loved ones! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:52:51 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @jennpark being “Present” is the key to truly enjoy each moment. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:53:06 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud @mcraegj I like the train best ? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:53:07 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith It makes sense. The key is what to do with all those pictures? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:53:10 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Q9: For hosting a party, or family staying over, what are your best holiday hosting #productivity tips? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:53:14 +0000 2014
mcraegj @Christine_Chen6 “put it down”, like an ill puppy? 🙁 #prodchat turns to device euthanasia Thu Dec 11 01:53:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona Yes, my day start and end need to be consistent! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:53:25 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @BrandIdeas exactly. Have to know when to unplug and enjoy your surrounding! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:06 +0000 2014
halduauthor @Christine_Chen6 @jennpark here you go ? enjoy this moment #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:06 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith I want to solve this problem and make a million dollars #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:32 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A9: Reach out and find out people’s preferred drinks in advance then make a proper shopping list #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:41 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks This is so true. Right now, I’ve depended on unlimited Amazon Prime photo storage, and Google+ camera backup! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:44 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Put the phones away & have some conversation even with your annoying relatives! It’s the holidays & we’re all…. – #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:50 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @Christine_Chen6: @BrandIdeas exactly. Have to know when to unplug and enjoy your surrounding! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:54:54 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith I’m seriously considering a large digital frame this year. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:55:19 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @ArtGelwicks If you solved this problem, you’d make at least a billion dollars! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:55:24 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A9 Make a list of tasks separated into ctgries like cooking, to buy, decor, & and gift list for each person invited #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:55:26 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas A9 caterers are really a blessing #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:55:31 +0000 2014
halduauthor @DTNEtiquette not the annoying ones! Please #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:55:54 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DTNEtiquette Do I have to talk to the annoying ones?! ;-P #agreed #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:56:08 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks someday I will, someone has too #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:56:25 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @BrandIdeas I’m so thankful I come from a large family and everyone pitches in, and my dad loves to cook in *large* quantities! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:56:37 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks A9: In your to-do app leave the crossed off items showing so you can enjoy a sense of success. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:56:52 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette Yep – at least a few pleasantries! RT @rsidneysmith: @DTNEtiquette Do I have to talk to the annoying ones?! ;-P #agreed #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:56:59 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud A9 When I make a list of people & their gifts I put three boxes to check next to the persons name. (gift made/bought,wrapped, sent)#prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:57:00 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas RT @rsidneysmith: @BrandIdeas I’m so thankful I come from a large family and everyone pitches in, and my dad loves to cook in *large* quant… Thu Dec 11 01:57:03 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @DTNEtiquette I kid. I love all my family members, even the annoying ones! 😀 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:57:25 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith +10 RT @ArtGelwicks: A9: In your to-do app leave the crossed off items showing so you can enjoy a sense of success. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:57:39 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @halduauthor @rsidneysmith Carousel has been updated to help clean up duplicated photos between device and cloud #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:57:44 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @halduauthor Yeah, it’s too bad the @dropbox system is less secure (in my mind) than other solutions. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:58:19 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud slash bought? I thought that was against your principles #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:58:24 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith OMG! I cannot believe the #prodchat hour flew by so quickly! Thu Dec 11 01:58:51 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks I take pictures of received Christmas cards and who sent them. Also the presents as they are unwrapped for thank you notes later #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:05 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: Jan. 7, 2015 – Kaizen #Productivity! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, productivity enthusiasts! Thu Dec 11 01:59:05 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @IsaPinaud WOW santa only checks his list twice and thats listed under naughty or nice – your system sounds better #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:06 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith yeah I saw that. Any good? #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:07 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @halduauthor @rsidneysmith Not sure. Going to try it tonight and see. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:31 +0000 2014
LisaJohnson333 RT @DTNEtiquette: Put the phones away & have some conversation even with your annoying relatives! It’s the holidays & we’re all…. – #prod… Thu Dec 11 01:59:42 +0000 2014
nmhouston A9 try to relax your expectations . . .it doesn’t have to be perfect. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:44 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @ArtGelwicks Yes, it does work well! But, I don’t like that Dropbox can delete your images without you knowing! Eek! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:49 +0000 2014
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @Dropbox security is an illusion… if your name is Sony! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 01:59:51 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor Family that lives outside my country+mail service in Venezuela is too unreliable, must buy those gifts online 🙁 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:09 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith @halduauthor I’m pretty sure it warns you or at least asks permission first. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:21 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks That’s a great idea, Art! Idea stolen! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:22 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for today’s #ProdChat! Join us Jan. 7 for our weekly chats! Transcript out tomorrow! Thu Dec 11 02:00:26 +0000 2014
jennpark RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: Jan. 7, 2015 – Kaizen #Productivity! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, productivity enthusiasts! http://… Thu Dec 11 02:00:35 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @ArtGelwicks: I take pictures of received Christmas cards and who sent them. Also the presents as they are unwrapped for thank you note… Thu Dec 11 02:00:35 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas Sony playstation hacked then sony entertainment – sony didn’t learn @halduauthor @rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @Dropbox #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:40 +0000 2014
nmhouston Thanks @rsidneysmith and everyone on #prodchat for a great year! I’m grateful to have the chance to connect & share ideas! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:42 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @ArtGelwicks I am going to do this! Love it! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:00:55 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @halduauthor Sadly, no. There are documented cases of no-notice deletions because of supposed DRM issues. 🙁 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:02 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hmmm…that’s not good. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:21 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @BrandIdeas Don’t tell anyone, but the three box system comes from the elves 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:26 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @BrandIdeas: @IsaPinaud WOW santa only checks his list twice and thats listed under naughty or nice – your system sounds better #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:28 +0000 2014
DTNEtiquette You made me smile & giggle during #prodchat – thanks & happy holidays to each of you! Thu Dec 11 02:01:32 +0000 2014
lewisjasona Thanks for hosting @rsidneysmith and thanks to everyone for the great discussion! This is really a terrific group of people! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:39 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud that means @apinaud is getting one from Amazon #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:42 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @nmhouston: A9 try to relax your expectations . . .it doesn’t have to be perfect. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:01:52 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @halduauthor I understand the challenging position they’re in, but there has to be a better way. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:02:01 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @lewisjasona: Thanks for hosting @rsidneysmith and thanks to everyone for the great discussion! This is really a terrific group of peopl… Thu Dec 11 02:02:10 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks It’s been fun as usual, everyone. Until next time…live long and prosper. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:02:29 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @lewisjasona And, you’re one of those terrific people, Jason! Thank you for being a part of #prodchat! Thu Dec 11 02:02:31 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope you have a productive, yet calm and enjoyable time #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:02:32 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @IsaPinaud Lol true its always the elves that keep management looking good #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:02:33 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @DTNEtiquette: You made me smile & giggle during #prodchat – thanks & happy holidays to each of you! Thu Dec 11 02:02:42 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @DTNEtiquette: You made me smile & giggle during #prodchat – thanks & happy holidays to each of you! Thu Dec 11 02:02:52 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud @halduauthor @apinaud If he gets one… he was naughty this year 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:03:13 +0000 2014
halduauthor @IsaPinaud @BrandIdeas #christmassecrets #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:03:26 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @BrandIdeas: @IsaPinaud Lol true its always the elves that keep management looking good #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:03:35 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 Goodnight everyone! Thank you @rsidneysmith for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you next week! Thu Dec 11 02:03:59 +0000 2014
halduauthor @BrandIdeas @rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @Dropbox and then the playstation was hacked again! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:04:01 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith RT @Christine_Chen6: Goodnight everyone! Thank you @rsidneysmith for hosting #prodchat tonight! See you next week! Thu Dec 11 02:04:33 +0000 2014
ArtGelwicks @halduauthor @BrandIdeas @rsidneysmith Anything in the cloud is at risk. #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:04:48 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @halduauthor: @IsaPinaud that’s what I need, a goal to get me through #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:05:03 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks |/|/ #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:05:20 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith @Christine_Chen6 We’ve got a few holiday weeks ahead so it’ll be Jan. 7th! See you then! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:05:21 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @rsidneysmith oh wow!! See you Jan 7th! Please send me a reminder if you can!! happy holidays! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:06:07 +0000 2014
IsaPinaud RT @rsidneysmith: @Christine_Chen6 We’ve got a few holiday weeks ahead so it’ll be Jan. 7th! See you then! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:06:13 +0000 2014
rsidneysmith Will do! RT @Christine_Chen6: @rsidneysmith oh wow!! See you Jan 7th! Please send me a reminder if you can!! happy holidays! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:06:27 +0000 2014
halduauthor Alright #prodchat, it’s been real fun, see ya on the other side (5 lbs heavier) Thu Dec 11 02:06:38 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas Thanks every one for your wisdom feeling ready to have a productive Christmas #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:07:30 +0000 2014
halduauthor @ArtGelwicks @BrandIdeas @rsidneysmith same as anything in a file cabinet or a safety deposit box #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:07:44 +0000 2014
mcraegj Thanks for your thoughts #prodchat Out of here before @Christine_Chen6 murders my device. Thu Dec 11 02:08:58 +0000 2014
BrandIdeas @halduauthor @ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith The amount of data stolen would be truck loads of file cabinets – people might notice #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:10:09 +0000 2014
Christine_Chen6 @mcraegj hehe! Remember to unplug during the holiday and enjoy yourself a bit! #prodchat Thu Dec 11 02:10:29 +0000 2014
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