This week on #ProdChat: Telecommuting #Productivity – Join us! | http://prodpod.net/productivity-chat-prodchat/ …
At 8pm …“@rsidneysmith: This week on #ProdChat: Telecommuting #Productivity – Join us! | http://prodpod.net/productivity-chat-prodchat/ …”
#ProdChat: Every Wednesday, 8PM ET. For productivity enthusiasts. Mod: @rsidneysmith #tweetchatshappeningnow
@Yahoo‘s @marissamayer banned #telecommuting this year! Today, we’re discussing telecommuting #productivity for the rest of us! #prodchat
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! http://goo.gl/Uk35l | Today’s Topic: #Telecommuting Productivity
@rsidneysmith depends on how you define “telecommute” . . . I do work from home many days. #prodchat
@nmhouston Yeah, it can be a loose term; for me, it’s “I have an office, but I choose to (or am allowed) to work from home. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith ok, then, I guess I fit into your category 🙂 #prodchat
@nmhouston Hahaha. That’s great! Most people forget that they aren’t locked into either. It’s when management bans their… #prodchat
@nmhouston …ability that it’s really a shame! Self-management is so important to people’s overall success. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith totally agree — being able to choose to work at office or at home is a huge factor in job satisfaction #prodchat
@IsaPinaud glad to have you, Isabel! Welcome to #prodchat!
MT @nmhouston if I’m working mostly from home I try to set up coffee dates so I don’t forget how to talk to people f2f 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Sorry for showing up late, ready for some #ProdChat !
@rsidneysmith A3: Always have a backup (i.e. tether to phone if needed). #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith A3: Also, I try to not commit to work unless I know I’ll have reliable connectivity #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith A3: Yes, also if I am uncertain of connectivity, I try to get as much on my laptop as possible, so can work without #ProdChat
@EBPhD Yes! Getting everything you can offline and then working is a great #productivity tipe when #telecommuting! #prodchat
@nmhouston Exactly what I was about to say #prodchat
@nmhouston Ugh! I am remisce to agree with you on this, but yes, if I disconnet sometimes it’s soooo productive! 😛 #prodchat
Cause that’s how we roll on #ProdChat! 😉 RT @IsaPinaud: @nmhouston Exactly what I was about to say #prodchat
Cause that’s how we roll on #ProdChat! 😉 RT @IsaPinaud: @nmhouston Exactly what I was about to say #prodchat
@rsidneysmith 2 minutes?! ;P #ProdChat
MT @IsaPinaud What…about doing everything you need/can do on the internet and then shutting it off until you NEED it again? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud well, in the olden days with dial up modems that’s what we did. #speakingasadinosaur #prodchat
@IsaPinaud If your work comes that way, I say go for it! My work tends to be research then production oriented so it’d work. #prodchat
Exactly! RT @nmhouston @IsaPinaud well, in the olden days with dial up modems that’s what we did. #speakingasadinosaur #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: I try to have certain areas at home that I work, for ex: laptop = work; desktop = personal #ProdChat
LIKE IT! MT @IsaPinaud: What do you think about … shutting the internet off until you NEED it again? #prodchat
Ha! RT @IsaPinaud: @michgunn @rsidneysmith He’s emptying his inbox and can’t ignore the 2min rule 😛 #prodchat
Ha! RT @IsaPinaud: @michgunn @rsidneysmith He’s emptying his inbox and can’t ignore the 2min rule 😛 #prodchat
A4a: I also kept office hours and left for lunch so that it felt just like when I was at the office. #prodchat
A4a: I also kept office hours and left for lunch so that it felt just like when I was at the office. #prodchat
@nmhouston Oh man. I used dialup… and hated it 🙁 #prodchat
Right? Remember that? 🙂 RT @nmhouston: well, in the olden days with dial up modems that’s what we did. #speakingasadinosaur #prodchat
great plan! MT @IsaPinaud: I restrict my internet use with pomodoro.. I give myself 15m of wifi and can’t just waste them #prodchat
We will be discussing “The Power of Intuition” on 12/21 for #Productivity Book Group! Join us! | http://ow.ly/rGtDR #prodchat
@nmhouston I have to agree, I get a LOT of work done on planes…with no Internet connectivity. #ProdChat
@nmhouston I have to agree, I get a LOT of work done on planes…with no Internet connectivity. #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Shifting gears for a bit is a great tactic for not only staying productive but also lessening #procrastination! #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith: A3c: At my home office, I have two Internet connections via two different services…just in case. #prodchat < Me too.
@IsaPinaud I have my work documents sync’d via http://Box.com , sometimes I accidently work on personal computer #ProdChat #oops
@nmhouston I’ve tried having two email accounts… and always either give out the wrong one or stop checking on of them… 🙁 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: That’s definitely a challenge. My dog tends to come demand attention when I’m working at home. #ProdChat
A4 My problem is the opposite. Never taking care of the personal stuff because I’m busy doing work. #RecoveringWorkaholic #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud I have *a lot* going on right now! ;-P #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I can imagine 😛 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thanks Ray, good to see you too. #prodchat
@nmhouston When the plane lands I always have about 50 emails queued in the Outbox to send. 🙂 My staff hates it when I fly. #prodchat
.@IsaPinaud Music! Yes. The right music for the mood works wonders for my focus too! #ProdChat
A5b plus, apart from concentration, forcing myself to do this means next time I’ll concentrate more just to avoid #extrawork #prodchat
A5: Mornings are so important to do my productivity rituals (outline goals, who must I contact, meetings) when #telecommuting. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5 – If working with a colleague, sometimes we’ll meet together or have G+ Hangouts to ensure we’re on track #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud I use Pomodoro quite a bit too, though usually at shorter intervals than 45m. I work better in smaller bites. #prodchat
me too! MT @IsaPinaud: A5 On days where I can’t concentrate I print things out and force myself to work by hand… #prodchat
.@rsidneysmith I’ll have to check that out. #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud yes shifting from digital to hand writing makes a big difference sometimes! Neurologically is totally different. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: Wish that would work on my dog. 😉 #prodchat
Probably worth pointing out that Microsoft Outlook has a “Work Offline” mode that lets you compose and sync later. #prodchat
Probably worth pointing out that Microsoft Outlook has a “Work Offline” mode that lets you compose and sync later. #prodchat
Probably worth pointing out that Microsoft Outlook has a “Work Offline” mode that lets you compose and sync later. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston also part of my work at home productivity: my workout room is just a few steps down the hall. #prodchat
@nmhouston Yes, when I work from home, I go to the gym midday myself…it really is different than my morning routine on the road. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith @michgunn I’ll have to see if that works in Venezuela #thirdworldproblems #prodchat Thanks 🙂
One question I have: I’m seeing more and more business not have offices at all…this makes #telecommuting required. Thoughts? #prodchat
A6 Employees should discuss expectations with their employers… communication can be lost in #telecommuting #prodchat
@michgunn Also, there’s http://www.telecommuting360.com/ which covers all aspects of #telecommuting. #prodchat
+10 RT @IsaPinaud A6 Employees should discuss expectations with their employers… communication can be lost in #telecommuting #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Sure, but if you build your business that way, then you hire accordingly… just a thought #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith Sure, but if you build your business that way, then you hire accordingly… just a thought #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith And/or, if switching to it, you weed out those that can’t work in that structure. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Hahaha…passionate much about on-hold music, eh? ;-P #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Did you notice? Some radio should buy the rights to hold music and play good songs or something like that 😛 #prodchat
Thanks to all for joining #prodchat in this busy holiday season! @michgunn @nmhouston @IsaPinaud @EBPhD @bschorr
Thanks to all for joining #prodchat in this busy holiday season! @michgunn @nmhouston @IsaPinaud @EBPhD @bschorr
@IsaPinaud I usually set it to either 15 or 20 and do multiple per hour. #prodchat
thanks @rsidneysmith for hosting and thanks to @michgunn @IsaPinaud @EBPhD @bschorr for the great chat! #prodchat
thanks @rsidneysmith for hosting and thanks to @michgunn @IsaPinaud @EBPhD @bschorr for the great chat! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud That would be a great idea! You should definitely sell that idea to radio stations! 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Haha or just buy a radio station myself 😛 #prodchat