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#ProdChat – 12/1/2016 – Holiday #Productivity – Getting Ready for the Holidays

#ProdChat – 12/1/16 – Holiday #Productivity – Getting Ready for the Holidays

On December 1, 2016, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Holiday Productivity – Getting Ready for the Holidays. . Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Holiday Productivity – Getting Ready for the Holidays.” Enjoy!


  1. What’s most stressful about being productive during the winter holidays season?
  2. Do you send holiday cards? If so, tips and tricks for getting them out efficiently and timely?
  3. How do you stay focused at work with all the holiday festivities and such going on?
  4. How do you manage your holiday tasks and projects during the season?
  5. What are you best tips/apps for holiday shopping?
  6. How do you manage and holiday travel during the season?
  7. How do you manage attending all the holiday parties (work and personal)? Which to attend? What to bring?
  8. If you hosting a holiday gathering, what are some tactics to stay sane?
  9. How do you keep from overindulging and giving up on fitness goals during the holiday season?
  10. What’s one thing not already discussed that you can do throughout the holiday season to de-stress and simplify getting things done?

Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Dec 01 00:59:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Thu Dec 01 00:59:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrated last week! #prodchat #productivity Thu Dec 01 01:00:02 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith Hi Ray! How are you? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:00:04 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Hi, Lee! Good to see you. I’m a little under the weather, but it’s not going to stop me from #ProdChat! 🙂 How’re you? Thu Dec 01 01:00:46 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “Holiday #Productivity: Getting Ready for the Holidays.” Join us! Thu Dec 01 01:01:00 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith same here – fighting a cold. I think I’m winning as of today. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:01:26 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Kudos! Hope you’re feeling 100% very soon! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:01:58 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:02:01 +0000 2016
macbikegeek Lee in Chicago, longtime GTD aficionado and practitioner, Mac enthusiast, SAS Institute employee (all opinions my own) #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:02:35 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks It’s time to #prodchat! Thu Dec 01 01:02:51 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @THEMylesMwamba Hi there, Myles! Welcome to #prodchat! How’re you? First time? Thu Dec 01 01:03:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Hey, Art! How’re you today? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:03:22 +0000 2016
JKatzaman Joining #ProdChat from Maryland. Thu Dec 01 01:03:26 +0000 2016
michelle1908 Michelle, productivity enthusiast in Virginia #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:03:32 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Art Gelwicks, productivity consultant, blogger, and as of today…podcaster! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:03:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:04:01 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Doing well Ray…how are you? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:04:10 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hey, Jim! How’re you, good sir? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:04:35 +0000 2016
ksnow210 I’m a 22 year old student trying to stay productive in school and work during the crazy holiday time! Any tips/tricks? #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:04:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Hi, Michelle! Welcome to #prodchat! How’re you today? Thu Dec 01 01:04:50 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Launched my new podcast over at Soundcloud today! Forgot how much work they were but still exciting! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:04:56 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Dec 01 01:05:01 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith got started with a new personal trainer and back into the gym yesterday after some months. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:05:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ksnow210 Hi, Kayla! Welcome to #prodchat! How’re you today? Is this your first ProdChat? Let me know if you have any questions. Thu Dec 01 01:05:22 +0000 2016
briandordevic Had a great week! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:05:34 +0000 2016
michelle1908 I got my holiday cards in the mail Monday #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:05:38 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 @rsidneysmith What’s good Ray? #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:05:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Wow! That is exciting! What’s the podcast topic and title? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:06:00 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Thanks! I’m pretty good #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:06:01 +0000 2016
ksnow210 @rsidneysmith I’m good today! It is my first #ProdChat, yes! I’m super excited. I got all my shopping done last week, feeling accomplished! Thu Dec 01 01:06:28 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Hey there! #ProdChat is always good. 😉 Thu Dec 01 01:06:51 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith It’s about productivity and the working title is Being Productive. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:07:14 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ksnow210 Wow! Congrats on joining us for the first time and getting your holiday shopping done! #rockstar #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:07:18 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I’ll definitely check it out! I’m launching a new podcast in January and hope to have you on the show! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:07:40 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba @rsidneysmith Gorlt some studying and cleaning done so that’s always productive #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:07:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @THEMylesMwamba Well, welcome! Jump right into the #prodchat stream. Ping me with any questions. Thu Dec 01 01:07:58 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @rsidneysmith Count me in! I’ve got the talking bug again and I’m in the search for guests as well! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:08:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks I’m well, thanks! Glad to hear you’re well, as well. 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:08:16 +0000 2016
ksnow210 @rsidneysmith Thank you! Participating in a #twitterchat is an assignment for school, so this #prodchat is super productive! Thu Dec 01 01:08:30 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @ksnow210 @rsidneysmith hmmm, things have changed since I was in school…. 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:09:05 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ksnow210 Well, we’re glad you chose #prodchat for your school assignment! Plus, we’re a fun crowd! 😉 Thu Dec 01 01:09:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Well, I’ll be happy to be on for whatever topic you’d like to discuss! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:09:41 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Doing good, Ray. Managed to be out when not raining. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:09:48 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q1: What’s most stressful about being productive during the winter holidays season? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:10:01 +0000 2016
ksnow210 @rsidneysmith I can tell! This is always a crazy time for students, being able to relax & participate in something fun is great! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:10:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Lucky you to miss the rain! It’s been coming down. Glad you’re here! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:10:36 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: The mix of personal and professional gets tipped and swayed rapidly this time of year. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:10:57 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A1: Having my running to do list on my mind while I’m supposed to be working, despite having the list captured #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:11:14 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: There’s so much to do to prepare for both personal & business related holiday festivities, especially attending client events. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:11:30 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “Holiday #Productivity: Getting Ready for the Holidays.” Join us!… Thu Dec 01 01:11:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Hi, Sonia! How’re you today? Welcome to #prodchat, as usual! 😀 Thu Dec 01 01:12:09 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A1 When you want to be productive in winter, there’s a party or other such obligation to attend to. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:12:10 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A1: Keeping track of all the moving parts of this time of year while still enjoying things and not increasing stress levels #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:12:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wach_zilson Hey there, Zach! Joining us again for #prodchat? Hope you’re well, mate! Thu Dec 01 01:13:03 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A1 loss of the regular routine which we’re all used to due to people, events, weather patterns and loss of light…etc #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:13:10 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith Fine, thanks! Et vous? #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:13:42 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A1) Most stressful thing about productive during the holiday season is making sure everything of a million things is taken care of #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:14:02 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability!… Thu Dec 01 01:14:32 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q1: What’s most stressful about being productive during the winter holidays season? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:14:43 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q2: Do you send holiday cards? If so, tips and tricks for getting them out efficiently and timely? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:15:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @wach_zilson Good luck studying! We’re here if you need a break! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:15:02 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A1 Winter makes motivation low- I want to stay home and drink cocoa and watch movies all day. Short days and long nights! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:15:09 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a2 cards have been largely aspirational except for what my lovely wife gets done. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:15:55 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A2: Haven’t done holiday cards in a long time. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:16:05 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Tres bien! Je suis malade. But, I’m on the mend! 🙂 I’ll be back to 100% tomorrow! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:16:18 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A2a: Every year! I have a spreadsheet that I print each year & just write them out. I usually only have to update a few addresses #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:16:18 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A2b: I buy my cards at the end of the season on clearance so I have them for the following year #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:16:46 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ksnow210 Yes! I combat that with lots of light and extra indoor physical activities (gym, treadmill, walking in place). #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:17:08 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks @michelle1908 That’s the way to plan ahead. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:17:08 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A2 We finally gave up on holiday cards a few years ago with things being easier on social media to stay in touch. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:17:16 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A2) I personally do not send out holiday cards but I am a part of my family’s holiday card. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:17:20 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith Oh my… glad you’re feeling better! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:17:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Thanks! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:17:39 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A2c: I’m such a hermit that I use them to let people know that I’m still alive 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:17:39 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2: For years, I did all the cards myself…it took hours. Then, years ago I went to printing the envelopes (saved tons of time!). #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:18:24 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith I only have about 40 so it doesn’t take me long. Time flies when you’re watching Netflix 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:19:05 +0000 2016
harrisonia A1) One stressful thing about productivity during the holidays is ensuring you have all needed original signatures b4 ppl leave. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:19:21 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2a: This year, I’m using a combo of @Postable and to send business holiday cards. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:19:23 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Ah, that’s good! My personal holiday cards rank in the 200s. Business about the same. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:19:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q3: How do you stay focused at work with all the holiday festivities and such going on? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:20:00 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith That’s overwhelming! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:20:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Holiday travel leave takes a toll on getting things done, for sure. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:20:21 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A3: If I’m not invited…headphones. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:20:27 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 I love meta-tasking when possible with Netflix, YouTube or Amazon Video! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:20:52 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A3: It’s challenging and definitely not the most productive time of year for me. Looking forward to hearing tips #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:21:15 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a3 working from home removes a lot of the distractions. Chicago office has an annual holiday party and friends have parties. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:21:33 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith I haven’t heard that term before…going to look it up or did you invent it? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:21:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3: I try to preempt people before the holiday stuff starts that priorities are still just that, priorities. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:21:56 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 With parties and niceities to keep in mind, the usual work focus won’t return until after New Year. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:22:14 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 With parties and niceities to keep in mind, the usual work focus won’t return until after New Year. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:22:14 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A3 Just roll with it…sometimes I’m fortunate enough that some gigs don’t feel like work. Plus everyone’s a little cheery… #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:22:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 I’m not sure I invented it, but I did podcast about it on several years ago. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:22:16 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A3: Taking into account distracted attentions and compromised schedules in planning is critical for holiday success #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:22:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3a: Then, I just try to keep everyone on track with a little extra messaging, in case they’ve hit the egg nog too much! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:22:55 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A3 Holiday music at work lets me enjoy the holidays while getting things done #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:23:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @THEMylesMwamba Absolutely for my customers and colleagues. But each industry and demographic is different. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:23:23 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A2 My mom consistently sent out a dozen or so cards per year. Now she’s down to a handful—only those who *really* do cards. Haha #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:23:25 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a3b we also have a lot of deals to close/finish at year end, so people at work are pretty focused until the end of the year. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:23:29 +0000 2016
harrisonia A2.1) I used to send out holiday cards until I realized how under-appreciated I was. I stopped sometime around 2000-2002! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:23:30 +0000 2016
harrisonia A2.2) I enjoyed sending holiday cards and buying them at great prices! I never did it just to get one in return. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:24:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia I stopped at one point and only sent cards to those who sent them back to me, or who messaged me about missing them! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:24:40 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia That cut down the list by about 150 or more cards! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:24:57 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q4: How do you manage your holiday tasks and projects during the season (esp. keeping momentum on projects)?… Thu Dec 01 01:25:00 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A3) I just try and stay focused and give work my all so I can relax and enjoy the holidays with my family #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:25:00 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @harrisonia My mom used to hang cards on several lines strung across the living room. Now they fit on the coffee table. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:25:28 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: A2a: This year, I’m using a combo of @Postable and to send business holiday cards. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:25:32 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Yeah, I really do enjoy the process. A colleague does the Christmas letter…that’s a bit too much work for me. LOL #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:25:39 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: How do you stay focused at work with all the holiday festivities and such going on? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:25:42 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Hi everyone. Just getting home and joining late. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:26:19 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A4: I’m trying to use @Wunderlist consistently. I’ve been playing with putting personal items in @GoogleKeep instead #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:26:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: I create a project for each holiday area: Gifts, Decorating, Travel, Gatherings. I manage them in those four contexts. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:26:52 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A4) Organization is key for me… Without a set agenda and schedule things can be forgotten about #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:26:55 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck Hi! Glad to see you #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:27:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Hi, Frank! How’re you today? 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:27:13 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A4: I make a point of knowing team member’s schedules so I can plan accordingly #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:27:27 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A4 I make short lists of what I’m really supposed to get done and pronto. If I can get those down, we’re good. Pareto, I guess. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:27:28 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Sometimes the separation helps, sometimes it doesn’t. Experiment and let us know how it goes! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:27:39 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A4 Project momentum takes a holiday when those you coordinate with being otherwise occupied or out this time of year. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:27:49 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3: For me, staying focused during the holidays has to do with making sure everything is in the tasks list and arranging it well. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:27:55 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Will do. I have been falling off lately, not feeling as connected to my lists so I figured I’d switch it up #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:28:28 +0000 2016
harrisonia A3) Holiday festivities at the job used to be my day’s motivator, and visiting other depts for their parties! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:28:59 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck What do you mean by “arranging it well” #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:29:04 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @michelle1908 Understood. Remember, trust is everything. If you trust it, then you’ll track, review, and measure! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:29:09 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @rsidneysmith Double, triple, quadruple LIKE 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:29:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q5: What are you best tips/apps for holiday shopping? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:30:01 +0000 2016
harrisonia A3.2) Now that I’m the owner, other things motivate me and I can celebrate at my will! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:30:12 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @michelle1908 Everything gets a due date (that answers the question “When do I want to see this item again). I sort by due date… #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:30:27 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: How do you manage your holiday tasks and projects during the season (esp. keeping momentum on projects)? #prodchat ht… Thu Dec 01 01:30:32 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia So, party at Sonia’s office all through December! 😉 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:30:58 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp Join us for our January 28 #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:01 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A5: Luckily I do very little shopping, mostly just for my Dad and money for young cousins #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:05 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck That’s what I thought, but I wanted to be sure #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:21 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A4 (late to the party) I LOVE to do lists with check boxes! Makes me feel productive to watch things be checked/crossed off. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:31 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @michelle1908 Then I do a secondary sort by priority. The high priority is what I want to do in the morning, medium afternoon, and #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:31 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ArtGelwicks: A4: I make a point of knowing team member’s schedules so I can plan accordingly #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:41 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @THEMylesMwamba: A4) Organization is key for me… Without a set agenda and schedule things can be forgotten about #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:31:51 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @michelle1908 …Low for what I want to get done in the evening. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:32:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: I manage to do almost everything with Google Shopping, a Google Sheets workbook, and Amazon. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:32:50 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q5: What are you best tips/apps for holiday shopping? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:33:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5a: I buy gifts and ornaments while traveling throughout the year, so much of it is done by around this time of year. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:33:13 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5: My wife does most of the gift buying. She starts early and buys throughout the year. By December, most everything is purchased #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:33:24 +0000 2016
harrisonia Haaaaaa! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:33:36 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A5 My best holiday shopping app is our 23-year-old computer geek. I tell him what I’d like, and he checks out best buys online. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:33:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5b: Keep track of what you purchased last year! No one wants the same gift year after year. Yes, Dad, I’m talking to you! 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:34:05 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A5) I don’t have any tips or apps but would love to hear some of others advice #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:34:06 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A5 Get it done early, and don’t be tempted by extra small things later. Setting a budget has helped too! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:34:14 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q6: How do you manage and holiday travel during the season? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:35:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: Check out Honey, Coupons at Checkout, and Invisible Hand browser extensions for saving money while holiday shopping online! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:35:34 +0000 2016
michelle1908 @DrFrankBuck That’s an interesting and useful twist. I have to think on that and see how I can do that. Thanks for the details #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:35:37 +0000 2016
harrisonia A5) Well, I like using the @getflipp app! It puts the store sales papers in one place each week with rolling updates. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:35:42 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A6: Luckily I don’t have to do any holiday traveling, but there are still schedules to keep and miles to go before I sleep… #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:35:56 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a6 this year is easy – not going anywhere! Usually book travel WAY in advance when we are. Expect delay and be ready to be patient #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:36:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6: Lots of holiday travel this season. *sigh* But, I get buy with a little help from airline miles and @hopper and @kayak! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:36:55 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6: With family all close by, luckily I haven’t had to deal with holiday travel. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:37:11 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A6: I go to my Dad’s every year, so it’s pretty painless. We don’t do a lot of running around, just to family on Christmas day #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:37:30 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A6 For holiday travel, we plan family trips and cross our fingers that snowstorms won’t pop up to close the roads. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:37:54 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @harrisonia I’ve been trying out @wikibuy – seems to come up with some bargains #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:38:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6: Also, if you’re note using @googlemaps for holiday travel, you *must*! It gives info for driving, trains, flights, and hotel! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:38:01 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith I love this idea! (As anal as I can get, I’m actually shocked I never did it previously. ?) GREAT IDE… Thu Dec 01 01:38:18 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A6b: He’s in Philadelphia and I drive. I visit lots during the year so I’m used to it. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:38:27 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A6: Also, is super-helpful for determining the best ways to get to anywhere in the world! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:38:46 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 Holiday Travel…shuttling between NOVA and Brooklyn during this time of year for the better part of the 2000s taught me patience. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:39:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Yes, I (being as anal retentive) track what I’ve got also in the past, and it’s a wonderful walk down memory lane! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:39:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q7: How do you manage attending all the holiday parties (work and personal)? Which to attend? What to bring?… Thu Dec 01 01:40:00 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A6) I try and see where everyone will be so that way I’m not running all over the place #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:40:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia I can usually write a little something about how someone’s gift helped me this past year in their holiday card! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:40:38 +0000 2016
harrisonia @JKatzaman LOL My mother starts with the coffee table and then the fireplace mantle! ? #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:40:51 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @rogue_crayon99 Yes, a little more patience with everyone during the holiday season is a gift to the world! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:41:01 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A7 For work and personal parties I keep things simple. I do as I’m told. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:41:52 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7: It’s a pretty busy holiday party season for me…my clients expend energy to host gatherings so I am committed to attending. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:41:53 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rsidneysmith I actually needed to cut back on this level of “detail” due to having some OCD. ? #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:42:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7a: That said, they must provide clear details for where, when, attire, and gift exchanges/what to bring, etc. Otherwise, I ask. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:42:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7b: I don’t like showing up unprepared for those weird gift party games! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:42:37 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @macbikegeek: @harrisonia I’ve been trying out @wikibuy – seems to come up with some bargains #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:42:46 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A7) Just go off of importance to me and who I want to to h with the holiday spirit #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:42:59 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A7 I guess sometimes you have to play the naughty or nice game in case it’s tough to decide. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:42:59 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @harrisonia Totally understood. It’s good to be cognizant. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:43:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia @macbikegeek @Wikibuy Oh cool. Thanks! Will have to check out this app! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:43:49 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q7: How do you manage attending all the holiday parties (work and personal)? Which to attend? What to bring? #prodchat ht… Thu Dec 01 01:44:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q8: If you’re hosting a holiday gathering, what are some tactics to stay sane? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:45:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7: If you cannot attend a holiday party for someone important to you, offer to make time in the new year! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:45:08 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @JKatzaman: A7 For work and personal parties I keep things simple. I do as I’m told. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:46:36 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A8 My wife is the hostess with the mostess. I follow her lead. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:46:42 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a8 plan and prepare well ahead of time, get help or make it so you don’t have much to do during the party other than visit #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:46:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: I try to send invitations out early, and time it earlier in the holiday season than later! Unless it’s a NYE celebration! 😛 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:47:08 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A8 I always make/prepare ahead as much as I can. If, on the day of the event, all is calm (and bright), I’ll be able to stay sane! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:47:12 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A8: Brainstorm all of the details but then delegate as much of it as you can. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:47:13 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A8 I’ll try my best to make sure I invite the right mix of people to minimize awkwardness and kill the mood… #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:47:24 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: There are some really great invitation tools online: @evite @Punchbowl etc. They help with planning potlucks too. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:47:45 +0000 2016
darrylwalter A8 Good music and drinks go a long way. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:48:07 +0000 2016
harrisonia A7) Figuring out what to do for each holiday party is easy. I just ask the host unless they have explicitly sent instructions! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:48:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: Also, for any work or social gatherings where people won’t know each other, have name tags! They’re a godsend! Please! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:48:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: Tell people what to bring, or what not to bring. Don’t leave it to chance…lest you like getting 14 cheeseballs! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:49:11 +0000 2016
harrisonia @rogue_crayon99 I bet! That’s some crazy traffic in both areas! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:49:22 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q9: How do you keep from overindulging and giving up on fitness goals during the holiday season? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:50:00 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a9 I’m on a careful enough diet it’s no different at the holidays than the rest of the year. I carry emergency stash of almonds, #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:51:14 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A8) Put up anything breakable, LOTS of foods and drinks, and fun games to really bring out the holiday spirit #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:51:18 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9: I have a two drink maximum at all holiday gatherings and a five drink maximum for every week throughout the holiday season. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:51:24 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A9; I must admit I do overindulge and think about fitness again after Christmas. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:51:25 +0000 2016
michelle1908 A9: My veganism saves me alllllll the time! Most desserts that people bring to work aren’t vegan #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:51:31 +0000 2016
harrisonia A6) Until 2day, I didn’t think about whether or not @randmcnally had an app, but I trust THEM. The Map People since 3rd grade! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:52:00 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A8: I up my indoor fitness activities during the winter months. I need to for my mental health, so that offsets extra eating! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:52:12 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q8: If you’re hosting a holiday gathering, what are some tactics to stay sane? #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:52:22 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A9: “All things in moderation.” – B. Franklin #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:52:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @THEMylesMwamba Good idea to move breakables from reach! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:52:38 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A9 I try not to overdo things because I know there will be leftovers to keep me going for days. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:52:45 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks A9: Oops. “Moderation in all things” – R. Waldo Emerson. #factchecked #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:53:52 +0000 2016
harrisonia A8) If hosting a holiday gathering, tell folks your preferences (i.e. RULES) w/ the invitation: age limit, BYOB, etc. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:54:24 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A9: I agree with @JKatzaman . If I eat a smaller piece of pie, there is more pie left to enjoy tomorrow and tomorrow… #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:54:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9: I schedule little treats for myself throughout the holidays–mostly massages to de-stress after holiday travel. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:54:39 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Q9: How do you keep from overindulging and giving up on fitness goals during the holiday season? #prodchat… Thu Dec 01 01:54:46 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A9 I pray for snow. I’m kidding. A lot can be done indoors, like @rsidneysmith said. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:54:50 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @darrylwalter: A8 Good music and drinks go a long way. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:54:59 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q10: What’s one thing not yet discussed you can do throughout the holiday season to de-stress and simplify getting… Thu Dec 01 01:55:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rogue_crayon99: A8 I’ll try my best to make sure I invite the right mix of people to minimize awkwardness and kill the mood… #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:55:22 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @DrFrankBuck: A8: Brainstorm all of the details but then delegate as much of it as you can. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:55:34 +0000 2016
ksnow210 @rsidneysmith You and me both School is awesome and has an indoor pool- perfect for getting away from the cold! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:55:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @ksnow210 Yes, indoor swimming is great year-round! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:56:18 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A10 Just go with the flow and accept that disruption is par for the course during the holidays. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:56:37 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A9) Have to stay one step ahead and think about how you want to look in that swimsuit come March #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:56:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: If you don’t make time to de-stress and plan for less stress, the holiday season can be overwhelming. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:57:30 +0000 2016
harrisonia A9) To keep up w/ your fitness goals, learn how to politely say no or be discreet when you throw away bad list or y… Thu Dec 01 01:57:51 +0000 2016
ksnow210 A10 Take a moment for yourself. Light a candle, read a book, do yoga. The calm will help offset the crazy. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:57:55 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: As @JKatzaman, don’t beat yourself up too much over the holidays! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:57:58 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: December 7 – “How is Technology Changing Productivity?” Have a great rest of your week, all! Thu Dec 01 01:58:00 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @THEMylesMwamba: A8) Put up anything breakable, LOTS of foods and drinks, and fun games to really bring out the holiday spirit #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:58:10 +0000 2016
THEMylesMwamba A10) Going off the last question I love exercise as a getaway from stress during any part of the year #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:58:35 +0000 2016
michelle1908 Thanks @rsidneysmith – Great #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:58:53 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith thanks, Ray and all. Great chat. have a great week! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:59:01 +0000 2016
darrylwalter A10 Put things in perspective. It’s the holiday season and don’t forget that. Relax and enjoy. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:59:02 +0000 2016
ArtGelwicks Great chat as usual, everyone! #prodchat Thu Dec 01 01:59:24 +0000 2016
harrisonia This reminds me…for work potlucks, I ALWAYS brought a dish that I knew I enjoyed – just in case! #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 01:59:41 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ArtGelwicks: A9: “All things in moderation.” – B. Franklin #prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:00:04 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @harrisonia: This reminds me…for work potlucks, I ALWAYS brought a dish that I knew I enjoyed – just in case! #ProdChat… Thu Dec 01 02:00:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:01 +0000 2016
gtdpgh RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
w3consulting RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
GTDPhilly RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
gtdnyc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
focusatwork RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
gtddc RT @rsidneysmith: Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:19 +0000 2016
rogue_crayon99 A10 Sleep. It’s really tough to get quality z’s this time of year with so much going on. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:01:33 +0000 2016
ksnow210 Thanks for a great first #prodchat, @rsidneysmith! It was wonderful joining you all. Thu Dec 01 02:01:45 +0000 2016
harrisonia A10) Please/serve/treat yourself first. Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Don’t get pressured into overspending. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 02:03:16 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: A10: If you don’t make time to de-stress and plan for less stress, the holiday season can be overwhelming. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:03:30 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @JKatzaman: A10 Just go with the flow and accept that disruption is par for the course during the holidays. #ProdChat Thu Dec 01 02:03:41 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @darrylwalter: A10 Put things in perspective. It’s the holiday season and don’t forget that. Relax and enjoy. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:04:04 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @ksnow210: A10 Take a moment for yourself. Light a candle, read a book, do yoga. The calm will help offset the crazy. #prodchat Thu Dec 01 02:04:16 +0000 2016
harrisonia RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: December 7 – “How is Technology Changing Productivity?” Have a great rest of your week, all!… Thu Dec 01 02:05:07 +0000 2016
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