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#ProdChat – 1/22/14 – “#Learning #Productivity”

#ProdChat – 1/22/14 – “#Learning #Productivity”

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation!  | Today’s Topic: Learning Productivity.
  2. Hello all! I am working on a project, so I might be in and out! #prodchat
  3. So, let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat
  4. @rsidneysmith I’m well. Been extremely productive lately. Chipping away at projects. #prodchat
  5. Hi! I’m Michelle Gunn. I’m a productivity geek and a fan of GTD. Co-host of GTD Virtual Study Group. Psyched to be here tonight. #ProdChat
  6. @DerekTac I’m fabulous, thanks. It’s good to see you’re getting projects done. #prodchat
  7. John Nolan – President at Verde Valuation – commercial real estate appraisal. Great to be here. #prodchat
  8. Wearer of many hats @ a small video prod company. We tell short stories. I do motion gfx, pic montages, editing, take pictures. #prodchat
  11. Hi, everyone!! Looking forward to our discussion tonight on #ProdChat
  12. @rsidneysmith A1: I plan on learning new things TONIGHT. And tomorrow. And the next day… 🙂 #prodchat
  13. Hey.. Isabel Pinaud here.. I’m a 19 yr old design student obsessed with GTD, minimalism, omnifocus and evernote #prodchat
  14. 🙂 RT @bschorr: @rsidneysmith A1: I plan on learning new things TONIGHT. And tomorrow. And the next day… 🙂 #prodchat
  15. A1: As for what specifically – we’re always learning new techniques for improving decision-making & information presentation. #prodchat
  16. A1: The rest of the list of things we plan to learn this year would take all year to type in. 🙂 #prodchat
  17. A1: This year I learn to shoot video on my DSLR. I’m deeply invested and willing! Continually learn Photoshop and After Effects #prodchat
  18. A1 I have a few things planned to learn this year. First up is how to start a revolution. #ProdChat
  19. A1: Moving to Germany in May. So, it’ll be a heck of a learning year. #prodchat
  20. Wow!! RT @jrnolan12: A1: Moving to Germany in May. So, it’ll be a heck of a learning year. #prodchat
  21. A1 The list is so long… waking up early, being more productive, implementing the 12 week year, finish my esperanto lessons, etc #prodchat
  22. A1 I’m also planning to learn Swedish (started with Rosetta Stone), and guitar, Finally!! #ProdChat
  23. A1b: Oh, and this is the year I get married!!!! :D:D #prodchat
  24. @DerekTac I major in illustration, but I’m interested in graphic design and photography as well 🙂 #prodchat
  25. Congrats!! 🙂 RT @DerekTac: A1b: Oh, and this is the year I get married!!!! :D:D #prodchat
  26. A1: I plan to learn something new every day! #prodchat
  27. @IsaPinaud Ah, it sounds like you are into Illustrator; a beast I have yet to tackle. I love vector b/c you can scale a TON #prodchat
  29. A1 Oh, yeah… and in the spring, I’m going to learn to surf! #ProdChat
  30. @bschorr Honestly? I heard it was the only language with no exceptions in its grammar and I wanted to know if that was true #prodchat
  31. A1: Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. That’s my motto when I learn/teach myself new things #prodchat
  32. I am learning this slowly. Happy wife, happy life 🙂 RT @profkrg: @DerekTac Lots of learning in getting married! #prodchat
  33. @profkrg My wife is Army getting deployed to Germany for 3 yrs. I will probably be working with Colliers (int’l real estate firm) #prodchat
  34. @bschorr Also, the fact that it was a language constructed out of many languages made it sound completely interesting! #prodchat
  35. A2: I learn some things by reading, others through trial-and-error. #prodchat
  36. @rsidneysmith Q2: I generally start by reading as much as I can on the topic, including forums with enthusiasts discussing it. #prodchat
  37. @rsidneysmith Q2: I generally start by reading as much as I can on the topic, including forums with enthusiasts discussing it. #prodchat
  38. I also want to learn Spanish as my fiance’s family is Mexican. Most speak English, but not grandparents and mom. #prodchat
  39. @IsaPinaud How long have you been studying it? Have you found others to converse with in esperanto? #prodchat
  40. @DerekTac Illustrator is an excellent program… although I prefer illustrating in photoshop b/c its more natural #prodchat
  41. A2: I err on the side of too much research rather than diving in. Often to my own detriment. #prodchat
  42. I used to set a goal to learn a new language (human or programming) every year. Proved too tough for me to stick with though. #prodchat
  43. @bschorr @IsaPinaud Esperanto…never heard of it. The Wikipedia article is interesting… neat! #prodchat
  44. Sorry, my system is crunked! I’ve got the tweets scheduled, so please keep the excitement alive, everyone! #prodchat
  45. @bschorr I studied it for about a month and got through 5 of the 10 levels. It is pretty simple. I have two friends who speak it #prodchat
  46. @IsaPinaud Do you find yourselves speaking it with each other? #prodchat
  47. Me too. @jrnolan12: A2: I err on the side of too much research rather than diving in. Often to my own detriment. #prodchat
  48. @IsaPinaud By default, I mean. Does it come naturally or do you have to decide to start speaking it? #prodchat
  49. @DerekTac @bschorr It’s a language that was created to facilitate international relations, but which no country ended up adopting #prodchat
  50. @bschorr That sounds like an amazing thing to aspire to! Overwhelming, but amazing! 🙂 #ProdChat
  51. @bschorr Sometimes 🙂 Specially when we can’t really say something out loud haha #prodchat
  52. @bschorr We decide… you aren’t used to it because almost no one speaks it #prodchat
  53. @michgunn The idea was that I would spend 15 minutes a day, every day. I might not get fluent, but I might get conversational. #prodchat
  54. A2 plan it out… over a monthly/weekly/daly goal system. SMART goals #prodchat
  55. @IsaPinaud If you’re doing more painting type stuff, the Photoshop brushes + a Wacom tablet is the only way to go! <3 my Wacom! #prodchat
  56. @michgunn I managed about 4 months with Japanese. Only about 5 weeks with C+. 🙂 #prodchat
  57. Stop giving the bot alcohol! 😀 RT @rsidneysmith: Sorry, my system is crunked! #prodchat
  58. @michgunn I think if I was a little more disciplined with my schedule I might have done better. Might try again someday. #prodchat
  59. @bschorr Four months of Japanese? That’s incredible! Do you try to keep what you’ve learned current? #ProdChat
  60. @DerekTac Which is exactly why I prefer photoshop… I <3 my Wacom too.. I also like mixing photography with illustration #prodchat
  61. @michgunn Not really – too hard to devote the time to learning new & practicing old. I expected to lose some of it. #prodchat
  62. @michgunn And now that I’m based in Arizona I don’t get as many opportunities to speak Japanese so I’ve forgotten most. #prodchat
  63. @bschorr Sometimes other things take precedence. I’m trying 30 min/day to learn Swedish. No pressure, just doing. 🙂 #ProdChat
  64. @bschorr Have you tried Chinese? or Korean? I recently found a TedTalk about reading Chinese which is awesome… #prodchat
  65. A3: Fear of failure or being wrong causes me to over prepare and gather too much info. #prodchat
  66. @bschorr I bet you can find some people willing to chat online… No idea if that’s true, but probably worth looking #ProdChat
  67. A3 I put other priorities on top of this “personal” learning so I just stop doing it Example: esperanto 🙁 #prodchat
  68. A3 Self-distraction with other things… shiny thing… 😉 #ProdChat
  69. Ditto!! RT @profkrg: A3: Fear of failure or being wrong causes me to over prepare and gather too much info. #prodchat
  70. @IsaPinaud No, if I was going to try a new language though, it would probably be a Chinese language. #prodchat
  71. Totally agree. @profkrg A3: Fear of failure or being wrong causes me to over prepare and gather too much info. #prodchat
  72. Yeah, I hear that! ;/ RT @bschorr: @michgunn I just don’t have the time, really. 🙂 #prodchat
  73. A3 Fear of failure, fear of success and perfectionism … and I’m a little OCD #prodchat
  74. +1 RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Fear of failure, fear of success and perfectionism … and I’m a little OCD #prodchat
  75. Oh! Good one, LaTonya! RT @Work_Wonders: Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat.
  76. @bschorr There’s a TedTalk “Shaolan: Learn to read Chinese..with ease” about a program called Chineasy. Check it out if you can 🙂 #prodchat
  77. RT @Work_Wonders: Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat. < +1
  79. @rsidneysmith A4: It really helps me to take notes while I’m learning something. Just writing it down reinforces it. #prodchat
  80. @rsidneysmith A4: It really helps me to take notes while I’m learning something. Just writing it down reinforces it. #prodchat
  81. @rsidneysmith A4: Also if I can turn around and try to explain/teach it to somebody else. #prodchat
  82. A4 I really like workshops and such. The structure already built for me is great. Let’s me focus on the thing I want to learn #ProdChat
  83. Agree! RT @bschorr: A4: It really helps me to take notes while I’m learning something. Just writing it down reinforces it. #prodchat
  84. Yeah! That’s great! RT @bschorr: @rsidneysmith A4: Also if I can turn around and try to explain/teach it to somebody else. #prodchat
  85. A4 I like to write down not only what I’ve learned, but what I can possibly do to apply it. Inbox and process later #prodchat
  86. A4 I also prefer not to spread something out over time. The quicker more intense the better for me. I like to really dig in. #ProdChat
  87. @Work_Wonders Originally: work for 25 min on timer and then rest for 5. I changed it to work 45 and rest 15 and use the 15 to read #prodchat
  88. @Work_Wonders Originally: work for 25 min on timer and then rest for 5. I changed it to work 45 and rest 15 and use the 15 to read #prodchat
  89. Brilliant! MT @IsaPinaud: A4 I like to write down… what I can possibly do to apply it. Inbox and process later #prodchat
  90. A4 I need to focus on only one goal at a time and then build upon goals. #prodchat
  91. A4 I need to focus on only one goal at a time and then build upon goals. #prodchat
  92. @IsaPinaud Yeah. It helps me pay deep attention and not get side tracked. ;/ #ProdChat
  93. Yes. Really interesting! RT @IsaPinaud: A4 Anybody read The Power Of Habit? #prodchat
  94. A4 Build upon goals: 1) I wake at 4am 2) I will wake and frank a glass of water. 3) glass of water then exercise #prodchat
  95. @IsaPinaud And really powerful for learning how to reform habits… Still trying to work on that. 😉 #ProdChat
  96. RT @IsaPinaud: A4 get ahead by using the pomodoro technique #prodchat < Yes, me too!
  97. @michgunn I really think it helps you understand how your mind works a lot more #prodchat
  98. @IsaPinaud Wow! @apinaud got you into the 4am thing? I just can’t do it. But I’m on board for exercise first thing. 🙂 #ProdChat
  99. @Work_Wonders The creators have a webpage where you can download the ebook with the entire explanation for free #prodchat
  100. @IsaPinaud I’m actually pretty good unless I want to be distracted. It’s when I really don’t want to do what I’m doing… #ProdChat
  101. Yeah!! RT @IsaPinaud: @michgunn I really think it helps you understand how your mind works a lot more #prodchat
  102. It’s on my list. @IsaPinaud: A4 Anybody read The Power Of Habit? #prodchat
  103. @michgunn @apinaud Ohhh noo… it was an example! I am currently trying to wake up at 5.. TRYING being the operative word #prodchat
  105. @IsaPinaud Ha! That’s great!! Even five. 😐 Can’t do it. 😉 #ProdChat
  106. @rsidneysmith A5: OneNote is fantastic for taking and organization notes and collecting research. #prodchat
  107. @michgunn I get bored with things easily.. so its hard for me to stick to something.. I’m getting better at it though #prodchat
  108. A5 I’m really digging Rosetta Stone for language learning. #ProdChat
  109. I’m digging Evernote for that. RT @bschorr: A5: OneNote is fantastic for taking and organization notes and collecting research. #prodchat
  110. @michgunn You don’t have too haha as long as you are comfortable with your schedule 🙂 #prodchat
  111. 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: I get bored with things easily.. so its hard for me to stick to something.. I’m getting better at it though #prodchat
  112. A5 physical tools: I’m a nerd… I read BOOKS haha 12 down the list this year in fact #prodchat
  113. @IsaPinaud Right! Good point! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Ha!! #ProdChat
  114. A5 I like online courses also and love watching tedtalks #prodchat
  115. A5 The book Ray’s been mentioning is great for learning methods… The First 20 Hours. Just read it. #ProdChat
  116. A5 A lot of universities have free online courses… Awesome stuff #prodchat
  117. @IsaPinaud Yes, Coursera or Khan Academy are great places to find free online courses. #prodchat
  118. A5 that reminds me… podcasts!! I learn tons of stuff from podcasts. Love it! #ProdChat
  119. A5: I am constantly learning because I’m writing my dissertation. I read dozens of academic studies each week. #prodchat
  121. Such great tips today. Thanks guys! I have a lot of stuff to check out after this one! #ProdChat
  122. Such great tips today. Thanks guys! I have a lot of stuff to check out after this one! #ProdChat
  123. @michgunn I know…I had to force myself to download 10 or less at a time and only download a new one after those 10 were through #prodchat
  124. @IsaPinaud Ha! Yes, I had to delete stuff to free up memory. I’m actually using downcast now instead of iTunes for podcasts. #ProdChat
  125. @IsaPinaud It doesn’t sync across multiple devices for me, but I really only use my iPhone for that, so no big deal. #ProdChat
  126. A6 Have you ever tried having double goals that work off of each other? For example: minimalism and organising? #prodchat
  127. @michgunn I like audiobooks but podcasts cover current events where audiobooks usually can’t. #prodchat @profkrg @IsaPinaud
  128. @profkrg @michgunn Audiobooks are a double edged sword for me…I like them, but I’m not always great at avoiding distractions #prodchat
  129. @IsaPinaud I avoid Shiny Object Syndrome by clearing my desk of all shiny objects. Desktop too. And turn off mail, web, etc #ProdChat
  130. @IsaPinaud I avoid Shiny Object Syndrome by clearing my desk of all shiny objects. Desktop too. And turn off mail, web, etc #ProdChat
  131. @michgunn I only have an no prob 🙂 I don’t feel we really need an iPhone, iPad, mini iPad, table, blackberry, agenda… #prodchat
  132. @IsaPinaud @michgunn I listen while I get ready in the morning, during my commute and during exercise. #prodchat
  133. @profkrg Oh… while getting ready. That’s a great idea! I’m going to try that. Thanks, Kenna! #ProdChat
  134. @profkrg @michgunn That’s exactly when I listen to podcasts… and while doing homework 😛 #prodchat
  135. @IsaPinaud Yeah, you mentioned that you can do that. I’m still amazed! 😉 #ProdChat
  136. @IsaPinaud Yeah, you mentioned that you can do that. I’m still amazed! 😉 #ProdChat
  137. Ha! RT @IsaPinaud: @bschorr @michgunn @profkrg Funny story: my radio broke and I did not even notice 😛 #prodchat
  138. I’m a big fan of elibrary! Use it all the time! RT @profkrg: @IsaPinaud You also can check out library books there. #prodchat
  139. @michgunn You would be surprised at how many people “need” all of the items I mentioned #prodchat
  140. @IsaPinaud I will admit to having an iPhone, laptop, iPad, Shuffle… and some other stuff. I felt I NEEDED them at the time. 😉 #ProdChat
  141. Well there goes another super fast #ProdChat hour!! Thanks again, guys! Great tips and resources!
  142. Great #prodchat tonight! I loved chatting with you all. I’m off to write!
  143. Have a great week, everyone!! Catch ya next week! #ProdChat
  144. @michgunn @profkrg elibrary, downcast, overdrive where have these been all my life? There is a free audiobook app for iphone #prodchat
  145. Yup! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud elibrary, downcast, overdrive where have these been all my life? There’s is a free audiobook app for iphone #prodchat
  146. @michgunn I’m not saying I was never like that haha, but I’ve been in the process of going minimal..down to iPhone laptop & kindle #prodchat
  147. I can’t believe it’s over…See you all next week! Goodnight #prodchat
  148. 🙂 MT @IsaPinaud: I’ve been in the process of going minimal..down to iPhone laptop & kindle #prodchat
  149. Ans. MSDN !!! RT: “@rsidneysmith: Q5: WHAT ONLINE, APPS OR PHYSICAL TOOLS DO YOU USE FOR LEARNING? #prodchat
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