#ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat, will discuss Learning Productivity; Wed.8pmET. Join us! http://buff.ly/1dKD0Or
RT @rsidneysmith: REMINDER: #ProdChat, the #productivity chat, will discuss Learning Productivity @ 8pmET. Join us! http://buff.ly/1cTpe6j
RT @rsidneysmith: REMINDER: #ProdChat, the #productivity chat, will discuss Learning Productivity @ 8pmET. Join us! http://buff.ly/1cTpe6j
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! http://goo.gl/Uk35l | Today’s Topic: Learning Productivity.
@rsidneysmith How are you today Ray? #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I’m well. Been extremely productive lately. Chipping away at projects. #prodchat
http://ProductivityBookGroup.org just finished reading http://First20Hours.com @joshkaufman so let’s discuss learning #productivity on #prodchat!
@jrnolan12 Welcome back, John. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A1: I plan on learning new things TONIGHT. And tomorrow. And the next day… 🙂 #prodchat
A1: This year I learn to shoot video on my DSLR. I’m deeply invested and willing! Continually learn Photoshop and After Effects #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Cool! What aspects of design? graphics? #prodchat
Wow!! RT @jrnolan12: A1: Moving to Germany in May. So, it’ll be a heck of a learning year. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud What made you choose esperanto? #prodchat
@jrnolan12 Exciting 🙂 #prodchat
@jrnolan12 Wow! Job relocation? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Ah, it sounds like you are into Illustrator; a beast I have yet to tackle. I love vector b/c you can scale a TON #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Hi, Ray! I hope you are well. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Hmm, O.k. interesting. 🙂 #prodchat
@IsaPinaud How long have you been studying it? Have you found others to converse with in esperanto? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Do you find yourselves speaking it with each other? #prodchat
Me too. @jrnolan12: A2: I err on the side of too much research rather than diving in. Often to my own detriment. #prodchat”
@IsaPinaud By default, I mean. Does it come naturally or do you have to decide to start speaking it? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud If you’re doing more painting type stuff, the Photoshop brushes + a Wacom tablet is the only way to go! <3 my Wacom! #prodchat
Stop giving the bot alcohol! 😀 RT @rsidneysmith: Sorry, my system is crunked! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud No, if I was going to try a new language though, it would probably be a Chinese language. #prodchat
+1 RT @IsaPinaud: A3 Fear of failure, fear of success and perfectionism … and I’m a little OCD #prodchat
@mssackstein I get you completely #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A3: Too many demands for my attention. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A3: Too many demands for my attention. #prodchat
Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat.
Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat.
Oh! Good one, LaTonya! RT @Work_Wonders: Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat.
@IsaPinaud Thanks! #prodchat
RT @Work_Wonders: Taking the time to actually apply what I learned #prodchat. < +1
very true! RT @Work_Wonders: @bschorr @rsidneysmith Yes, and then I multi-task which does not help #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: It really helps me to take notes while I’m learning something. Just writing it down reinforces it. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: It really helps me to take notes while I’m learning something. Just writing it down reinforces it. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: Also if I can turn around and try to explain/teach it to somebody else. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Do the most time consuming things first #prodchat
@IsaPinaud What’s that one? #prodchat
@Work_Wonders Originally: work for 25 min on timer and then rest for 5. I changed it to work 45 and rest 15 and use the 15 to read #prodchat
@Work_Wonders Originally: work for 25 min on timer and then rest for 5. I changed it to work 45 and rest 15 and use the 15 to read #prodchat
Brilliant! MT @IsaPinaud: A4 I like to write down… what I can possibly do to apply it. Inbox and process later #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Yeah. It helps me pay deep attention and not get side tracked. ;/ #ProdChat
Yes. Really interesting! RT @IsaPinaud: A4 Anybody read The Power Of Habit? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud And really powerful for learning how to reform habits… Still trying to work on that. 😉 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Love this! #prodchat
RT @IsaPinaud: A4 get ahead by using the pomodoro technique #prodchat < Yes, me too!
@IsaPinaud Yes, 3/4 of the book #prodchat
@Work_Wonders The creators have a webpage where you can download the ebook with the entire explanation for free #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I’m actually pretty good unless I want to be distracted. It’s when I really don’t want to do what I’m doing… #ProdChat
It’s on my list. @IsaPinaud: A4 Anybody read The Power Of Habit? #prodchat”
@IsaPinaud Ha! That’s great!! Even five. 😐 Can’t do it. 😉 #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith A5: OneNote is fantastic for taking and organization notes and collecting research. #prodchat
🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: I get bored with things easily.. so its hard for me to stick to something.. I’m getting better at it though #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Right! Good point! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Ha!! #ProdChat
A5 Agreed with @IsaPinaud, books are great for learning! #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Yes, Coursera or Khan Academy are great places to find free online courses. #prodchat
A5: I am constantly learning because I’m writing my dissertation. I read dozens of academic studies each week. #prodchat
A5 http://selfmadescholar.com is also awesome #prodchat
Such great tips today. Thanks guys! I have a lot of stuff to check out after this one! #ProdChat
Such great tips today. Thanks guys! I have a lot of stuff to check out after this one! #ProdChat
A5 Final answer: you MUST read this article http://mikesowden.org/feveredmutterings/awesome-boredom … #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Ha! Yes, I had to delete stuff to free up memory. I’m actually using downcast now instead of iTunes for podcasts. #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud It doesn’t sync across multiple devices for me, but I really only use my iPhone for that, so no big deal. #ProdChat
Done. On my list! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: A5 Final answer: you MUST read this article http://mikesowden.org/feveredmutterings/awesome-boredom … #prodchat
Done. On my list! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: A5 Final answer: you MUST read this article http://mikesowden.org/feveredmutterings/awesome-boredom … #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I avoid Shiny Object Syndrome by clearing my desk of all shiny objects. Desktop too. And turn off mail, web, etc #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud I avoid Shiny Object Syndrome by clearing my desk of all shiny objects. Desktop too. And turn off mail, web, etc #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Well, NEED is so strong a word… 😉 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Yeah, you mentioned that you can do that. I’m still amazed! 😉 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Yeah, you mentioned that you can do that. I’m still amazed! 😉 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud You also can check out library books there. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I will admit to having an iPhone, laptop, iPad, Shuffle… and some other stuff. I felt I NEEDED them at the time. 😉 #ProdChat
Yup! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud elibrary, downcast, overdrive where have these been all my life? There’s is a free audiobook app for iphone #prodchat
🙂 MT @IsaPinaud: I’ve been in the process of going minimal..down to iPhone laptop & kindle #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Have a good week, Isabel! 🙂 #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Have a good week, Isabel! 🙂 #ProdChat