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#ProdChat – 1/7/15 – Kaizen Productivity

#ProdChat – 01/07/2015 – Kaizen Productivity

On January 7, 2015, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Kaizen Productivity. Kaizen, originally, was the business production system developed in the 1950s to help Japanese companies prosper and was based on the idea of “continuous improvement” of operations. This has been adopted in the personal development and productivity community as a philosophy of continuous self-improvement by eliminating waste, identifying problems and always looking for opportunities to be better at life and work. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about Kaizen Productivity. Enjoy!


  • Q1: How do you see a life of Kaizen–or, “continuous improvement”–beneficial to you?
  • Q2: What areas of your life do you see Kaizen having the most impact, or applicability? Why?
  • Q3: What are some detriments to Kaizen? That is, always looking for what’s wrong? What may be some remedies to that?
  • Q4: Kaizen, like #GTD, speaks of breaking tasks down to their smallest parts. What are the benefits of this?
  • Q5: How do you eliminate waste (per Kaizen) currently in your life?
  • Q6: How do/would you capture and use the knowledge you gain from Kaizen?
  • Q7: What is one aspect of Kaizen you will implement in your life starting today?
  • Next #ProdChat: Jan. 14, 2015 – “Circling Back: The Art of Following Up!” Have a great week, #productivity enthusiasts!

Picture tweets:

ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q1 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q2 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q3 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q4 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q5 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q6 ProdChat - Kaizen Productivity - Q7 ProdChat - Next Week PBG Tweet - The Power of Habit

Raw transcript:

User Tweet
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts!
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing the Japanese productivity concept of Kaizen, or continuous improvement! Join us!
rsidneysmith So, let’s start with intro’s! In a tweet, intro yourself. What’s 1 major 2015 goal? #prodchat
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability!
halduauthor @cooperjohnj yeah! #prodchat
halduauthor Hey #prodchat, it’s good to be back
cooperjohnj I am john I am a blogger and podcaster, 1 major goal is to sell my house (not really productivity related though) #prodchat
halduauthor I’m Ben, I teach and study educational technology. Goal for 2015 is to learn swift coding #prodchat
rsidneysmith @halduauthor @cooperjohnj Hey, Ben and John! Great to see you! Happy 2015! #prodchat
rsidneysmith RT @GnosisMedia: #ProdChat: Every Wednesday, 8PM ET. For productivity enthusiasts. Mod: @rsidneysmith #tweetchatshappeningnow
halduauthor @cooperjohnj you are moving? #prodchat
profkrg Hi, #prodchat! I’m Kenna, a journalism prof from Oklahoma. My media blog is
cooperjohnj @halduauthor still in state, closer to the family because of the little one #prodchat
cooperjohnj @profkrg hey prof! #prodchat
rsidneysmith Q1: How do you see a life of Kaizen–or, “continuous improvement”–beneficial to you? #prodchat
halduauthor @profkrg hey professor, how’s the new semester treating you? #prodchat
JessaBahr It’s a reminder that there is always opportunity for improvement, and growth is never done #ProdChat
mcraegj A1. @rsidneysmith well the alternative is not very attractive! #prodchat
cooperjohnj A1: I think continuous improvement is important because in my view if you are not moving forward you are moving backwards. #prodchat
rsidneysmith @profkrg Hey, Kenna! How’re you? Welcome to 2015! :)) #prodchat
profkrg @cooperjohnj Hi, John. Happy New Year! #prodchat
profkrg @halduauthor Hi, Ben! We actually start Monday. I’m just prepping now. #prodchat
cooperjohnj @profkrg @halduauthor i started this week
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