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#ProdChat -2/12/14 – Keeping Your Team Productive

#ProdChat -2/12/14 – Keeping Your Team Productive

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  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation!  | Today’s Topic: Keeping Your Team Productive.
  2. Out of the blue I said “Oh darn…I missed #ProdChat!” Then I remembered today is Tuesday, #ProdChat is on Wed @ 8PM EST!
  3. So, let’s start with introductions! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat
  4. While we aren’t all managers by title, we all manage people. Let’s discuss how to keep #productivity up in teams on #prodchat!
  5. Hi, all! Michelle here. Productivity geek. Org geek. GTD’er, and co-host of the GTD Virtual Study Group. Psyched for #ProdChat !!
  7. Expect higher traffic than usual from me for the next hour for #ProdChat! C’mon over and join us! 🙂
  8. Awesome and you? RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Hey, Michelle! How’re you doing tonight? #ProdChat
  9. @michgunn It’s quiet on the stream tonight…the Snowmaggedonapocalypse has scared even #ProdChat-ers!? LOL
  10. Hi all! I won’t be able to partake tonight…had some family stuff come up. I just wanted to say hello to all my #ProdChat friends. Enjoy!
  11. A1 Right now I am teamless… but I’d say communication and handoff… #ProdChat
  12. A1: Delegation. Delegation. Oh, did I say delegation? Lol. #prodchat
  13. Hi! Catch ya next time. 🙂 MT @DanielHayes: Hi all! I won’t be able to tonight…I just wanted to say hello to my #ProdChat friends. Enjoy!
  14. @DanielHayes Thanks for stopping in to say hello! I hope all is well with you and yours (re: family stuff). #prodchat
  15. A1. Permission to fail is important in allowing for progress and preventing #burnout.  #prodchat
  16. I thought it was tomorrow night. D’oh!! MT @rsidneysmith: It’s quiet tonight…the Snowmaggedonapocalypse has scared even #ProdChat-ers!? LOL
  17. +1 RT @MultiplyingGood: Permission to fail is important in allowing for progress and preventing #burnout.  #prodchat
  18. Yes, but reporting back is important. Close the loop. RT @rsidneysmith: A1: Delegation. Delegation. Oh, did I say delegation? Lol. #prodchat
  20. @michgunn I think it is here in NYC, but it’s already started elsewhere in the country. #prodchat
  21. @michgunn Yes, of course! 😉 The question was where I needed to improve. ;-P #prodchat
  22. A2 I think good team management requires transparency, clear plans, and awesome communication #ProdChat
  23. A2 I think good team management requires transparency, clear plans, and awesome communication #ProdChat
  24. Ha! Sorry. :/ RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Yes, of course! 😉 The question was where I needed to improve. ;-P #prodchat
  25. @bojandordevic Can you elaborate on what “good communication” in a team environment means? 🙂 #prodchat
  26. @michgunn HA! No worries. I’m sorry I’m not better at delegating too! ;-P #prodchat
  27. .@rsidneysmith organizational skills. Hate seeing people being stuck for not knowing where things are and not knowing their pws #prodchat
  28. @michgunn I guess the same question I asked @bojandordevic…what’s good communication? #prodchat
  29. @rsidneysmith @bojandordevic I’d say passing the baton! After all, a task completed and not reported is as good as not done. #ProdChat
  30. A2. Trust, shared values and innovation help a melting pot of ideas come to life. #prodchat
  31. .@rsidneysmith having everyone on the same page, understanding the Why behind actions, having clarity about tasks and outcomes #ProdChat
  32. A1 Delegation! A2 Setting clear goals and metrics (Hi everybody!) #prodchat
  33. Hey #prodchat! I’m joining a bit late and won’t be participating much.. but here I am
  34. @bojandordevic YES!!! Because without it, no one can make their own decisions along the way to keep the forward momentum #ProdChat
  35. @jrnolan12 Hey, John! Good to have you on the #prodchat! Is it snowing yet down by you?
  36. Hey, Isabel! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: Hey #prodchat! I’m joining a bit late and won’t be participating much.. but here I am
  37. I am a 19 yr old design student who loves GTD and uses both OF and Evernote #prodchat
  38. Hey John! 🙂 RT @jrnolan12: A1 Delegation! A2 Setting clear goals and metrics (Hi everybody!) #prodchat
  39. Agreed! “@MultiplyingGood: A2. Trust, shared values and innovation help a melting pot of ideas come to life. #prodchat
  40. A2: Clear goals. Equal bidirectional communication. Recognition/praise in public; constructive criticism in private. #prodchat
  41. @IsaPinaud I’m sure there are many more #prodchat listeners and those active right now equally glad us we two! 😉
  42. @IsaPinaud I’m sure there are many more #prodchat listeners and those active right now equally glad us we two! 😉
  43. Hi folks, name is Bojan. 27 yo web analyst and paid search manager. Writer and Editor of @alphaefficiency #productivity magazine #ProdChat
  44. Sorry jumped away to grab a drink. I’m back #ProdChat
  46. A3 Well, when I started working at a new firm as a Project Manager, I went on jobs with everyone and learned about their jobs. #ProdChat
  47. @michgunn Yes, they cover the two major calamities managers and reports state: “I can’t find time”&”My manager doesn’t understand”#prodchat
  48. A3 I wanted to get to know what they did as well as what were pain points and what was easy to deal with #ProdChat
  49. A3 That really helped me better support them in my role as project manager. Some stuff I could move off their plates or pre-handle #ProdChat
  50. A3a: For me, I feel like I need to calendar the time, and I also have a set of trigger questions during my Weekly Review… #prodchat
  51. A3b: Since I have really done every one of my employees’ jobs, I feel pretty confident in knowing their plights! Lol. #prodchat
  52. Ah! RT : Yes, they cover the two major calamities managers and reports state: “I can’t find time”&”My manager doesn’t understand”#prodchat
  53. A3c: I feel like it’s might work to step into their shoes, perhaps instead of someone else, during their vacation or sick days? #prodchat
  54. A3 as far as team productivity, I found tools that would help us communicate and manage tasks in a transparent way. Yay #Basecamp! #ProdChat
  55. @michgunn It’s so tough to fit such mouthfuls in only one tweet questions! 😛 #prodchat
  56. @rsidneysmith The team must have a clear objective then e/person should state their what they will be doing to help reach it #prodchat
  57. A3 Taking time to explain decisions goes a long way. If team “buys in” they will go the extra mile. #prodchat
  58. @rsidneysmith Any problems should be talked through and solved to avoid major issues #communication #prodchat
  59. @jrnolan12 That’s definitely true, John! Transparency where possible is so helpful to the team moral. #prodchat
  60. true RT @jrnolan12: A3 Taking time to explain decisions goes a long way. If team “buys in” they will go the extra mile. #prodchat
  61. 😉 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn It’s so tough to fit such mouthfuls in only one tweet questions! 😛 #prodchat
  62. @jrnolan12 Have you been in a situation where you couldn’t explain the “why” and you were still able to help your team? #prodchat
  63. Good evening friends! Sorry for being very, very late. I’m Jason and I’m the manager of a small team of engineers. #prodchat
  64. A3b Also help employees step into your shoes. Prevent “satellite boss” perception. #prodchat
  65. A3 I also think team meetings (don’t everyone growl) help everyone understand the flow of a project & raise concerns productively #ProdChat
  66. Hey, Jason! MT @lewisjasona: Good evening friends! I’m Jason and I’m the manager of a small team of engineers. #prodchat
  67. Yup!! RT @jrnolan12: A3b Also help employees step into your shoes. Prevent “satellite boss” perception. #prodchat
  68. @jrnolan12 I’ve definitely (in arbitrating situations) had to, without breaking confidentiality, communicate more broadly. #prodchat
  71. @rsidneysmith Great to be here… and just in time for a great question! #prodchat
  72. @jrnolan12 So true. Sometimes staff thinks it’s all sharpening pencils and taking naps for managers. HA! If only! #prodchat
  73. If you’re interested in reading w/ ProductivityBookGroup .org, we’re reading “What Makes Your Brain Happy…” currently. Join us! #prodchat
  74. A4 I also love Gantt charts, although others don’t quite get them. I love #FastTrackSchedule and #OmniPlan. #ProdChat
  75. @michgunn I have to agree, Michelle! Poorly run meetings are what people gripe over…my meetings are well-run and great! #prodchat
  76. @michgunn That’s so strange since Gantt charts seem to me so helpful! #prodchat
  77. A4. In a spirit of collaboration, every project participant- even non-managers- must have ability to Do, Ditch or Delegate a task. #prodchat
  78. @rsidneysmith
    Yes, but they are too technical for some. Some people don’t respond to the timeline-ness of it. #ProdChat
  79. @michgunn The complexity of the Gantt chart visually is dependent on that of the project associated, I hope! LOL #prodchat
  80. @MultiplyingGood I can’t fully agree with that. Sometimes stuff just needs to get done. Ditch is not always an option. #ProdChat
  81. @rsidneysmith Nope. I’ve seen people glaze over at a 10-line Gantt chart. It is just info overload or something for some people. #ProdChat
  82. @MultiplyingGood But maybe delegate to someone else as long as the project goals still get met? #ProdChat
  83. @michgunn I’m going to understand that as “just needs more education.” #consciousdenial 😉 #prodchat
  84. I dig Wrike! Really want to try Trello too!
    RT @rsidneysmith: A4: Others love @trello @wrike and @WorkFlowy … Oh, and @springpad! #prodchat
  85. OK. 😉 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn I’m going to understand that as “just needs more education.” #consciousdenial 😉 #prodchat
  86. Oh, and @apinaud @MSliwinski wouldn’t mind if I mentioned the amazing @nozbe! I’ve dabbled and it rocks! #prodchat
  87. What do you mean? RT @lewisjasona: Is there a “corporate approved” version? RT @michgunn #Basecamp by @37signals rocks!! 🙂 #ProdChat
  89. @lewisjasona Oh, don’t even get me started, Jason! I have a master task/project management tool matrix. 100s of tools listed! #prodchat
  91. Ditto! RT @rsidneysmith: Oh, and @apinaud @MSliwinski wouldn’t mind if I mentioned the amazing @nozbe! I’ve dabbled and it rocks! #prodchat
  92. A4: Has anyone tried yet @flowapp or @TheBrainTech as project management apps? I’m testing the The Brain now…mind maps away! #prodchat
  93. A4: Has anyone tried yet @flowapp or @TheBrainTech as project management apps? I’m testing the The Brain now…mind maps away! #prodchat
  94. A5 Tricky! I learned to just grab to the headlines and let everyone manage the details themselves with deadlines to work to. #ProdChat
  95. @lewisjasona HAHA! At some point, perhaps! Right now, I’m still working on reviewing each of the tools to see which are worthy! #prodchat
  96. @lewisjasona It’s literally taking 100s of hours just implementing and testing them on real projects! #prodchat
  97. It isnt? THAT’s where I’m going awry! Hehe “Sometimes staff thinks it’s all sharpening pencils and taking naps for managers. #prodchat
  98. It isnt? THAT’s where I’m going awry! Hehe “Sometimes staff thinks it’s all sharpening pencils and taking naps for managers. #prodchat
  99. A5: I try to just get exceptions to the plan during one-on-ones, but it’s hard on me. I like to know all of the details. #prodchat
  100. A5a: I’m a laissez-faire manager. My presumption: you’re a professional so I shouldn’t have to micromanage. #prodchat
  101. @michgunn Does Basecamp have any provisions for projects that my company wouldn’t let me post on the internet. #prodchat
  102. A5b: I think if you feel you are micromanaging, identify: 1) Could they have done it by themselves? 2) Did they lose autonomy? #prodchat
  103. A5 I think teams need freedom to work the way it works for them… if you try to mange them too much you will not get good results #prodchat
  104. A5 Avoid this by setting smaller goals with certain due dates…but letting team members complete them as they see fit #prodchat
  105. @lewisjasona: Not sure. They have file posting, message posting, calendar, task lists, etc… check it out. There’s a free trial. #ProdChat
  106. @lewisjasona Can you put it out there to staff that you want more updates (or somehow automate it)? #prodchat
  107. A5 Very difficult. No employee could care about my biz as much as I do (nor should). Constant self-reminders to avoid micromging. #prodchat
  108. @rsidneysmith Yes! Not exactly project management. But I couldn’t figure how to use the tool until I saw that. It’s awesome! #ProdChat
  109. You sure you’re 19?? MT @IsaPinaud: A5 Set smaller goals with due dates…but let team members complete them as they see fit #prodchat
  110. @michgunn Not traditional proj. mgmt, but I am seeing whole companies run inside @TheBrainTech. Amazing. #prodchat
  111. @MultiplyingGood Yes, checks and balances for sure. But if a team member ditches a task that needed to get done… proj jeopardy ;/ #ProdChat
  112. Wise beyond your years. MT @IsaPinaud A5 Avoid this by setting smaller goals with due dates #prodchat
  113. Wise beyond your years. MT @IsaPinaud A5 Avoid this by setting smaller goals with due dates #prodchat
  114. Right! 😉
    RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Well, not proj. mgmt. in the traditional sense, but I= #prodchat
  117. Really! Wish I had been RT @lewisjasona: Wise beyond your years. @IsaPinaud A5 Avoid this by setting smaller goals with due dates #prodchat
  118. Really! Wish I had been RT @lewisjasona: Wise beyond your years. @IsaPinaud A5 Avoid this by setting smaller goals with due dates #prodchat
  119. @michgunn Hey! Being wise within your years is still pretty amazing! 🙂 #prodchat
  120. A6 Observation on projects. See what could use a little more support? #ProdChat
  121. A6 Observation on projects. See what could use a little more support? #ProdChat
  122. A6 By asking your own team members! No one knows the issues better #prodchat
  123. A6 By asking your own team members! No one knows the issues better #prodchat
  124. touché! 😉 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn Hey! Being wise within your years is still pretty amazing! 🙂 #prodchat
  125. Seriously! You must be 40! 😉 RT @IsaPinaud: A6 By asking your own team members! No one knows the issues better #prodchat
  126. Seriously! You must be 40! 😉 RT @IsaPinaud: A6 By asking your own team members! No one knows the issues better #prodchat
  127. A6: Fully agree w/ @IsaPinaud. Ask your team! Ask your stakeholders (clients, vendors, etc.)! What’s working? What could be better?#prodchat
  128. A6: Fully agree w/ @IsaPinaud. Ask your team! Ask your stakeholders (clients, vendors, etc.)! What’s working? What could be better?#prodchat
  129. A6 @IsaPinaud is right… The team knows best what they need in terms of support. Great place to start. Then look at bigger picture. #ProdChat
  130. A6 @IsaPinaud is right… The team knows best what they need in terms of support. Great place to start. Then look at bigger picture. #ProdChat
  131. A6: I tend to observe that my strain as manager is an equal and opposite response to strain of team. #prodchat
  132. A6 I try to check in often to see what people are feeling are pain points that they might realize could be alleviated some way. #ProdChat
  133. Oh, and I try to help my team prioritize tasks on different projects based on bigger picture timelining that they might not know. #ProdChat
  134. A6: Ask a mentor. Check out management podcasts! Library? So many resources! #prodchat
  135. @michgunn Yes, it’s definitely a struggle sometimes when a manager gives high priority to two projects’ tasks! #ProdChat
  136. A6 If employees retain the will to live, I haven’t squeezed enough productivity from them! Hehe #prodchat
  137. @michgunn It’s always good to have the manager offer prioritizing (if they want it…cuz then it’s micromanaging again!) #prodchat
  138. @rsidneysmith Yes, or different PMs with competing projects… really depends on the company structure. Good to have a Proj Director #ProdChat
  139. Great point. “@rsidneysmith: A6: I tend to observe that my strain as manager is an equal and opposite response to strain of team. #prodchat
  140. ^^The above link is wrong. Here is the correct link for the resources for this chat:
  141. HA! and ;( RT @jrnolan12: A6 If employees retain the will to live, I haven’t squeezed enough productivity from them! Hehe #prodchat
  142. @michgunn Yes, if the co. is that large, they need more than just PMs. #prodchat
  143. Yes! RT @rsidneysmith:It’s always good to have the manager offer prioritizing (if they want it…cuz then it’s micromanaging again!) #prodchat
  144. Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for today’s #ProdChat! Join us again next week! Check out the transcript tomorrow!
  145. @jrnolan12 Yes. If I can identify the opposing force that I can resolve for team members, my strain dissipates! #prodchat
  146. Next week on #ProdChat we have @nmhouston guest-hosting; topic: Using Social Media Productively!
  147. Next week on #ProdChat we have @nmhouston guest-hosting; topic: Using Social Media Productively!
  148. It’s like having a team of consultants at my fingertips! Thanks everyone! #prodchat
  149. Love that!! 🙂 RT @lewisjasona: It’s like having a team of consultants at my fingertips! Thanks everyone! #prodchat
  150. Exciting!!! RT @rsidneysmith: Next week on #ProdChat we have @nmhouston guest-hosting; topic: Using Social Media Productively!
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