#ProdChat – 2/13/13 – All About Email
Natalie Houston (@nmhouston) was so gracious to host #ProdChat last evening! Thanks to her for making the #productivity chat so great!
In case you missed last week’s chat, here’s the transcript:(pardon the typo…it says 2/16/2013 but should be 2/6/13!)
And, here starts this week’s transcript…Enjoy!
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “All About Email”
Looking forward to tonight’s #prodchat on email. Thanks to @nmhouston for hosting!
Ditto! RT @TaraRodden: Looking forward to tonights #prodchat on email. Thanks to @nmhouston for hosting! #prodchat
Let’s start things off with intro’s. Tell us a little bit about you. And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
We’re excited to be part of our first #prodchat! RT @nmhouston: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “All About…
Hi. Michelle here. I’m a productivity and tech geek. Hmmm… maybe a wanna be geek. Anyway, I use GTD and @OmniFocus for my system #prodchat
@nmhouston #prodchat Hi, all. Don’t get me started about email!
Welcome, @jodiacampbell! #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanks for hosting! We’d heard this was a cool chat to be part of! #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “All About Email” #prodchat
Welcome @jodiacampbell You won’t ever regret learning about the GTD system.. trust me 🙂 #prodchat
Me too! “@jodiacampbell: Hi all! I’m a PhD candidate desperately trying to finish my dissertation. #prodchat”
Thanks for starting us off, @nmhouston . I work in higher ed. No current system but I’ve been using Workflowy most recently. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Thank you so much! It’s very cool you are into productivity–that is definitely important as a college student! 🙂 #prodchat
By the way, we’re Sendgine. We help people with #socialproductivity, but tonight we’re just here to learn from everyone! 🙂 #prodchat
hi @jenn_wlkr glad you stopped by! #prodchat
A1 I Email helps me to be reliable, connect with people, maintain relationships. It’s one of my most valuable #productivity tools #prodchat
.@rsidneysmith some of us are old enough to remember working without email 🙂 it’s much better to have it, believe me! #prodchat
Heyllo @rsidneysmith Glad to see you here.. Although I’m sure you never miss this haha 🙂 (Unless your stapler needs staples) #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith A1: I couldn’t possibly think about a world without email. It’s my ubiquitous, asynchronous communication! #prodchat
Yeah! Can you imagine?! MT @rsidneysmith: A1: I couldnt possibly think about a world without email… #prodchat
@nmhouston Ha! I remember when I used email that couldn’t go anywhere but internally in my office. LOL. #prodchat
MT @TaraRodden: A1 Email helps me to be reliable, connect with people, maintain relationships. #prodchat
Completely understand @nmhouston RT A1 I don’t like to be interrupted — or to interrupt someone else. So email helps avoid that. #prodchat
YES! RT @nmhouston: A1 I dont like to be interrupted — or to interrupt someone else. So email helps avoid that. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Wow! And now e-mail goes everywhere you do! Ha Ha! 🙂 #prodchat
So true! Not enough hours in the day! RT “@TaraRodden: A2: Volume, volume, and volume. #prodchat“
@NYC_CoachO Coach! Great to see you here. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thanks! We’re excited to be hear–this a very relevant Twitter chat! Especially with all the recent press on e-mail. #prodchat
good point from MT @jenn_wlkr: with email important conversations are documented and searchable! #prodchat
@jenn_wlkr Yes, I look the historical record of conversations. I can go back to emails from years ago and be sentimental. 😀 #prodchat
Interesting take! MT @jenn_wlkr: A1 Email helps me not have to remember everything since conversations are documented & searchable #prodchat
Yes! Exactly! RT @IsaPinaud: A2 Challenge? Convinving myself to process e-mails at specific times a day instead of every 5 minutes #prodchat
MT @rsidneysmith: For me, teaching others how to manage email effectively and efficiently! I think that’s a rarer problem. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Good for you! Tough job sometimes, for sure! Are you a consultant? #prodchat
@jenipillar @jodiacampbell @profkrg We’re going to have a small army of PhD candidates on the #productivity chat soon! Yay! #prodchat
Tough one, but worth the change! MT @IsaPinaud: Convincing myself to process email at specific times instead of every 5 min #prodchat
@jjmccullen Great to have you on the chat, Jim! @nmhouston is hosting for us this evening! #prodchat
A2: @nmhouston a bigger issue is when they don’t respond at all or just overlook your message
#prodchat -
I have this problem too…RT @IsaPinaud Convincing myself to process e-mails at specific times a day instead of every 5 minutes #prodchat
@TaraRodden Sure! This article just ran in the @nytimes over the weekend. Thought it was really intriguing. http://ow.ly/hHlkw prprodchat
OH! Yes! “@jjmccullen: A2: Responding too quickly to messages, better to wait sometimes & see if someone else will jump in first” #prodchat
@nmhouston Just went through this. Waited reply for a week. Asked the person today and he said “I don’t check my email” WHAT? #prodchat
RT @jjmccullen: A2: Responding too quickly to messages, better to wait sometimes and see if someone else will jump in first #prodchat
Thanks @rsidneysmith, just checking out the tweetchat concept, pretty cool #prodchat
+1 RT @TaraRodden: I’ve heard it said that if an email takes longer than 5 min to compose, there should be a conversation instead. #prodchat
@jjmccullen Hey Jim! Glad to see you! All my favorite people are here tonight. 🙂 @NYC_CoachO @apinaud @rsidneysmith #prodchat
hi @NYC_CoachO glad you’re here! #prodchat
@TaraRodden Interesting theory indeed. Must look into this. #prodchat
http://five.sentenc.es es is a policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less.prodchatat
Agreed! RT @jjmccullen: A2: @nmhouston a bigger issue is when they don’t respond at all or just overlook your message
#prodchat -
There is also http://two.sentenc.es s http://three.sentenc.es c.es http://four.sentenc.es enc.es. Interesting conceprodchatodchat
RT @TaraRodden: I’ve heard it said that if an email takes longer than 5 min to compose, there should be a conversation instead. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A2 another challenge (ok, pet peeve): vague email subject lines. #prodchat
welcome to #prodchat @jjmccullen !
@rsidneysmith, agreed on short emails, I can’t stand when some one sends me an email that doesn’t fit in the window but should
#prodchat -
SO true!! Or no e-mail subject line. RT “@nmhouston: A2 another challenge (ok, pet peeve): vague email subject lines. #prodchat“
@ErikJFisher Hey, Erik! Great to see you on the #prodchat
@jodiacampbell Just mentioned this. I’m a student and so many of them don’t check their e-mail. #prodchat
@nmhouston, thank you, glad to be here #prodchat
@IsaPinaud that is so frustrating! #prodchat
@jjmccullen Agreed! (and guilty of doing the offending practice!) LOL #prodchat
DITTO!! Did I say, DITTO?! RT @nmhouston: A2 another challenge (ok, pet peeve): vague email subject lines. #prodchat
Yes!! me too. RT @nmhouston A2 another challenge (ok, pet peeve): vague email subject lines. #prodchat
@TaraRodden The CEO of @hootsuite wrote this article about social media replacing some e-mail this year too http://ow.ly/hHlv4 prprodchat
@IsaPinaud At 1st I didn’t believe them, but, no, it really is a problem. That’s just crazy to me! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Definitely! Why don’t they check their e-mails? Too many, not enough time do you think? #prodchat
welcome to #prodchat @ErikJFisher !
RT @rsidneysmith: @ErikJFisher Hey, Erik! Great to see you on the #prodchat // Great to be able to join tonight!
😀 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn @nmhouston Im not sure if you agree with Natalie, Michelle. Care to be more empathic? ;-P #prodchat
@nmhouston A3 Set times to check & process everything to task mgr or apply 2 min rule. Liberal use of delete key. #prodchat
@jodiacampbell Yes It is unbelievable #prodchat
@nmhouston A2: big email challenge for me is getting to longer email responses sooner–I put them off for when I have more time #prodchat
@jenipillar A2: Have you thought of breaking the email responses into different emails? That’s worked wonders for me. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A3 reading email only when Im going to actually process it (reply, calendar, archive, delete) #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith: RT @nmhouston: A3 reading email only when Im going to actually process it (reply, calendar, archive, delete) #prodchat
A3: I love Unroll_me for unsubscribing from all that stuff! I use it once or twice a year now. cc @IsaPinaud #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Interesting!! Do you use social sites a lot in class collaboration? #prodchat
+1 “@nmhouston: A3 reading email only when I’m going to actually process it (reply, calendar, archive, delete) #prodchat”
Yes! RT @nmhouston A3 reading email only when I’m going to actually process it (reply, calendar, archive, delete) #prodchat
RT @ErikJFisher: A3: Quick pass to delete/archive anything I may have been copied in on, but doesnt require a response. #prodchat
slick! MT @NYC_CoachO: Strategy I use when its time sensitive email, I text them after sending asking them to check inbox. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Is that automated somehow or do you do this manually? #prodchat
RT @rsidneysmith: A3: I love Unroll_me for unsubscribing from all that stuff! I use it once or twice a year now. #prodchat
@TaraRodden PS We’d love to see it and share it! When you are finished, would you send a link our way? #prodchat
@rsidneysmith We heard about Unroll_me the other day! Do you recommend it? #prodchat
learn about Inbox Zero, for the uninitiated: http://inboxzero.com/ / prodchatt
@nmhouston That doesn’t work for me. All my accounts land in the same inbox. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith At first manually so I realized what I did not read at all and unsubscribed. Now its automatic. #prodchat
RT @IsaPinaud A3 re: subscriptions. If you don’t read it today, will you read it in 2 days when you have 4 or 5 of them? Really? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I’d love to see how you automated that! 😀 #prodchat
hi @alexisgrant welcome to #prodchat!
RT @ErikJFisher: Leave the inbox alone a few days, and then you’ll see patterns of what to eliminate. #Prodchat
@nmhouston Regarding this. I don’t let facebook send me emails. I don’t get 5k emails from facebook every five minutes now. #prodchat
@nmhouston Do you have the next 12 hours free to talk? ;-P #prodchat
@alexisgrant Glad you are here! This is our first #prodchat, and we’re loving it!
@alexisgrant Hi, Alexis! Great to have you here on the #productivity chat this evening. Welcome! #prodchat
@profkrg @rsidneysmith @jenipillar I wish this had been around 4 years ago. I might be done by now! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith we might just have to do #prodchat Email…The Sequel 🙂
Or eliminate e-mail completely! MT @ErikJFisher: Leave the inbox alone a few days, then you’ll see patterns of what to eliminate. #Prodchat
@alexisgrant Hi Alexis! Great to see you here tonight. 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith, what does RT stand for or do in the tweetchat? #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I’ll explain it to you (by e-mail HAHA) #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Got it! On our list for sure! Thanks!! #prodchat
i 2nd this emotion ~~~> RT @nmhouston: @rsidneysmith we might just have to do #prodchat Email…The Sequel 🙂
@jodiacampbell I wish I had the foresight to start a #productivity tweetchat four years ago! 😉 @jenipillar @profkrg #prodchat
We hear you! RT @jodiacampbell: A4 I was spending too much time on email. Checking it every time I got a notification was insane. #prodchat