Mobile technology has fundamentally changed our personal a&nd work lives! Let’s discuss how to harness mobile #productivity on #prodchat!
@rsidneysmith doing great! Glad to be back in #ProdChat
@DanielHayes Welcome to the #productivity chat tonight, Daniel! I’m looking forward to this topic today! 🙂 #prodchat
@DanielHayes hello Daniel. Good to see you #ProdChat
“@daniinspires: … – for 2 weeks now I’ve followed along thanks for some new tools ” Glad to hear, Dani! #prodchatprodchat
Hey, Erik!! RT @ErikJFisher: Hello everyone! #ProdChat
Mr @ErikJFisher good to see you here. How are you #ProdChat
Ha, me too! I’m 4S. RT @DanielHayes: I’m an iPhone guy! I’m using a 4S…have broken myself of the need to upgrade w/each version. #ProdChat
A1: I’m an iPhone guy! I’m using a 4S…have broken myself of the need to upgrade w/each version. #ProdChat
A1: I’m an iPhone guy! I’m using a 4S…have broken myself of the need to upgrade w/each version. #ProdChat
@DanielHayes do you upgrade on S cycles or just as need it? #ProdChat
A1 I used to really love my Visor Edge http://bit.ly/LRzC8T then my Treo, but the iPhone is fantastic. Syncing is SO much better #ProdChat
@lewisjasona Welcome, Jason! We’re on Q2, but don’t worry…you can head back and intro and answer Q1 and Q2. Plenty of time! 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Ha! Mine was a Zaurus!!! LOVED that thing!!! Seriously. I’d unearth it if I still had it! #ProdChat
@daniinspires Great to have you join the conversation, Danielle! (Or, do you like Dani better?) #prodchat
@lewisjasona good night Jason. Welcome! #ProdChat
@alexlaree Im checking into #ProdChat for the first time
@rsidneysmith Do it, ray! Tell us what you used to use… C’mon it’s fun remembering! #ProdChat
@Bertram_ByamJr welcome! Enjoy and have fun #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith And all the wires!!! ARGH!!! That’s why I went OmniFocus. Wireless. Seamless. WebDav syncing. Ah the humanity!! #ProdChat
A3: Hi, I’m Dan and I’m an Evernote addict. #ProdChat
A3: Hi, I’m Dan and I’m an Evernote addict. #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Late but always welcome, no matter when you arrive, Isabel. Welcome! 🙂 #prodchat
Hey Isabel! 🙂 RT @IsaPinaud: Am I so so so so late? #prodchat Hey Everyone! Sorry!
Let me introduce @spoonandsaucer RT @DanielHayes: A3: Hi, I’m Dan and I’m an Evernote addict. #ProdChat
HA!! RT @DanielHayes: A3: Hi, I’m Dan and I’m an Evernote addict. #ProdChat
@IsaPinaud Hi Isabel! #ProdChat
A3 Everything goes directly into @OmniFocus #prodchat
@Bertram_ByamJr I have to try Google Keep. Never heard of it. #ProdChat
@alexlaree @Bertram_ByamJr It’s actually quite a brilliant and background app within Google’s Android/Drive products! #prodchat
If you’re interested in reading with ProductivityBookGroup .org, we’re reading “What Makes Your Brain Happy….”Join us! #prodchat
@daniinspires Do you use MSFT Exchange, iTunes iCloud or Google Cal as your primary sync’ing mechanism? #prodchat
All the services do it now. It’s great. RT @lewisjasona: I always seem to forget I can email into OmniFocus… not sure why. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud In finals…and you’re joining us…I feel honored! Rockstar! And, good luck with your exams! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud In finals…and you’re joining us…I feel honored! Rockstar! And, good luck with your exams! #prodchat
What do you mean, Bertam? RT @Bertram_ByamJr: #prodchat a focus must be cross functionality…how many of your devices does it work out
Well I’m hearing nothing but positivity about @OmniFocus so I’ll give that a try! Thanks all! #prodchat
Well I’m hearing nothing but positivity about @OmniFocus so I’ll give that a try! Thanks all! #prodchat
Yes, me too! MT @DanielHayes: A3; I practice productivity w/my tasks, but “reductivity” with my tools. #ProdChat
A3: Capture for me starts in @draftsapp. Unless it’s a specific date or time or project. If so it goes on the calendar or pages. #ProdChat
A3: Capture for me starts in @draftsapp. Unless it’s a specific date or time or project. If so it goes on the calendar or pages. #ProdChat
@DanielHayes Less is more when it comes to tools for sure…as I look at the power strips next to my desk! 😛 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Me too! It might not be a “productivity” tool though 😛 #prodchat
+1 RT @rsidneysmith: @IsaPinaud In finals…and you’re joining us…I feel honored! Rockstar! And, good luck with your exams! #prodchat
+1 RT @rsidneysmith: @IsaPinaud In finals…and you’re joining us…I feel honored! Rockstar! And, good luck with your exams! #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Of course! I’m doing rather well tonight…have to get back to work after #prodchat but feeling great! Thanks for asking! 🙂
@IsaPinaud Of course! I’m doing rather well tonight…have to get back to work after #prodchat but feeling great! Thanks for asking! 🙂
@rsidneysmith I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I just got home! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith It’s more like final projects (designing books and such) but thank you! #prodchat
Hit me up if you have Q’s MT @alexlaree: I’m hearing nothing but positivity about @OmniFocus so I’ll give that a try! Thanks all! #prodchat
@alexlaree @michgunn I’m really starting to get into @springpad BTW. The visuals are more graphically pleasing, gotta admit! #prodchat
@alexlaree It’s the price of @OmniFocus that keeps me from recommending it to most TBH. :- #prodchat
@rsidneysmith @michgunn @springpad I tried this one awhile ago and didn’t catch on to it as quickly as I wanted. Hmm .. #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I get so much reading done on it…so that’s why I consider it a #productivity tool…a stretch, for sure. 😛 #prodchat
BUT, it’s so worth it! RT @rsidneysmith: @alexlaree It’s the price of @OmniFocus that keeps me from recommending it to most TBH. #prodchat
A4 For iOS focus one of the best secrets is to use”Guided Access” #ProdChat
A4 For iOS focus one of the best secrets is to use”Guided Access” #ProdChat
WOW!! RT @IsaPinaud: I have no phone plan. I have no internet on my phone & therefore no whatssapp, email etc Need me? Call me. #prodchat
A4: Beware anything Pavlovian. Mobile technology will have you salivating like little else, waiting for that reward! #ProdChat
A4: Beware anything Pavlovian. Mobile technology will have you salivating like little else, waiting for that reward! #ProdChat
@ErikJFisher Yeah, the awesomeness of ubiquity and the calamity of too many options! #prodchat
@alexlaree Pretty expensive actually :/ #prodchat
@daniinspires me too!! I’d like to obtain strategies to NOT waste time! #ProdChat
@ErikJFisher I have to go through a app purging extravaganza soon! LOL #prodchat
@IsaPinaud Sad face! #ProdChat
@daniinspires How? Are you using pop mail? That’s no way to live. (teasing) We can help. Seriously. #ProdChat
@DanielHayes Oh, Daniel, you’re talking nerdy to me! Beware! LMAO #prodchat
@alexlaree BUT, I think its completely worth it! It’s an investment, but it’s amazing #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I deleted everything back in December. Started over fresh #prodchat
@lewisjasona I’ll leave that up to @michgunn to offer! 😛 Perhaps #prodchat dedicated to @OmniFocus by Michelle. M, interested?
Would love to. Just hit me up. Anytime! 🙂 RT @lewisjasona: Maybe she can offer lessons? #prodchat
Gutsy move Erik… you rock! RT @ErikJFisher @rsidneysmith I deleted everything back in December. Started over fresh #prodchat #prodchat
@alexlaree @daniinspires That’s what #prodchat is all about! We can help each other with strategies! 🙂
Focused. We call that Focused. 😉 @IsaPinaud: I swear that “no phone plan” thing probably makes me the worst teenager ever! Haha! #prodchat
Focused. We call that Focused. 😉 @IsaPinaud: I swear that “no phone plan” thing probably makes me the worst teenager ever! Haha! #prodchat
@alexlaree We also publish a transcript tomorrow in case you missed something! 🙂 #prodchat
@ErikJFisher OMG! You’re a braver soul than me! I’m not sure I could do it! 😯 #prodchat
Sweet! You are all awesome! RT @apinaud @rsidneysmith @lewisjasona @michgunn @OmniFocus I will help too #ProdChat #prodchat
@alexlaree Have you used http://CardDesk.net for displaying @evernote notes on a board view? Very cool! #prodchat
@daniinspires No distractions at home? Pleeeaaseeee teach me how you manage that :O #prodchat
Whoa! 🙂 Love it! RT @ErikJFisher: @rsidneysmith I deleted everything back in December. Started over fresh #prodchat
@alexlaree do not Negotiate wake up time in the morning. Put the alarm far. Negotiations are at night, never in the morning #ProdChat
@alexlaree That’s still a great waking hour! Ahead of most of the world! #prodchat
We totally understand! RT @mikevardy: @rsidneysmith Blast! My attendance foiled again by dinner! // @ErikJFisher @ethanwaldman #prodchat
Yes! Love it!! 🙂 RT @apinaud: @rsidneysmith @lewisjasona @michgunn @OmniFocus I will help too #ProdChat
@mikevardy “Foiled again” #ProdChat
@rsidneysmith No! Gosh you’re full of great tips today aren’t ya?! Favoriting them all in order to find what works best! #prodchat
Let’s chat after. I’d love to help. RT @daniinspires: EXACTLY! Pop3! Yuck. I welcome your help to a better way to function. #prodchat
Hey, Mike! 🙂 RT @mikevardy: @rsidneysmith Blast! My attendance foiled again by dinner! // @ErikJFisher @ethanwaldman #prodchat
Let’s chat after. I’d love to help! RT @daniinspires: EXACTLY! Pop3! Yuck. I welcome your help to a better way to function. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thank you Ray! Good to be here. #prodchat
I’m forever impressed!! Seriously. MT @apinaud: @alexlaree do not Negotiate wake up time in the morning.#ProdChat
I’m forever impressed!! Seriously. MT @apinaud: @alexlaree do not Negotiate wake up time in the morning.#ProdChat
A6: I think augmented reality will really find a place. Underused now. Also, Quantified Self applications. Esp medical monitoring. #ProdChat
A6: I think augmented reality will really find a place. Underused now. Also, Quantified Self applications. Esp medical monitoring. #ProdChat
A6 I’m already loving my new Nest thermostat that I can control with my iOS devices!! #ProdChat
A6 I’m already loving my new Nest thermostat that I can control with my iOS devices!! #ProdChat
A6 I’m already loving my new Nest thermostat that I can control with my iOS devices!! #ProdChat
@mbti_estj Yes, like Google’s recent acquisition of Nest! Those will definitely be on the rise! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5: On planes – I feel focused. #prodchat
I was thinking running! Ha!! MT @rsidneysmith: I want to use it when biking! #prodchat
Oh! What did you order?? MT @mbti_estj: . I ordered the tile like 8 months ago still waiting #prodchat
Check out this infographic: How #Mobile #Productivity Tech Gives Fuel to Your Business’ Productivity http://shar.es/Q58oI #prodchat
Check out this infographic: How #Mobile #Productivity Tech Gives Fuel to Your Business’ Productivity http://shar.es/Q58oI #prodchat