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#ProdChat – 3/15/17 – Email Productivity Apps and Addons

#ProdChat – 03/15/2017 – Email Productivity Apps and Addons

On March 15, 2017, #ProdChat discussed the topic, Email Productivity Apps and Addons. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “Email Productivity Apps and Addons.” Enjoy!


  1. What is your current personal email app? How well does it satisfy your email needs?
  2. What is your current work email software? And, is it doing well for you?
  3. What is the best desktop (Mac, Win, other) email software?
  4. What is the best mobile (Android, iOS, Win) email app?
  5. What are some good Web browser-based email clients?
  6. What’s your favorite email addon that adds/changes the interface (e.g., adds a button, changes the theme, etc.)? Why?
  7. Are there any email addons that help you manage email attachments well? How?
  8. Do you have any email apps that manage email newsletters? Pro’s and con’s?
  9. What are some email addons that work in the background with your email to make you more productive?
  10. Will you try any of the email apps or addons discussed today? Which, and why?

Raw transcript:

(For some reason, the tweet backup tool did not capture any of @rsidneysmith’s tweets during the tweetchat.)

User Tweet Time (GMT +0)
xianfox Good evening #ProdChat Wed Mar 15 23:59:29 +0000 2017
xianfox Good evening #ProdChat Wed Mar 15 23:59:29 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Hello everyone! #prodchat Wed Mar 15 23:59:59 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 Good evening everyone! Jay a.k.a. Disrupted in DC #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:01:08 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Good to be back after two weeks of judging band contests into the evening each night. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:01:37 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee Hi #ProdChat. What’s shakin’? Thu Mar 16 00:01:46 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck from Alabama. I write and speak on organization and time management. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:02:40 +0000 2017
xianfox Brian from Wisconsin. IT consultant. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:03:23 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith This was concert band. I was judging sight reading. The band is given a piece they have never seen before… #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:06:10 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck … And judged on how they play it the first time. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:06:42 +0000 2017
xianfox I downgraded my work PC to IE9 because it works better with the company DB that hasn’t been updated since the Bush administration. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:06:42 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck #productivity success is composing an online course that serves as a book study for my book. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:07:46 +0000 2017
caplady1225 Hi everyone #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:10:49 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A1 I use Gmail on all devices. Works well for me. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:11:08 +0000 2017
caplady1225 Your welcome it was wonderful joint effort #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:11:15 +0000 2017
JKatzaman Arriving late to #ProdChat from Maryland. Thu Mar 16 00:11:54 +0000 2017
xianfox A1: Airmail on iOS and Mailbird on Windows 10. For the work account it’s Outlook or OWA. I love Airmail and Mailbird. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:12:56 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Doing good, Ray. Just got back from a Chamber of Commerce mixer. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:13:40 +0000 2017
caplady1225 !!! I work in cybersecurity tweeting from Washington DC ill pretend i didn’t read that #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:14:16 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith How do you like Newtonmail? #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:14:26 +0000 2017
rogue_crayon99 A1 I shuffle between the iPhone’s mail app and gmail/yahoo/etc because some fxns aren’t available or easier to do #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:15:18 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A1 My personal email app is Gmail. It’s OK, but I’m not thrilled sometimes when I have to sort through old mail to find things. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:15:56 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A2 For me it’s all the same.. @Gmail #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:16:32 +0000 2017
xianfox A2: I use Outlook at work. Terrible experience because it’s either OWA or thru Citrix. #ProdChat Completely unintuitive. Thu Mar 16 00:16:38 +0000 2017
caplady1225 Tweetbot acting weird for some reason I’m not seeing the #Prodchat questions 🙁 Thu Mar 16 00:17:12 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith Good to hear. I’m keeping my eye on them. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:17:19 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith Good to hear. I’m keeping my eye on them. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:17:19 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith I’m in the Northern Anne Arundel Chamber, but the mixer at Maryland Live included all county chambers. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:17:40 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A1 i’m very sad i finally had to boot dispatch email (no active updates) testing @newtonmailapp but not sure abt subcr 4 mail #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:18:39 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith Yea, we’re getting a new project lead and I’m hoping we can convice him to move regular communications out of it. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:19:30 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A2 The work email is Outlook, which works fairly well. It’d be better if sender sorting went beyond the first letter. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:20:00 +0000 2017
OmnipoTony A2 my work email is @gmail and completely prefer it over Outlook #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:20:42 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3 No clue in this one. All I use is Gmail in the cloud. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:21:38 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A3 I don’t think I’ve ever used any email apps besides Outlook and Gmail. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:21:48 +0000 2017
2Patra Late 4 #prodchat after Tai Chi Hate my business email (NetSol) & love AOL but trying to learn gmail…so will be listening 2night Thu Mar 16 00:21:57 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A2 outlook is life isn’t the government world we use outlook 2010 so that’s that #Prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:22:38 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith I’d love to, but I haven’t met him yet. #ProdChat Hopefully we can work something better out. Thu Mar 16 00:23:02 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A1 I use Gmail and Hotmail (showing my age LOL) for personal emails. I use each for different purposes. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:24:06 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A3 the last time i used desktop mail regularly Eudora lol maybe outlook light when pop3 // pre webmail life #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:25:02 +0000 2017
xianfox A4: I love the power and ease of use of Airmail. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:25:42 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A4 can folks give there android mail recommendations testing a pixel #Prodchat is @newtonmailapp ios only??? Thu Mar 16 00:26:12 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A1 For even more compartmentalization, I have two personal Gmail accounts. Yep, I do & use each daily. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:26:20 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A1 I have Gmail on my android, and that seems to do the job there. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:26:22 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3 Wow, haven’t heard Eudora mentioned in…well…I can’t remember when. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:26:48 +0000 2017
caplady1225 What platforms does it cover? #Prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:26:56 +0000 2017
xianfox @caplady1225 As far as I know it’s only iOS and Mac. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:27:30 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A2 At my previous two jobs, they used Outlook and it was WONDERFUL! It has a ton of features for businesses. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:28:03 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith I picked Mailbird because it’s fairly close to Airmail. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:28:32 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A3 I used to use Outlook. Used it for 10 years and liked it. It was also calendar, task list, contacts, and notes. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:29:32 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A4 I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s Gmail on the Android. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:30:52 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Did you miss a #productivity book club discussion and want to listen to it? Catch up here:… Thu Mar 16 00:31:00 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee A4 I’m an Android and Google gal. I’ve bought the tee-shirts, sent postcards and swallowed the pill. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:31:49 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A5 I couldn’t tell you anything about browser-based email. I’ve had a sheltered childhood. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:35:32 +0000 2017
ShannonRenee Gotta skedaddle #ProdChat, have a good evening folks. Thu Mar 16 00:36:42 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A6 dark theme always a plus, apps that show unread only & integration to send to other services #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:37:09 +0000 2017
xianfox A6: The only thing I ever used was Boomerang before all the apps had snooze. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:38:35 +0000 2017
caplady1225 @rsidneysmith what self hosted webmail vs mail like gmail/outlook 365 not sure if i understand #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:39:38 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck What was Q6? For some reason, it didn’t post on #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:40:01 +0000 2017
caplady1225 That reminds me i tried out @sanebox few months not bad service for reducing load and reminders #Prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:40:40 +0000 2017
Tinu RT @ShannonRenee: A2 At my previous two jobs, they used Outlook and it was WONDERFUL! It has a ton of features for businesses. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:41:21 +0000 2017
xianfox A7: My secret weapon for handling attachments isn;t really an addon; it’s Evernote. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:42:28 +0000 2017
caplady1225 @DrFrankBuck ? going to check out as i’m not seeing questions for some reason my client having meltdown #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:42:43 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @DrFrankBuck Q6: What’s your fav email addon that adds/changes the interface (e.g., adds a button, changes the theme, etc.)? Why? #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:43:34 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A7 I also like to forward important email to @evernote and like that it sends the attachments too. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:44:15 +0000 2017
caplady1225 Checking out right now very cool good to IRC’ish feel #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:44:54 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion on @BrigidSchulte’s book, Overwhelmed!… Thu Mar 16 00:45:00 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A7 google drive or i agree with @xianfox send to my evernote email addy for keeping #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:45:38 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A6 I use use an add on from Hubspot that tells me when someone has opened my email. Really useful. Also let me schedule email.. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:46:22 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A8 that’s one of my favorite Features i send the newsletters i read to my @evernote email; does great job keeping original format #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:47:18 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8 Haven’t used unenrollme. I just liberally click Unnsubscribe. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:49:13 +0000 2017
caplady1225 @rsidneysmith HMM you can send a full podcast to @evernote will have to try that out asap #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:49:47 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith @caplady1225 I do most of my read later pile in Instapaper. I keep @evernote for permanent filing. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:50:02 +0000 2017
2Patra TTFN all, thx #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:50:25 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A8 I use the Priority Inbox setting on @Gamil, so that puts all of the newsletters in the “everything else” section. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:51:06 +0000 2017
xianfox A9: Gmail Filters. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:51:11 +0000 2017
caplady1225 @rsidneysmith ok that was my next question so i still have to get the raw file than send to @evernote #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:52:12 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck A9 I like to schedule appointments when working with just a few people. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:53:23 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith And that workaround even works for those using the free version. #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:56:11 +0000 2017
caplady1225 A10 yes i plan to follow up on a lot of these tools over the weekend given I’m in the market for new primary email app #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:56:22 +0000 2017
xianfox A10: I’m going to look into @owncloud. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 00:56:28 +0000 2017
DrFrankBuck Thanks everyone! #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:58:39 +0000 2017
caplady1225 We got over the hump folks enjoy the end of the week #prodchat Thu Mar 16 00:59:09 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Thanks, Ray. See you next #prodchat. Thu Mar 16 00:59:22 +0000 2017
xianfox Good chat tonight. Got some good takeaways. #ProdChat Have a productive week. Thu Mar 16 00:59:34 +0000 2017
xianfox @rsidneysmith @ownCloud Yeah, but it looks like it may have some significant features I’m looking for. Thanks for the tip. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 01:00:39 +0000 2017
JoysOfMercy @prodchat Late dinner! Totally missed it. Oh well. Catch you next time #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 01:04:36 +0000 2017
mailbird RT @xianfox: @rsidneysmith I picked Mailbird because it’s fairly close to Airmail. #ProdChat Thu Mar 16 08:09:38 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Join #ProdChat for our next “playful” #productivity topic on March 22, 2017! Thu Mar 16 17:03:55 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #ProdChat is a weekly #productivity chat. Join us for different topics Wednedays at 8pm ET. Fri Mar 17 14:00:14 +0000 2017
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