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#ProdChat – 5/22/13 – Six Questions You Should Ask Yourself

#ProdChat – 5/22/13 – Six Questions You Should Ask Yourself

This week’s #Productivity Chat we discussed "Six Questions You Should Ask Yourself" with Guest-Host, Augusto Pinaud (@APinaud).

  1. 1 hour to #Prodchat. Tonight topic: 6 Questions that you should ask yourself

    #ProdChat 8:00pm EST

    Join for the fastest our on Twitter

  2. Hello augusto, I am sitting in Boston airport waiting for my flight back go Richmond will join as long as I can
  3. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: 6 Questions that you should ask yourself
  4. Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  5. I’m Lilli: a productivity specialist based in the NYC area. I use GTD, with a system based in Evernote. #prodchat
  6. @jjmccullen in case you need to run have a nice trip. It is good to have you here #prodchat
  7. hi @apinaud and everyone! I’m Natalie, a productivity coach & an academic (Eng lit). I help people find their focus. #prodchat
  8. Jim here, author of the hottest Outlook / GTD email system on the planet #prodchat
  9. I am Augusto Pinaud. I am a Writer. Best Seller Author. #ProdChat
  10. @apinaud I’m Brian. I’m in retail mgmt. I use GTD for my productivity system and am a huge Evernote fan. #prodchat
  11. A1: I ask that question often. If the answer is different that what I am doing I know it is time to slow down and pan attention #ProdChat
  12. A1.2 I am creating a position on a company for myself. The position doesn’t exist and the they doesn’t know I want it (yet) #ProdChat
  13. Hi all! Michelle here. Giving this a go from my iPhone. So please excuse any iPhone spellings. šŸ˜‰ #Prodchat
  14. A1: Write a book other than my dissertation. #prodchat
  15. @michgunn Hi! I always chat from my phone. Haven’t we talked about this before. #prodchat
  16. @LilliWeisz have you consider spin your services so the new final product is more appealing (and expensive) #ProdChat
  17. a1. All sorts of stuff! But recently I bit the bullet and moved to the beach (still technically the city, but not reall) #Prodchat
  18. RT @apinaud: Q1: What you will do if you weren’t afraid?
    #prodchat I’d leave the 9-5 grind and do my own thing. Not sure what that is tho.
  19. Make you think…. love that answer RT @jjmccullen: A1 save less and spend more #prodchat
  20. A1 the thing is to realize I’m beig held back by fear and deciding if I am willing to push through the discomfort for the end goal #Prodchat
  21. A1 the thing is to realize I’m held back by fear and deciding if I am willing to push through the discomfort for the end goal #Prodchat
  22. A1 agree with Kenna! I’d like to write a (short) book.
  23. @michgunn you are going to love the second question šŸ™‚ #ProdChat
  24. Whoa… Technical difficulties. Apologies if I just sent that message more than once #Prodchat
  25. Thank you.., and so am I… ā€œ@apinaud: @MCTheWriter hello. Glad you are here #ProdChatā€
  26. @LilliWeisz @profkrg In my experience 6 books and 4 translations it is much more fun to have written #ProdChat
  27. Thanks, Augusto! glad you’re hosting tonight! šŸ™‚ RT @apinaud: @michgunn good to have you here #Prodchat
  28. Q2: What have you done even when you were afraid that you are proud of.
  29. Q2: What have you done even when you were afraid that you are proud of.
  30. keep missing #prodchat – must rectify it next week
  31. On my to-do list for 10 years. “@profkrg: A1: Write a book other than my dissertation. #prodchat
  32. Oh, Kenna, that’s so true!!! So scary! RT @profkrg: A1: work for myself? #Prodchat
  33. A2: create my own business – and charge money for my services! #prodchat
  34. Cool RT @LilliWeisz: A2: create my own business – and charge money for my services! #prodchat
  35. A2 (I do love it @apinaud!) went freelance (aka left my job), moved to the beach (longtime dream) #Prodchat
  36. A1. Whew! A lot… Writing my own book, produce my own scrip, traveling and more traveling; however, I’m afraid of failure. #ProdChat
  37. A2 really can’t think of anything that is not good #prodchat
  38. Awesome!! RT @LilliWeisz: A2: create my own business – and charge money for my services! #Prodchat
  39. @apinaud there are several up in there. Related to my research and true crime. #prodchat
  40. A2. First move to a new country without speaking the language (i was 25). Second Write 6 books on that language. #ProdChat
  41. I think were all afraid of failure. ;/ MT @MCTheWriter: A1. … however, Im afraid of failure. #Prodchat
  42. Wow! RT @apinaud: A2. First move to a new country without speaking the language (i was 25). Second Write 6 books on that language. #Prodchat
  43. @profkrg go for it. Write 500 words each week day as a relaxing excercise #ProdChat
  44. Thats so cool RT @michgunn: A2 (I do love it @apinaud!) went freelance (aka left my job), moved to the beach (longtime dream) #Prodchat
  45. @apinaud I would live to be a public speaker (beyond being a prof). I also want to edit books. #prodchat
  46. I’m doing freelance project management. It’s awesome! And scary! šŸ˜‰ RT @profkrg: @michgunn freelance… Tell me more? #Prodchat
  47. RT @apinaud: Q2: What have you done even when you were afraid that you are proud of. #prodchat Got married. Had Kids.
  48. @apinaud I think I have to complete my dissertation first! #prodchat
  49. Nice! RT @xianfox: MT @apinaud: Q2: What have you done even when you were afraid that you are proud of. — Got married. Had Kids. #Prodchat
  50. A2: The entire PhD was something I was afraid of but did anyway. So was becoming a professor. #prodchat
  51. A2 next up, start a business I’ve been toying with for a while. I’m going to try to get past the fear and Just Ship It! šŸ™‚ #Prodchat
  52. Thats awesome! RT @profkrg: A2: The entire PhD was something I was afraid of but did anyway. So was becoming a professor. #Prodchat
  53. A3 oh… Tricky one. Can I say “control”? šŸ˜‰ (not kidding actually) #Prodchat
  54. A3. My guard.., I have this wall that I put in front of me when I enter an uncomfortable world and it takes a lot to let go. #ProdChat
  55. A3 I was afraid to give up a steady paycheck for a long while. I couldn’t imagine doing it. And now, I can’t imagine the reverse! #Prodchat
  56. A3 I was afraid to give up a steady paycheck for a long while. I couldn’t imagine doing it. And now, I can’t imagine the reverse! #Prodchat
  57. A3 Completely agree with @michgunn. Giving up control- SO hard. I need to hire an asst. but have been finding many reasons not to! #prodchat
  58. RT @apinaud: Q3: What are you afraid of let go? Why? #ProdChat Security, safety, comfort. Been thinking of this a lot lately.
  59. Oh… tough one. MT @LilliWeisz: A3 Giving up control- SO hard. I need to hire an asst. but have been finding many reasons not to! #Prodchat
  60. @jjmccullen something to spend sometimes thinking about it. The goal of these questions #ProdChat
  61. A3: I was just afraid of being wrong or not smart enough or bored. #prodchat
  62. Will ponder at the surf. šŸ˜‰ RT @apinaud: @jjmccullen something to spend sometimes thinking about it. The goal of these questions #Prodchat
  63. Big pressure. RT @profkrg: A3: I was just afraid of being wrong or not smart enough or bored. #prodchat
  64. We are so afraid of the things we had imagine that we can’t do or stop doing. It is important to pay attention #prodchat
  65. sorry, #prodchat, something came up — will catch up with you all another week!
  66. sorry, #prodchat, something came up — will catch up with you all another week!
  67. Have a good week! RT @nmhouston: sorry, #prodchat, something came up — will catch up with you all another week! #Prodchat
  68. Q4: What physical thing you should give away, donate, trash it. Why you have not done it?
  69. Q4: What physical thing you should give away, donate, trash it. Why you have not done it?
  70. Q4: What physical thing you should give away, donate, trash it. Why you have not done it?
  71. A4 donating items where I live is very time consuming (the suburbs). I have a while closet full of stuff. #prodchat
  72. A4 ugh. Having just moved this is very fresh for me… I have tons of my mom’s stuff, but can’t seem to part with it. šŸ™ a target=”_blank” href=”!/search?q=%23Prodchat” title=”#Prodchat” class=”tweet-url hashtag” rel=”nofollow”>#Prodchat
  73. A4. My computer bag. I don’t want to spend the money for a replacement that most likely will not be the perfect bag (again) #prodchat
  74. Oh but @apinaud… What if it IS the perfect computer bag and you’ve been torturing yourself all this time for nothing. šŸ˜‰ #Prodchat
  75. @LilliWeisz time to get the annoying task out of the way and plan a trip to clean that space #prodchat
  76. A4: I have three bags of stuff in the bedroom that need to donate. #prodchat
  77. Bye, Lilli. see ya next time. šŸ™‚ RT @LilliWeisz: I have to run – this has been great! #Prodchat
  78. A4: I haven’t done it because I need to gather more stuff. #prodchat
  79. Other than mom’s stuff, I tend to get rid of things when they are no longer useful. Don’t like stuff hanging around. Odd, right? #Prodchat
  80. Two trips instead, maybe? RT @profkrg: A4: I havent done it because I need to gather more stuff. #Prodchat
  81. @profkrg don’t wait. Maybe taking those bags will help you get the motivation to collect more #ProdChat
  82. A4. phone; I wouldn’t. I rarely use it to call anyone; I spend so much time on social network when I could be doing something else #ProdChat
  83. Love that! RT @apinaud: @profkrg dont wait. Maybe taking those bags will help you get the motivation to collect more #Prodchat
  84. @michgunn not at all. My mom swears that I don’t have emotional attachment to anything. #prodchat
  85. Q5: What advice would you give to a 10 years younger self? What are you doing today to follow that advice
  86. Q5: What advice would you give to a 10 years younger self? What are you doing today to follow that advice
  87. @MCTheWriter I disable email on my iPhone. Regain control over the phone. Maybe the same with Social Media? #ProdChat
  88. @michgunn I know. It’s not even a big deal to go more than once. #prodchat
  89. @DerekTac welcome Derek. Never too late (unless you come after 9:00pm) #ProdChat
  90. I really try to live minimally. Prepping for my move really proved it to me. RT @apinaud: I wish I can got rid of much more stuff. #Prodchat
  91. šŸ™‚ I get it. Why go twice when you can go once? RT @profkrg: @michgunn I know. Its not even a big deal to go more than once. #Prodchat
  92. @michgunn me too. The marriage contract didn’t say that my wife wasn’t but I will not change her for anything in the world #ProdChat
  93. Ha!RT @apinaud: me too. The marriage contract didnt say that my wife wasnt but I will not change her for anything in the world #Prodchat
  94. RT @apinaud: Q5: What advice would you give to a 10 years younger self? What are you doing today to follow that advice#ProdChat #Prodchat
  95. A5 Smile. Spend less on food and more on plane tickets. Travel more. #ProdChat
  96. A5 great question! I’d say, don’t be afraid to Go Big. Reach for the stars no matter what anyone tells you. It’s worth the shot! #Prodchat
  97. A5 great question! I’d say, don’t be afraid to Go Big. Reach for the stars no matter what anyone tells you. It’s worth the shot! #Prodchat
  98. A5 great question! I’d say, don’t be afraid to Go Big. Reach for the stars no matter what anyone tells you. It’s worth the shot! #Prodchat
  99. A5 I transform my business so I could travel and work from anywhere… But I continue wishing that I would had travel much more #ProdChat
  100. A5 really chase your dreams instead of getting caught up in the Joneses routine. #Prodchat
  101. A5 Use your resources. People, tools, yourself. But don’t misuse or overuse them #prodchat
  102. @apinaud I have a feeling that will be my advice to my past self as soon as my future self starts traveling! #Prodchat
  103. A5 oh!!! People skills… And public speaking skills… And network, network, network (but not in a smarmy way!) #Prodchat
  104. Yup!! RT @DerekTac: A5 Use your resources. People, tools, yourself. But dont misuse or overuse them #Prodchat
  105. Cool RT @DerekTac: A5 Use your resources. People, tools, yourself. But don’t misuse or overuse them #prodchat
  106. A5 oh, part two of the question “what are you doing today to follow that advice”. Hmmm… Good point! šŸ˜‰ #Prodchat
  107. Q6: What advice would you give to a 10 years older self? What are you doing today to follow that advice
  108. Q6: What advice would you give to a 10 years older self? What are you doing today to follow that advice
  109. A5: Relax. Quit taking everything so seriously. #prodchat
  110. Exactly!!! RT @xianfox: Q5: Make more friends. Stay in touch more. #Prodchat
  111. Usually that one you learn by mistake RT @xianfox: Q5: Make more friends. Stay in touch more. #prodchat
  112. @apinaud @xianfox Keeping is touch is definitely time sensitive. Don’t let it spoil #prodchat
  113. A6 older self? Hmmm… Travel. Enjoy the world. Have no regrets. I’m not sure really #Prodchat
  114. @apinaud And yes, I am learning this one right now in my life actually. Takes dedication #prodchat
  115. A6 actually if I were my past self telling my future self, I’d say don’t forget to have fun. Life is not about work! #Prodchat
  116. A6 actually if I were my past self telling my future self, I’d say don’t forget to have fun. Life is not about work! #Prodchat
  117. I guess I can consider myself lucky that I figured it out, and started rectifying it, in my mid 40s. #prodchat
  118. A6 Simplify more Slow Down more Walk with your wife more Read more & slower #ProdChat
    I am trying to do all that right now (mostly failing)
  119. @profkrg but it will make you think. You may found a cool answer #ProdChat
  120. A6 actually, I’m trying to live for my future self now. I moved to the beach to focus, reflect, and get healthy… for future me #Prodchat
  121. Nice perspective! RT @xianfox I guess I can consider myself lucky that I figured it out, and started rectifying it, in my mid 40s. #Prodchat
  122. Thanks for join #ProdChat tonight. I hope it was fun. Sure it was really fast!

    Have a great rest of the week

  123. RT @apinaud: Q6: What advice would you give to a 10 years older self? What are you doing today to follow that advice#ProdChat #Prodchat
  124. @DerekTac Q6: What advice would you give to a 10 years older self? What are you doing today to follow that advice #ProdChat
  125. Yes! Gotta think on that one! Thanks for the prod! šŸ˜‰
    RT @apinaud: @michgunn and what are you doing about that today? #Prodchat
  126. Wow. Another #prodchat flew by. Have a great week everyone! See ya next week! šŸ™‚ #Prodchat
  127. A6 Stay young in health and spirit. Evolve with the times; adapt. Be a chameleon. Keep people guessing. Make lists, memory sucks #prodchat
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