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#ProdChat – 5/29/13 – #Productivity Tools!

#ProdChat – 5/29/13 – #Productivity Tools!

For this week’s #ProdChat, we had a fun topic that we’ll probably do a few times per year since it was such a good conversation, which was discussing your personal productivity tools! So many great tools, so little time! 😉

  1. Let’s start with intro’s. In a tweet, tell us about you. In another tweet, tell us how you’re doing this week! #prodchat
  2. Hey all! Michelle here. I’m a fan of organization, tech-fun, and a GTD’r. #prodchat
  3. Augusto Pinaud. I am a Writer. I am a best seller author.
    I help people to do small changes that create big impact


  4. This is MC, checking. I am a writer, photographer, screenwriter and a lover of life… #ProdChat
  5. I’m doing great this week. Getting settled into my new home by the beach and getting all my tech toys to play nice. 🙂 #prodchat
  6. Okay – Martin, certified PM, GTD dilettante; this week doing some case studies for an outsourcer and riding my bicycle! #prodchat
  7. Part2: I’ve been doing editing since Monday and that continues until tomorrow. I guess that’s my week. #ProdChat
  8. Love the tagline, Augusto!! MT @apinaud: I help people to do small changes that create big impact#prodchat #prodchat
  9. trying rememberthemilk as a task manager to replace Outlook #prodchat and it’s looking promising
  10. @GTDbloke You probably already know I’m a huge fan of RTM! Please feel free to ask questions if you hit any stumbling blocks! #prodchat
  11. Nice! RT @GTDbloke: trying rememberthemilk as a task manager to replace Outlook #prodchat and its looking promising #prodchat
  13. and you faithful would be proud of me – a Win/7 user mentoring my sister lean iOS! #prodchat
  14. @profkrg Welcome, Kenna! Doing great…coming to the chat from sunny NC today! #prodchat
  15. @mikevardy I’m going to miss our tweetup, Mike! I was brought to NC early for work and then my sister’s wedding on Saturday. #prodchat
  16. A1 mainly PC and some Android tablet; Exacompta journal and 1.1mm H lead Mont Blanc for daily scribbles #prodchat
  17. A1 Macbook Air, iPad mini, iPhone 4S, Livescribe Echo pen & paper, college-ruled notepads (letter and scratch pad size) #prodchat
  18. @rsidneysmith rainy and storming in Oklahoma. Starting to feel like a broken record. 🙁 #prodchat
  19. A1 iPad Mini (main machine) & iPhone

    On a bag an iPad2 and an old MacBook


  20. A1. I use my Mac, iPad and phone. But I do carry a small notebook with me everywhere I go, though I haven’t used it in months. #ProdChat
  21. @GTDbloke cool. If need any help let me know. More than happy to help. #prodchat
  22. A1: I use my iPhone and Desktop. I use iCal, Gmail and 2Do. I also use @instapaper and @evernote for capturing. #prodchat
  23. A1 Oh, and rollerball pens for my paper, and then a Levenger Journal and fountain pen for journaling #prodchat
  24. A1: MacBook Air, Dell laptop, Google Nexus 7 tablet, iPhone 4S. #prodchat
  25. BTW slightly off topic but anyone use LogMeIn on iOS? #prodchat
  27. A1. Although it’s software, I do have a PC (virtual) for Outlook… just sayin’ 😉 #prodchat
  28. @michgunn big fountain pen fan Michelle – a ST Dupont and Pelikan violet ink #prodchat
  29. @GTDbloke I haven’t actually used @LogMeIn on iOS but I’ve used it for many years on several Dells. #prodchat
  30. Q2. Reminders and calendars. Two apps that come with my phone. #ProdChat
  31. Hahah! Sorry.. Mr. Pinaud Jr. Does that sounds better ? “@aapinaud @MMCTheWritermy dad came? He is Mr. Pinaud 😉


  32. You guys are making me laugh with your pens. My pen if choice is a @Sharpie marker in purple. #prodchat
  33. A2 I use iCloud for Contacts and Calendars. I have been used Omnifocus until a month ago that I am working with Nozbe #prodchat
  34. RT @profkrg: You guys are making me laugh with your pens. My pen if choice is a @Sharpie marker in purple. #prodchat
  35. @GTDbloke Oh that’s fancy! I think I have a low-end Waterman… I love it! Stainless body and I use Noodler’s Old Manhattan ink #prodchat
  36. Yes, but in reality, I rarely use it. I’ll reach for my phone before I reach to it “@profkrg: I always carry a notebook too. #prodchat
  37. A2 difficult as I might be in transition. Calendar: Outlook plus Exchange when in the same org. Google Calendar “okay” #prodchat
  38. I’m here I’m here I’m FINALLY here! Hello everybody on #prodchat I’ve missed you!
  39. #prodchat I’m a big fan of google calendar, but to be honest, I’m hyper organized, have calendars hanging all over my house and on desk
  40. RT @MCTheWriter: Q2. Reminders and calendars. Two apps that come with my phone. #prodchat
  41. A2: My iCal and 2Do app are critical. My iCal organizes my life. #prodchat
  42. A2: I use Tempo on iOS (which pulls from Google Calendar). I’ve used Google Calendar for as long as it’s been around. #prodchat
  43. @MCTheWriter @profkrg I carry a notebook as well. I like to write stuff down – trying to train myself to use notes on my phone #prodchat
  44. A2 I use Apple’s native Calendar, but it’s connected to Exchange. On the iPhone, Tempo’s pretty cool, but Week Cal rocks!! #prodchat
  45. A2: Before Google Calendar, I used Yahoo! calendar (personal) and Outlook (professional). #prodchat
  46. Q2 RTM and aCalendar – an excellent Google Calendar integration app #prodchat
  47. A2: I find myself asking Google Now and Apple Siri to add appointments to my calendar quite frequently when I’m on the go. #prodchat
  48. A2: I actually use a handwritten calendar so only important things land there instead of turning it into another todo list #prodchat
  49. @rsidneysmith hahah! I use Siri a lot. Though sometimes I have to go back and add more details to it. #ProdChat
  50. A2 I work mainly from home so the PC mainly rules #prodchat
  51. A2 But for real calendaring (like managing projects and resources), I use #FastTrackSchedule #prodchat
  52. @IsaPinaud I also have a hanging calendar that I love. Thanks for reminding me! 😉 #prodchat
  53. A2 I use in the iPhone an app called “Horizon” that add the weather to the calendar. #prodchat
  54. A2b: I also find that omnifocus can keep track of my due dates, I only need the calendar for really specific things #prodchat
  55. A2 I also use my PC Outlook for calendaring… when Apple’s Calendar misbehaves… again, just sayin’ 😉 #prodchat
  56. I only use paper notes when I’m writing a long post. Not good! “@profkrg: @mssackstein @MCTheWriter I’d rather take paper notes. #prodchat
  57. any use Timebridge for sharing your calendar (Google, Exchange, etc.) ternal folk? #prodchatprodchat
  58. Wow! I’ll check that out. “@apinaud: A2 I use in the iPhone an app called “Horizon” that add the weather to the calendar. #prodchat
  59. A2 Oh, but for time management, I dig the Harvest app and the Now and Then app for iphone. Good data! #prodchat
  60. @apinaud That’s awesome! I love that the Tempo iOS app does that also. Handy. I do use the Notification Center weather often too! #prodchat
  61. @busynessgirl Welcome to the chat, Maria! And, yes, I love Doodle for calendaring, though I really miss Tungle! 🙁 #prodchat
  62. I always forget that’s there… must remember!! MT @rsidneysmith: …I do use the Notification Center weather often too! #prodchat
  63. RT @GTDbloke: any use Timebridge for sharing your calendar (Google, Exchange, etc.) ternal folk? #prodchatprodchat
  64. @GTDbloke I don’t use it, but it looks promising! That might have been worth the price of admission tonight, Martin! Thanks! 😉 #prodchat
  65. @rsidneysmith @profkrg i use @asana. best product and project mgmt tool I’ve found for dev team collaboration. #prodchat #productivity
  66. Isn’t that the same question as q3?! “@rsidneysmith: Q3: WHAT DO YOU USE TO KEEP TRACK OF #PROJECTS / #TASKS? #prodchat #productivity
  67. @MCTheWriter Yeah, the app is called “Now and Then”. It’s got a good UI. Simple and powerful. I tested a bunch. 😉 #prodchat
  68. @MCTheWriter Yeah, the app is called “Now and Then”. It’s got a good UI. Simple and powerful. I tested a bunch. 😉 #prodchat
  69. a3 for project management there’s lots of diff tools out there #prodchat
  70. A3: Omnifocus is the key to my entire productivity world #prodchat
  71. A3: @rememberthemilk primarily for my personal tasks. For work right now, that’s being managed by @asana. #prodchat
  72. I must admit that design is really important to me when choosing productivity tools. It’s almost equal to functionality. #prodchat
  73. @MCTheWriter Q2 was about TIME management, and Q3 is about task/project management. They are distinct in my mind. 🙂 #prodchat
  74. A3 For years I have been using Omnifocus. Right now I am testing Nozbe #prodchat
  75. A3 for any project tracking I strongly suggest a web collaborative tool with a shared project information database #prodchat
  76. ditto RT @IsaPinaud: A3: Omnifocus is the key to my entire productivity world #prodchat
  77. MT @profkrg: … design is really important to me when choosing productivity tools. Its almost equal to functionality. #prodchat
  78. RT @/GTDbloke2013a3 for project management there’s lots of diff tools out there #prodchat 
  79. @rsidneysmith @rememberthemilk @asana yes RTM mainly personal for me too – task and project (tasks) tracking are two diff animals #prodchat
  80. @MarketingMusing I love Nozbe collaboration feature. Exactly the reason I may leave Omnifocus #prodchat
  81. A3 Good point @GTDbloke! I primarily use Basecamp to manage projects with other people, although I’m trying out Asana now… #prodchat
  82. A3: I wish there was a way to more elegantly filter out what you were doing right now on @asana. I feel overwhelmed by it. #prodchat
  83. @michgunn Basecamp I’m working with but not too enthusiastically but maybe it’s me not being too used to it #prodchat
  84. Um. yeah. 😐 MT @rsidneysmith: A3: I wish there was a way to more elegantly filter … on @asana. I feel overwhelmed by it. #prodchat
  85. Ray – a wonderful line in a DeMille book “ready for anything, prepared for nothing” !!! 🙂 #prodchat
  86. @rsidneysmith @asana I could host a HD desktop video conferencing session with deszktop sharing (works on tablets too) #prodchat
  87. @GTDbloke I think the @basecamp interface *functionally* is great, but it seems childishly colored and pricy comparative to others #prodchat
  88. What have you been using? Really curious MT @GTDbloke: @michgunn Basecamp Im working with… maybe its me not being too used to it #prodchat
  89. RT @GTDbloke Ray – a wonderful line in a DeMille book “ready for anything, prepared for nothing” !!! 🙂 #prodchat
  90. I’m a 17-year old interested in productivity and entrepreneurship #prodchat
  91. @SamMatla Welcome to the #productivity chat, Sam! Jump right in…you can see the questions in ALL CAPS. 🙂 #prodchat
  92. Welcome Sam! RT @SamMatla: Im a 17-year old interested in productivity and entrepreneurship #prodchat
  93. @michgunn lately it’s Basecamp (I think as it’s branded). I’ve worked in IT dev so very different-Scrum and Sharepoint based tools #prodchat
  94. A4: I use the web version of outlook. Integrates perfectly with Skydrive and calendar with Windows 8 #prodchat
  95. @michgunn Ray knows I also muight be working with a lady who has developed a collaborative PM tool #prodchat
  96. @GTDbloke I just remembered that you could change the default colors of Basecamp. Lol. 😛 #prodchat
  97. A4 Manage email???

    I wasn’t aware that I suppose to manage email



  98. A4 Manage email???

    I wasn’t aware that I suppose to manage email



  99. Cool. I really dig the new version. I think it’s super flexible. MT @GTDbloke: lately its Basecamp #prodchat
  100. @GTDbloke OMG! I really enjoyed talking to @SMARTPROJEX the other day! Thanks for the intro! #prodchat
  101. Ah! Cool! RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn Ray knows I also muight be working with a lady who has developed a collaborative PM tool #prodchat
  102. RT @SamMatla: A4: I use the web version of outlook. Integrates perfectly with Skydrive and calendar with Windows 8 #prodchat
  103. A4 Outllok and Gmail – I”vesorta added CYD techniques to Outlook #prodchat
  104. Q5. That, I’m still working on. I know I can do a better job. #ProdChat
  105. A4: I use iPad Mail and Nozbe / Omnifocus / Evernote email directly function #prodchat
  106. A4 … If there is an action about an e-mail it becomes a task in omnifocus… I don’t need extra programs to complicate my life #prodchat
  107. a4 there’s an Effortless Email technique for Gmail that’s good but you don’t need most of it-he sells it like Amway! #prodchat
  108. Gmail for personal Outlook for work :/ RT @rsidneysmith: Q4: WHAT DO YOU USE TO MANAGE YOUR EMAIL? #prodchat
  109. A4 Apple’s native Mail. But I manage the outflow of tasks from email in Omnifocus. Mail is just an inbox & response method for me #prodchat
  110. A4 I integrate Gmail, my ISP, and live email addresses into Gmail #prodchat
  111. @apinaud Hahaha…well, if you don’t manage email, it manages you! 😉 #prodchat
  112. @GTDbloke @rsidneysmith It’s sort of the ‘new’ hotmail, very well developed in my opinion #prodchat
  113. A4: I also use the action or review folder process. This works nicely. #prodchat
  114. A4 on my tablet – Gmail, TouchDown (Exchange), and MailDroid (non Exchange Outlook) #prodchat
  115. A4: Gmail, Google Apps Mail, @sparrow (bought @google recently), Thunderbird occasionally on Windows, and testing Web Outlook! #prodchat
  116. A4. Oh, and Gmail via Web Browser, iOS and Android. And, Mailbox app occasionally on iOS. #prodchat
  117. Yes MT @profkrg: I admit that design is important to me when choosing productivity tools. It’s almost equal to functionality. #prodchat
  118. RT @profkrg: A4: I also use the action or review folder process. This works nicely. #prodchat
  119. A4 Oh, I will add that I splurged for a hosted Exchange account for my personal domain. Allows me to seamlessly sync everything #prodchat
  120. Evernote for personal OneNote for work RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: WHAT DO YOU USE TO KEEP TRACK OF #PROJECTS / #TASKS? #prodchat #productivity
  121. @rsidneysmith I got that folder system from some book you heckled me into reading. 😉 #prodchat
  122. @michgunn can you do Exchange Outlook on your iPhone Michelle? #prodchat
  123. @rsidneysmith Sorry I’m late… #prodchat A1: iMac, Macbook Air, iPhone, DSLR camera, voice recorder, reporters notebook, sharpie pen.
  124. Guilty as charged! 😉 #GTD RT @profkrg: @rsidneysmith I got that folder system from some book you heckled me into reading. 😉 #prodchat
  125. Yes. Love it!! RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn can you do Exchange Outlook on your iPhone Michelle? #prodchat
  126. @SeekingSurnames Hehe, not a worry…you can catch up or just swim right along…the water’s fine! 😉 #prodchat
  127. @rsidneysmith A2: I use iCal linked to my Google Calendar. I also use the Apple reminder app since it syncs to all my devices. #prodchat
  128. Oh wait… what do you mean Exchange “Outlook”? RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn can you do Exchange Outlook on your iPhone Michelle? #prodchat
  129. MT @SeekingSurnames: Evernote for personal OneNote for work RT @rsidneysmith: Q3: WHAT DO YOU USE TO TRACK OF #PROJECTS / #TASKS? #prodchat
  130. @rsidneysmith A3: WHITEBOARDS! And, as I said before, the reminder app because it syncs to all my devices. #prodchat
  132. A4: I use IQtell for task management and email. It integrates with evernote. Anyone else use this tool? #prodchat
  133. @michgunn I think he means what you’re doing…using Exchange on iOS. cc @GTDbloke #prodchat
  134. @michgunn yes I mean accessing Exchange based email Michelle #prodchat
  135. MT @ReportSchick: A3: WHITEBOARDS! And, as I said before, the reminder app because it syncs to all my devices. #prodchat
  136. Just a little detail 😉 RT @rsidneysmith: @apinaud Hahaha…well, if you don’t manage email, it manages you! 😉 #prodchat
  137. Ah, then yes. And love it! 😉 RT @rsidneysmith: @michgunn I think he means what youre doing…using Exchange on iOS. cc @GTDbloke #prodchat
  138. RT @JCummingsDPT: A4: I use IQtell for task management and email. It integrates with evernote. Anyone else use this tool? #prodchat
  139. @rsidneysmith A4: It’s all Gmail baby! All my accounts sync to Gmail. I mean, c’mon… it has a 10 GB storage space, no brainer. #prodchat
  140. @rsidneysmith Q5: Facebook’s video chat as I only really contact friends/family (don’t have any co-workers yet!) #prodchat
  141. Same MT @rsidneysmith: A2: Google Calendar (personal) and Outlook (professional). #prodchat
  142. A5 for HD collaborative desktop or tablet/phone multi platform based video conferencing I use a Vidyo based service #prodchat
  143. A5 I’ve been using iChat/Adium for years for work. Love the new Apple Messages – syncs across all devices. (What’s not to love?!) #prodchat
  144. A5: phone, text messages, whatssapp, and skype…. #prodchat
  145. RT @SamMatla: @rsidneysmith Q5: Facebooks video chat as I only really contact friends/family (dont have any co-workers yet!) #prodchat
  146. A5z yes. I used to use Skype, but now since almost everyone has an iPhone. FaceTime is more convenient. #prodchat
  147. A5: I’ve really only used @Skype. I’m toying with the idea of G+ hangouts for virtual office hours. #prodchat
  148. A5 I also use Skype a lot for video & calls. Google hangouts more and more. And I’m a big fan of #GoToMeeting conferencing apps #prodchat
  149. MT @GTDbloke: A5 for HD collaborative desktop or tablet/phone multi platform based video conferencing I use @vidyo#prodchat
  150. A5a: I use the phone for catching up every once in a while or when I need an immediate answer from someone. #prodchat
  151. RT @profkrg: A5: Ive really only used @Skype. Im toying with the idea of G+ hangouts for virtual office hours. #prodchat
  153. A5b I use whatssap because their voicenotes make it easier for you to explain yourelf without typing long parragraphs #prodchat
  154. *gasp* 😉 MT @IsaPinaud: A5a: I use the phone…every once in a while or when I need an immediate answer from someone. #prodchat
  155. A5 Skype and Hangouts are decent and excellent value considering they’re free! #prodchat
  156. Facebook has a video chat? What? MT @SamMatla: A5: Facebook’s video chat #prodchat
  157. A5c I use skype since it is easy to use and allows for chat, video, and audio. Nothing gets better #prodchat
  158. @rsidneysmith A5: Mixed bag… I like Google Hangout for multi-party (mostly co-workers), Skype for one-on-one (friends/family). #prodchat
  159. @michgunn Yes, you basically install skype on facebook. When you open a chat window you will see a camera upper right corner #prodchat
  160. Had no idea! Not sure how I didn’t know… embarrassed! “@SamMatla: Yes! It’s had one for quite a while now :)” #prodchat
  161. A5: @Skype, Google Hangouts, @everyme, and several other apps I’ve been toying with to send audio messages. #prodchat
  162. A5: The new Hangouts app on iOS and within Gmail and Google+ is pretty slick. I’m really liking it. #prodchat
  163. Oh! Thanks for explaining Isa! MT @IsaPinaud: Yes, you basically install skype on facebook. #prodchat
  164. I can’t figure out why good collaboraive desktop video conferencing hasn’t caught on #prodchat
  165. MT @ReportSchick A5: I like Google Hangout for multi-party (mostly co-workers), Skype for one-on-one (friends/family). #prodchat
  166. I love GoToMeeting for that RT @GTDbloke: I cant figure out why good collaboraive desktop video conferencing hasnt caught on #prodchat
  167. A5 Mostly FaceTime. Need to try Google Hangout
    Skype isn’t as reliable since it is fixed in Redmond
  168. @GTDbloke I think it has to do with crappy US broadband. (prays for Google Fiber) #prodchat
  169. @rsidneysmith yes but the Vidyo solution can do HD even in the crappy broadband we suffer with #prodchat
  170. I love the collaboration features RT @tdparks: @apinaud Nozbe has been good for me. No complaints #prodchat
  171. going to have to check that out MT @GTDbloke: yes but the Vidyo solution can do HD even in the crappy broadband we suffer with #prodchat
  172. @GTDbloke @rsidneysmith Yeah, but we’re journalists… And this is why we can’t have nice things (or paid things). #prodchat
  173. A5 FaceTime and Skype mostly. Only need to contact family/friends #prodchat
  174. A5 the #genealogy community has really embraced Hangouts and Hangouts on Air for webinars and study groups. #prodchat
  175. @GTDbloke Yeah, so can @tinychat, VooDoo, Skype (at least for me) and other tools…but broadband needs to be fixed in the States. #prodchat
  176. RT @SeekingSurnames: A5 the #genealogy community has really embraced Hangouts and Hangouts on Air for webinars and study groups. #prodchat
  177. @apinaud The Hangouts are really about multi-person collaboration…and it doesn’t matter if you’re on desktop or mobile. #prodchat
  179. @apinaud I’ve found Skype to have better quality. But sometimes when Skype doesn’t work, Google Hangouts do… no idea why #prodchat
  180. Thanks!! I’ll check it out and let you know. 🙂 RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn happy to show you a demo any time #prodchat
  181. @rsidneysmith Q6: Asana and Rescuetime are big ones for me. Also a nice desktop timer does wonders. #prodchat
  182. A6: OMG! @GroupMe is amazing for group texting. PlainText. nvALT. SugarSync. MyShoeBox (amazing photo storage!). Glide. Copy. #prodchat
  183. RT @SamMatla: @rsidneysmith Q6: Asana and Rescuetime are big ones for me. Also a nice desktop timer does wonders. #prodchat
  184. A6 how about productivity app as in colaborative doc preparation? #prodchat
  185. @michgunn based on that criteria you use G hangouts a lot. My Skype fail often #prodchat
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