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#ProdChat – 6/12/13 – #Productivity Tips for Incredibly Busy People

#ProdChat – 6/12/13 – #Productivity Tips for Incredibly Busy People

This week’s Productivity Chat was based on this OPEN Forum infographic about “5 Productivity Tips from Incredibly Busy People”: Great discussion!

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Topic: “5 Productivity Tips From Incredibly Busy People.”
  2. Let’s start with intro’s. In a tweet, tell us about you. #prodchat
  3. Downloading Time Rescue as we speak… Something I’ve been meaning to get for a while #prodchat
  4. Hello peeps,
    My name is Myrlande, currently the travel writer for Amour Creole magazine.
  6. Hey all, I work for a small video production company specializing in private special events. I work mostly in #post #prodchat
  7. Ah, finally! Twitter was being wonky. How is everyone? #prodchat
  8. FYI, Tweetchat is no longer working! So, if you’re on #prodchat. You need to jump to another tool! There’s @hootsuite and @TweetDeck!
  9. A1: difficult for me as I am “selectively employed” so am fairly busy but not professionally #prodchat
  10. A1: I always consider myself an “active” person. I don’t like the word busy, as I feel like the connotation is a little negative. #prodchat
  11. A1: busy-ness in society a hot topic especially around being interrupted and the expectation of immediacy #prodchat
  12. A1: I am the type that prefers being busy. It forces me to be more focused when I do have project time for myself. #prodchat
  13. A1: I am the type that prefers being busy. It forces me to be more focused when I do have project time for myself. #prodchat
  14. A1: busy-ness in society a hot topic especially around being interrupted and the expectation of immediacy #prodchat
  15. A1: At this point in my career I ride the tides of clients that get assigned to me. Occupy free time with learning to evolve #prodchat
  16. @MCTheWriter Hey, Myrlande! Great to have you on the #ProdChat! Sorry, a little disjointed from Twitter issues a few minutes ago. 😛
  17. @MCTheWriter Hey, Myrlande! Great to have you on the #ProdChat! Sorry, a little disjointed from Twitter issues a few minutes ago. 😛
  18. Q2: @betashop SAYS HAVE A SINGLE PURPOSE FOCUS. DO YOU AGREE, OR DISAGREE? WHY? #productivity #prodchat
  19. but is busy becoming a dirty, dare I say 4 letter, word? #prodchat
  20. @michgunn: A1 I’ve always been a busy person. You know… the old adage… Want something done? Give it to a busy person.” #prodchat
  21. A1. Busy-ness implies a full plate and poor time mgmt. I plan, obsessively, and keep my To Do list short ‘n sweet. So, not busy! #prodchat
  22. A1: Depends where you are in life and where your priorities are and how you arrange your time #prodchat
  23. @GTDbloke It’s certainly a good question, Martin! I would say that there are probably different camps about the word. #prodchat
  24. A1: I think everyone considers themselves busy. However, I love it! #prodchat
  25. @rsidneysmith thanks Ray – I suspect the answer lies in the context #prodchat
  26. A2: I agree. Focus on one thing at a time, processing through tasks. #prodchat
  27. @profkrg I’m busy, but I don’t know how to relax, lol. As a matter of fact, I think I’m a high functioning person with ADD, #prodchat
  28. RT @profkrg A1: I think everyone considers themselves busy. However, I love it! #prodchat
  29. A1 re Scrubly’s POV – I don’t see busy as being a negative; maybe it’s busy-ness which I ‘fess up to not having a definition #prodchat
  30. A1 re Scrubly’s POV – I don’t see busy as being a negative; maybe it’s busy-ness which I ‘fess up to not having a definition #prodchat
  31. A2: Going back to Martin’s point about #context, I think it depends. If you’re working on something, yes. Passions…maybe not. #prodchat
  32. I’m hyper organized and superduper multitasker. I get a lot done in a little time and like the energizer bunny, keep going #prodchat
  33. A2: If my single purpose is to function as well rounded as I can in my field, is that an acceptable answer? #prodchat
  34. A2: I would say figure out what makes you more efficient in your life. Some like one project, then the next. I enjoy multiple #prodchat
  35. @rsidneysmith @betashop it depends. Sometimes a single focus works for me other time, it narrows my all connects #prodchat
  36. A2: yes in theory, practice another matter especially if working (under) a larger org in my past life #prodchat
  37. Develop an eye for detail is what I take from the section “Have a Single Purpose Focus” #prodchat
  38. @DerekTac I think that’s more than acceptable, Derek! It’s what works for you! #prodchat
  39. A2: perhaps contrarian but what’s wrong with multi-focus – might be a good thing – unless we’re on the multitasking thing #prodchat
  40. A2: I agree on having a SPF, pinpoint what matters most and stick to it. #1 on this infographic: haprodchat
  41. @GTDbloke Do you mean in terms of the organization’s core services? Or the individual productivity of the people? Or, both? #prodchat
  42. @rsidneysmith both I think Ray – often there just are too many pulls happening #prodchat
  43. @GTDbloke Right. I see them as two very indpendent concepts…this is not multitasking, but diversifying interests/objectives. #prodchat
  45. So far so good with #RescueTime. Seems like something I should have gotten long ago. Thx @rsidneysmith #prodchat
  46. @mssackstein does it take you a long time to get focused initially. #prodchat
  47. A3: I am terrible about distractions. Shiny object syndrome. #prodchat
  48. A3: I am terrible about distractions. Shiny object syndrome. #prodchat
  49. @GTDbloke I’m living proof multi-tasking is ultra-unproductive. I try to be well rounded, still working on that ‘laser focus’ part #prodchat
  50. A3: Sometimes, a little distraction is good. Background noise, and small breaks really keep me moving through my day. #prodchat
  51. A3: “ruthlessly” worries me a bit. Need to thibnk this through though #prodchat
  52. A3: I tend to turn off all the notifications on my electronics devices but the core ones I need to remind me to change focus. #prodchat
  53. @DerekTac maybe there’s a time for being distracted and a time for ruthless concentration? #prodchat
  54. @DerekTac maybe there’s a time for being distracted and a time for ruthless concentration? #prodchat
  55. @DerekTac maybe there’s a time for being distracted and a time for ruthless concentration? #prodchat
  56. A3. I don’t do well with distractions; but if I have some type of deadline, I’ll have everything done on time. #ProdChat
  57. @profkrg depends on the day. I kind of follow my mood. When I’m dialed in, I capitalize on it. When I’m not, I don’t push it #prodchat
  58. @profkrg I think I am right there with you, so I need to put “blinders” on as best as possible, as often as I can. #prodchat
  59. A2 I agree that having a purpose will help streamline activities to match. More than a few and your focus is diluted… #prodchat
  60. A3: I wonder how an ER doc would answer this? #prodchat
  61. @profkrg It’s really about knowing myself and knowing my mood. I can’t force myself to write and expect my best. make sense? #prodchat
  62. @profkrg @rsidneysmith maybe though that’s also a stimulus that improves you? Sometimes you need to blue sky #prodchat
  63. @MCTheWriter We need to bottle and sell whatever you’ve got, Myrlande! 😉 #prodchat
  64. Haha! Yes… I’m up for it! “@rsidneysmith: @MCTheWriter We need to bottle and sell whatever you’ve got, Myrlande! 😉 #prodchat
  65. A3 Funny, I was having that issue today. I decided to put on some background music that would get me in a groove and not distract #ProdChat
  66. @GTDbloke @profkrg I can dig that! 😉 It does feed me creatively to see new and interesting things…it’s human and natural. #prodchat
  67. A3 I actually took a couple of minutes to journal and figure out why I was being distracted. Oddly enough, it worked! #ProdChat
  68. @michgunn I’ve really become a huge fan of @songza because of its music concierge ability. You select the mood and go go go! #prodchat
  69. @rsidneysmith @GTDbloke We all need creative time-off. It’s the in-between time where the sub-conscious can really explore freely #prodchat
  70. @rsidneysmith @GTDbloke We all need creative time-off. It’s the in-between time where the sub-conscious can really explore freely #prodchat
  71. I’ll have to check that out! MRT @rsidneysmith: …huge fan of @songza … You select the mood and go go go! #prodchat
  72. I’ll have to check that out! MRT @rsidneysmith: …huge fan of @songza … You select the mood and go go go! #prodchat
  74. I had to care for 8 kittens today. It was like trying to babysit a tornado #prodchat
  75. @tburgess57 Hi, Todd! Welcome to #ProdChat! Jump right in! We’re discussing Tips for Busy People based on this 
  76. A4: Time limits on meetings are a good idea. However, you’re not always in charge. #prodchat
  77. A4: productive mtgs is the key including the right length #prodchat
  78. A4 Yes! But, that also means you need to start and end meetings on time, no matter what! It’s a culture shift. #ProdChat
  79. @tburgess57 Oh my! I remember caring for my one kitten when he first came home. I thought that was a handful! #prodchat
  80. LOOOL! RT @tburgess57 I had to care for 8 kittens today. It was like trying to babysit a tornado #prodchat
  81. A4: Time limits for meetings should be treated like going to the casino, if you’re on a role it’s ok to stay a bit later #prodchat
  82. A4: Meetings can go on and on without a time limit, especially if attendees haven’t met in a while. 30mins tops #prodchat
  83. A4: on a rescue project I sometimnes found the rambling, bitching, unorganzied first mtg was informative! #prodchat
  84. @profkrg But you can get up at the end time and say you have another meeting to get to. You’d do it if you really did, right? #ProdChat
  85. A4. Yes! Definitely! People don’t usually get anything done with they have a lot of times in hands. #ProdChat
  86. A4: A clear purpose is more important than mere time constraints, but I do think it’s an important aspect of productive meetings. #prodchat
  87. A4: one can (maybe suggest) a time keeper – assumes you have times! #prodchat
  88. @rsidneysmith my afternoon consisted of 8 kittens and 7 cats. It was quite the adventure #prodchat
  89. A4: I find defining a limitation (time constraints) often defines the resolution process #prodchat
  90. Agreed! RT @DerekTac: A4: I find defining a limitation (time constraints) often defines the resolution process #prodchat
  91. A4; perhaps constrain discussions to actioning resolving issues rather than dragging ’em out #prodchat
  92. Nice! RT @scrubly: I actually have playlists just for work! An upbeat one for brainstorming. and a mellow one for the tough stuff. #prodchat
  93. A4: but if one doesn’t have time constraints a lot might be missed – table it for separate discussion? #prodchat
  94. @GTDbloke Just having someone to write the “minutes” would help in keeping the team focused. #prodchat
  95. @scrubly I try to set unconventional times for meeting lengths…25 or 55 minutes. People see minutes and are more diligent. #prodchat
  96. @GTDbloke Yeah that’s a good idea.. also, having a clear goal in mind to accomplish at the meeting keeps from missing as much #prodchat
  97. @michgunn True, but I work in a really small department. It would have to be true. #prodchat
  98. @scrubly off course – roles: mtg leader; time keeper; scribe – if possibel of course #prodchat
  99. @GTDbloke Yes, @GetItDoneGuy suggests that in one of his early podcast episodes! Great idea! And, rotate the role! #prodchat
  100. 😉 RT @profkrg: @michgunn True, but I work in a really small department. It would have to be true. #prodchat
  101. Is an app/system such as #RescueTime a good alibi should something bad happen? har har.. #prodchat
  102. A4: once worked for a company that taught a course on mtg mgmt – which worked very well #prodchat
  103. @GTDbloke @GetItDoneGuy Right! I was merely talking about having a time keeper to say, “Time’s up!” #prodchat
  104. Wow! That’s impressive! RT @GTDbloke: A4: once worked for a company that taught a course on mtg mgmt – which worked very well #prodchat
  105. A4: another idea – at the mtg start ask what expectations are; at close ask how met #prodchat
  106. Shouldn’t that be prewired? RT @GTDbloke: A4: another idea – at the mtg start ask what expectations are; at close ask how met #prodchat
  107. @rsidneysmith well – yees! Also we couldn’t make a rogue client conform #prodchat
  108. @GTDbloke Quite #GTD, but at the end of meetings (allotting enough time before it ends), asking for next-actions! #prodchat
  109. I’m impressed a company actually spent time on resources to teach that! Good on them!! MT @GTDbloke: I might still ahve the PPT #prodchat
  110. Host meetings on Twitter. A 140 char limit might keep things on track #prodchat
  111. A5: I’m a huge advocate for #productivity rituals. I have several and use them, and I’m less productive when I don’t use them! #prodchat
  112. A5: I’m not sure if I have productivity rituals. #prodchat
  113. @michgunn well it accommodates the various views that the agenda author might be unaware of #prodchat
  114. Me neither! “@profkrg: A5: I’m not sure if I have productivity rituals. #prodchat
  115. A5: Definitely agree w/ prod rituals. Very important to let your mind know that the day will be productive #prodchat
  116. A5 :Ritual: I begin and end each day with my To Do list. I add to it, subtract from it, and it’s always right in front of me. #prodchat
  117. @tburgess57 Great idea, Todd! Or, perhaps via @GroupMe if it needs to be a private conversation. #prodchat
  118. A5: Some people don’t realize that Prod. Rituals can be simple. They are goals that are easy to complete to get in you prod mode #prodchat
  119. I am most productive when I am facing a deadline. Probably why I procrastinate #prodchat
  120. I try to automate ‘productivity rituals’ as much as possible. Frees up time/energy to concentrate on more important tasks #prodchat
  121. I try to automate ‘productivity rituals’ as much as possible. Frees up time/energy to concentrate on more important tasks #prodchat
  122. @GTDbloke I guess I’m just imagining the potential for major derailment by opening it up at the top of the meeting. 😉 #prodchat
  123. @tburgess57 @rsidneysmith (again) on recovery projects I’d hold 10 min mtg before lunch (it would finish on time) + we’d all stand #prodchat
  124. @CaddyQuinn Absolutely, Stephen! They should actually be as simple as possible so you don’t get mired in the complexity! #prodchat
  125. @michgunn not my experience but takes a good mtg facilitator #prodchat
  126. @tburgess57 My old life in a nutshell. I did this in HS/University, but am now striving to work little by little and cut procrast. #prodchat
  127. Love that!! RT @GTDbloke: (again) on recovery projects I’d hold 10 min mtg before lunch (it would finish on time) + we’d all stand #prodchat
  128. @GTDbloke @tburgess57 Oh, a fan of the standing meeting? I’ve never had one. Most of my meetings are virtual, though. #prodchat
  129. Yes! That’s a good point. 🙂 RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn not my experience but takes a good mtg facilitator #prodchat
  130. @tburgess57 Are there ways that you can make smaller deadlines along the way to help ease the path to #productivity? #prodchat
  131. @rsidneysmith Agree, build confidence with small goals so you’re prepared to be productive when it matters #prodchat
  132. @DerekTac @tburgess57 And, we’re here to support that, Derek! Good luck! You may also want to check out “The Now Habit” (book). #prodchat
  133. @rsidneysmith its a battle I fight with myself. I am terrible for making my own stress #prodchat
  134. Ah “@rsidneysmith: @tburgess57 Thanks, Todd! Actually, @michgunn, this is similar to what I was talking about in a prior #prodchat: @Vsnap.”
  135. Q6: @lvanderkam SAYS GET UP EARLY. @apinaud AGREES, NO? 😉 DO YOU GET UP EARLY? AND, ARE YOU MORE PRODUCTIVE? #prodchat
  136. @tburgess57 You’re not terrible. We were all exposed to/taught habits. It just takes slowly working ourselves out of the habits. #prodchat
  137. @rsidneysmith @michgunn plus @Vsnap has great engagement on Twitter (hi Trish) if you need help with it #prodchat
  138. @rsidneysmith @michgunn plus @Vsnap has great engagement on Twitter (hi Trish) if you need help with it #prodchat
  139. A6 I have to admit, getting to the office early is WAY more productive for me than staying late. Worth the agony! #prodchat
  140. A6 I have to admit, getting to the office early is WAY more productive for me than staying late. Worth the agony! #prodchat
  141. A6: I think I get up pretty early for the average American…5/530am. I think I could get up earlier if I just went to bed on time.#prodchat
  142. A6: If getting up early is rough, it’s time to fix some habits. The more prod. u become the earlier u will find yourself waking up #prodchat
  143. Q6 I never used to be a morning person until I graduated from college. I wake up at 6 every morning with a lot of energy, so–yes! #ProdChat
  144. A6b: However, I don’t think I’m as productive as I could be for the time I’m awake, but I think I’m just too hard on myself. 😛 #prodchat
  145. @rsidneysmith I think I just enjoy the adrenaline rush you get from a deadline #prodchat
  146. A6: This one’s tricky. I’m not a morning person, but I can’t refute the benefits of having more waking hours per day! #prodchat
  147. “Mind over mattress” has been a struggle for me always. Sleeping in can be stressful at times. #prodchat
  148. A6: I’m a night owl. My most productive times are around 10pm – 2am, while everyone is sleeping #prodchat
  149. @tburgess57 There is a certain appeal to it. I wonder, how much is the distress you feel versus the thrill worth it for you? #prodchat
  150. A6: I am more productive in the morning, so I tend to do my most difficult/challenging tasks then. I also need my sleep. #prodchat
  151. A6: I am more productive in the morning, so I tend to do my most difficult/challenging tasks then. I also need my sleep. #prodchat
  152. What a great phrase!! MT @DerekTac: “Mind over mattress” has been a struggle for me always. Sleeping in can be stressful at times. #prodchat
  153. @DerekTac That’s a fantastic phrase! I’m going to use that one! LOL #prodchat
  154. @michgunn I’m glad @TweetDeck is working for you. I may have to try that out for a future #prodchat!
  155. @rsidneysmith I find as I get older I am less enthused about procrastinating #prodchat
  156. HAHAHA!!! I might like that one better… 😉 RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn @DerekTac doze under duvet #prodchat
  157. @DerekTac I used to say that too. I find now I have more willpower (see @profkrg‘s A6) in the AM when most people are asleep! #prodchat
  158. @tburgess57 Agreed! #Procrastination seems less viable a tactic as we have less time alive. Practical, really. #prodchat
  159. “Meditation on mattress” — I sometimes find solutions to old/new problems in my waking slumber #prodchat
  160. Wow! That was fast! Another #prodchat has finished and joins the annals of history!
  161. See you all next Wednesday for another vigorously illuminating #prodchat! Thank you, everyone!
  162. @rsidneysmith @michgunn @TweetDeck I have multiple Twitter accts which makes Tdeck for Pchat cumbersome so I go str8 Twitter #prodchat
  163. @GTDbloke I’m usually on Tweetchat but they were just bought out and so now I’m on Twitter on the Web. #prodchat
  164. @michgunn don’t need to as it’s really almost all that’s happening on my GTDBloke handle at that time #prodchat
  165. Yeah, I’ll have to try that too. Might be less complicated. @rsidneysmith @GTDbloke #prodchat
  166. @GTDbloke Wow! So straight, straight Twitter. Now THAT’s impressive! 😉 #prodchat
  167. I will definitely be tuning into #prodchat each week. It was fun. Thanks everyone
  168. Good night everyone. See ya next week! Thanks for all the great thoughts and tips!
  169. @CaddyQuinn Thanks so much for joining us, Stephen! We look forward to having you back on #prodchat! 😀
  170. @rsidneysmith And if I was smart, I would’ve just copied it into my clipboard and pasted it all night. D’OH!!! *slaps forehead* #prodchat
  171. @michgunn LOL. Yeah, that makes it a little easier but remembering each time distracts! #prodchat
  172. @rsidneysmith True. Notice how many times I had to retweet because I forgot the hashtag? Ha! #prodchat
  173. @tburgess57 @rsidneysmith @michgunn Hi all!Yes please let me know if you need anything here or via email trish(at)vsnap(dot)com 🙂 #prodchat
  174. @rsidneysmith @tburgess57 @michgunn Oh & FTR, we nixed wkly team meetings & do 60sec updates instead. Goals/asks/needs. Boom 🙂 ^T #prodchat
  175. A shame to have missed out on #prodchat although thanks to @scrubly for the heads up though and will definitely try and make the next one!
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