#ProdChat – 9/4/13 – #Leadership Change
For this #ProdChat, we discussed the topic, “Changing of the Guard,” how to be and stay productive when leadership change happens. Great discussions with some great advice!
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity conversation! goo.gl/Uk35l | Today’s Topic: Changing of the Guard
Dig the topic, @rsidneysmith! #prodchat
Intro: I’m Ray, #Productivity Evangelist. Host of ProductivityBookGroup.org, @GTDDC & @GTDNYC, #prodchat and ProdPod.net. 🙂
@UbaTheDiplomat That’s great to hear! What about the transition made being productive easier for you? #prodchat
@lewisjasona You should TOTALLY be here. #ProdChat
@lewisjasona Thanks for stopping by, Jason! Good luck with the reorg! How apropos a topic, eh?! 🙂 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith The new EIC trusted us to do our jobs with little or no supervision. I also had creative freedom #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A2: A change in leadership could provide a fresh start to a company. They could bring new ideas #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A2: A change in leadership could provide a fresh start to a company. They could bring new ideas #prodchat
@UbaTheDiplomat That’s great that you’re a self-starter and wanted more creative license,&it’s a recipe for greater #productivity! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Grad school is teaching me to be self-starting. #prodchat
That’ll server you well in life! RT @UbaTheDiplomat: @rsidneysmith Grad school is teaching me to be self-starting. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Because the prof don’t care if you do the work or not. Also, If I don’t do the work then I don’t pass. #prodchat
@UbaTheDiplomat *serve (sorry, been writing technical spec all day… server was a reflex) 😉 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A3: Ask them if they need any help making the transition smoother #prodchat
Great minds…! 😉 RT @UbaTheDiplomat @rsidneysmith A3: Ask them if they need any help making the transition smoother #prodchat
YES!!! MT @rsidneysmith: A3: Communicate more than you would normally. #prodchat
A:3 @rsidneysmith reevaluate your productivity. Changes in leadership styles should allow restructuring, opening doors for you #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I was thinking of the new leadership moving in… #ProdChat
@james_m_harper Welcome to the #productivity conversation, James. Great suggestion re: reevaluation! #prodchat
ProductivityBookGroup: 9/14 12ET! Join us to discuss 7 HABITS…(Parts 1&2) by Dr. Stephen Covey! gplus.to/productivitybo… #prodchat
@MaryChayko I would add to communicate *more* clearly too….esp. w/ increased stress, complexity and speed of change. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Brand new factions may arise. Be aware of this; the group is remaking itself, really. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A4: Ask for suggestions to improve productively. Have an open door policy #prodchat
@MaryChayko How sociological, Mary? 😉 I completely agree…pay attention to details of the group’s dynamic…and group dynamics. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith I meant “everything” I said prior… #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Ha, but wrong perspective… sorry about that #prodchat
@UbaTheDiplomat @rsidneysmith A4: Open door = yes! And go on a “listening tour.” Listen, listen, listen some more. #prodchat
@UbaTheDiplomat That’s a good idea…those suggestions will help you there or elsewhere once you change roles. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Most problems arise because new management isn’t willing to adapt to 21st century methods #prodchat
@UbaTheDiplomat It’s even worse when they don’t catch up to 20th century standards! Oy! #prodchat
@tburgess57 Hey, Todd! Welcome to the #productivity conversation! We’re discussing #leadership change. :)) Jump in! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5:Yes, it gives us insight on their leadership style and vision for the company #prodchat
@rsidneysmith From which perspective? As a supervisor of that person or as a direct? #ProdChat
@MaryChayko I’ve seen that happen, actually! A group that was stuck, not by you, but because of “institutional stuckness”… #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5: Yes, but a big part of this should be team members filling you in on the history from THEIR perspective. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith And who? The outgoing leader or the incoming leader? #prodchat
@MaryChayko …any kind of change happened and it loosens up the gears! Progress commences. #prodchat
Productivity Book Group: 9/14 12ET! Join us to discuss THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE (Parts 1&2)! gplus.to/productivitybo… #prodchat
@MaryChayko It’s kind of like a 360 degree post-op briefing. #prodchat
@tburgess57 Hahaha…it depends on whether it’s public or private Social Media “research,” at least to me. 😉 #prodchat
I’m taking part right now in a cool tweet-chat on leadership change and productivity on the hashtag #prodchat with @rsidneysmith.
@tburgess57 Yes, speaking from an inbound leadership change…definitely. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith why not see what you can learn? It’s there for a reason #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A6: Have a small welcome reception #prodchat
smart! RT @tburgess57: If the new boss loves to tweet about the NFL no harm in suddenly getting an opinion on football #prodchat
@tburgess57 How Dale Carnegie of you, Todd? ;)) #prodchat
@rsidneysmith A5: Outgoing leader’s legacy might have gotten tarnished; might not be willing or excited to share (or to have left) #prodchat
@MaryChayko And that’s information I would want to be apparent to me by the request. I guess it’s clarifying at that point. #prodchat
@MaryChayko And, I don’t mind helping others save face. People are too judgy and blame-oriented in American society. #prodchat
Great info on that topic (DiSC profiles) at Manager-Tools.com. Communicate the way others are able to hear you. #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Helping the ex-leader save face is almost always the right thing to do. Confer dignity to others when possible. #prodchat
@MaryChayko I had a feeling that this conversation would unearth some universal axioms. :)) #prodchat
RT @MaryChayko Helping the ex-leader save face is almost always the right thing to do. Confer dignity to others when possible. #prodchat
Thanks #productivity enthusiasts for the in-depth #ProdChat! Join us next week for another thrilling convo! Transcript in the morning!
FYI, next week’s topic will be a fun one…”Too Much Tech!” Join me for how to turn down the tech dial for greater #productivity! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith Thank you! I learned a lot #prodchat
@tburgess57 @rsidneysmith It’s a tiny world – networks make it so – so yes, this could easily occur. (Same w/ ex-colleagues, etc.) #prodchat
Thanks, @michgunn @tburgess57 @xianfox @marychayko & @ubathediplomat for joining tonight’s #prodchat!
@rsidneysmith Consider me effectively thrilled! 🙂 ttyl, Ray. “Night, all. #prodchat