#ProdChat – Your Best Just Got Better w/ @JasonWomack
Augusto Pinaud (@apinaud) hosted #ProdChat this week and had @JasonWomack on to discuss his work and book, Your Best Just Got Better ( http://goo.gl/BisJI ).
Don’t forget: ProductivityBookGroup: Sat. 7/20 noon ET! Join/discuss THE FRONT NINE by/with @mikevardy on the call! http://goo.gl/gonxO
How would you fill in the blank? (I’m doing some pre-chat research for #prodchat.) “If earlier today I was productive, I could __________.”
Tonight on #ProdChat @JasonWomack: he lead “Get Momentum”; he is also a best seller author of: Your Best Just Got BetterFive more minutes!
Thank you @apinaud for the invite to #ProdChat. I lead http://www.GetMomentum.co te Your Best Just Got Better, ow.ly/mQ http://ow.ly/mQFjh
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we have @JasonWomack. Can you introduce yourself Jason
Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
@LynnWhite Hiya… Thanks for being here. Without answering with a time of day…”When are you at your best?” #prodchat
@JasonWomack First thing in the morning so I try to schedule my client calls and coding in the morning. #prodchat
@OmarBlogAR Welcome Omar. Good to see you today on #ProdChat
@alexisgrant Welcome Alexis. Good to see you here #ProdChat
Q2. How important is “tracking” to personal development and goal achievement? #prodchat
@IsaPinaud I’m fabulous. It’s great to see you here. #prodchat
A2 Without tracking, most “productivity” is busywork. #prodchat
@mssackstein during #prodchat you talked about celebration and productivity. EXACTLY why I surround myself with mentors. %ReadyToCelebrate
Agree! “@JasonWomack: A2 Without tracking, most “productivity” is busywork. #prodchat”
@rsidneysmith I’m on the road traveling. Have fun! That @asonwomack knows his stuff… #prodchat
@JasonWomack yes that is very helpful to have people who recognize the growth and cheer us on #prodchat
I would be able to plan btr for the next day. I am a pay it fwd guy. You hv to take time to make time. -
Dear @mikevardy not familiar with @asonwomack, but @JasonWomack knows his stuff… #prodchat(Could not resist, safe travels)
@rsidneysmith -
@mssackstein One of the best books I read on this: Mastery, by George Leonard. #prodchat Goal achievement and tracking.
@JasonWomack #prodchat
…”take time to thank those I interacted w today” (one of the faves of mine from ur book) -
I agree with the idea that you need to take time to set things up to make progress. @EvilWill01 @JasonWomack #prodchat
@IsaPinaud it’s good to have you back. #prodchat
REMINDER: ProductivityBookGroup: 7/20 noon ET! Join/discuss THE FRONT NINE by/with @mikevardy! http://goo.gl/gonxO prodchat
A3 Homeostasis: we repeat patterns. Overcommit? You’ll do that again. Stress and not sleep well? Coming soon. #prodchat
Me too– I need music “@JasonWomack: A3 Context: Need noise to work? What would you think “different” if it were super quiet? #prodchat”
A4 The productive or #Prodictivity movement? I say, too much simplicity, efficiency, often leads to lack of quality + involvement. #prodchat
RT @IsaPinaud: A4 – procrastination, compulsive email checking, distractions, too many “5minutes breaks” #ProdChat I second that
Fine question! RT @JasonWomack: I want us to fundamentally question the “purpose” of Being Productive. #prodchat
A5 Of course, Evernote and Asana. #prodchat
A6 Ideal Day: Can you see the wind? Nope, but it’s there. You feel it. Then you believe it. #prodchat http://www.ShareYourIdealDay.com
@rsidneysmith Sorry I missed #prodchat! Hope it was a good one!
@JasonWomack Thanks for following us, and great #prodchat this week!