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#ProdChat – 7/10/2013 – Your Best Just Got Better w/ @JasonWomack

#ProdChat – Your Best Just Got Better w/ @JasonWomack

Augusto Pinaud (@apinaud) hosted #ProdChat this week and had @JasonWomack on to discuss his work and book, Your Best Just Got Better ( ).

Don’t forget: ProductivityBookGroup: Sat. 7/20 noon ET! Join/discuss THE FRONT NINE by/with @mikevardy on the call!

  1. How would you fill in the blank? (I’m doing some pre-chat research for #prodchat.) “If earlier today I was productive, I could __________.”
  2. Tonight on #ProdChat @JasonWomack: he lead “Get Momentum”; he is also a best seller author of: Your Best Just Got BetterFive more minutes!
  3. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we have @JasonWomack. Can you introduce yourself Jason
  4. Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  5. A1. Can you explain the exercise you mention on your book: “I am at my best…” and some examples on how people can use it
  6. Hello everyone,
    This is Myrlande, Amour Creole magazine travel writer. #prodchat
  7. @LynnWhite Hiya… Thanks for being here. Without answering with a time of day…”When are you at your best?” #prodchat
  8. If possible use the A1 A2 for when you you answer so we can tide questions and answers #ProdChat
  9. A1 #AMBW: At My Best When… The ingredients that “could” lead to a good day/Ideal Day. chprodchat
  10. A1 #AMBW: My one “fundamental” thought process is a question: When am I at my best? chprodchat
  11. @JasonWomack First thing in the morning so I try to schedule my client calls and coding in the morning. #prodchat
  12. Hey #prodchat I’m excited to e on here tonight 🙂 Hey bro @apinaud
  13. A1 #AMBW: At My Best When… Let someone who loves you see your list; they may help. chprodchat
  14. Hello… Good to see you! RT @IsaPinaud: Hey #prodchat I’m excited to e on here tonight 🙂 Hey bro @apinaud
  15. Be careful #prodchat It’s tempting to “think” you’re at your best during a time of the day. There is much more; go deeper.
  16. Q2. How important is “tracking” to personal development and goal achievement? #prodchat
  17. @apinaud I think it’s important to celebrate each small goal to keep momentum #prodchat
  18. @IsaPinaud well, At My Best When during #prodchat is an opportunity to ask myself, “How can I set myself up to be #better?” And then listen.
  19. A2 Without tracking, most “productivity” is busywork. #prodchat
  20. A2: I think you can get too caught up in tracking sometimes. Do it once, get a sense, then get to work. @apinaud #prodchat
  21. IAMB when truly in the moment. Focused on nothing but right now. Authentic #prodchat
  22. @profkrg Yeah I’ve missed a few weeks of #prodchat , but I am finally back 🙂
  23. Agreed! RT @mssackstein: @apinaud I think it’s important to celebrate each small goal to keep momentum #prodchat
  24. Awesome: @mssackstein sent to @apinaud “I think it’s important to celebrate each small goal to keep momentum.” #prodchat I SO agree.
  25. Double edged sword of tracking. Can get caught up but can also lose track. Need #balance #prodchat
  26. A2: How can you truly know what you are accomplishing if you are not tracking it? #prodchat
  27. @mssackstein during #prodchat you talked about celebration and productivity. EXACTLY why I surround myself with mentors. %ReadyToCelebrate
  28. A2. I try to keep “tracking” everything I do as a reminder from where I was– to where I want to be. #prodchat
  29. Build in reflection time. Build up, consider, move forward #prodchat
  30. Agree! “@JasonWomack: A2 Without tracking, most “productivity” is busywork. #prodchat
  31. @rsidneysmith I’m on the road traveling. Have fun! That @asonwomack knows his stuff… #prodchat
  32. @cplong #prodchat I love that! My clients pick one thing to track, 5 days at a time. Then, three weeks to make amendments.
  33. @JasonWomack yes that is very helpful to have people who recognize the growth and cheer us on #prodchat
  34. Focus needs to be kept narrow inside of a big picture. One goal at a time. Work toward mastery and move on #prodchat
  35. A2 When I track one segment of workflow for a week, I identify the actions that make a difference fast. #prodchat


  36. @JasonWomack
    I would be able to plan btr for the next day. I am a pay it fwd guy. You hv to take time to make time.
  37. Dear @mikevardy not familiar with @asonwomack, but @JasonWomack knows his stuff… #prodchat(Could not resist, safe travels)
  38. @mssackstein One of the best books I read on this: Mastery, by George Leonard. #prodchat Goal achievement and tracking.
  39. I find it hard to believe that there isn’t some kind of internal tracking going on we always know #prodchat
  40. @JasonWomack #prodchat
    …”take time to thank those I interacted w today” (one of the faves of mine from ur book)
  41. I agree with the idea that you need to take time to set things up to make progress. @EvilWill01 @JasonWomack #prodchat
  42. Q3. What are the things that most influence us doing our best work? #prodchat
  43. A1 Catching up! I’m at my best around noon. The hard part of answering emails is done, and its on to the “creative” parts. #prodchat
  44. A3 Homeostasis: We do what we normally do. Check email throughout the day? Easy. Interrupt people around you? Easy. #prodchat
  45. @scrubly I’m gonna push on you; go beyond “time of day.” Go deeper. #prodchat
  46. A3 Network: Spend time with busy people? You’ll say you’re busy. Have friends with a “bad habit?” You’ll accept it. #prodchat
  47. A3: forcing myself to focus, even for short periods. I use a #pomodoro approach. @apinaud #prodchat
  48. A3 Context: Need noise to work? What would you think “different” if it were super quiet? #prodchat
  49. @cplong I work from home. Pomodoros and kids don’t mix well #ProdChat
  50. REMINDER: ProductivityBookGroup: 7/20 noon ET! Join/discuss THE FRONT NINE by/with @mikevardy! prodchat
  51. A3 Homeostasis: we repeat patterns. Overcommit? You’ll do that again. Stress and not sleep well? Coming soon. #prodchat
  52. A3. I need music to function… I CANNOT work on a quiet place… I don’t want to hear my own breath.. #prodchat
  53. A2 Tracking is vital to my success-in getting things done. EOD, I can see my accomplishments on my marked up task list! #prodchat
  54. Me too– I need music “@JasonWomack: A3 Context: Need noise to work? What would you think “different” if it were super quiet? #prodchat
  55. A3 Network: Know someone who takes +2 vacations a year? Your “time-off” will swell. #prodchat
  56. Q4. What do you see as the disruption to the productive movement? #prodchat
  57. @cplong @apinaud Wall Street Journal today had an article on “kids and productivity” and chores. #prodchat @WSJ
  58. #prodchat Hello Augusto, can you clarify your question, not sure what you are asking
  59. A3 Having a plan and a focus, but also enough leeway to be creative and flexible with decisions, people, and the work itself. #prodchat
  60. A4. What disrupts the productive movement? When we ask, “What meaning did you make today? Instead of, “What did you get done?” #prodchat
  61. Here is the link: locplonginapinaudJ WSJay had an article on “kids and productivity” and chores. #prodprodchat
  62. A4 The productive or #Prodictivity movement? I say, too much simplicity, efficiency, often leads to lack of quality + involvement. #prodchat
  63. A4 – procrastination, compulsive email checking, distractions, too many “5minutes breaks” #ProdChat
  64. My phone is super slow tonight… I can’t even read others’ tweets. #wjchat #prodchat
  65. A4 Make a list of nouns (single words): What are your Most Important Things? Disrupt; image-in you being excellent at/in those. #prodchat
  66. RT @IsaPinaud: A4 – procrastination, compulsive email checking, distractions, too many “5minutes breaks” #ProdChat I second that
  67. Q5. Is there a “super-app” out there that makes you most productive? #prodchat
  68. I want us to fundamentally question the “purpose” of Being Productive. #prodchat
  69. A5 There is an incredible tactic to get things done: #Honesty. Ask for help. Say when you don’t know. #prodchat
  70. I can multitask with the best of them. I’m like hyper focused when there’s a task to be done #prodchat
  71. @apinaud I would say my calendar and the reminder app. My life is written in there. So I keep up with it daily. #prodchat
  72. Fine question! RT @JasonWomack: I want us to fundamentally question the “purpose” of Being Productive. #prodchat
  73. If you did more, better, who would care? In the most loving way…I mean that. #prodchat
  74. A5 A #deadline. #Commit to having a piece of the project done by one day next week. #Accountability rocks! #prodchat
  75. A6 Ideal Day: I’ve written +100 that I have imagined [image-in]. “If the next 96 fifteen min blocks ROCKED, what would happen?” #prodchat
  76. A6 Ideal Day: You. Being 100% you. Feel it; celebrate it. Oh, and market the heck of it when it happens! #prodchat
  77. A6 Ideal Day: Days you’d want to write a book about. Contributing & making a difference to people who love you. They do. #prodchat
  78. A6 Ideal Day: Can you see the wind? Nope, but it’s there. You feel it. Then you believe it. #prodchat 
  79. A huge, heartfelt thank you to the #ProdChat community. You made me think today. Thank you. #Better #Together
  80. This is the end of the fastest hour in the Internet. Please join me to say Thanks to @JasonWomack for tonight’s #prodchat
  81. Everyone, please give a high-five to @apinaud for managing to corral us during #ProdChat
  82. Thanks a lot! RT @JasonWomack A huge, heartfelt thank you to the #ProdChat community. You made me think today. Thank you. #Better #Together
  83. Ok, #prodchat Want to make an offer. Email me anytime. Love to help how/when/where I can.
  84. You did the hard work! RT @JasonWomack: Everyone, please give a high-five to @apinaud for managing to corral us during #ProdChat
  85. RT @PamFR: Fine question! I want us to fundamentally question the “purpose” of Being Productive. #prodchat
  86. @011bojan @JasonWomack was the guest at #ProdChat last night. A twitter chat that happen on Wednesdays 8pm EST
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