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#Prodchat – 1/16/2013 – Engaging Your #Creativity


#Prodchat – Engaging Your #Creativity – 1/16/2013

This week we discussed #creativity in relationship to #productivity. A great chat indeed! Enjoy!

NEXT WEEK: We will be having @longlivefit as our guest/expert to answer our questions about #fitness and productivity so tune in at 8pm EST on Wednesday!

  1. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we are discussing “Engaging Your #Creativity.”
  2. Introduce yourself to the #productivity community. Who are you? What do you do? #prodchat
  3. I am Augusto Pinaud. A Best Seller Author in Productivity. Live in Fort Wayne, In. Also a GTDer #Prodchat
  4. improvement especially if previously not succesful enough? #prodchat
  5. NOT – if it’s a repetitive process although creativity always has a positive influence #prodchat
  6. A1: creativity is! It is through creativity that you can discover what to remove of your system in order to be more productive #Prodchat
  7. creativity is important in itself as the”excitement” generates enthusiasm #prodchat
  8. hi #prodchat! I’m Natalie Houston – I’m an academic and a personal productivity coach
  9. @GTDbloke how do you work to improve repetitive tasks and process if it’s not being creative on how to improve them? #Prodchat
  10. @apinaud I know I was on thin ice there but in some fields the creativity has to be outside “production” (medical?) #prodchat
  11. @GTDbloke don’t mean to be difficult, but a lot of creativity went into the first heart transplant. #Prodchat
  12. A1. I think for me it’s productivity that supports creativity. Having all my ducks in a row makes room for big thinking #prodchat
  13. A1: I think creativity and productivity work hand in hand. Some structure creates space for creativity. #prodchat
  14. @apinaud I did say thin ice plus it did take a Dr Barnard but I ain’t arguing #prodchat
  15. A2. Creative process are meant to be fun. Grab the bottle neck on your systems and workflow and find a way to improve them. #Prodchat
  16. Sorry, didn’t properly introduce myself. Hi, Michelle here. I’m a GTD and general organization geek. 🙂 #prodchat
  17. a2.1 the way to do it is being creative. Otherwise you end up with the same old workflow #Prodchat
  18. if productivity goes hand in hand with continuous improvement surely that’s creativity? #prodchat
  19. A2 I use creativity to think big and outside the box before whittling down to something actionable. It’s freeing and expanding. #prodchat
  20. A2: Mindmapping techniques are a great intersection of #creative process and #productivity. Engages both sides of the brain. #prodchat
  21. RT @apinaud: a2.1 the way to do it is being creative. Otherwise you end up with the same old workflow #Prodchat
  22. @nmhouston I love mindmapping too. Sometimes using an app, sometimes post-its on a wall… 😉 #prodchat
  23. @apinaud I don’t know why I’m debating this – just the best response I could think of for when not to. Done/fini 🙂 #prodchat
  24. I know this will sound less creative, but I love Gantt charting for project planning. It allows me to see the fluidity of a plan #prodchat
  25. @michgunn me too bur pedantically it’s scheduling. Yes a good portrait plus a working tool for schedule creation and communication #prodchat
  27. @michgunn I like Gantt charts too. Have you tried @teamgantt ? I love their online tool. #prodchat
  28. @GTDbloke True. But somehow, I feel like it lets me get creative with an otherwise static plan. It’s creative and freeing somehow #prodchat
  29. A3. I am a writer… I guess the answer to that one is yes. #Prodchat
  30. @michgunn agree all the way – guess it’s the visual portrait vs things like network charts – ugh #prodchat
  31. A3 Yes. All my jobs have required me to be creative, but not necessarily in the “art” sense. I’m always creative problem solving. #prodchat
  32. 🙂 RT @GTDbloke: @michgunn agree all the way – guess its the visual portrait vs things like network charts – ugh #prodchat
  33. @nmhouston @michgunn @teamgantt does it allow dependencies? (I know strictly speaking not part of a Gantt) #prodchat
  34. I think creativity gets expressed in many different ways: problem solving, humor, caregiving, etc, not just the arts #prodchat
  35. A3 I think I always take a creative approach to things. I try to see many sides and all the possibilities… #prodchat
  36. @michgunn I understand creative as much more than art, problem solving without a doubt is there #Prodchat
  37. +1 RT @nmhouston: I think creativity gets expressed in different ways: problem solving, humor, caregiving, etc, not just the arts #prodchat
  38. @nmhouston @michgunn @teamgantt “easier than MS Project” on their website – what isn’t? But MSP does tons more than just Gantts #prodchat
  39. @nmhouston I think Nat is on to something-are there degress of creativity? Not everything is a huge leap but still can be creative #prodchat
  40. +1 @nmhouston: I think creativity gets expressed in different ways: problem solving, humor, caregiving, etc, not just the arts #prodchat
  41. Too many people think “oh I’m not creative” — cutting themselves off from essential part of being human #prodchat
  42. 🙂 “@apinaud: I understand creative as much more than art, problem solving without a doubt is there #Prodchat
  44. In other words: why not just assume that you ARE creative — and look for how it gets expressed in each day? #prodchat
  45. +1K RT @nmhouston: In other words: why not just assume that you ARE creative — and look for how it gets expressed in each day? #prodchat
  46. A4 Well, I experienced one this week. I inexplicably lost internet for an entire day. Not awesome when your world is in a cloud. #prodchat
  47. A4 And I remember my office having a complete meltdown when our servers went offline… major technical fail… #prodchat
  48. A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  49. RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  50. A4. Wish to say something different, but the answer is: Myself #prodchat
  51. Yes! (although I hate to admit it) RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  52. RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  53. Love this. may need to change my answer RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  54. another barrier – an unsupportive and crticizing culture #prodchat
  55. @apinaud Isn’t fear behind all the ways that we get in our own way? #prodchat
  56. FEAR of oneself (lack of confidence); FEAR of others. Different issues #prodchat
  57. Yeah. RT @GTDbloke: another barrier – an unsupportive and crticizing culture #prodchat
  58. I had to look that up. 😉 RT @GTDbloke: @nmhouston and related a lack of +ve support #prodchat
  59. Yes, and I’m getting depressed. 😉 RT @GTDbloke: this could seriously take a whole paper #prodchat
  61. A5 When I find I’m stuck on something, I whip out a pen/pencil and paper. Journal, draw, outline, jot random thoughts… #prodchat
  62. I can’t believe I missed most of #prodchat again. Sigh.
  63. A5: I find journaling is a #productivity technique that increases creativity — generates new ideas, problem solving, etc. #prodchat
  64. Hey Mike. Yeah, that happens to me, too. RT @mikevardy: I cant believe I missed most of #prodchat again. Sigh. #prodchat
  65. A5. MindMaping using images, for text I use outlines.. #Prodchat
  66. one technique – a sufficient base understanding first – often neglected IMHO #prodchat
  67. Yeah, it really helps get the creative juices flowing… thoughts without requirement… RT @nmhouston: @michgunn me too! #prodchat
  68. @mikevardy you are going to need to ask @michgunn her technique. She used to, know it is always here. #Prodchat
  69. welcome @mikevardy — there’s still 15 minutes — and this group keeps the #productivity chat going strong . . . #prodchat
  70. RT @nmhouston: In other words: why not just assume that you ARE creative — and look for how it gets expressed in each day? #prodchat
  71. Alarm clock! :D“@apinaud: @mikevardy you are going to need to ask @michgunn her technique. She used to, know it is always here.” #prodchat
  72. I want to learn to use mood boards. I know @TaraRodden uses those a lot. I need to learn how to do that digitally. #prodchat
  73. @michgunn by mood board, do you mean something like a vision board? #prodchat
  74. I think they’re also call vision boards… yeah, that’s it. I’d really love to give that a whirl. Hmmm… adding to #OmniFocus #prodchat
  75. Yeah! Exactly! RT @nmhouston: @michgunn by mood board, do you mean something like a vision board? #prodchat
  76. A6 For Jurnaling DayOne on iOS, Minjet Minmanager for images and plain text for outlines #prodchat
  77. RT @nmhouston: @michgunn by mood board, do you mean something like a vision board? #prodchat
  78. I do, but how do you drop images in other than 1 per note? RT @apinaud: @michgunn do you have/use Mindjet? Perfect platform #prodchat
  79. @michgunn if you google on @TaraRodden site there is one old vision board that I create. Otherwise DM me and I can show you one #Prodchat
  80. @michgunn for digital vision boards, can use Pinterest, Dreamtimeline, Digitaldreamboard. Mobile, try dream vision board app. #prodchat
  81. I think my summary thought is to not fear. Just let go and let the ideas flow. There’s no harm in thinking big thoughts. Then do! #prodchat
  82. @nmhouston Thanks! I’ll check those out! I’ve been using Pinterest, but not so much… Can’t wait to see the others! #prodchat
  83. I completely needed the reminder, so thanks to you all for that!! RT @nmhouston: @michgunn love this take-away! #prodchat
  84. As always I learned so much from everyone here! love these chats! #prodchat
  85. Thanks so much everyone for joining us here at the #prodchat! It always flies by! See you next week!
  86. Ditto! RT @nmhouston: As always I learned so much from everyone here! love these chats! #prodchat
  87. RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
  88. RT @nmhouston: Too many people think “oh I’m not creative” — cutting themselves off from essential part of being human #prodchat
  89. @michgunn I really love them! And thanks for reminding me that I need to make my visionboard for 2013. Sorry I missed #prodchat this week.
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