#Prodchat – Engaging Your #Creativity – 1/16/2013
This week we discussed #creativity in relationship to #productivity. A great chat indeed! Enjoy!
NEXT WEEK: We will be having @longlivefit as our guest/expert to answer our questions about #fitness and productivity so tune in at 8pm EST on Wednesday!
Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight we are discussing “Engaging Your #Creativity.”
Introduce yourself to the #productivity community. Who are you? What do you do? #prodchat
@rsidneysmith how do you define creative processes? #prodchat
@nmhouston I love mindmapping too. Sometimes using an app, sometimes post-its on a wall… 😉 #prodchat
@rsidneysmith yes or I likely wouldn’t get the work! #prodchat
@nmhouston @michgunn @teamgantt does it allow dependencies? (I know strictly speaking not part of a Gantt) #prodchat
+1 RT @nmhouston: I think creativity gets expressed in different ways: problem solving, humor, caregiving, etc, not just the arts #prodchat
@nmhouston @michgunn @teamgantt “easier than MS Project” on their website – what isn’t? But MSP does tons more than just Gantts #prodchat
@nmhouston I think Nat is on to something-are there degress of creativity? Not everything is a huge leap but still can be creative #prodchat
+1 @nmhouston: I think creativity gets expressed in different ways: problem solving, humor, caregiving, etc, not just the arts #prodchat
+1K RT @nmhouston: In other words: why not just assume that you ARE creative — and look for how it gets expressed in each day? #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
@nmhouston and related a lack of +ve support #prodchat
Yes! (although I hate to admit it) RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
Love this. may need to change my answer RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
@nmhouston it is, but it is a much more precise answer #Prodchat
A5: I find journaling is a #productivity technique that increases creativity — generates new ideas, problem solving, etc. #prodchat
welcome @mikevardy — there’s still 15 minutes — and this group keeps the #productivity chat going strong . . . #prodchat
@nmhouston I also Journal a lot #Prodchat
RT @nmhouston: In other words: why not just assume that you ARE creative — and look for how it gets expressed in each day? #prodchat
I want to learn to use mood boards. I know @TaraRodden uses those a lot. I need to learn how to do that digitally. #prodchat
I think they’re also call vision boards… yeah, that’s it. I’d really love to give that a whirl. Hmmm… adding to #OmniFocus #prodchat
Oh! Love it! Thanks! “@GTDbloke: @nmhouston @michgunn …ublprodchats/d/da/IAT336_4moodboard.pdf” #prodchat
@nmhouston Thanks! I’ll check those out! I’ve been using Pinterest, but not so much… Can’t wait to see the others! #prodchat
Ditto! RT @nmhouston: As always I learned so much from everyone here! love these chats! #prodchat
@rsidneysmith thank you – excellent prep #prodchat
thanks @rsidneysmith for a great topic! #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: A4: the greatest barrier to creative productivity in any context is FEAR. #prodchat
RT @nmhouston: Too many people think “oh I’m not creative” — cutting themselves off from essential part of being human #prodchat